Markiplier Makes: Breakfast

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and we are a lot yes hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to the November charity livestream we're here to make breakfast for you I want to introduce Tyler hello I want to introduce Ethan hello and I want to introduce myself and everyone who's in this room Amy Evan and Catherine over there on main control yeah whatever what's the first time you've ever had that kind of reaction no just look at her she's yeah she's yeah she's she's she's kind of a wild card that might accidentally take down the whole street yeah that's what I'm mostly concerned about because there's a lot of wires around here that we've got everywhere and we could possibly have a hazard here but more importantly than anything that we've already talked about and we'll talk about on the stream even the children this is our bombing for punishments holiday board so here we have a number of very mysterious punishments that we're gonna be enduring mostly me because I'm a jerk but I'm gonna be doing a lot of these punishments and we have this lovely bucket of apples and ice cold water we'll be putting more ice in this water as we go along but every time we get punished or we have to do a punishment which will happen every $10,000 raised we will someone not sure how I'm gonna do rock paper scissors rock paper scissor in it or is it like if we lose the thing or look what we'll do that without it but that is an island oh we could Rock City Paper Scissors or we could just cycle through so it could be like oldest to youngest or vice versa I don't like that your first to be punished yeah that was your first mistake gosh alright so we're gonna be having a lot of fun here but we are raising money for Save the Children and our goal this time is really really really high it's two hundred thousand dollars which is higher than we've ever had before it's not higher than we've ever raised before but it's the highest goal we've had through pure monetary donations so Tyler can tell you more about this and we'll be talking about throughout the stream certainly there are a number of ways to contribute as you can see on the till to five page we actually have a lot more information this time you can go to the schedule you can see exactly what we're gonna be doing every time we're live we're doing a different activity there's gonna be different punishments and during the breaks we're gonna have a goal for the next time that's gonna affect us in the next time we are alive the other thing there are incentives if you go to the incentive page there are shirts they're actually an older design that we had left over and in storage for a few years yeah that and they're all organized by size and all you have to do is donate 50 dollars and roughly forty three of those dollars will go to the actual charity itself in the long run because there is some shipping costs to that and that's the only thing that's getting taken out is that shipping so if you go through that be sure and pick the right size and then the charity itself is Save the Children I'm in the bottom corner I think it's said that corner is at that corner it's one of the corners there's a package oh it's up here uh-huh alright well it's up there on that package is for every 50 dollars it will fill completely up and you will watch it as it fills up and every 50 dollars that affects 4,000 babies that gives them life-saving vaccines that gives them medical supplies and medical check-ups that they need as they that they develop whether it says an infant or when they are first born and Save the Children is a huge big organization that reaches over 120 countries including the US they provide education they provide life-saving medical treatment and they definitely come into action during crisis because children are the most at risk when crisis occurs they protect them from harm they do all kinds of stuff all for children and families with children and the reason today that we are the goal is 200 thousand dollars which is higher than we've ever had the goal is because we have a very very very very generous anonymous donor that is willing to match the donations up to two hundred thousand dollars so if we hit that two hundred thousand dollar goal that means we will raise a total of four hundred thousand dollars for Save the Children which will be awesome so let's do it yeah so everything you do is double this time around everything that we have here is going to be doubled so even the actions that you take if you can make a donation if you can share the stream if you can't tell people about the tilta five-page if you can go out and let people know about the stream that's another possible donator who whose donation is going to be doubled during this stream so if you can please let people know about that if you can please let people know about the stream about the event that we have going on about the organization that we're raising money for it will do an incredible amount of good and we'll be able to have some fun all day because every ten thousand dollars that we raise we will be doing another punishment and overnight we already raised seven thousand dollars for charity so look down the description for tilt fi comm slash at markiplier all the other information there if you're on mobile there's other ways to reach the donation page just check around do whatever you can and please help share it on Twitter and Facebook wherever you can we'll come up with a stream hashtag soon and let's have some fun so this is the lot live markiplier makes which means that we're gonna be starting off this day with a nutritious breakfast for all of us to enjoy so are you guys ready oh oh I'm so ready ready Freddy it's already ready Betty yeah Betty's ready for spaghetti okay so here's how it's gonna work we're gonna make a whole smorgasbord of breakfast for you and that includes eggs bacon pancakes that's not each of us gonna make one we're going to each gonna all make every one of those and then we're gonna be judged on the consistency of the eggs on the crispness of the bacon and the accuracy of whatever pancake we're gonna try to actually make sure I say what sorry go ahead no please continue it's sort of like a sort of sort of like we have each thing we have to make the pancakes we have to make the bacon we have to make the eggs but we can also say use other ingredients that are in this kitchen as well why would you do that that's what we talked about Oh to spice it up and make better eggs okay you know maybe if you're a plain Jane does it look like I'm a plain Jane you know I know Oh mr. sternum what color is that it's all right you know yeah you got it on that one okay so we're gonna get started here do we have a timer and we forgot to get a clock oh we got a timer oh we're actually on top of things this time around yeah Oh phone now it's very smart they have timers and then okay yeah Wow okay we talked about 15 to 20 minutes last night with ten five five all right okay all right ten i lineman is each 15 I'm what I just said ten okay I'm gonna harden you who votes ten I got one vote I'm voting NO there you having I don't I don't like you anymore I got we got enough votes here we're gonna go 15 captain we need you Oh pass but I failed not too late all right countdown will start go oh I should probably turn this on Abby I don't know how to use it you must turn the Deuter what degree I don't know okay everybody just make sure be very careful with these griddles all right you could really burn yourself he's safe I opened I didn't open the Baker open says me anyway I'm gonna just take the relaxed route I like to start off my day with some sweet delicious butter you get that butter I gotta thank the bacon do we want an amount could I have a butter yeah the butter go get it the ceiling why well that wasn't the ceiling I'm not gonna lie that was all me that 100% you yeah mmm you're the worst I know it oh man one of the livestreams gonna get smellivision are you smelling you smell this you smell what The Rock's cooking mmm smells I'm going to use this table as a cutting board oh is that maple bacon made it is ah that's a good stuff you up yeah yeah cuz we wanted to do uh we want to do a market Blair Mixon we were gonna do like a whole bunch of different things and then we always just kept going back to market makes pancakes and just like that was a very very wholesome very lovely way to start off the day and everyone had a great time moving this stop it's that timer stop alright who's being party agree Tyler wait wait careful careful careful careful careful careful careful careful careful now hold it yourself hold it yourself on the other side back here on the hair on the other side you're good don't walk on your knees you're a bad knees what does that mean you have to close your eyes your eyes are open right now close eyes it doesn't matter close your eyes close your eyes I don't think it closes eyes you just spit so much or just right in there use those t pers t for Sutherland struggling so much it's 16 which is I ship it wait that punishes us yeah I ship it which is where the other two players get duct-taped together god damn it I made all these punishments without the idea that I would be the one being punished that's damn it damn it all right well butters that's gonna be some berry lads karma for all right you want to be back-to-back can we do side to side why would we do that easier to make breakfast oh here comes here comes a B wait do I get to do it or do you get to do it I mean I guess that's fair yeah all right we got you you only get a certain amount of time to do this okay all right lift your arms up I'm gonna give you use of your arm okay that's fair what a gentleman I'll hold that for you don't burn yourself that's okay well all right all right Nev oh it's burning hang on I've got a situation here I need to share your I've never made bacon before all right 820 oh no all right uh that's a splash zone I'm turning that heat that I have to get some eggs I'm sorry okay I'm sorry I'm sorry thrown it come back to Papa I don't want to just splatter though all right that I've mastered the one handed egg crack have you maybe okay I'm gonna put those over there all right I need an egg now oh I have an egg here you want it no oh I have my own eggs all right I've also mastered the one-handed egg crack watch carefully I caught some of that splash yeah perfect just like a chef no I need the pancake thank you that's it hold on I'd like some make sure that your hands are clean before okay I'm gonna take this bowl okay I need a cold water I know where to get it I have to get some cold water spinny spinny who shut your mouth you don't know where his mouth has been I know exactly where his mouth hasn't been that's married he probably doesn't know that pretty all right all right can I get a turn of the griddle you greedy person taking this [Applause] [Music] very bad bad nothing nothing nothing what's bad nothing what's bad about anything that's going on here nothing at all feel like my feet turned up a bit why I don't know just feel like it should mmm smells delicious in it well I don't use my ass to scratch here and so I'm just gonna lay down the rules of the dump today I need one more egg just you know just you know you know oh boy uh-uh nope that's what you call not working ah okay one flip - flip red ship blue ship okay all right Oh where'd my bowl oh all right yeah my bacon is it working your bacon is stupid and I hate it Wow all right how about you calm down a little bit stop using me using me beard scratches hang on I don't know if this ratio is correct but I'm gonna go for it all right all right it's pretty good this is good oh boy this is not great I'm gonna do a little flip of the bacon I've been feeling there's gonna be a watery pancake iData play hold on hold on Oh where's the place I'll get you one to eat thank you you're such a gentleman no I'm not it's over though now I thought that was a real boobies you can have a turn mistake number one what no no that was another playboy hang on oh I hate getting so close to me hi oh really we're getting close to you Tyler wouldn't that just be I can't imagine what that would be like I literally what would happen in that circumstance pilot watch your elbow oh boy oh boy I'm gonna borrow some pancake batter why no mine's very watery you want to add more bit of mix of that trust me I need a bowl just have more than mine oh you're lucky I have to wait for this hold on back it up back it up back in the wagon how much Thanks oh it's good by the way the donation link to the tilta 5 page is down in the description below so if you want to make a donation and get us out of this contraption we have to get to the next punishment before we do anything I'm doing a little mix all right okay you can mix not there you can pick up thank yous all right now it's a little all right all right all right excuse me sir no no mm-hmm sir in the middle of something sir no nah I need you to move I need you to shut up but that ain't gonna happen so we just gotta live with things in life all right go for it turn that off there boy my eggs my eggs let's try that out there beautiful oh thank you there we go all right now for the real challenge see a good mm oh that's too thick yep that's what I was thinking as well biscuit biscuit Hey all right you know I gotta flip this shaman you you you can wait okay that's fine i have to wait anyway good good good good great great great great great and flap okay anyway so yes the tilt the file link is in the description below if you guys want to go see that well alright I was talking but donate yeah save them from their current punishes you donate over a certain amount you will be shown at your name will be shown at the top of the screen has anyone donated what's the max donation right now I don't know Jeepers Creepers broken on the green even finish breakfast yeah all right isn't that bad I mean based on math we need to get it thanks thank you we need to get twenty-five thousand each time you're alive twenty-five thousand dollars an hour well I don't know if we need to impose such rules but that yeah that's the average braid or which we have to do this by well how long have we been going for yeah what's the time know much about old time of the stream Oh nineteen minutes we've raised uh like 90,000 owes right let's down dollars a minute that's pretty good pretty damn crazy that's pretty darn good no no no I'm plating the most delicate portion of the exercise can you stop rubbing yourself on me that'd be great just can't resist I know ah wait so are we alright you can go do we are we eating these are so hot it's hot it's so hot no it's good okay I'm just touching hot driving with my hands hot bacon thirty seconds I need a garnish well or do we are garnish hey golden brown what is this cranberry orange relish good I love it you love it we all love it who does both cranberry pancakes black okay all right okay like that was not plated see I was not plated that was not plated I went I laid it was coming off the spatula no no that was not plated judges okay that was not way I'll accept that Oh Ethan you know we're buddies what what how is it all fair game bleeping after the time of well in chopped I'm so hungry cuz this job in cutthroat kitchen if you didn't plant it then it's not there gun count right I don't know this what what what did even not have plated and nothing you have no right heads to definitely leave it on the griddle maybe eat it I probably should have left some of this on the griddle for a little longer anyway alright anyway we're done here so judges good or rather judge all right you are you're wonderful thank you alright anything you don't get a fork why I'll get even if I'll even I'll get you I'm getting cranberry everywhere you get yourself a fork alright yeah these are for you yeah so and hold it up everyone to see so this is what I called the hot cake topper pressed directly over the bacon and egg with the egg is seasoned to perfection and the bacon is cooked crisp seasoned up with what salt yeah good alright we're gonna have it back it's a little probably underdone the pancake Bacon's really good good consistency all right I call this sunrise on a war-torn evening as everyone knows when the red Sun rises blood was spilled on that previous night and so I don't know the yada yada yada the pancake is cooked thoroughly the eggs are cooked thoroughly and I use butter and the bacon is nice and chewy I prefer crispy bacon I do like the chutney that is yes the orange cranberry chutney really like oily see I'll never get to see what your breakfast yeah thank you thank you very much I mentioned here's my lesser half I called this Oh hold on I want to be faced this way a little bit you know cheat out to the audience I call this we decided on 15 minutes the previous night and then it was changed last minute and then I was duct-taped to a person enjoy pancake guarantee yeah it's like yeah a little too thick but it's not oh and there's two types of eggs there's that one well a try and Voltron bolt that's it oh yeah good combo good combo a good egg it's good okay how's the bacon Bacon's really good would you say the best of the bunch I would like to argue I just tasted my egg it is not underdone it's just nice and fluffy oh that's not you can't wear your nan side yeah just because you like raw eggs doesn't mean that the judge does that is true there is a work of this do you well you want a ring for like my own ego I would love a winner if it's not me then we don't need a winner no we need a winner yeah well can you do first place per thing yeah you didn't get a punishment that's right yeah I didn't have a hindrance yeah exactly what's your Excuse I didn't turn my griddle up high enough to cook it fast Oh if you give me time to cook you want to fight that well I think we've said in the beginning of this thing you've never cooked the bacon before so that doesn't mean that I'm bad at it yes well how hard is it to be bad at cooking bacon exactly that's what boy all right all right can we take the duct tape off so we could enjoy our breakfast dishes yeah well we got to do another punishment wait what donation are we at well you got to do another and then we'll decide between the two of us which one goes all right I'm going I'm going I'm going unmuted and then just can't hold it I think we can also mute it over there all right all right make sure your eyes are closed your eyes we're not very close last time the numbers that was straight-up just biting you just wanted crack acquire to be really there's no Apple there alright good rings really good mark would you like a piece of my bacon no okay I got better bacon I just got it hey you want to view this your top your top I'm begging you you can do it we believe in you I believe in you this breakfast is pretty good you know give everyone suction it suction it in just like give it the good suck you can do this you know you pay for entertainment oh hey cadet afraid you're getting waxed yeah yeah buddy all right let's put these down like set up over there yeah what Zagat we can get out of this now burst free like alien how hold on push against each other just really like really like no we got this okay gonna go that way you go you go that way I go this way okay all right this way right okay all right one two three go [Laughter] my butter cutter ain't working ah my bulbous hips it's caught all right fine we give where's a knife give me a knife there's a big old knife all right do you trust me no oh great here we go they're free all right so you getting waxed and then we got another dog for you no huh where do we gotta go well we all knew you guys are but with the waxing kit all right so while we get the waxing kit I just wanted to say that was super fun we've got more fun in store we're gonna do punishments and then we're gonna we're gonna clean this up and keep going but we got to wax him and then we got to do another punishment so if you guys want to see more punishments please make donations below we do them every 10,000 dollars and we will not skip any if we have a debt to pay we will make sure it's done we will get these punishments out and we'll raise a ton of money for this awesome charity and we're gonna be talking more about it obviously they got the extra strength if there's a debt to pay we'll make sure it's Tyler hey you all so much mace wax do you want the face wax no oh do you have to microwave this I think so I get get this get your punishment in order all right we gotta decide who's gonna get punished the bus oh that's trial three depends on who wins first no that's two another fee all right and we're going to hop y'all shoot okay right yeah yes yeah yes yes yes yeah get go funny no okay hold on 30 seconds on that why do I fill up my water quick I don't know to see you remove the other join him he's gonna get punished and then I'm gonna do Tyler for me please no no I'm gonna mute just hold it away any minute now oh no oh yeah puts the tub this way oh my god okay no Jake oh you want a Bob for an apple just wait until you stick your head in there you go Bob this is tough to open I told you nobody believed me why would we why would they they don't even know they're assuming this is super easy I'm assuming it's super easy and I'm standing right next to you so that say something about you more than us you shut your mouth about what that says about me I'm the only one that knows what says my man I'm gonna say that he can't get an apple in his mouth come on you gotta use it do you have to use the side big dog when I get bobbing in there I'm gonna get it first tried my huge head this is clicking large Riley Apple it's here I'm gonna have to swallow it and extract it later and that drive so you're saying water just going to my mouth but don't do that this is this is awful is quality entertainment this is awful I'm not looking forward to this wax are you unmuted I am unmuted okay cool boy oh it's sticking to me how dare it well I mean that's the whole point of what's already pulling off my finger hair you how many fingers do you possibly have well do it harder then my teeth hey Haley twice come on okay that that's the one the one he's determined I admire his determination three yay three Shawshank Redemption it you get the shock collar no no no that's so stimulator [Laughter] Corinne in there it'll be fine that's gonna be so disgusting by the end of this all right so I'm sitting pretty with no punishments I have now I've been punished once and I persevered through it and I won the first competition and the loser was Tyler Ethan just coasting in the middle ground which is totally fine I guess but this this charity extreme is super important and it's gonna be really really really difficult to get to our goal we have a long way to go we are just starting and we're doing amazingly how much have we raised in total actually I can see right here we have raised almost $25,000 in just about 30 minutes which is outstanding incredible thank you guys so much fast as ever that is probably the fastest we've ever been on trajectory but I really do encourage like if we ever stop this momentum all day we will not reach our goal so if you haven't made it if you were thinking about making a donation do so through the link in the description below tilt defy calm at markiplier and you can go there and you can see all the other people that have made a donation this goes straight to the charity we don't make any money off of this none of us make anything off of it so if you have an opportunity to make a donation and you can please please do it'll make a world of difference and you can even see like the names if you donate over what is it over $20 well $20 your name appears $50 feels feels that package yeah and if anybody feels that pack I I was hoping you were gonna go answer it you were close Phil Phil's that package up there so please please give if you can give you've never given before if you've given a thousand times before and you can still give just a little bit please do cuz today every donation is doubled yeah we could raise $400,000 today in less than 24 hours we could raise $400,000 for this amazing charity that helps children's children all around the world where are you guys gonna lean he's good oh we're gonna watch you over there okay please give to this charity for the backs this grown man please we're gonna wash them for you no we will wax this man also we have a special surprise in store for anybody that donates over a thousand dollars or more which there are occasionally people that are super generous and donate that amount we have a very special surprise to really celebrate those people to do not saying like they're better than all the small donations because those small donations really do make the world a difference but we just really want to celebrate the generosity that comes out in all these events and so we have a special surprise waiting for you and just thank you everybody so much please take the time to do that it's time to wax yeah under the directions you man direction of the hair because that gets maximum hair polite oh I know I know how to where where are we wax in here you want me to flip the bucket and sit in the bucket oh yeah not gonna you were talking about the Apple tub yeah totally what's that older than that all right okay all right I think it's only fair I think it's only fair only fair since both of us got a punishment the first round we each get a wax a leg I think technically I got the punishment it just happened to affect both of you but I think that's fair I think that's fair though okay all right okay all fair all fairness that late you can choose an alarm if you so choose okay do you want same leg both of them I like symmetry we're here to take care of you I like symmetry you like symmetry I like symmetry cool all right we're gonna be as symmetrical as how hot is this is this like lava hot it should be okay okay let me know if this this burns incredibly so top down like that who's that you know it's funny you were like let me know if this burns incredibly we have ice water right there we could Oh God all right hand it to Ethan then you got to be careful because you don't want to get we're scabs are and that's where I keep hitting the side of my bed with my shins crying a weak way no I go I try and round the corner on my bed and I just go what we do it I wasted all my sense yeah yeah at the same time oh I think I need to focus so I might have to alternate it okay all right okay all right you go with no you wax with you pull against I think the directions are in the box why I've waxed many times am i right or am i right am i right survival right I mean Empire I'm gonna stabilize right here okay so you get nice leverage all right don't elbow me in the face I will no god this is gonna hurt so bad you don't know that I know that because we've done this before yeah whatever how long are you supposed to wait for it as you shall do it it's it's like a minute it's been about a minute are we ready for me to scream like a little girl ready ready I'm ready three two one aah oh that is a lover of pain hmm I got a lot of the roots of that oh my god nice this is your you're doing keep oh my god it's so smooth all right nice smooth you're welcome we can relax your entire leg if you want yeah you want no I've shaved my legs before I don't want to wax my whole legs why why don't you pit it a little bit just saw it a little more than that yeah yeah well I mean where are you going I'm gonna go right on this if you gotta don't don't please don't hit this get right on there right in the scabs we're just waxing they're scabs off yeah you're scabs need to go there just unsightly as oh no more picking your scabs just waxing them jeez okay ready and oh no going back now whew that you were pushing down a lot harder and it's making it burn oh you need another slip of paper yeah you silly Billy you thought that you could get away with that yes so I am putting more wax on but that is to benefit you because if it's not sticky enough then the wax won't come off you know what it needs it's all about pulling fast and you gotta be hurry that's right you don't know doing it well I know about it I'm trying to help let him do it I am this is my little bit of time off there's no time this is the right stage up yeah you give it a minute he's so nice and keep rubbing it get your whole hand on that ah yes ah really do they like that muscle so if you want to see more punishments we're already on route to get another punishment under way all right so we're already on the way to another punishment and uh like oh yeah you get muscle stimulator yeah but I totally forgot about that one yeah okay do it so then but we can have another punishment after that and we can keep going until we hit the next thing and then we're gonna sign up for the next event that we're gonna be doing you didn't think about it no it was more that was so much more hmm that was more than that that's it because the skin actually pulled out where you pulled it this is like right against the bone oh that's so sad for you I want you guys just a plot just sign your name where you wax off the hair okay sure maybe a little weird better better tosses a marker you've got better if you donate now and your name appears on the top of the screen if you or get your name on there what okay okay he's gonna what who are we good yeah now who's the first person to come up Sh ayyy okay I'm sure this is good for Webb's skin no not Sharpie not Sharpie why not not sure because I'm a merman dear oh really that has more time that's what was the name thank you so much for your donation you are incredibly generous and now you'll be immortalize these will be tattooed later beautiful calligraphy me thank you okay time to put mustard simmers can you go get the mussel stimulators no noise there's some way there's one right there but I'll get the other one yeah so are we doing this thank you so much for being with us here we got a long way to go but once again I will say we are raising money for Save the Children and if you don't know about Save the Children I've got some information about it their goals are very simple they hope that no child dies from preventable causes they hope that all children learn from a basic quality and education and they hope that violence against children is no longer tolerated and you'd think those things would be simple like everyone in the world could agree to that but even in the world that we live in today like there's there's so many children that need help because in 2016 alone Save the Children helped more than 185 million children in 120 countries and that's including the United States so it may seem like this is a far-off problem but even in our in in this country that we live in right now even like first world countries where things should be civilized and people should expect certain things like there's children that suffer and don't have enough and don't have the basic things and if we don't protect our children then the future generations that we have and we don't we don't like instill in them like hope and give them the tools that they need for the future then I don't think that like we will have a future because we just need to remember that we are here only to make sure that the next generation is better off than we left it so please help and donate to this cause we have a thousand dollar donation from wait wait - whoa we got $2,000 donations want the frizzies Andrew Babcock and the second was Bjorn Johansson make sure there weren't any more so and arukou Andrew Babcock all right I'll take them no I'll do it all right sharpie on your chest all right sharpie on my chest here we go Andrew Babcock just donate $1,000 Oh coppers are just Babcock just Bab that's for you that's for you how do you feel about your new tat aren't you proud of what you've done here aren't you so proud who are the others now through your nude yeah let's say they're gonna you I got seal off the Babcock you gonna make it like real like graffiti like Ethan before he wrote on you no no no we got on our go so just I got it I got I got you know what I got this [Applause] [Applause] [Music] for you your good thing this is my job oh okay my turn the bar you're trying to Bob I'll Bob then you get that muscle stem on on him don't forget I got don't even you even come here don't even mute me watch this first try I know how to Bob perfect well I'm gonna do is forearm you need to pick where you put it okay starting on a low level right working our way up yeah as they donated get it higher so that's the big thing about this one this isn't that also unsafe no that's what we're it's gradual there's no to like start on oh yeah you have to ease up yeah yeah did you would you get for that's the normal ice bucket hahahaha hey funny what comes after you alright so normal ice bucket is literally just a normal ice bucket the what is this called I forget what this is actually called three dots there's a name of that the umlaut oh no that the ellipsis the ellipsis just makes it seem ominous so normalize bucket so I'll do that after we get this under where do you like to put the second stack I've got his ball you can't do that one each ball we can do a leg we could do like I'm screaming for balls so I'm screaming for balls are you this black boxes you could that's right balls balls balls I've got a surplus of all [Laughter] [Applause] right I wanna make Bjorn dance okay no I'm gonna make your pecs dance alright um if you're gonna do that do his right side so it's not over his heart that's boring alright I'll make the ones death to occur in the booth all right right uh we're gonna put this on squeezers put this one on the the sing softly do a bull he's also having away he'll be very stimulated hold on we have to decide because we have we have the right to decide when it goes like to remain by violence how many donation level oh no that's for the other game absolutely laid her that's for later what time we running at that makes sense I don't like it but sure we'll go with that one I'm so worried that this I'm gonna turn it on it and it's gonna be like 25 turn it on mm-hmm I don't know Tyler do you know how to use these sinner do you just maybe you shouldn't hold I didn't do it at the same time yeah you do it please be safe though okay you're on channel one adjust ooh tell me when it starts twitching ah oh hey so we're going for on that one oh wow that really hurts that other one this one's or then oh this one that hurts so bad oh wait what was it what was what was that on I don't know I couldn't tell which one it was though it was because I watched you twitch on this one wait is this one on right now what is this one gone for so you need to go to the other channel and put it on water okay one wait oh wait Goggan toe Oh yep pain oh you know you can put it up I just like it oh I'll stop stop stop down I think it's this one yeah oh well this is a similar grabby position so let me I'm sorry make sure there we go both on zero Wow well make sure it's really down alright the other one - in any capacity we have no idea what virgin okay all right whoa up again one more okay super flex in here oh my fingers we're gonna try this again okay okay you okay all right cool so ah we're gonna we're gonna wrap this one up so this is me just explaining how this is gonna work we have eight events throughout the day this is the first of eight we are going to stop this stream we've got another event scheduled up the next one is what was the next one again body art oh yeah it was beatable your friends that's right ah so so in the next one we have bloap which if you don't know is a toy it's a toy that you you both repent and it creates art it's like spraying art it's like it's like spray paint but blowing it with art so we're gonna do body art with those and we're gonna do body art we're gonna do body art with those in the next one but in the meantime in between each one you can still make donations we'll be back in just 30 minutes and in those 30 minutes please take the time to make a donation tell someone about the next event its cued up and ready to go if you don't get a notification about it do ring the bell as much as a meme as that sounds hit that Bell you'll know exactly when we go live and then you can tell people about the donation page as well we'll be back with more body art and then we have six more events throughout the entirety of the thing to go and if you reach the next point of more punishments can occur other than Mark Joseph we're gonna start the next one with me getting ice bucket 'add which is gonna interfere with them body yarding me but I maybe they'll dry me off first I'll find out final - yo so we'll see you in the next one remember to share that stream also give us ideas for what the string hashtag should be on Twitter and whatever else we can do how those muscles Tim is doing well he didn't get to do it through a whole activity yeah all right so thank you everybody so much we're not gone for the day so remember the next event is coming up in just a in just a bit so thank you everybody so much for watching remember all the links are in the description below this charity for Save the Children we can raise up to four hundred thousand dollars just in this first section we raised $35,000 keep that pace up we are golden and and like if it comes down to it I'm desperate there's so many things that I'm willing to do to make sure this goal gets hit that's right not a joke why show up is what I'm gonna call this mint pileup he will delete the Cheryl at the end of the day no if we don't hit it Oh so thank you everybody so much we'll be back in 30 minutes right here on marklar and we'll see you in just a bit all right thanks guys
Channel: undefined
Views: 2,656,128
Rating: 4.9601212 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier makes, breakfast, charity livestream, collab, funny, friends
Id: F1b5ouja_VI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 39sec (3399 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2017
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