Advanced Trade Guide - Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord

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greetings fellow merchants of Cal raelia I am Hal sealion founder of the hand rubber clan and today my advice will help you go from this to this as you turn your pile of gold into a mountain welcome to my advanced trade guide in my previous tutorial I've taught you how to think of your party not as a war band but as a trade convoy I wanted to call it a caravan but that word has another meaning in this context today I'm going to teach you several strategies to increase the profitability of your own convoy and then move beyond that by generating lots of passive income through smart investments into caravans and workshops governing over towns may also bring you lots of revenue but that doesn't qualify as training and we won't talk about it the first order of business is correcting some misinformation from the previous guide you don't need to be us a right to enjoy trading I chose to be one because the bonuses were appealing to me but you can do trading as any of the cultures in fact I tested my strategies on a new character this time a battalion and despite the slow start I still managed to turn a huge profit in the end regardless of culture there's three important things to pay attention to when creating your trader that ground options which increase your social attribute should be picked first if no such option is available intelligence is also useful for a trader the third priority is having some focus points into the trade skill the reason social is so important is because without it you cannot maximize your trade skill as this skill levels up make sure you take these perks a SAT BA with the Avatar created do all you've learned in basic trade hire recruits investing mules buy green sell red all the good stuff by the way I call the last one the golden rule have been informed by the merchants that Sumter horses and pack camels are cheaper alternatives to mules especially if purchased from villagers in your travels you will regularly see peasants going to the nearest city to sell their produce and back to their village with the pennies they've earned simply approach them after they've left town and use this option 300 dinars for 1,000 pounds of carry capacity is a pretty good investment you have the option of raiding these peasants but such an unprovoked attack is a declaration of war to their entire faction and that would severely [ __ ] your options for trade people would chase you off from their towns and your caravans would get raided and I doubt that's something you want as a trader this Burke could somewhat mitigate the negative consequences of a war deck but it'll take a while to unlock next we need to discuss thief mechanics you see peasants aren't free to conduct their trade the same way caravans are because their village is bound to a city in a way they are bound by contract to only sell their produce to that town and can't just take their goods to any marketplace they fancy I mean they kind of break that law when they sell to you but it's shush-shush cause you ain't no snitch basically cities are trade centers and their villages are production centers and whatever the villages produce will be sold for low prices in that town but you can simplify matters for yourself by just ignoring villages altogether and attributing their production of their goods to the town they're bound to in this example the city of poor oz produces Midlands Palfrey and sheep through its villages and here you can expect to find reasonably priced mules horses as well as butter wool or cheese knowing this is good if you base your trade routes on speculation and to help with that you can hover on a town look at it's bound villages and then investigate each of them to see what they produce to make it easier to find the city's production centers pay attention to this banner that same banner flies above the villages bound to that particular town to give a proper example let's look at the town of Pen Kanak it has one village producing clay another village producing clay and another village that produces you guessed it clay you'll never guess what the cheapest clay can be bought from but you may have noticed that some villages are bound to castles and castles don't have markets so where do these villagers offload their production good question in short village is bound to castles take their goods to the nearest city of their faction in this example the villages Li Jie and guarantor which are bound to guarantor Castle a fief of the Empire will sell their production to the nearest Imperial town or tesha but if the answer I decide to invade and conquer this castle then it's bound villages will send their peasants all the way down south to sell their goods in chaos and changing the economic environment at the moment Kias pays well for imported salt but if they were to take this castle they would all part of the local salt production reducing their need for import and driving the prices down at least until the Empire decides to burn the village to the ground in which case nobody wins except the peasants they get to see God here's another useful tip towns offer a lower starting price on trade goods if their volume is abundant but that price increases the more you purchase villages on the other hand may not offer the lowest prices per item but their price remains constant even as you deplete the entire stock when I want to buy cheap horses I simply head to a desert village purchase all the mounts and instead of paying with dinars I give the guys some much-needed fish and as I sell the seafood the price remains fixed unfortunately villages don't have a lot of money so you can't grow rich of their inability to discern whether they really need their 1000 tonnes of fish where would I even keep it surprisingly caravans are just as incompetent as the villages and you can basically camp for them outside of towns gates and make a huge sale without the price ever changing because they have the money to actually afford it all I suspect this will change in the future as the caravan years grow wiser but for now they can easily be abused god bless their songs selling to caravans can fetch you lots of money but I'm 100 percent sure if this is unintended and could be considered an exploit which will get patched soon think about it caravans want to make profits if they buy cotton from you for 151 dinars and they sell it into town for 66 dinars is that a profit I don't think so you rob them blind without even putting a knife through their throat when this exploit inevitably gets patched you may still approach caravans and ask them for trade rumors and find out where to buy certain trade goods for a low price so in a way they'll still be useful with all that context in place I have structured the rest of this guide into three separate stages to better illustrate a diverse strategies you can employ depending on the size of your convoy and the capital at your disposal when you start you're basically a nobody with a purse full of coins and a desire for more coins and you are in the first stage of your trade journey the I hope to god this next trade makes some profit or I will starve today stage the objective of this stage is to use what you have to lay the foundation for your trade convoy to prosper so you hire a few volunteers to protect your cargo you approach some villagers and try to get some Sumter's for a reasonable price and hopefully you still have half of your starting money then you head to the nearest town ask for rumors and pray to God that they're right you listen to the advice by the cheese and sell it to the town rumor to give you a profit you got a profit and now you do the same but this time with grain because your pre-existing knowledge of the first town tells you there's a shortage with luck you'll have recovered your initial investment in a couple of trade runs in the second town you don't need to ask for rumours your character already remembers the prices from the first town because he's been there personally during the first stage you are barely maintaining yourself above the poverty line and every trade may result in a loss of profits if another Caravan arrives before you and lowered the price as per the law of supply and demand you can prevent such unfortunate scenarios if you just learn a few things about the good you're trading these items have been placed into three categories depending on how risky they are what do I mean by risk you may wonder well the biggest risk there is in trading is you buying wine let's say in one place for 60 euros then getting to another town and seeing it sells for 50 then you write to a third town hoping they'll have a good price and surprise surprise it sells for 40 you had any money you could buy it for this price but you're broke you gotta sell this wine now or your soldiers will leave you carrying your cargo all by yourself because you haven't been paying them for three days that's what I call a risky investment now on to the categories in tier 1 we can find low-risk high-volume Murro resources which can be bought in huge quantities without greatly altering the price hardwood flax clay olives grain or fish fall into this category and they are initially produced in villages and then taken to towns with a constant warfare happening all across calvaria villages get plundered and their production stops for days on end which may lead to shortages of these basic materials in certain towns meaning these wares are highly sought-after at all times which makes them the most reliable goods to trade even after you have hundreds of thousands of dinars in your pockets and a huge retinue at your disposal the downside to trading these is the fact that your profit margins will be lower but the sheer volume with which they can be purchased make this a very effective method of doubling your money food is especially profitable in a town that's just been under siege has no caravans or villagers could supply them with much needed nutrition look here those poor people are being sieged the fear they must feel the hunger it's also terrible so of course since you already have tons of food on you you will do the altruistic thing and sell them food at exorbitant prices enjoy the profits to give a proper example on why tier one goods are so good look at clay even as I purchased 200 units the price barely increases from nine to ten to a measly 11 maintaining itself well below the 40 percent of the average price even as I take the entire stock basically these resources are so cheap and abundant that you can just purchase them green in one town walk across the map for five minutes and find a city that doubles your investment and you don't even need to stick to the golden rule to turn a profit on these things if you buy them green you can sell them yellow and if you buy them yellow seldom red you won't get maximum profit on every trade but it will be consistent tier 2 consists of processed goods linens made from flax beer from grain and clay is used to make pottery these are generally high risk low volume and should be avoided during stage 1 but if you're tempted to trade with these items early on I highly recommend you save your game before you make a purchase and if you have trade fails simply reload and try with another item I don't like to just save and reload my game 50 times per session so if I'm short on cash I simply disregard these items here's the problem with them with the aforementioned clay the price jumped up by two dinars as I purchased 200 units the price of pottery on the other hand increases by two for each unit purchased this will severely cut into your profits now if you have lots of money and a huge convoy you can just buy these green and eventually sell them red being able to turn huge profit in the long run but when you rely on completing the next trade today just to be able to pay the wages of your soldiers you cannot afford to trek across Cal Radio with 50 bottles of wine looking for a place that actually earns a profit on these trading tier 2 Goods can potentially make you lots of money but they're favored by caravans and you may buy them cheap expecting a huge profit but by the time you reach it down a rumor to pay triple another caravan got there and now your potential profit is gone if this is the case I have a solution for you which isn't pleasant but it's preferable to wasting months traveling the entire continent in hopes of turning a profit on those goods don't fall into the trap of the sunk cost fallacy if you realize it's taking you too long to turn a profit just liquidate the investment sell everything for near the same price you paid for it sure it's a loss but you prevent wasting any more of your time hoping to get a good price use this time to purchase high-volume goods instead or profiting off rumors in nearby towns although the loss of profits things it may be the wise choice and finally tier 3 is made up of luxury items which possess extreme financial risk add a tiny volume leather velvet and jewelry falls into this category you can potentially earn an immense profit for every single item you buy cheap and sell expensive but it's rare to actually find towns which sell these above or below the average price I tend to ignore these and focus on the previous two tiers but if your budget is limited and you'd rather ignore tier 2 as well you may just buy resources from a village and sell them into another village you won't get lots of money this way but it could work in your favor since their prices remain constant even as you trade large quantities as I was saying the goal of stage 1 is to lay the foundation by growing your convoy and your capital during this phase you have to work towards increasing your carry capacity to 3000 pounds hiring 20 people as Guardsmen and scraping together 5 thousand dinars for me this took less than 30 minutes once this clear goal has been achieved you find yourself at the beginning of stage 2 also called aathi I still have some money in my pocket after buying all this crap stage during this phase you're basically doing the same thing you've been doing in stage 1 but more efficiently and without fearing that if one trade fails your wages go on faith and they'll leave you all alone at the mercy of bandits basically your foundation is set but you still need to build your wealth upon it for Stage two besides developing your convoy and growing your wealth I'll give you one more objective to achieve rebuild your clan it's a quest with some clear specifications some of which have already been achieved if you followed my guidance but it completed you'll have to grow your renown in these lands and the best way to do so at this stage is killing large packs of looters don't waste your time chasing them you know but if they're in your way do the Christian thing and send these men to God he's very disappointed in them and would like to give them a proper scolding to grow your clan you also need to hire a companion which will be very useful later on oh and if you see people like these in your travels approach them and have a chat saves you from having to scour the entire continent for them later on now during this stage you have enough money and carry capacity to purchase tier 1 resources in larger quantities and reliably double your money as you sell them where they're needed protip if you have items to sell you don't need to walk into every town to see if they'll bring a profit you can simply open the inventory at any time look at your wares and if the price is red heading to the nearest town and make a sale you will so buy cheap horses and mules and if you see a town offering three times the amount you paid for the beasts you can make extra profits by selling them even if you don't sell these animals you still benefit from an increased carry capacity or map speed for your convoy as for your escort you might want to consider raising your party to at least 30 men and upgrade them after every skirmish with bandits even though that will increase their daily wages as previously stated their main purpose is to act more like deterrent towards ill-intentioned individuals and protect your convoy as you trade goods all across the continent but don't let trading consume your life as I have feel free to engage in whichever fun activities you see fit every once in a while such as hunting down bandits and tearing down their hideouts not really a goal of stage 2 but you need to take a break from time to time you know and if you find gardening relaxing you can sell the fruits of your labor on the local flea market for a pretty penny in addition to making good progress on rebuilding your clan and later on once you've established a solid income don't spend all your money on trade runs treat yourself to some awesome armor or a fancy new weapon and just have some fun personally as much as I enjoy trading I waited for banner Lord so I can drink from some skulls trade just made it easier for me to acquire the means to expand my tankard collection anyway let's get back to the subject so you have about 30 good men in your army you've made some profitable trades in you kinda sorta getting bored of all this walking across the map trading from city to city well what can I say except suck it up buttercup you're tired of walking good buy some horses not the Sumter horses those are for carrying your stuff no you need something faster that your soldiers can ride on you can buy cheap horses and villages raising them or they're bound downs and doing so will significantly increase your map movement speed so while this isn't an investment that can directly make you money it will speed up your trade runs so trust me it's worth it if you've got thirty footmen you obviously need thirty spare horses for them carried in your inventory and if you've learned their prices you may even buy more than thirty and sell the excess when it's profitable there may be some confusion when it comes to animals especially for players just coming from previous Mountain played games in were banned you had to hurt these little bastards around the map and here they just go straight to your inventory and since they're walking alongside your convoy they obviously don't occupy any inventory space and animals such as sheep or hogs will be butchered for meat if you're marching army runs out of food oh you can also make a profit buying cows from our village producing them and selling them in the town where they're in short supply but animals don't get green or red price indicators you're gonna have to remember the purchase price yourself and make sure you actually sell it for more not less than what you paid for it where were we right spare horses for your soldiers increases your map speed honestly if you're fast you don't need more than 30 men because no bandit parties will be able to catch up to you so you have that extra layer of protection this is especially useful if you're about to walk into the steppe as those pesky horse Archer bandit hordes won't be able to catch up to you now someone made a crazy suggestion that it's a great idea to grab a steppe horse a bow and lots of tournament arrows and just venture all alone in the steppe allowing the local bandits to chase you down as you defeat them with blunt arrows they'll be knocked out allowing you to take them prisoner and eventually recruit them to your cause the rationale behind this method is that you'd have horsemen guarding your Caravan allowing you to move faster on the map but as I tested this method I was faced with horse archers and Knight kinda got captured myself ten out of ten best method of recruitment would recommend but I'm getting sidetracked again so allow me to clearly enunciate the objectives of stage two number one grow your convoy to 10,000 carry capacity expand your escort to 30 trained men and fatten your wallet to 20,000 groschen dinars whatever number to rebuild your clan one of the prerequisites for this is hiring a companion I've searched the world far and wide for someone skilled in trade hoping a caravan led by such a companion would turn a huge profit but apparently skills have no bearing on revenue so in the end they don't really matter the only thing that matters is to give your companions a fast mount head to a nearby city from a faction you like talk to any of the town merchants from this interface and invest fifteen thousand silver into your very own Caravan that is objective number three by the way establishing your first Caravan trading goods between towns all by yourself can get tedious so your ultimate goal is establishing a source of passive income but don't get too excited because in addition to the 15,000 upfront cost this caravan will run at a loss just like my channel and it will cost you about two hundred dinars per day to maintain less with the appropriate perk the caravan guards need their wages paid to that's why you need the extra 5000 don't worry about it though in about a week after you set it up this caravan will pay for itself and even make a pretty profit but you might want to use the 5k to keep trading because that's what you do best you turn the money into even more money but completing these three objectives doesn't mean you're at stage 3 oh no you only graduate to stage 3 after you recover the 15k you spent on a caravan and you're back to 20,000 although with the increased daily income you'll bounce back pretty fast alright you got a large convoy you got 30 men you've got your money back and you've got a caravan making you money on a daily basis congratulations you've arrived at stage three of the conquest stage you conquer the world yet but you will conquer all the markets and increase your wealth to such a degree that you'll be able to sustain the largest army to ever march across Cal Radia and eventually conquer the entire continent but you don't need to do any conquest when you can just buy out the castles and cities from their rightful owners after all you can afford it but that's in the future right now we're just taking our first steps in stage three once you're at this point you have a couple of options at your disposal option number one you can invest another fifteen thousand into a second caravan and as you earn money passively you can feel free to hunt bandits and leaders or even participate in tournaments all for the purpose of gaining renown and growing your clan or option number two he used the 20,000 to enter what I like to call money printer mode what is money printer mode you may wonder well you have plenty of cargo space and money to just walk into a town purchase everything that's within the green price range and then walk into the next town selling whatever is in the red price range while at the same time buying everything green and basically you walk from town to town buying green and selling red constantly making money as you travel the world at this stage you're not worried about gaining a large profit in your very next trade as it was in stage one because even if your current money is zero your inventory is filled with trade goods which can always be sold for a profit or if absolutely necessary liquidate it for an instant payment but you won't have to worry about anything at all because your caravans constantly making your profit and instead of seeing a negative daily gold change you will earn lots of money every day in addition to having all the wages already paid for as you travel the world in money printer mode you will see a steady expansion of your capital and eventually you will be able to invest into a second Caravan and the third and the fourth if you've taken care of increasing your clan level and hired enough companions to run those caravans for you your clan level also determines the amount of workshops you can own but we'll talk more about this subject later you know what I find amusing that the easiest method of trade only becomes available to you during this third stage and to reach it you actually have to use some more advanced trade strategies which I will share with you right now I'm pretty sure you've already been using these techniques but actually become aware of them in the early game when you enter a tavern asking for rumors and you get some good info about a certain item being sold for a nice profit and some nearby town I call that focused trading you are focused on one item one city and you rely on turning a profit right now since you don't have a lot of money or carry capacity you have to focus on one thing at a time and so this is useful for your first few trade runs so you buy something in town a transported to town B luckily the rumor was correct and you made a profit now time to do focus trading back to town a with another item asking for rumors right now is superfluous because when you entered the marketplace in the first town your character automatically took note of the local prices marking them as rumors so you see grain is needed back at town a and you buy it from town B but your previous information can become outdated if another Caravan fulfills that demand but with faith you take the grain back to the first market place and made some more profit as you earn money and increase your cargo space you can have more freedom in what you buy but you don't want to go too far away so you stick to trading locally between these two towns so you can afford to look at items in the green price range and if rumors tell you that down B pays well for butter cheese and wool you buy these three items and sell them all for profit in a way this is similar to focused trading but since you no longer focused on a single item I call this targeted trading you have some fresh rumors about town B buying a number of different items and you target that town to sell multiple items for a tidy profit the third type of trading is when you do multiple trades between two towns this is called local trading so you walk from town a to town B selling stuff on a rumor get info on the markets and now you know what sells cheaply in one town and is bought for more in the other so you stick to transporting goods between these two towns as you do multiple focused or targeted trade runs earning a solid profit each time eventually the supply and demand of these two towns will stabilize in which case it's time to go to another area and do local trading there but it's a shame to travel with an empty inventory so you try to figure out what to buy in the first zone and sell for profit in the next but how do you do that you don't have any rumors giving you information well you see the previously mentioned trade methods rely on semi accurate information but if you're going far away you'll have no such information and you have to rely on another type of commerce speculative trading you have to pick a city to go to and before you fill your cargo with cheap trade goods try to speculate what could potentially bring you profits in that town you can't know for sure what goods sell well over there but you can figure out what the town produces locally and what it doesn't based on it's bound villages so you hover on the City of LA gatta learn of it bound villages and then see that one produces hardwood and the other raises hogs well they don't produce any grain so we can buy some from here and maybe we'll sell it for a profit when we get there we don't know but we can help all right grain loaded on the mules let's go and it looks like our speculation was correct because they don't produce wheat locally they pay a pretty penny for imported grain so we've earned a profit now that you're here get to know the neighboring towns and learn what they produce and what they need important I find local trading to be very relaxing and satisfying as you don't have to travel the world looking to earn profits you can just buy stuff in town a sell it to town B rinse and repeat and see your wallet grow fat and when trade dries up again pick up another town in the distance speculate what they would buy for profit make a purchase and ride towards it and if it doesn't pay off simply get to know the area and liquidate your investments if you have to if it frees up space and time for you to do profitable local trading in the area but trying to bulk sell a large stack of items for profit into a single town is the equivalent of putting all eggs in one basket especially if your target town is a bit further away on the map what you do in this case is buy all the items you are planning to sell to this faraway town but because you know that offers can expire by the time you get there you also pass through every other town in your way and sell a portion of your stock there let's call this trail trading as you make a trail while going from town C to town D and you pass through every city in between trail trading bridges the gap between targeted trading and money printer mode and is a good way for you to get to know the markets before settling to do local trading in one zone trail trading is also good if you purchased a huge volume of for example but the price dramatically decreases before you sell your entire stock you will simply have to supply multiple towns with a Fisher bot and once you arrive at stage three you can of course enter money printer mode so let me clue you in on how you can simplify trading in this stage you should be able to afford a large retinue and way more pack horses so if you can achieve fifteen thousand carry capacity it would be ideal so you've got a large amount of money a whole lot of inventory space and enough meant to intimidate anyone even thinking of attacking you you've also got enough saddle horses for each of your soldiers but that is irrelevant for the current subject with this setup you can just walk into a town go to the market click on this barrel icon to filter for trade goods only saw the merchants inventory from cheapest the most expensive sort your own inventory in the opposite manner and look for offers first you sell whatever is in the read price range until it's yellow and then you buy whatever the merchants selling in the green price range then you leave the market go to another town sort the inventory in the same manner and repeat this process as you enjoy growing your wealth rinse repeat and now you're rich you should actually use this method of sorting throughout all three stages not just when you've reached the final one obviously but a true master merchant doesn't just stay in a money printer mode to grow his wealth he constantly gathers Intel and if he spots a lucrative trade opportunity such as a severe shortage somewhere he travels to a town selling that needed resource and makes a huge profit but if you're a merchant who doesn't care about such arbitrary concepts such as morality you can just create shortages yourself by buying up all the cheap food and then selling it back to the general population for exorbitant prices honestly I make enough money from all my other tactics to bother using this one but hey it can work well for you but buying green and selling red is no longer the only method of making huge profits because the latest 1.1 patch changed some things and I will try to explain them but it will be pretty difficult so please bear with me let's explain some elements of the trade interface in great detail here are your items this is the items overview bar and this little box is the items description now you can see an item's price both in the overview and the description and we can see that sometimes the colors of the two versions of the same price are different why is that well the price in the items description indicates its value relative to the global average green means below average yellow means average and red means above average if you only use this element of the trade interface the golden rule of buy green sell red makes sense however that's no longer the only thing to be concerned about because now you've got different colors on the items overview and they may confuse you as they confused me so let's make sense of them together the color of the price in the overview does not indicate an items value relative to the global average but it instead tells you how profitable the item is relative to the information gathered by your caravans see this perk let's read its description your caravans now gather trade rumors and mark your profits mark my words so the color in an items overview is a marker for profitability bright green means highly profitable faded green means somewhat profitable yellow indicates no change orange tells you it's a bad idea to trade this item and red is an absolute loss of profit and now some examples in this first instance we are in revel looking at linen the overview price marker is green but the description shows a red price so what do we do if you follow the golden rule you don't buy it because it's red but if you look at the fresh rumors in the description you can see that some towns pay you a lot more than what this linen costs so if you follow the overviews green marker you buy it for 77 dinars go to a town rumor to pay more and now we're in example number 2 in modern earth with lemon selected we can now see that on our side of the screen the overview marker is green but on the traders side it's orange this means if you sell it you'll make a profit if you buy it however you will not find it down which pays more so now along the golden rule I will give you another rule of trading once you have the travelling rumors perk your new rule is by Green sell green that's where the profit is it won't be maximum profit as it is if you strictly follow the golden rule but it will be consistent so there you now also possess the green rule that's pretty good a with that said you need to know that the green rule is only useful to you after you hit stage three this patch changed a lot more things so let's discuss them one by one caravans cost a lot more to launch the price has increased from 15,000 to 18,000 and now caravans are not the safe investments they used to be before this patch because bandits are no longer scared of attacking them even if outnumbered by the caravan guards and if you get this message about a caravan being attacked by bandits right towards there maybe the caravan guards will win the fight but they will suffer some casualties and since they have been weakened by one wave of bandits they won't be as strong when they face another attack and then another if you feel a caravan is getting weaker you should go and escort it I have a theory that if you destroy their hideouts you won't see as many gangs of bandits roam around the world and you'll make the world a safer place for your caravans to move but a safe environment is usually not the most profitable which is why another solution I have for you is to equip the companions you send all caravans with the best gear you can afford give them a decent horse to ride on a good saddle which is now required and some good weapons the better equipped they are the more they can do against their attackers but stage 3 is not the endgame and just like the previous two stages you have some goals to achieve the first goal is chasing large gangs of looters and bandits and give them hell because the renowned earned from such battles is required to expand your clan a higher clan level allows you to hire more companions who can lead more caravans which is your second objective during stage 3 hire as many companions as you can and send each of them with a caravan they are more useful for you making money than acting as medics or engineers in your party if you already have 4 caravans feel free to find a good companion and make him your second-in-command another important task during stage 3 is to use the speculation method given earlier to find towns which produce a huge amount of a certain resource to give up previously used example been Kanak has three clay producing villages and in that city you should purchase a workshop which transforms the local resource into its crafted trade good in this instance a pottery shop turns clay into pottery obviously because clay is affordable in this town it will not cut into your profits in order to purchase a workshop you will have to take a walk through the town press alt to highlight key locations and head towards any workshop you see may be a smithy or an oil press or a wine press so go there talk to the shop worker and he will ask you what workshop you desire he will simply choose the pottery shop from the list of options and enjoy some extra daily income but there is a possibility that you don't see the pottery shop in your list of options well in that case you choose this option and the shop worker will tell you that this is already a pottery shop so you don't need to change its production this confused me at first that's why I did it important to share with you and if you open the workshop that isn't profitable check the local villages to see what they supply and change your workshops production accordingly and if it still ain't doing great sell it to get some money back and open another workshop somewhere else as an example I had to liquidate my brewery in saga so I could open another one in Sinhala this was the best course of action and I do not regret this decision so to recap your main objectives during the third stage are the following grow your clan to at least level 3 invest into 3 caravans buy 3 profitable workshops increase your carry capacity to 15,000 and get at least 100,000 dinars in your bank account however the most crucial objective to this strategy is to keep trading in order to increase your skill to level 125 and obtain this perk because this perk makes it so much easier for you to increase your clan level the best way to level up your trade skill during the third stage is to simply go into money printer mode and keep making profits and eventually you will have enough money to even buy an entire city if you have the appropriate perk of course but to take it you'll need to keep grinding the skill and putting points into your social attributes so this is going to take a while but remember the most important goal is for you to have fun and the money you earn from trading and from your hands make it possible for you to afford all the best weapons armors and soldiers in the entire game so that you may do whatever you want to do fight bandits and purge the world of all criminal scum or become a lord and wage war on your enemies but not before you've obtained this perk to get you some money back when your caravan inevitably gets raided with enough levels gain you may even raise your intelligence and stewardship stat and rule Cal Radia as the chairman of a medieval mega corporation increasing your number of companions and therefore caravans for each city you own I will of course want to do this myself but this can only be achieved as I play the game and obviously if I'm just editing videos I can't actually play and grow my trade empire so you can show your appreciation for my efforts by investing a like into this video and even subscribing if you want to see more of this and if you have any tips and tricks that I've not shared leave them in a comment to help others planning on this video well this was all I had to say about trading in mountain blade to banner Lord as I grow my medieval corporation I will either livestream the process or trim it down into an edited playthrough so feel free to tune in a compact tutorial for this game is also planned but until then we will have to part ways so thank you for watching and I hope to see you next time goodbye [Music]
Channel: Halcylion
Views: 140,487
Rating: 4.9364805 out of 5
Keywords: bannerlord trade, bannerlord trade guide, bannerlord advanced trade guide, advanced trade guide, advanced trade, bannerlord, trade, guide, Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord, how to be rich, Mount and blade bannerlord, Guide, Tutorial, How To, Make Money, ESO, Lords, Kings, Calradia, Kingdom Come Deliverance, Kingdom Come, Cyberpunk, Rich, Power, Combat, Battle, Siege, Conqueror, Blade, Horse, Warhorse, Mount, Crafting, Smithing, Organization, Bandit, Hunter, Soldier, Army, Halcylion, Taleworlds, Hype, Denars, Denrs
Id: Scynk5sNm_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 48sec (2208 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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