Markiplier Tries: HORSEBACK RIDING

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[Music] [Music] hi my name is markiplier I'm here at what's the name of this ranch Los Angeles horseback riding and we're here to learn how to ride a horse I've never ridden a horse in my life I don't think I've ever been near a horse actually I've been near a horse once when I was a kid there was some restaurant that had horses and I like saw him through the fence and like I was just looking at it over there and it got real closely like a like swung up besides the fence not so close that I could touch her anything but it was just right there I was like oh it's a horse and I just started peeing all over the ground and like it splattered all over my shoes so that was my first experience with a horse and now I'm going to meet to Barney hi Barney and that's Jason yeah do I come over there okay [Music] so it's immediately to the getting on there's no like saying hello to the horse oh okay I didn't know if there was hello this is Barney communicate Barney you're just a big sweetie aren't you I've never pet a horse before you're so cool they're so big your head is huge do they like scratches or oh not like my dog my love dog loves just be slapped and pat it all over real thumped but not you they are like dogs the more you communicate with them the more they'll understand you - how old is Barney parties in this teenager years all right one two three four left okay perfect great how are you feeling wonderful yes okay this is your horn horn horn yes hand on horns okay I am breathing is it normal to feel a sense of power yes okay good right so it's like a mind over matter kind of thing do you ride dirt bikes no I own a bicycle I didn't say I rode the bicycle so it's like you know how actors they just say they're an actor and then they're an actor so if I say I'm a sir I'm I'm a sir what's a sir a person who horses I thought that was self-explanatory see how he took a deep breath so did you and now you're holding your breath we have to be one of body of mind right so I've played like Red Dead Redemption how accurate is that to real-life horsing almost spot-on yeah really oh wow I just played the sequel and it was super fun I often ended up throwing my horses like accidentally driving them off mountains because not intentionally no this was not an intentional thing I didn't mean to drive them off mountains but I was always impatient so I was sprinted to the next place as fast as possible and you'd get markers on your map and I wouldn't know that it'd just be a drop-off so I'm not gonna do that today that's not gonna happen I want to be very clear neck rein turn this hand towards the towards the mountain and he'll turn to the right right neutral so it's like a gearbox this frame to the left or to the left neutral oh and then release middle middle how'd that go it's like a gearbox correct to move him forward easy stand heels down heels down heels down toes up always always heels to the dirt heels to the dirt toes toes to this guy to move your horse forward this is the rib cage right here yes and you're bringing your toes out like you're doing happy feet and you're squeezing with your calves into their ribs both legs and say walk on walk on squeeze walk on hey little right wow I'm just training for my future role on Game of Thrones I mean I know the season the whole series is ending but maybe there'll be a spinoff oh this is fun right why do I need to know the county everything what am i what am i clapping exactly so trot is one two one two what's an all-out sprint so I can avoid it a quick one two three four okay does this horse even go that fast okay if this horse was like a car what equivalent car would it be like the top-line racing horse Lamborghini Ferrari Tesla just like a Toyota Corolla is a Bentley Barney the bed never been in one but I imagine it's like that okay you're squeezing with your thighs in your paths and more you keep yourself relaxed oh you're rocking yourself like this like you're on a swing set you might bounce when you start bouncing a little bit maybe slightly lean back and keep those bouncers much okay squeeze and ask them to trot kick with your legs okay ready yes trot thank you oh good great even I've never been more relaxed I might break this horn I'm squeezing it so hard I'm good no I'm great this feels good I feel good oh great even better than before if I start crying it's only because it's so beautiful so on a scale of like 1/2 the best you've ever seen first-timer experience how I am how do I rate well I didn't really have that kind of number scale going on a four what's the max number and you're in your mind all right well what could I do to be better before floor feels appallingly below average Noah four is not really good a four is a four out of ten that's a failing grade that's below average would you say I'm above average then I would be like a six at least look at tens like the best five if it's if the standardized bell curve it's gonna be a five is going to be the standard average I don't believe you but I'll take it I like it yeah I feel good I didn't even know I was moving forward frankly it was so one with this with Barney trot trot Erica I'm tall for once in my life I'm tall I'm so proud I've never been more proud of anything in my life oh sorry almost ran you over thank you that was innate I'm climbing I'm a see alright just like my grades in college they're jealous don't worry I'll get to you soon cut a graduate from Barney first not to curse myself but has anyone ever here suffered any cataclysmically horrible disfiguring maybe accidents the long pause you had suggested otherwise but okay good yeah right right oh you're so good Barney Barney you're so good you're good my dog back home who's your good boy good boy so good Wow to make him move you really got a kick kick kick as hard you can't just make him go okay you guys go huh okay pick up that speed right and when he does start it's like you're rocking on a rocking horse ah as soon as that as soon as his head goes up your body is going forward okay his head goes down your body is sitting back into that sound okay so it's just like I'm letting my body be jello up here and I just like go with the flow and it's like you know it's like if I had a self-driving car I just turn on autopilot and it goes right okay cool Oh Tanner cancer Oh cancer whoo oh my god whoo you said it'd be more comfortable yeah I was trotting not canter got it all right what was good great until you until I say you got it Oh got it keep squeezing don't give up the squeeze okay I I imagine that there's very little I could do to hurt this horse yeah pretty sturdy right would you boys you good boy oh that's a long neck so stay relaxed kick hard [Music] HUP whoa oh-ho how's the canter okay yeah yeah I just had this tendency to like I want to get as low as possible yeah I got real bouncy you see what I like I said in the beginning it's the first bounce but when she wrote it you've passed me because you got comfortable and that was really well done Oh was I not supposed to pass thank you do that one more time nice move on what's the next one unless you think I should you're the expert what's your hard time all right hop up hup-hup keep going oh oh I have it okay well if I'm relaxed say I lose my grip on it and then it slides this okay I'm trying to relax as much as I can how do i what was it slow right don't you sing relax sit up tall they're two different emotional states for me yeah perfect okay oh I feel like I'm getting worse I always have this weird bell curve on things that I do where it's like all right really concentrate and then I actually try to execute some technique and it goes real downhill real fast so I wouldn't be surprised if I'm downgrading from my eight yeah what point do I start jumping over like fences and barriers and stuff like that now okay so like in ten minutes [Music] hup-ho oh that was nine nine or nice nice oh okay right I feel like if I'm relaxed though my limbs go floppy and they kind of just like go or am I actually like flapping okay that's not good is between the ears I didn't know that it's like targeting up Cantor Cantor keep going oh right OOP sorry sorry Barney I know it's confusing I'm getting judgmental looks from these other horses I feel like they know I I don't belong here how long have you been working with horses since your two when you were two years old were you better than I am right now [Laughter] in the air yeah nice but I am always proud of myself all right hoo-hoo thousands nine I'm going up I'm gonna get that perfect ten at some point yeah okay I just got to separate my upper body in my lower body cuz when I when I kick my legs out my arms automatically want to flail that is me that's an apt addition of Who I am yes right okay I always forget that I need to push forward yeah yeah good boy good boy up Cantor oh ho ho I'm thinking I'm thinking this is real fun I'm thinking Barney loves me or at least moderately tolerates me love's a strong word especially considering we just met but I have a great deal of respect for things that are taller than me so I have a healthy amount of respect for this horse and I haven't even more respect for things that are heavier than me so it's pretty close but I think this words edges me out yeah I feel pretty good I mean honestly what else is there to learn oh I'm good good oh yeah training my whole life for this all right Barney is gonna touch you first awesome that's what I was hoping for beautiful I've never had my hand flatter okay so apparently I got score nine from Jason and that's unprecedented here at this at Los Angeles horseback you can find out more information at Los Angeles horseback riding comm either way for me never being on a horse before that was great it was great it was 100% good great experience the the rumors are true about how if you're riding kind of hurts a very specific region that may have been because I was bouncing too much but isn't that pretty good I enjoyed myself that was fun look at me old pro I'm a 10 now Wow we doing a figure eight turn to the left go towards the tree turn right well why'd get it right the left look at me look at me [Music] also I'm definitely starting to feel it in my thighs just the squeeze yeah oh yeah there you go come on oh my god it is my thighs you're good you're good boy you're good boy ah you're a good boy do these muscles eventually develop and get stronger I've never used these muscles - game day in my life I always see that machine at the gym the one that you wear your thighs squeeze like you never actually used it I should say yeah okay why am I out of breath [Music] oh no I'm losing great it's like I'm down to a three prolly where you've been grading me this whole that is true that is that is very true okay all right that's true okay I'm having fun Emma [Music] whoo okay oh I did it I did it you know oddly enough I never I never thought of like horseback riding as something fun but this is really fun like I said the beginning of this I sarcastically was like do I feel a sense of power but I really do like there's something about such a good boy well you know I actually think that that might be enough so honestly thank you so much without such a good teacher I doubt I'd have gotten this far but yeah I know honestly like I mean you obviously could tell the house I was nervous getting on here but I feel I feel so much better now okay oh so good good Barney remember that they're not therapy not what was the other lesson RISP I have some moral conclusion I'll write it in later my moral conclusion is I'll put it in later Barney you you for my first horse Barney I really gotta say you made this special for me and I got a thank you thank you so much thank you so much oh that's nice that's nice hi I wrote a horse thank you Jason for helping me out well I don't have a lot of experiences in this but you seem like you do an incredible job at it because if anyone can teach me how to do something then they got to be good so thank you so much and thank you everybody for watching if you've got other ideas for things that I can try let me know down in the comments if you want to try horseback riding yourself and you're in the LA area try out Los Angeles horseback riding comm or just look them up they're up here in old Topanga Canyon Los Angeles horseback riding check it out I'll put a link in the description too so thank you everybody so much for watching oh yeah and as always I'll see you in the next video bye bye I do I've never never no no I've never I've never ridden a horse before hey wait we got addendum post-credit Jason really thought that I had ridden before that's amazing because that means I'm even better than I think I know yeah I've never never ever ridden before yeah thank you Game of Thrones hire me kill me off in one episode I don't care all right no real goodbye see ya [Music] you
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 1,524,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, markiplier tries, markiplier tries horseback riding, horse, horseback riding, how to ride a horse, markiplier makes, live action, horseback riding fails, horseback riding lessons
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 22sec (1402 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 27 2019
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