Castle, City & Villages MANAGEMENT GUIDE – Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord (EASY FOOD)

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this is mountain blade to bana Lord and if you've clicked on this video you've probably just caught a castle or city and you're wondering how you can fix the fact everybody is currently starving so in this video I'm going to be explaining exactly how you can do that and it's actually very easy but I've seen a lot of people across the internet suggesting the wrong thing to do so I just wanted to make a video explaining how it actually works and also explaining how the entire castle and city management system works because this is a city management system a castle management system is slightly different the only difference is that you can build gardens and some other different items so let's start off talking about the main reason you've probably clicked on this video which is how to stop your people starving and then I'll go into details about exactly how the management system works and some little secret tips you can kind of use so your advantage so starting out I've just captured rev all the city and when I had it under siege the city started to starve as you guys can see it currently has no food and it's still losing food currently now this obviously reduced the Army's morale however we now own the city so we need to fix this for ourself so let's go to the manage town option just here now the first thing you're gonna notice is on the top right here there are bound villages so so not only are we managing the city but we're also managing the local two villages just here now I can see what the villagers are actually producing here says primary production of fish and the other village has a primary production of grain which is actually kind of good because this means our city is going to recover a lot faster because the local villages are producing food anyway if I go over the food section just here I can see one of the local villagers is producing some food for the city and the lands around the settlement are also producing food however the other village isn't actually here so if I exit out quickly and have a look I can see cobber the local village has been raided by me actually before I call the city so actually currently it's not really producing as any food so that's the reason why we have - a lot of food there this other village we have though which is part of our castle is fine so we don't worry about that one so let's go back to managing it right now we can see the situation is quite bad and it's gonna take a few days to recover anyway but essentially from the food menu we can see exactly where all our food is coming from and how much we have and how much we're getting we can also see that prosperity has - 52.8 impact on food prosperity is essentially the people living in your kingdom and each one of these things loyalty food military effectiveness giving - 12 - our prosperity so essentially if we solve our food shortage we will solve our prosperity issue also we can have a look at loyalty we're still getting +1 but - - because people are starving and also another - - because local villagers have been looted and then we have Melissa which is very important to talk about quickly because your local Minister is essentially your local Defense Force if you have a high military ting then your villagers will be protected from looters and armies and so on if you've ever tried to loot a village in mountain blade - banner Lord you'll know that sometimes the villagers have local minister forces that will defend the village against you so having a high Melissa rating is very important you can also defend them manually yourself by walking around the map in the local area and killing local looters and Raiders so the main issue here is the food production how are we going to solve this very quickly so the first thing I'm gonna want you to do is look at your daily defaults now these are basically things that increase the production by +1 of lots of different things it's what your tap it's what your city or castle and villagers are currently focused on you can choose to build houses which gives you plus one bonus to prosperity but we know that currently we're losing prosperity because we've got a food shortage you can also train militar which is quite beneficial because it gives us plus one to minister bonus which will then help us defend our villages from getting looted again but currently it's not something we want to focus on festivals and games gives you plus one to sesamum morale probably the least useful thing right now but irrigation is the most important thing we want to select as soon as we've caught the castle because it gives us plus one bonus to food production which is key production of food so choosing irrigation is going to improve the food situation slightly the next thing we're gonna do is double check go to your keep and then manage your garrison now currently I only have a few people in the town's garrison if I go ahead and add the like a lot of people into the garrison and then I leave and then I come back and I manage the town again you can see the foods now gone to minus 13 so essentially the more people you have in the garrison the more - food you're going to get as well so it's recommended while your castle or city is starving that you go ahead and take everybody out of the garrison and just leave the town pretty much empty and now you can see the garrison size is no longer having effects on the food of the settlement now a word of warning when you're doing this obviously if you think you might be attacked then it's still worth gara Singh the garrisoning the castle but the more people you have the more - you will get to the food production now another thing you can do to solve the food shortage situation is you can go to the trade tab just here and in this tab if you scroll down you'll be able to see exactly how much food your city has to be honest we have tons of fish so we should really be fine because our villagers are still producing fish as well we don't have any grain though and one thing you can do if your city or castle has no food is you can go and trade food to the local villagers so for example if my city didn't have any food I could go and sell them some grain they still give you money for the grain and then they're gonna have grain in their inventory and that's going to slowly allow them to recover their food deficit because they won't be lacking in food another thing you can do is say for example this village down here you can go and visit it and you can tray to your local villages and you can give them food because they're also part of this small economy going on here currently though this city is burning so we can't interact with it we can't sell it food at the moment now let's talk about the project's tab this is essentially what you can build in your city now I've seen so many people telling everyone to build a granary after you capture a castle but don't do that please don't do that because a granary as you can see on the bottom right there it says it gives you plus 20 bonus to food stocks ok so basically what happens is when you're in positive food you have a cap a limit of a hundred food if you don't own a granary if you build a level one granary you'll have a limit of 120 food but that's completely useless to you at the moment because everyone's starving you're nowhere near the cap of a food limit so granary doesn't help you make food it helps you store food so don't build a granary ok what you want to focus on at least in cities I'll talk about castles in a moment is Lima kilns ok lime kilns are going to give you a +10 bonus to village production at Rank 1 and it's basically lime kilns are basically like a form of fertilizer that increases farming production now if you go back on food here you'll see that one of our local settlements that isn't burning is giving us plus twelve to our food and also the lands around the settlement are giving us plus ten now as soon as we increase our lime kilns by a building some more we're going to increase the production further which means we're getting more food from our villages so that and irrigation is how you're going to solve your food shortage and just so you guys know when you press the plus sign it's going to start building it and the hammer hitting it means that it's building it currently if you go ahead and start building something else then it will have a 1 next to it which means its second in the queue to be built as you guys can see here if you want it to be built now though you can press this little button here and it will cancel everything in your queue and start building the granary but obviously we want the lime kilns to be built so let's make those our priority that's how the construction works essentially now in order to build the lime kilns as quickly as possible and you can have a look here at your daily production currently we have 85 if you want to increase your daily production you just need to add some more gold into the reserve it costs you 500 gold to double your daily production speed for one day so every day I'm gonna have you know double daily production and we're gonna get these lime kiln kilns built as soon as possible currently it says the completion is one day 115 percent which kind of doesn't make sense but I'm not going to complain it must have almost been built anyway when we came and raided the city now that is for a city though obviously so what we're gonna do now is we're gonna run down to the castle so you'll see that the management system is slightly different so I go to manage castle this is what the castle screen looks like now you can also build lime kilns in a castle however it's much more effective and cheaper to build gardens as you guys can see gardens give +1 to food production and they only have a production cost of 20 which means if I say I want to build this it's only gonna save me one day to actually complete the production of it and then you want to come back and upgrade your gardens to level 3 as soon as possible that will give you plus free food production alone and you can also see on the food here that these local villages are producing food for the castle so you know we've got a lot of plus food production and prosperity is also fine so you know everything's going positively well in this cost of cuz we captured it quite a little like a little while ago now it will take you a little while by the way like a few days or even a week so to turn around the food production and make it you know into the positive again so let's go back to our city and I'm gonna go through everything in the city and what it does so just so you guys understand how this works we can see a trade Caravan here and also are owned villages that are coming from us to coal which i think is another town i owned all the way down here somewhere those peasants are actually come in to trade goods so what will happen as time progresses and the city is no longer under siege you go back to the managed town your food supply is going to go up just because of trade so as you guys can see now khabar is now actually providing grain to the city that grain is giving us plus 20 food as you can see our loyalties going up on militant up and our prosperity is also going up because people aren't starving anymore so now I'm going to go over all the things you can build in the city and which ones are the best specifically for food production as well so firstly we have fortifications now this city already has the max amount of fortifications that gives us plus 100 bonus to garrison capacity better fortifications and higher walls around town also increased the max garrison limit since it provides more space for the resident troops to stand on the walls and this you know if you actually exceed your castle and it has level one wolves versus level 3 wolves you actually see a physical difference like you actually see that the cost was a lot bigger or smaller than it is if it doesn't have this upgrade so it actually does make a difference when you attack something as well or defend it and then we have fair grounds so a permanent space that hosts fairs citizens can gather and drink dance and socialize increasing the daily morale of the settlement plus full bonus to settlement morale now this is good for Prosperity but also if castles under siege and the army inside you know have a better morale than if they are not there so fairgrounds are decent though I wouldn't say they're like the most important thing to be building at least not early on unless you have nothing else to build next we have Miller sub barracks this is really important it provides banner training for citizens and recruits them into the Melissa increases daily Melissa recruitment a +4 bonus to Melissa as you guys can see I have 72 Millett sir at the moment because of that level free military barracks and that's getting a +4 bonus now this militarily protects your settlements around the area like the local villages it means that there are going to be men there defending a village so Melissa are really important especially if you want to increase food production and get protection from local looters and stuff next here we have the siege workshop so this is different to a normal workshop basically the siege workshop is dedicated to seizures it contains tools and materials to repair walls build and repair siege engines so whenever your class was under siege you'll notice that your castle starts building ballista and catapults within the castle that then can try and attack the enemy siege engines and also repair the walls before the battle begins because if you don't have a siege workshop than what you'll find is the enemy will build siege engines they'll attack your wall they might break apart the wool and then when they do attack you they'll just be able to run for your wool and your defenses will be pretty useless so siege workshops are very important next we have the garrison barracks lodging for the garrison troops each level increases garrison capacity of the stronghold by plus 50 so essentially what this does is if I go to the keep and I go to manage garrison the garrison currently has a cap of 337 you can increase this even further if you want again it's not imperative so next we have training fields this is really good for like a long-term gameplay the field is for military drills and it increases the daily experience gain of all garrisoned units so currently we have this at level one and what that means is that any troops that are in the garrison currently will get experience for being there so if for example I leave these troops in the garrison they will actually gain experience so the Sturgeon recruits for example can actually level up and become useful without me potentially killing them in another battle next there we have marketplace so this just gives you a +10 bonus to taxes essentially what that means is that you're going to be making more money from settlements you have this within because they just make more money from taxes so you get more income why would you not want more income I don't know so aqueducts is the next thing they give us a bonus to prosperity change now as you guys can see prosperity if I have a look over this the aqueducts are giving that plus one bonus and the surplus of food is giving a +2 bonus and the market goods are as well so this just essentially means that people who remain happy and you have to worry about you know rebellion a lot less next we have the form an open square in the settlement where people can meet spend time and share their ideas increasing influence of the settlements owner so this if you own the settlement this will give you daily influence so influence is just down here I actually own my own Kingdom so influence I have tons of it it's not an issue for me at all but if you don't own your kingdom and you own a city within someone elses kingdom daily influence can be a whole like really really useful to you because it means that you can you know request more castles you can create more armies and you just have more power essentially so it's really good if you don't own your own Kingdom but for me it's not very important next we have the granary as I kind of already explained the granary just increases your food stock limit which is just here so it's not actually essential but it is useful because it means you can last longer in times of war next we have the workshops a building which provides the means required for manufacture or repair of buildings improves projects development speed and also stones masons reinforce the walls so this will actually also help you a little bit in times of siege not as much as the siege workshop but it will still help you it gives you plus one bonus two hammers so if you want to increase your production speed you can improve your workshop and then you can start building things once again it's not essential it is useful though next we have lime kilns now this is really really good so if I upgrade my lime kiln again I'll increase the production of those villagers even more and allow them to produce even more food for my city which will sort out any food issues that I might have and that is essentially how everything in the projects tab works you can also which I haven't spoken about at a governance of the city now the governor of the city can have an influence on the prosperity it can make a - prosperity if the governor you choose for the city there are two most important things when looking for a companion who's a good governor their traits so as you can see Agnetha shieldmaiden is honest she has valor she actually shows some kind of cruel mercy so if they have a negative trait then they may have a negative influence on the city but she has two positive ones so it should be okay if they're generous it can also give the city benefits as well the second thing you're going to work look out for a good camp to have as a governor is their social abilities and their intelligence so for example medicine is going to increase the speed that people heal up who are wounded in your settlement or your garrison if you have a governor who has a high medicine skill it will increase that speed engineering does affect it if you have a companion who's a high engineering skill and they're defending the castle or the city then you'll be able to build siege engines a lot faster next we have Stewart this is the most important one and if your follower has a high intelligence skill and you leave them as the governor of a city then they will improve their stewardship skill and so you can increase that as well improve settlement prosperity and build projects governor spend time in your settlements as a clan leader and you will improve your stewardship rating now the most important things they are if she is a governor with a High Steward skill you'll have different perks that you can unlock now the most important thing to look at here the perks that have a little bracket that says governor inside it because those are the governor perks so 10% more tax from villages for example alternatively you have personal perks which give you a 30% more production from farms that you own which are good for your own character but if you have for example a companion who is in charge of a city this won't affect the city it's all because it's a personal perk so I'll let you go into detail on these perks and figure out what one is best for you but honestly my recommendation and what I've been doing across all my holes it's actually having no governor at all because if you have no governor it doesn't really affect anything to be honest and if you do put one of your companions as a follower you'll lose them as a companion and they'll have to sit inside one of your many cities when you do end up building up you know a whole empire with lots of towns castles and cities and so on so in my opinion just don't bother adding a governor right now unless you have someone who's really good who has really good perks or really my intelligence skill so to give you guys an example of a bad governor I am very deceitful because I've been killing or executing all of my enemies so this actually has a negative influence on towns that I am a governor of so currently I'm in of castle and I am the governor of this and as you guys can see we're getting a minus one to loyalty and we're now at zero because minus two to governor's culture because I'm a bad person so the city like all I'm scared of this guy you know I don't want him to be the leader of us you also see a minus one prosperity change because our loyalty is going down as well but everything else is absolutely finest just because we have a negative governor so you shouldn't have a bad governor as your city's leader it's better to have none instead of just having yourself if I go ahead and leave the town now and then come back and manage it you can see now we're getting +1 loyalty and prosperity is also going to go up once the loyalty goes up as well and TV production will no longer be -5 I don't even know how that's happened to be honest so the next thing we're gonna do guys is we're going to go over to my castle just here and I'm gonna talk to you about the difference between castles and whatnot that there are essentially very similar things here for example we also have a wall we also have a granary castellon office is a different thing though so let's talk about that this provides a warden to the castle who maintains discipline and law so rebellions find it harder to form they also act as he capped into the militar and a steward to the castle who supervises the castles inhabitants this gives you a - 50 % reduction mint similitude ring rebellion so if your prosperity is really low for example it will reduce the chances of you having an issue with your minister and you'll still be able to defend your castle so it's okay but to be honest you hopefully won't be in that situation next we have workshops fair ground siege workshops minutes of barracks barracks and training fields which we've already spoken to but here we have something new gardens gardens are once again really important for food production so you can see currently what Gardens essentially do is they increase your food production again and as you can see the production cost of gardens is tiny anyway guys I hope you found this Mountain blade to banner Lord guide insightful and helpful if you did please do give it a like I'd really would appreciate that I've done a guide on like every principle of the game to explain how it works like how you can create a huge army and manage your kingdom and I'll link all of those separate guides down below and if you're struggling on anything specific let me know and I'll make another guide about that too I want to be informative precise and quick in these videos as possible but there's a lot to get for and explained and I think you know it seems like you guys really appreciate them so thank you so much for your support and comments I'm just saying thank you because I mean it's the reason why I'm doing these videos because you guys enjoy them and find them helpful if you want to watch my let's play as well which is quite funny we're going around killing all the nobles and wiping out Sturge is whole lineage I think I'm like I've killed half of their family so far you can check that playlist out linked below as well but thanks for watching guys I'll see in the next video have a great day goodbye
Channel: ESO
Views: 248,512
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bannerlord gameplay, bannerlord, bannerlord review, mount and blade 2, mount and blades 2, mount and blade bannerlord, guide, how to, food, Castle, villages, fief, town, city, how to get a castle, capture, culture, bannerlord tips, bannerlord gameplay, mount and blade 2 bannerlord, mount and blade, mount and blade 2 guides, mount and blade 2 bannerlord gameplay, mount and blade ii bannerlord, mount and blade bannerlord tips, gameplay, tutorial, MANAGEMENT, money, best, best faction
Id: f8S-oUbWpS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 39sec (1479 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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