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all right Knights of Apollo what's up guys hope you guys are doing well and I hope you have your shields sharp or your shield sharpened or your sword sharpened I mean I guess you could sharpen like the edge of the shield and kind of use that anyway it doesn't matter hope you're ready for another siege battle this is total war Rome to a 4v4 this battle is sent in by Ellington I'm not gonna say what faction he's he's playing as just keep that a little bit of a surprise but apparently to him this siege is just crazy just absolutely crazy alright so it's gonna be quite the slaughter and this map is brutal especially for the attackers it's a very difficult attacking map it's the barbarian settlement that has tiers and layers so we've got this really cool area that I love that I you know it's really fun to fight over because it's really good for the defenders to set up archers but it's also good for the attackers if you can get them up to this wall and fire down I wish there was more settlements or more yeah more settlements in Rome too like this you know where there's like inner wall it's kind of like Thrones of Britannia but this is a really hot spot and then it comes down to just very narrow choke points like here there and even if you break through here they can hold you here it's a very difficult very difficult map to attack but we'll see what they can do they do have Rome on their side so Rome definitely an excellent faction and breaking through choke points let's go ahead and look at the factions and then we'll dive straight into this one so we'll start with the attackers we have Rome of course pushing up a ton of siege towers right next to we have Titus which is a really great infantry solid solid infantry good at slice slicing slicing and hacking and then over here we have glacier another powerful powerful infantry base faction they have the what do they call the Galatian swords very very good unit for their price they also have the Galatian legionaries which is another solid unit very cheap for what they can do so you can really spam them and then next to Galatia we have pontiff's which probably probably the weakest faction out of all of the attacking factions here maybe even in the game but it's cool to see pontus cuz we don't really get to see him that often so I hope they kick ass today you know I hope they kick some butt because it's gonna be cool to see a faction you don't see too often do well anyway so let's look at the defenders now the defending force is quite the force so we've got miss a sulli which is like the desert Romans they got the desert legionaries we have Bowie I another great barbarian you know faction that has great infantry and then we have MS sylia which is right here it's like it's kind of like a Greek faction I would say I honestly see they've got some barbarians here maybe it's a little bit of a mix I'm not sure I you know I've seen this too obviously I've seen the faction before but my knowledge on this faction is actually not too too great I assume they're kind of a middle ground because I don't see them too often you know timid so I assume they're not you know the greatest but I'm sure they're great these axe warriors do look very intimidating and then we had the Armenians with some royal cat effects royal cataphracts looking at the gate here in fact he's already got calves out of the gate so he's looking for some blood right at the start so let's press play guys get this one underway and boom right away look at this we have artillery just hitting the siege towers is not a bad idea I think he's going for these veteran legionaries if he can try to soften up that siege Tower and bring it down oh no he's going for the artillery here oh yeah he's going for the arty that's a good move and look how quick he's oh my god look at the amount of seed showers holy crap yeah but he is just really focusing down these seats I was trying to bring him down here as quickly as possible I'm sorry I made siege equipment at siege tower siege towers are trying to protect them yeah yeah oh and they do get one I don't know why he's pushing up the siege towers he should honestly leave them there Rome has plenty of siege towers like he has more than enough to cover his army and tile is his army toilets could move up one or two siege towers but there's really just not enough wall for all these siege towers also if you're including Galatia and pontus yeah they've got plenty I mean that's smart you always want to bring a lot of siege towers because you can use them as big giant shields also well these well unfortunately I guess you can't bring the heavy towers here because the heavy towers have scorpions or ballista on the top but unfortunately because it's a barbarian settlement I assume they can't bring them so they've got the medium siege towers but still nonetheless it will give your troops protection it's like a big giant shield of course you should bring as many siege towers even if you don't use it to attack a wall you can still move it up and use it as a big shield so Bowie eyes lined up he's got his Celtic warriors ready to hold against Rome and it's supported by Miss a sling with their desert legionaries they've got these disgusting deployables I personally hate deployables I hate when players do this with all the sharp bed bed or sharp stone beds I just it looks ugly it looks not realistic I hate it I know it helps it like really slows them down disrupts their formation and stuff but it's just doesn't look good all right so are they gonna push I think Rome is actually going to stay put here for a little bit wait for his teammates to kind of bring up some reinforcements so they're all attacking together the only concern about this though is that yeah he's taking damage from the arrow tower over here it's not a lot but it could set this siege Tower on fire which you don't really want to lose a siege tower early on again they have plenty of them but just make sure you get the troops out of the siege tower you know what I mean and starting to smoke here and here comes some artillery opening fire on some infantry trying to hold it looks like he's actually falling back some of these units but yeah they are they still pushing up it looks ok they are they are they're really trying to quickly get up there Rome is really taking the lead now with this map it's kind of it's it's almost like it's harder to just attack this one area now usually I always say you know attack together attack you know maybe just tacking one wall together is a better option than splitting up and going everywhere but for this map it might actually not be terrible to have some units attack over here or attack up here with artillery of some sort because it gets past the choke points you know it you can you can send infantry up this way past the choke points rather than you know trying to fight your way through to choke points got it it basically just gives you another point of contention you know what I mean but here comes the cataphracts from Armenia they're they're pushing of the Royal cat effect or excuse me Royal cataphracts including the general and he's going for Pontus Pontus does have a unit of noble blood calf this is actually a really solid unit but they do not stand a chance against four units of cataphracts in here they come from the woodwork right look at oh maybe real oh yeah up he's gonna counter charge what a champ I mean could you imagine being one of these Pontic you know be a Pontic soldier on horseback and seeing all those cataphracts would be pretty terrifying to see him charge in a very gallant brave move there but they are gonna break through and he's trying to hold them back as long as possible but the cheer you up chariots the the cataphracts they can't be stopped that's why it's difficult to try to hold a CAV force of four units in one place with just one Union I think pondus did the best he could here but now the floodgates are kind of open and the cab is running amok and he's going straight for this union Pontic swordsmen let's see if he forms shield wall here oh he does it right at the end and it will help them a little bit it will help him a little bit it was a little late there but I think he's okay nice a nice little flanking maneuver with the mercenary and Celtic warriors right in the back and it might get a couple of them here and there but these guys are strong they are a very strong unit of Gavin look at this push this is oh my God look at this this is epic with all the siege towers that is really cool and they're gonna push the rear of these forces try to slow them down so they can't get to the wall and inflict some casualties artillery is opening fire now this is just an absolute slaughter of a battle this is great this is some prime time siege battle content here sorry I hate the word content it's just it's - business - you know what I mean like the term content creator is just really gross to me I'm a content creator you know it's even worse than content creator is influencer you know it's like like some like I don't know it's like the bad kid or something and he's in fluency I don't know it's weird you know I hate so kay looking for influencers it's like I don't know it's just the wording of it it makes it seem like you're trying to get someone to play something that you actually don't eat you're just trying to influence them you know what it means like instead of just playing something to enjoy I don't know it's just I know it's just a word but words matter okay dang it no here comes tieless they're gonna try to flank around Bowie I who's trying to maintain the Romans here comes more artillery fire trying to soften up the rear reserves but this is just a tribal well I guess you want to try to take out the slingers but yeah let's go back over here let's see how the the business of the cataphracts are coming Oh tieless is moving it Silas has some light Jorge even light horse will get the job done and there we go looks like he was going charge against these mercenary Syrian archers but they they hold their ground against the cataphracts I think the cataphracts of I mean they didn't really get a ton done there they saw the general in the back lost one soldier as one lost two so these guys didn't really see any action looks like he just really committed with to two units there that they did a little bit of damage but nothing like game-changing or anything like that so a very noble Sally out but not one that is that great but yeah a Titleist is pushing up a lot of infantry look at this fight this look at that because the fiery balls of Justice flying over look at this ricochet look at this ricocheted oh nice hits the wall bounces down kills some slingers bonus points alright let's turn on the HUD let's see how this is progressing as Rome continues to stream in more and more troops the lag is getting stronger and stronger because of the amount of troops in one area masae silly Bowie I fight for these these walls the archer fire is coming down as well more artillery fire really good hit there might not know it stopped right in its tracks I thought it was gonna roll a little bit more and hit these guys but no it stops right there but yeah more reinforcements are pushing up look at this crazy counter push by Bowie eye moving up there troops but Rome's starting to break here but so are the Bowie eye soldiers more artillery coming in not really hitting anyone and you know I think what the arty should do call me crazy but I think he should go for units that are closer to the friendly units I know you risk friendly fire but look at this blob back here look at this for if you could kill so many with the artillery Archer fire coming down its glorious from the from the attackers actually we're seeing arrows from both directions come in really cool to see that epic fight just an absolute glorious battle nice little volley there of the pilla trying to soften up see what are these a silly yeah miss a sealians trying to soften them up and look at this front line it's expanding and stretching out tireless and starting to cause some issues for the defenders Bowie I trying to hold on Miss a slew trying to hold on here Galatia is now throwing in their units holy crap look at this fight now pontus is starting to join in his battle Mesilla how you know I'm yeah I'm just gonna say it now I'm probably gonna mix up miss a silly basilia through in this battle but anyways I'm gonna do my best not to but vasilia what if I was just like it miss a so late no I'm just good okay but Miss Silius try to hold here against the hillman it's just Helmand it's not a big deal Galatia though that's a bigger problem that's a much bigger problem look at the forces just pushing up it's just storming in Mesilla might have to send over units to that side cuz this isn't this is not being attacked so he might have to shift more units down you know what I love too is that none of them are pike factions and I think that's the best way to play this map I think if you're gonna play this map right here you do no pipes or just no factions with pipes all swords epic brawl and that you know this is why this battle is so good you know what I mean just no pikes it's just epic but the Romans are really starting to chip away at Oei they're now stretching out their lines and capturing this tower - oooh Oh Oh God nice volleys there where is that coming from probably Darth yep the archers up here look at this position this is why this position is so good but yeah they are just softening up the Romans but the Romans are trying to capture that tower oh whoa so they're going for the back troops way in the back Morey for wait hold on Galatia as like a stubborn mule has pushed all the way to the second I would say the second tier of this defense is in this tiny choke point and that's why we have reinforcements oh that would have been a good hit if he just focused this area big clumping of troops but now they're spreading out it's gonna be much harder there's just arrows look at that I just this is a total war battle right here this is what I expect from total war you know this is what's missing from the newer games like Warhammer three kingdoms just the pure scale chaos arrows coming in and yes there's chaos but not the amount of chaos like Warhammer where I know there's a faction called chaos but that's not what I'm getting at you know or it's just a mosh pit of Warhammer and there's no like battle lines or flanking I mean there is but it's not to the same extent of say Rome - and this is a fight this is a battle you know you can kind of tell what's going on there's battle lines it's getting chaotic there's everywhere you look there's some projectile flying somewhere okay just making sure there is no cab charge over here oh there is a cap charge kind of fracks pushing in the general this is a risky move to move your cataphracts like this with your general and the in the unit and they're going straight for some archers because they know hey we killed the archers big chance were winning this battle but they are getting focused on the generals down to nine men he needs to get out of there I think that's what he's going for he's gonna try to escape but there's no escape there is no escape and just like that the cataphracts have thrown in their general away ooh not worth it it's just not worth it even if they kill the whole unit it's not worth it I I do not recommend especially if you're a newer player do not Sally out with your general okay it's okay to do it a little bit get a couple charges but make sure he's always safe to the most part but if you're using them and it's like you're only cab unit don't do it because your general is just too important it's just way too important oh yeah this is a pretty nasty slaughter right here asthma safely throws it more troops Silas is really plumping up here with the tribal warrior is a good force now and I don't mean clumping in a negative way it's just a lot of units and this this line here really pushing and whose let's see the Armenians Armenians Bowie I must say Slee combined force trying to hold look at Rome look at Rome going through a gap amis Illya is there to fill that gap thorax swordsmen hold it against the veteran legionaries what a fight I was a good move by Amos Illya Oh in the archer fire look at that very good use of the Syrian archers the auxilary Syrian archers is firing at the back of these Bowie I with fire arrows which will cause them to break yet they're already breaking and sure enough this outer area is being taken over by Rome in by tieless they are pushing and pushing and pushing are they banding this oh it looks like he is abandoning this this area up here yeah Hillman falling back mistakes Leefolt they're falling they're given up well not entirely but they're giving up this outer area Pontus is now pushing punches hasn't really pushed that that hard he does have some units trying to take the walls so you see all those arrows trying to go after the Pontic archers the eastern archers in the back there that is just awesome this is just a fight a glorious epic battle of epicness axe warriors spears fighting the good fight we've got some axe warriors some Mesilla trying to hold mass sylvia pontus with their two units but they've got a lot of reserves back oh wait wait we've got another car cab charge out citizen calf from 'silly it goes in it actually hits two of the archers of eastern archers that's a good move see this is a good move citizen cap chief but he's also moving out with his general look at that but he's taking on tile is's light horse general is stuck in combat and here comes Galatia don't tell me they're gonna throw away another dirt there we go he's trying to escape he's gonna cross the river here get the safety see that's a good move right there because I bet the attackers assumed that you know Sally outs were done the cataphracts were destroyed Sally outs are done but no here's me cilia ready to push out three units of citizen cap and some hippyish Lancers and they oh there what is he doing with this general this is gonna be a fight guys this is gonna be a fight Wow okay not too often do we have battles way outside of the settlement that could that could change the entire outcome of this fight but it does look like they're gonna disengage okay I thought they were gonna stand and fight to the end and it was gonna be two generals going at it it looks like Mesilla is sacrificing a unit a unit of citizen cat citizen calf to slow down these reinforcements and I think that's gonna be it I think that little engagements over and they're gonna go ahead and fall back to the city and get the safety alright let's go back over this way we're Rome and tieless is making a great push and they yep they have callin the route paper they've call it red alert is what I like to call is when you need a fallback from the main walls they held for a long time they made the attackers use many resources to try to take this area and let's see if it was enough miss ASA Lee Mazzilli uh excuse me I did it there right there mozillian Thoreau Spears trying to hold by time for the retreat Galatia is hot on their trail look at this gali she's like no no no doing that you're not trying to get out of here and this is actually a pretty good move glacier being very aggressive with their galician legionaries I love it getting super aggressive glacial swords going around the flank here back over this way Pontic swordsmen looking at some retreating forces from a cilia and miss Cecily calves resting outside the city they might want to retreat back in because they might lose this access to this gate pretty soon and this is where guys will probably see a little bit you will see the battle kind of slow down here a little bit in case in turn in terms of pace so we're gonna probably see a lot more skirmishing right now the attackers are just cleaning up what's left of these defenders on the outer area of the settlement and once they have their troops ready once they're ready to go they're probably gonna start pushing again and look at they sell them a lot of troops a lot of troops out in the outer areas but just by the way pontus does have some tight Minh okay so pontus is the only faction that has pikes and that's gonna be a big deal in the late game this right here could determine the game and it's really gonna come down to are the defenders conserving enough ammo so when these pikes do push up they can easily bring them down cuz they probably killed 5 and I think it was from the cab charge let's go back over to this main fight though where the are minions are falling back now I'm pretty sure this is the capture point or is it back up here I don't know I don't know if we if we hold tab let's see pretty sure that's it I've seen it before where you can capture this and win but I'm pretty sure this is the capture point and you can see the master trees so they're probably they're probably gonna hold here and here in worst case they'll fall back and hold this and the attackers still have a ton of troops look at this force look at this like we have the Roman CAV kind of looking around making sure there's no ambushing troops left so the attackers have now set up their forces they finally have begun pushing up their infantry and they're now taking on the defenders over here just to give you a little recap of what's happened it didn't do some editing here as the forces were getting ready but the attackers have now set up all the all of their troops inside the settlement and they have begun they have begun their push began their push begun their push I'm an idiot but no they're starting up their push and they've got archers in the back there was a little bit of skirmishing too but nothing too crazy but you can see the skirmish ring is still going on and the Syrian archers are putting down the fire arrows which I'm not really sure why I guess he's trying to break some troops back there but we also have fire arrows in return from the defenders of the Celtic bowmen but anyways yeah the Romans are leading the charge here with this assault which is not a terrible move they're these veteran legionaries will slice up these Spears in no time back over this way we have the Galatians pushing over on this side with tieless and they probably are gonna need more reinforcements now there are some CAV play we got some CAV units kind of in the back here look at this well actually we have this one random unit of forces from masais Sulli I don't know what he's doing here but I guess he's just kind of watching the calf oh I see look at this look at this this is actually pretty smart we've got pontus moving up their artillery now is he going to hit this now this might change things but if he goes to hit this this is gonna be pretty smart that's a well-timed artillery you really have to plan for that bring that down they could rush up calves or infantry which it looks like he does have the infantry he's got the pikemen over here with some swordsmen good combo well see what he does there or he might be just going into the gate which is a possibility I would love for him to attack this hill though azaria but there is also some units over this way amis Illya is kind of watching this flank but there's really nothing going on here so we're gonna head back and see how this is progressing okay more more units being pushed into the frontline tribal warriors kind of waiting reserve now waiting for their time the shine as their comrades in the frontline fight it out hopefully start killing the defenders from their perspective throwing some jab ease in there that's very nice a very good push oh look at this of gap in the lines guys gap in the lines now the back their backs are exposed to some skirmishing I think that yeah he's gonna he's gonna give it up he's gonna let them have it that's not a terrible strategy guys given this like false sense of a gap you know what I mean like oh come on it's the open gap come on through and then boom you're dead a little Venus flytrap that's what I'll call it the Venus flytrap because you know gaps gaps remind you of anyways but yeah you know like Venus Venus is Aphrodite but Roman okay anyways back over this way there's a push going on driveable warriors have now entered the front line supporting their comrades this fight actually looks a little bit better for the attackers compared to the other side with Romans I think it's a little bit easier for them I don't know it's quite the fight though lots of infantry going at it balance of power is looking better and better here comes the push through the gap yep okay that's pretty smart by the Romans he's gonna push up this gap right hold these Celtic warriors back and then they're gonna send in the freaka pays to be the flanking push because now that the Celtx are being held back they can't push in and now this entire gap this flank is open very nice move very nice move by the Romans nice finally guys right finally we have a good Roman player because every time there's Rome like let me just make this clear you know so you guys understand why most of the time when you see Rome in my replays it's a player that's usually newer it because it's Rome like it attracts the newer players because everybody wants to play as Rome and also you know that well that's that's basically it yeah that's why you know so you're watching newer players play as Rome but finally we've got a good player who's using Rome and that's quite a deadly combination a good player Plus Rome it's gonna be tough too tough to hold against but yeah look at this fight look at this just everywhere just everywhere back over here at Galatia is pushing up more troops tieless is starting to break here but they've got plenty of reserves this is quite the bottleneck situation and where did that artillery go okay so it looks like they pushed up the artillery into here yeah so oh look at this guys oh this is gonna be cruel this is gonna be cruel I wonder is he gonna fire point-blank of that infantry Oh No yeah yeah they're killing the reserves excellent use of RT this is precision precision use here accuracy very good job done oh this is on fire how they getting it on fire oh they're using fire arrows not bad from the defenders either a good counter it's kind of a shame how quickly fire arrows burn the artillery I'm not a fan but yeah you better get firing just use up this ambos quickly as possible because it cool very good hit they're causing these troops to break just keep firing guys keep firing don't want to waste the ammo don't want to see all these things burn before you know while they still have a lot of ammo oh my God look at those hits oh yeah burning this one guys I got my hair damn it [Music] elite Persian archers trying to burn it down using their fire arrows wait wait wait what's going on old uh we got a little bit of a fight here the calf from Mesilla is taking on the Romans here it's gonna be a little bit of a struggle but I think the Hippias Lancers have this because they have the support of the citizen cab which is flanking around the Romans so good use to the general lair that's one less unit you have to worry about sure it's calves and calves is probably not too effective in this situation but still useful Oh two of the artillery is now down but it looks like the artillery crew is no longer on the artillery I don't know if that means he's out of ammo he's he's trying to save it so he can't fire at it because there's no units on it good move there let's go back over this where this just cluster cluster battle is going on the sunrays going in that's great both sides not willing to give up man both sides fighting the good fight you got the general close behind using his abilities you got rally raised banner or shield wall that's not a general ability that's a unit ability but whatever good fight they're breaking some Axman over there so finally they're breaking some of the defenders we've got archers on the second tier trying to fire down soften up the attacking numbers and my goodness I think the defenders have actually pushed the Romans a little bit now pontus is throwing in some Pontic swordsmen to help out the safely's got some heavy million come no come via skirmishers I've ice lost fat but I'm just seeing what else is over here okay Rome is pushing up some calves again we have mrs. Li but their general they're riding out with vasila I think they're going for that cab yeah the Romans are just like yeah we're not gonna hold out here anymore but I'm seeing a big break over here look at this they're Armenians they're Axman are falling back and now we've got pikemen moving up open open up they're not ready to like hold on not ready I think they're a little afraid of the archers that's okay you know safety save the pikemen for one of your very last units because you want the defenders to use up all their archer ammo before you commit those piping so this has been a great battle so far the tactics the players everything has been awesome big push by Rome now they're going to do a little second push here counter push by Bowie I to meet them in the front line very nice very very nice so Qantas still has a pike unit reserved over here we got calves watching over looking at the infantry Galatia has a couple units look at the archers hanging back a hole please tell me oh they don't have ammo anymore dang at least that's what it looks like they've got their daggers out I was like oh is Galatia holding back their archers that would be insane but yeah pontus is moving up the rest of their forces really the most of their you know rest of their reserves but I think the attackers are starting to run out of Troop share a little bit they still have a big advantage over the defenders and we're getting some big breaks here does it lead okay they're recovering the pikemen are now moving in Pontus has now moved into pikemen and this is where things are gonna get interesting well let's see if those those fiery balls of justice might actually do some damage the way it's looking this hill it might actually funnel down oh he's doing it he's doing it guys let's see oh please please oh my God look it's gonna go right down it's gonna go right down and this is one of the few times oh and it's killing oh my god it just destroyed this unit that is one of the few times and now it's going after the archers whole fleet crap I wish I could see the kills on these fiery balls of jet and they're gonna blow up right here watch boom it's gonna kill these guys that is one of the few times I have ever seen the fiery balls of Justice actually kill enemy units like that that is one of the best moments of the fiery balls of Justice I've ever seen in this game absolute slaughter absolute slaughter right there and that's look at the bounce of power that is what the defenders meted they absolutely needed that and that was a great use of the fireballs I want to go back I was hanging out over here a little bit but I want to go back over to that area and just kind of look at how that worked out how that played out but that was great that was just genius so yeah the pikemen are closing in they're trying to focus on them let's focus them down Pontus is pushing up some swordsmen yeah these slingers and skirmishers are trying to kill the pikemen but there's so much infantry mixed in it's hard to hit them so heading back this way what happened here what happened in the great fireball destruction I don't know I I was I was trying to give it a name but that was a terrible name but what was going on is that so many troops are pushing up here and I knew as soon as I saw men from the defending side started to fall back I was like oh he's gonna light the fireballs and it seemed like the attackers were so far pushed up and I knew the funnel of this hill was gonna send it down like this you know I played golf in high school alright I can read Hills and where how balls are gonna roll alright it's gonna roll down and it just slaughtered it completely slot and not only did it kill the units up here but it also went down and just obliterated this unit right here oh god it was it was glorious so but yeah fun fact I played golf I was on the golf team in high school yeah it was fun I guess I haven't really ever played golf again since then but just a little fun fact I guess a little tidbit there but yeah great push by tieless trying to recover its still even with the fireballs of justice is still gonna be a brutal fight because the defenses are running low here Bowie I is taking on pikemen as they stand no chance of swordsman just stand no chance and Rome is starting to slice through but you know both sides are starting to run out of infantry and now we've got Bowie I with some sword followers and this is gonna be it guys this right here is gonna be the last stand so yeah they're gonna use the jab ease of the general the hopes worn try to slip and hit these pipe upike's are still at 142 men still very healthy you know if they can kill the pikemen they got a shot if they can kill the pipe oh my god they're getting charged there what was that they went out of pike for me she got charged by the Axman that's right there you're recovering well tribal Warriors are supporting the bronze shield pikemen got some swords been slowing down the bowie i reinforcements levy freeman it's all they really got oats sworn oh this is a good spot for old sworn they can get a good angle on the the pikemen see that no their backs are turned even better let's see how they're gonna throw it come on throw it at the pikemen and big push by Galatian general getting behind and killing these archers that's not good that is not good these units need to fall back you don't want to leave you don't want to lose units by being outflanked especially when you're the defender and you need to conserve forces all right now the cab is going to burn down this gate this calves got to get into this yeah they've got to play in this battle they've got to do something here but this is gonna take forever it's only a 2% fire damage they're taking a lot of casualties from the arrow towers it's not looking good what is it at 4:00 but it's getting a 2% 2% every volley of torches they need a hurry up they need help a good rear charge in the back here could save this battle but it's looking like the defenses are crumbling guys the balance of power is not looking great the elite Persian archers getting trampled by this noble horse Bowie eyes closing and trying to take care of it Rome is now closing in to support the CAV is kind of running amok tieless is trying to push on the flank of the defenders Bowie I trying to hold this flank as long as possible but it's not looking good it looks like the defenders might have this one in the bag but guys there's still 10 minutes in the replay just think about that there's still 10 minutes in the replay and this is far from over oh I don't know guys look at that cab pushing through killing this unit I mean they got nothing like what are they how is there still 10 minutes left in this replay I do not understand that I really don't because it looks over to me am i blind but the the defenders they've got the oath sworn that's about it that's like the healthiest infantry unit they have he's gonna go in for a charge try to kill these generals oh very good very good volley there you see that and he's gonna try to kill him if the cab can get in here oh oh they're gonna have to Sally out some Roman calf he's probably running away so they get away from the towers Rome just fall back don't engage she's you he wants you to engage now there's arrow towers supporting the cab you see that it's controlled by Bowie I the defending cab okay it's all up to this Bowie is worn which they've only lost ten but they've killed 61 and now we've got a tieless going for the cap the victory cap we got old sworn up here trying to defend it fortunately they're kind of looking the wrong way they need a reform but it's up to this old sworn to try to hold here and it's up to Bowie aye Bowie aye is that hold on guys Bowie aye has their general they've got this unit here a mass break look at this huge break Bowie has it it has a unit over here Bowie I still has units left in this game Glacius general is breaking guys there is still hope for the defenders it's a fool's hope but it's hope nonetheless there's always hope as I would learn from Lord of the Rings should sacred to towers Aragorn but yeah there's a big push here of Rome in general now closing in this is risky though he got a charge in the rear but Roman general could get hacked down when she must learn certainly will by the hosts warned here's a big push by some levy Freeman like Glacia they're upset about the loss of their general they're pouring in but this will be easy picking easy pickings for the boats warren who are now down to 135 they've got 142 kills holy breath they got double the kills since we last looked at him now Galatia is going for a cap Oh Warren both swords surrounded over here they're not doing as well as their old arrows oats Warren they need to get reinforcements up here in the cab look at this the cab has decided to fall back all the way over here that's probably a smart move oh my god this is huge well he runs right into some spearmen but it's just levy spearmen they should be okay but say Sallee sending their general they might get a charge on this unit from ok baby ok let's see can he break some units here with this cap charge this is big guys I'm telling you if you have cab you can still win the battle because infantry especially in this time right now where the attacking infantry is all spread out you can run them down and you can break them one by one and here comes miss a so Atmos Ilya pushing against the Galatian legionaries Bowie eyes general down to 128 both 223 kills this unit is almost single-handedly winning this battle and is about to break the Rome experience look at the balance of power there's no way right there's no way oh mrs. basilia I miss a sulli there general was breaking but they're back to the fight and they're gonna do a sandwich charge but the stonehedge kind of gets in their way they're going after the archers precisely fighting miss cilia falling back oh my god this is insane guys this is absolutely insane this has this is crazy I think they can pull this off I don't let the balance of power trick you look how spread out these forces are look health Pontus needs to move up and this cab is just doing hammer like cycle chargers not hammer and anvil they're doing cycle charges and preventing this from being captured [Music] holy crap okay both sworn still fighting I can't believe this I cannot believe this this is another reason guys a keeping your general alive to the bitter end is so important this one unit of old sworn when they first got into the fight super healthy right most of the units at this point are tired they're depleted this old swarn they're fresh it's the general he's got general abilities and he's just hacking away hacking away down to a hundred and eighteen men he still has over a hundred men and he took on many units and they have two hundred sixty six kills escalation unit 106 this unit three hundred these sword followers with three hundred and sixty eight kills and look at this they have broken the units the two cam units have broken the unit's going for the town center and now tieless has archers out of position the balance of power still greatly in fender greatly in favor of the defenders got a unit here braking trying to capture this arrow tower not a terrible idea this unit of calves is a two hundred fifty two kills and that's a bull that's gonna increase by a lot in that charge precisely they're gonna charge and prevent this tower from being capped very good move there and they broke that unit and now it's down between Bowie eyes infantry we've got a couple cab units against Pontus Pontus is freaking out they got Pikeville what do they do with the pikemen way back here 103 pikemen that's gonna be a problem oh my god oh my god this has to be one of the greatest comebacks it's not over yet right but I have a feeling I've got a weird feeling that this is gonna be one of the greatest siege battles that I've ever recorded I'm gonna call here now we've had now one of not the best but one of and here we go armored riders looking for weak spots Pontus his army is spread out he needs to stay together stay together guys shield pikemen are getting slaughtered wire why aren't there Pike's out why aren't the pikemen spikes out there we go at least these guys lights are out the archer unit down look at the Oh like gun they still have tough units they have to beat but the pre this is where they have the advantage they have more units they can flank around more Pontus over here cannot they still have the advantage of the game is saying pontus can still win this battle easily easily to like 60% chance nice and they close in from all sides see what I'm saying that that's and this units just wait what are you doing way too far I don't know why he's Cantus man you're you're making me pissed man you could have his units were all spread out and it's like the the cab are like sharks they just smelt blood and they're just cleaning up these units wait hold on hold on no it's not over yet come on dude gate I know he's got to deal with the the cab a nice shield wall that really stops the cab let's see if they killed a cab no can he kill him can we break them not really 25 men the Pyke's are dead the balance of power let's say is now in favor now in favor of the defenders here comes a charge from the sword followers oh my god no way [Music] holy crap okay so the infantry is gonna keep them locked in and then the cabs gonna to get the three cabs gonna charge the rear and that's it guys that's game the defenders crawled their way out of this one and that's got to be one of the best battles of the decade I know the decade just started but definitely one of the best top 10 for sure maybe even top five great battle it's not over yet though hold on let's see that's that's good okay that's got to seal the deal this battle was so good on so many different levels right it was so good at the beginning because you had this huge infantry male a huge infantry melee it was so epic fire balls artillery Archer fire then it came down to over here by the way this is over guys I know it looks like I mean there's some units breaking here and there but this unit there's no way look at the balance of power there's no way they're gonna win this but yeah we had the fiery balls of justice I'm down we had at one point it looks like the defenders were completely wiped out there's no way but there was a way and it was because really it came down to bow it really came down to the generals three generals won this battle we had the two cab generals that came in late because I think they were trying to flank with them but they ended up just you know going in the back going to this gate and just running down units and then we had the Bowie I general mixed in with a couple of smaller Bowie I units I've been fighting it out and they turning around because the defenders at that point they had a lot of numbers yes but they also you know units were spread out everywhere they were rushing for the town center to cap it and that just made them very vulnerable to cam charges they had units everywhere that were just getting picked off and because of that they started to break and there was hope and slowly there was more hope and oh they there's a chance there might be even a better chance and eventually it's like oh my god they got this they won this battle with very little troops and it's just the pure power of your general unit always save your general for the end you know unless you unless you can't let's send this replay look at the results and and see Bowie I Viking doom I haven't seen this player but a very good job very good job with the 2371 kills I gotta look at the general getting almost four hundred kills four hundred kills that is insane and think about that four hundred kills at the end of the game the general was not called into action until the end of the battle so those are all late gain it's not like he was fighting the whole battle and ended up 300 also 506 look at that 500 in six kills my god very good job very good job from Bowie I Ellington was miss Illya very good job with his force the archers doing great his calves 372 one of the heroes at the end of the battle very solid kills teddy bear was Armenia very good at 222 kills well in the countif rax pretty solid but I think he had the lowest amount of kills on his team and then Dave the vassal did a good job with his general 314 overall here Beastmaster with 2000 rome buds realm rome did a great job but unfortunately his his backpack wasn't big enough he actually got the most kills in the game just shy of 3,000 kills good job from Rome see I think people will like the outcome of this battle you saw a really good Rome player but he's still lost because of some craziness at the end they're just great team working everything so angel angel here at 2100 and lone wolf with 1500 as pontiff so that's gonna wrap it up here today guys what an absolute slaughter this was a fantastic battle an unbelievable battle yeah Wow ok thank you so much for watching I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next time on the battlefield oh and a big big shout out to Ellington for sending this one in and again check out his channel link down below thank you guys see you later [Music] you
Channel: Pixelated Apollo
Views: 607,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: total war, total war rome 2, rome total war, rome 2 total war, total war rome, total war rome ii, total war rome 2 review, total war: rome 2, total war: rome ii, total war rome 2 mods, total war rome 2 battle, total war: rome ii (video game), total war rome 2 trailer, total war rome 2 gameplay, total war attila, rome 2, total war rome 2 roman campaign, total war zone, war, pixelated apollo
Id: jjjSi_N4kYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 3sec (3183 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 08 2020
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