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Chica was not a happy puppo, Henry showed his butt and then noped out.

Plus amy's comments and her rushing to help mark so cute !

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Milospesh 📅︎︎ Oct 16 2018 🗫︎ replies
Captions *attempt at Korean* *Markiplier.exe has broken* uhhhm (he said "I am Korean person") And the translation for that is *blows rasberry at his kind fans* That means I'm Korean... and as a proud Korean that means I have a deep yearning connection with my home countries, My motherlands...(depressed sigh at his failure of word association) My mother's lands ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)... *beeping in background* What are Koreans known for? Reason 1: (Red Velvet) Yeah...that Reason 2: (Big Bang) Oh yeah that too! (My mind) WGHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA But also, and most importantly...... beauty products *plop* *plop* *small plop* *woosh* *woosh, again* *MISSED* [Trying Again] products When we were in Korea, we actually bought a bunch of these. Amy took me to the store called.... *Insert confusion* bIg kOreAn Al'S BeaUtY bArn bOnaZa So, I have a variety of; face masks, *Abuse* face lifting things, *911 whats your emergency* nose things, *Glass cracking sound* lip things, *Oof* eye things... uhm... masks... This torture device, masks BTS (Idol plays) masks...(you said masks like the third time now idiot) and masks! (make that four) Uhm... So I'm gonna start because I obviously know what I'm doing. Hold on to so--oh, why is it wet? ( ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡° ) Amy: It's a face mask... Why do face masks need to be wet? Amy: What do you think a face mask is?? *his own language* It goes on your face! Doesn't mean it has to be W E T! Amy: Oh no... WHAHAHAT?!!?!?!?!?! Amy: *giggle* You're in for a treat (HAHA) *Mark noises* Ah ha haaa Wait, which way does it go on my face? *Mark's stupid question counter: 1* Why do you have to peel it off? *2* If it's already wet why wouldn't it just be there? *3* Do I stick the 'peel' side on my face? *4* Is there like an active ingredient in this? *5* How smooth is my skin gonna be by the end of this? *666* (Same) Ooo, g00py. Umm...that's a texture :/ Aaaaaah... Oooooh... JoOOahh That means I like (in Korean) So this is puss... I feel like Dwight Schrute (from "The Office") when he cuts off the dummy's face And goes *Mark makes shlurping noises* You know what I'm talkin' about? Don't look at my tits. D:< I'm sure there are instructions on here of how long you're supposed to keep this on But there's only three pictures here, and the middle one shows a clock that either goes fifteen minutes or three hours. I can't quite tell... It takes up a quarter of the time-circle-thing...clock ! *laughing that eventually gets morphed into some weird shit* How's it look? Amy: ....good..! Cool... Amy: What's it called? ...Puss Go-yang-ie that's cat (in Korean) *more Korean attempts* (Good job Mark) PUss (Nevermind) Okay! Well, this has been fun... *Ripping sounds that don't exist* (I'm in the wrong video this is ASMR) *sMACK* (Missed) *SMACK* x12 Beautiful There's also this BTS box... *Idol* *fffFWwwuUU* (Mark spitting the paper out) *Idol but distorted* (Mark spits out paper, again) Koreans don't believe in scissors! *Idol progressively intensifies the dank as more and more stuff comes out of the box* *THUD* What's that? Oh, the delivery bird from The Hunger Games is here! Amy: Peep peep peep peep (Mark laughter/wheezes) Amy: Tweet tweet (quiet) ha Ha ha ha WO-ha-haha-OOW That was so cute. Ah, my nip! Nooo, don't look Or maybe do... ;) I know how to put this on *visible confusion* Do I do it like....? *boops the snoot* (Struggleplier) Is it like... ...Is it like this??? Amy: You wear headbands! Okay, I'm just- I'm working through it let me do it (Struggleplier returns) Amy: You got to push all your hair forward... Whu-hu I gotta move it mY HeAd IS VeRy LaRgE You know what I'm gonna put this robe on like backwards because I'm having nip exposure problems Amy: It's like you're at a hair salon! Yea exactly It's a bib. Can I get chicken tendees Mom? Wait! *Sudden realization* *TERRIFYING MUSIC* *Hurry up Mark* Yeeeeeaaaah..?! (Ew) Amy: *oddly claps* KACHOW *finger guns* *inhale* *sigh* All right, we opened up the BTS one. Oh, yeah instructions. *sensual ripping of package* Okay, it's just step one of the kit (fangirl screaming) STEP 2 of the kit (more fangirl screaming) STEP 3 (each of these screams is getting higher pitched BTW) STEP 4 *Giggling* *male screaming* AAAA *while laughing* Who's buying this to get the exclusive postcards? So they come with their own face masks we've got NMF *horrible pronunciation* Aquarium Ample Mask X That was in English *wow* We've got tea tree care solution essential mask X. Okay. That was words! Why is it wet?( ͡° ͜ ʖ͡° ) Why is it so wet?!?! (Where's the Dumb Question Counter?) It's so wet (Yea you may have mentioned that) I forgot that was up there (spooped nervous laughter) It's- OHHHHH oooooOOOHHHJ It's so goopy, it's like snot it's like someone sneez- It's like someone did something other than sneezing into this... *realization* BTS? ;;;;)) Why would someone look forward to this? Cuz I imagine people would be like, "*GASP* WOO I can't wait to go home and PuT oN My BTS MaSk and look at the postcards *kawaii mark giggle*" *some chill tunes in the background* *HUH* its so cold Should I have shaved for this?(I think the Dumb Question Counter is broken) Korean men aren't known for their facial hair…or body hair...or hair in general Am I beautiful yet? (Sure Mark, sure) I'm only on the second mask. Why are you laughing at me? Is this funny to yo- *chuckles* Is this funny to you? I'm not gonna bother with all of these because I think I get the general gist of it *stuff falling* That's what you wanted, right? *Amy shaking a BTS mask* I feel a natural inclination to push my lips out farther This is why Silver Shepherd had the accent he did Because I felt like I needed to do this to get my lip acting in there So I also have- My hands are so covered in BTS semen *Amy giggles* that I can't actually grab this *wheezy laugh* What are you laughing at oH God MMMH Like all my problems in life my teeth solve it Lip *snorts* that's not black...that's not black at all! Look at this lady on the back- zoom in on this! *mark makes a WasSSH-sounding noise* *indistinct Amy muttering* aaOugh! I thought that was going to end my life! Alright so this is lip so I won't be able to talk for a while. So I'm going to have subtitled all of my actual thoughts afterwards, okay? *silence* ItS nO blAnK iTs tHe fiElD A prIsTINE MeADOW of UnTOUCHEd WhITE nO aNimaLs cAlm nO biRDs cRy oNlY thE steEdY rUsTlING oF wInD tHroUgH dEAd trEeS acCeNTeD bY tHE iMpAct Of hIs aXe A cRaCk liKE tHuNder rINgs oUt aS thE aNcIEnt pINe FInalLy suCCuMbs to hIs mURdeRoUs aSaUlT THe oLd gIAnT CrAsHeS iNtO tHE grOUnD DAmi-" *PFFFFFFT* ANYWAY.... now it's time to move on *Giggle* I feel beautiful *r u b b i n g* urgh ooOOOOO Okay, I'm going back this looks stupid doesn't it? my t!ts MY tits Breast mask I've got this because I want my boobs to be as supple as possible I should have shaved, but I didn't so We're going to have to do...*giggles* It's like an obstacle course *fumbles* for the mask so.. *snorts* Do they go up or do they go down? Which seems right This?! *Heavy: NAHW* This is why I wore the robe. OOhuh it's cold! *Smacks* (smack it good ;D) *smacking but slightly quieter* *nvm its loud again* Alright! One down! One to go! This is probably the most unflattering video I've ever done. *snazzy music* smACKING I'm just making sure they stick! Is that good? Does that look good? Good. Anyway *more...smacking* theYrE sliPPING OFF I don't know why Specifically you want your boobs to be moisturized and no other part of you *burping* UH But I feel a cool tingling sensation. So that's nice Amy: You can cover your tum... *sad* What's wrong with my tum?.. Amy: With your next mask! Whats wrong with my tum?!?! So this also comes with um a Associated belly mask. See these aren't wet. These aren't wet. Very dry! Why does this smell like menthol? Now, see, I'm getting out of frame here for a second. I have two bellybuttons Because I had surgery that went in down here Laparoscopically, so I have to make a choice Which belly button I want- Imma go for big Bongo *slapping noise intensifies* I'm happy can this be the thumbnail? Or will it be instantly demonitised? *Laughter* Amy: Your face isn't in it I know! (mark suddenly realizes something) No, my face is in it! alright, so... those are tingly Man, if only buddha had this in his time Alright, so there's this other thing. It's like a- it's like a lifting mask So when your chin gets real droopy, I guess? Cuz the bone has a tendency to wander over time so you want to make sure that chin stays in place where it belongs so you have these masks that kind of StreUTch underneath your chin Uh, to give you a lifting sensation or something like that. Does this like hook over my ears or what? Okay, my head's huge so I don't know how well this is gonna work. But... No pain no gain am I right? Under the chin... STREEEEETCH.. it up *reads Korean* *Markipier noises and NIPZOOM* *more reading* Now, that sounds like a being racist. I'm not making fun of the Korean language. I'm reading it TUNG HA YOOOOO- Ah.... I have this ... thing called the smile maker Shit! *pats* It's called the smile maker. Now this looks like an anatomical drawing of the uterus *zooms in on said anatomical smile uterus* Am I wrong? So you're supposed to bite down hard on this. "Place the u-shaped parts into each side of the mouth" *struggles in life* (Chipmunk Mark is that you?) (Yea, it's me) (mumbled) I'm happy! Smile maker stretches the muscles on the lip And this could help you have a brighter smile, wear this product three times a day just for one minute I also have this green tea nose pack That is for your nose. Is this the thing that sucks out the gunk in your whores?(pores) Oh, yeah its the thing that sucks out gunk in your whores (pores) its the thing tha- *swoosh* *rips* What is it then? Amy: I don't think it is.. Its gotta be that thing that sucks out the-... gunk from your doors(pores) I also have.... *slurps very loudly* *chokes* eye things so.... your eyes This is the Korean flag has the yin and yang the blue and the red so this is the identity of the culturrr so you take-a dis and you (Please take that thing out of your mouth) This is called eyyeeeehhhh Ah my eye! Too close! *cries* Okay ahhhh Is this fun now (word that we can't determine)? *Gulps* OW, so, um... I don't know what they mean by brighter smile Is my smile brighter? Okay. Anyway, um, so Cut the strawberries shit. This just says it's a mask sheet - slice mask sheet. There Cute right, ah it's in my eyes, it keeps drifting up into my eyes.. must be my magnetic personality :D *mumbled* ah ok.. Am I beautiful? (Yea) Okay, cool. I think I can take this off now. My chin feels properly lifted. see I don't know what effect this is supposed to be. It doesn't even feel like it's tight Like, none of these products feel like they're doing anything. I like it when something hits my skin that it burns It feels like it's melting and that way I know that it works. It's like mouthwash You only know when it working when it hurts. They say beauty is pain, but this is easy I've got a moisture foot pack, but for the sake of all the foot fetishists out there, I'm not going to do that. Everybody knows the hands are the foots of the hands (...) So this is a foot mask, but to thwart off- *RIIIP* The foot fet-ishisists I miss -this is a diaper this looks like a diaper *crinkling* This is a diaper.. nothing convinces me this is not a diaper *Amy giggles in the bg* Everything about this is screaming diaper. UGHH I hit the wet spot (mark is in pain, sobbing. save him) euGH uGh ha-huuwh euUGH eUUUUhuh euuuUGHGHGH *cough* OOOOOOOOOGH hah EEEEEUUUGH It's just like putting your hand inside a dead animal this is a moist goopy dead animal, it's cold It's rubbery. This is implicating me in a lot of sticking my hand in dead animals But okay, I've never stuck my hand in a dead animal. That it's the first thing that jumped into mind It's like sticking your hand in a used diaper That's been left out sitting for a while So it got cold and I don't know if I'd rather have a warm diaper or a cold diaper but right now (WhAtt?) I'd want to try a warm diaper (WhY?) Just to get some kind of difference so I can- compare I don't know how it could be better with your feet *sLApY* I think- I think the internet would kill me if I didn't put on this mask eh oh my god *MOIST SLAP* Alright Shrek! Shreeek!(SoMeBodY OncE TolD Me tHE WorLD Is GoNNa ROOll mE) I missed you Shrek.(i AIn"t THe SHArpeSt TOOl iN THe sssShhHeeeeEddDDD) Oh yeah it both doesn't feel any different than the other masks and it feels Completely different from the other masks, but I think that's just the sense of power I get from wearing Shrek's face Chica (doggo is summoned) Amy: Who's out here puppies?~ Chica! Amy: Kiki beep! ah BoooOOoooo! you want up? *pat pat* (A DOGGO APPEARS) Come on Have we ever introduced Henry? OH, this is Henry *SNAZZY MUSIC* Umm Okay, bye Henry CHICAAAAA (more doggo summoning) GOOD GUUURL, ohohoh good. You're okay. It's all good. Good girl. Okay. Yeah, so, this is Henry and Chica (double doggos) Chica, do you remember me? You recognize me? We need to be the BTS. Give me one wag for yes and two wags for heEELLLL YESSS I take these off HYAAAAAAAAAAAA *sad moist flop* *MISS* ... EYAA *Missed* (thats an oof) *sad flop* Oh-kay hi henry Amy: Nice butt henry Okay, okay, Chica you're not gonna like this I know you want to be beautiful right pup O yea Say yes if you want to be beEauUutifulL heere we- Oh, Oh god we're beautiful *Awkward silence* *doggo licky sounds* Henry do you want a mask? WOOOoooOOOW! So pretty! So unbeliev-abl-e-so- *EXTRA WET SLAP* so preeettyyyyyyy all right good girl. Thank you woah hey fewhiofhiufugiwrgbger (More obnoxious noises <3) *Henry: oH God* okeee alright then (doggos have left the chat) ah pfft Its just so cute ahah- who knew- Who knew Shrek could be so goddamn cute ahahahaha That is just too pretty that's too precious ahahahahA *pat pat pat pat* That's terrifying All right, so there's only one thing left to try ewwww oooOO So this is umm This is a bubble clay mask when it reacts with air it gets all bubbly *Camera whacking as Amy comes to the rescue* okay, so uhh This is the bubble mask So when you put this on your face, it starts to bubble up And since I can't see anything I can only go by sensation But I've got this weird tingling tickling sensation going all across my n0se. So, um, with that being said, I guess I can rate my favorite masks, I definitely like the breast mask. I'm not just saying that because I like boobs( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). I'm saying that because it wasn't sopping wet When I first put it on, it had a nice menthol to it so I knew it was working because I could feel it tingle on my titties ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) and then I actually had the belly mask on and I could really smell the menthol and that worked out well for me. So I like that Um- this lifting thing? I have no idea how that's even supposed to- how they even think that supposed to work I don't know. It's- its slogan is my special secret of jaw line management And uh I didn't know how much jaw line management I needed in my day-to-day life, but Now I have some as opposed to zero so I suppose that's good. These are horrible BTS Dreamboats, thank you for so much ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) moisture umm nose things didn't grab anything Uhh these: cute as a fucking button look at Shrek *anime girl laughing* My god. So cute ^_^ Smile brightener, the smile maker I don't know I'm not gonna stick this in my mouth again, just Because it's covered in many different fluids now and then uhh I will cherish these till the end of my days I'll hang them up above my bed, and I will enjoy them in my privacy of my own home ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Eye mask? I like those. Those are cool. They were like gel- not very cost-effective They only get one. That's stupid. Unless you're supposed to reuse 'em? Why can't you reuse these? Amy: Because you used up all the liquid Put more liquid on Amy: You were complaining about that (Facts) Yeah...well... I'm just sayin... FIR🌲 It's like-that's like printer ink That's what that is. It's-it's-the whole beauty market is like printer ink it's just meant you to "BUY, BUY, BUY things that may be work not approved by the FDA OOoooO it's made in Korea. They don't even have FDA" Who knows if it works... but Considering this is all part of my proud proud proud heritage, I'm gonna just pray to my BTS shrine ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) and uh ask my mom why the hell I bought all these The take away is the price of beauty is high and The price of beauty is higher if you buy a hundred and twenty dollars worth of it in Korea and then bring it with you Back home to try for a video. So thank you everybody so much for watching Thank you for staying beautiful. And if you want to stay beautiful, I've got no tips for you So look somewhere else other than me but if you've got other cool things that you want me to try out whether it's beauty products, makeup, Different toys, other gadgets, candy from other countries, food from other countries. Let me know it down in the comments below I wouldn't mind trying new things every week or so So thank you everybody so much for watching, check out the other cool crazy stuff that I've done in the description or in the suggested videos over there So thanks again. And as always, I will see you in the next video Buh Bye! <3
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 1,938,455
Rating: 4.9728432 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, beauty products, korean beauty products, markiplier tries korean beauty products, korea, funny, funny videos, chica, markiplier's dog, beauty, face mask, k beauty, kpop, bts
Id: e0u7x2qPosA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 12sec (1212 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 16 2018
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