Buckshot Roulette

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hello everybody my name is marbl welcome to Buckshot roulette if you don't know what that means consider this your warning because you're about to find out also I apologize for the darkness I'm currently in the process of reorganizing my office and it's almost there I basically work for like 8 hours on moving things around and I shouldn't have moved them by myself but I sure did because I'm very strong and and very capable and not very intelligent in terms of what I can handle and I often found myself with a like 100 lb table that's about 100 in long and I'm trying to shuffle around a doorway that's not 100 in long so um that was my yesterday but today is another bad decision because I'm going to play this game not that it's a bad game in life it would be a very bad game to play in this game it's probably a very good game to play and the moodiness of my lighting is just because I didn't get my lights set up so I'm kind of just running off of what the screen is doing interact with mouse I sure do pills afraid more pills I don't seem oh oh it's like a point and click no time for dancing I know why I'm here and you know why I'm here oh my God oh my God oh my God okay good I didn't want to get a good look at you anyway um let's see this thing whoa [Laughter] what yeah I kind of like [Music] that can I not well uh that'll do uh-huh that qualifies as a [Music] signature [Music] hi uh-huh in an unknown order definitely no one knows it ah good excellent shooting yourself with a blank skips the Dealer's turn oh my god oh shooting the shooting myself with a blank this [Music] fine sure hope it doesn't skip my turn ah it does doesn't it oh then I get to decide I still okay all right take this buddy take one of these oh well well well oh oh you don't look too worse for where well we all knew what that was going to be that was oh ah in a hidden sequence yeah okay all right but don't scare me like that okay in a hidden sequence well take some of this the odds are in my favor oh wow that's a lot of [Music] blood I did it turns out I'm amazing at this game how are you still alive let's make this a little more interesting well I thought it was interesting as much as it was oh two items each any item more items before every load what do you mean we put that over there I'll put that over there okie dokie then see I don't know oh four lives oh my God uh-huh so you rack the shotgun ends round on last shell dealer skips the next turn turn well okay if I were to do a 50/50 on this then I would shackle him oh you're so polite you do it yourself and then I'm just going to double hit him oh okay well it's my turn still I know people probably say this about this game but it reminds me a lot of that card game that I play inscription that I like very much is it made by the same guy it's got the same Styles well also it turns out that these shotgun shells aren't too deadly there you go oh I get another item ooh two items whoa God what are the lore implications of that what does the lore say about God playing shotgun roulette I don't oh that looks cool I don't know what that is ahuh 50/50 huh check the current round in the chamber well considering that up until this point it hasn't been the first one in the chamber yet and it's still 5050 I'm going to flip the coin that it's right in here and watch this go sko oh shoot I'm done for oh what is that wait oh man aren't you cool don't you know that's bad for your health oh it's good for your health oh no wait a minute ah see that's very interesting yeah that's um that's a problem oh boy oh well just that easy huh hey wait a minute hey wait a minute hey wait a minute oh you in trouble now you in trouble now oh you in trouble now you in trouble now see I don't know where you managed to get more health out of the cigarettes unless they weren't regular tobacco oh yeah that's what we want don't know what that is but I want it oh wow the odds are indeed in at least I go first shotgun deals two damage the odds are in my favor that this is going to be in there I'm going to do a double damage [Music] yeah look look down that Barrel look all right I'm willing to bet and I actually am betting there's going to blast you out of a so does it grow back does the nubbin grow back oh it does I didn't I didn't actually expect that to hey wait a minute hold on here well okay hold on well you're you're you're well okay you might the odds are in my favor oh oh my God I just saw that happen and you lost the game on that wow you are doing terribly you were doing about as bad as I could imagine someone ever doing in this game and this is my first time playing it long last we arrive at the final show I got so many items no more defibrillators no more blood transfusions now me and you we are dancing on the edge of life and death uh-huh what is [Music] that a no items oh new items okay four items each oh that makes it relatively easy oh that's nice okay I'll take that I'll take that wait no those are useless because I don't have any El wait a minute oh crap ah crap oh wait no I still have stuff I know the drill yeah I do okay so they're still useful but it said no more defibrillators okay it's one live two not live okay here we go odds are this is a smart play this doesn't feel smart Okay my goodness all right so that skips your turn so now I I should check what's in there I should check what's in there I really should oh yeah that's what I'm talking about and that one's for you say see you really really can take these shotgun shells I'm just going to say you're pretty capable well I mean it's it's empty so unless that's still going to skip my turn yes please uh sure four wow this is a lot of items oh this is nice okay so it's four and four still 50% chance so I really should use these items let me let me chug a beer slam that down get one out of there see what okay so that was a blank so that's good so the odds are going to be if I handcuff him and then do two for him cuz now it's four live three not live that's a really good chance that I'm going to get him you're so polite thanks for doing that sko oh my God oh my God do those handcuffs stay on they still do okay so what I'm going to do is I'm going to rack one because now it's still three and three so I'm going to rack [Music] one ah damn it that was alive okay probably for the best and then I'm going to look inside okay it's a blank so that goes for me nothing in here it's not really a blank it's more like a just a cardboard tube and so now the odds are there's been two it's been three there's three this is where the strategy comes you got to remember there's been three blanks chucked out there's two lives chucked out so theoretically the odds are for shoting it's only slightly though oh my God I am crushing it but his turn might be a bit devastating I have a feeling he's going to go all yep all right that that makes sense that that make that that plays very interesting yes indeed oh I don't like that I don't like that I don't like that at all see that's uh okay well yeah fine fine you know the items are really uh messing up the flow oh boy okay see that's a little rude and then I it skips my turn is that is that how it's going to be see I don't have any saws I didn't get any hacks of okay well this is you know what I mean this is a little bit unfortuitous okay so he doesn't know what's in there well he doesn't know this actually no this is definitely wait that's alive wait a minute did I miscount the [Music] Duds all right that works that works that works still no double damage but okay odds are that it's going to work out he's got so many double damages why does he have so many double damages all right so whatever I'm going to I'm going to Puff these mhm so now no matter what I've got to keep him locked up cuz I got to I got to just carry this to the finish so odds are are this is going to be you there you have [Music] it all right so what I need to do what I want to do is to be able to skip his next turn with a blank because I don't think I can double handcuff him yeah I'm going to check okay it's live so that's kind of a problem cuz going to get him down but he's going to hit me hard next time this will put one live in two blanks so that's actually a pretty good place to be I think cuz if he still can't see what's there then that creates a problem all right are you ready I don't think so but then again what do I know oh boy interesting strategy well there goes the last live uh so dude there's only a blank in there I don't even know if that is that going to help you was a Just One Last smoke look it's a blank my dude I don't know how to tell you this that's tragic that's weird also dud are we going to acknowledge that that that's that's a little strange see now I don't know how this carries through to the end of the round because it is empty after that yeah and then it refills and I think the round when it ends it ends boy I have a lot of those finally I'll take it oh I'm I am going to be so drunk o four and two odds very good in the shoting of you so if I were smart I think the play would be to it's obviously handcuff him that's going to be the first and I could try to cuz no matter what he's got two Health left or I think anyway he's got two of those lightning bolts even though it's not really a lightning bolt thing anymore but he's got two so I could try to make it a double whammy but if this is a blank I kind of spil it so I think I should wait because he is handcuffed and that's a blank so that means that it's even more likely that it's going to be this right here and so this is what I'm looking for this is what it's going to be goodbye come on yes yes yes that's GG [Music] oh you're still alive and what is this C click C click kachunk you lisses ass Grant you handsome bastard apparently I'm very good at this game and I get to keep the shotgun well I I guess I get to keep everything cuz that guy's dead unless he wasn't a guy thanks doors kicked milliliters of [Laughter] beer oh wow that's great that's great was that it is there a hard mode was that it really I'm apparently amazing at this game and it worked out perfectly for me on the first try so good for me but also don't do this at home thank you and as always I will see you in the next video bye-bye
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 7,443,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: buckshot roulette, markiplier
Id: zaWPFbX7Q8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 10sec (1090 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2024
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