HUGE Army Guide & Kingdom Management Tips - Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord Complete Starter Tutorial!

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welcome back my friends to mountain blade to banner Lord in today's video I'm gonna be explaining to you exactly how you can build up your very own army and Kingdom so for example how can I get over a hundred and forty people into my party how can I create other parties using companions that also have their own armies that roam around my ever-growing Empire and helped me capture other things raid villages and wage war and also bring these people into an even bigger army themselves we proper army of 489 people even more than that later on in the game and the game doesn't really explain things like this to you so I wanted to make a video explaining exactly how it works so if we click on our clan tab so essentially I'm going to be explaining to you guys how the whole system of the clan works and then we'll be going over the kingdom system and I'll talk to you about policies how you can create an army and some of the other things that you'll find under the Kingdom tab but I feel like it's most important that we start off in the clan tab because this is kind of where everyone starts the game and by the way guys all the time stamps for everything we talked about in this video are linked down below so you can find whatever I'm talking about as quick as possible because I don't want to waste your time so starting off with the bare basics here at the moment we are at clan tier 4 now the more renowned you have the higher your clan tier will be if you carry on earning renowned by capturing castles killing bandits winning Wars even winning tournaments renown as well and there are different ways you can like form renown and I'll leave my other guide in the description of useful tips for you in doing so but essentially what you're going to be doing is leveling up your clan tier and as you level it up your party size will naturally increase as you can see if I get to clan tier 5 it says here that my additional party size every party in the clan will be plus 15 and I can also recruit an additional companion as well because you also have a companion limit now companions in mountain blade are really really useful now if you haven't already my companion video on where to find the best companions in the game I'll link it down below but essentially you're going to find companions with a different skillset for example Charak frost bird has a scouting skill of 85 it started off at 60 but he's leveled it up since so if you go back to the clan menu and you click on Charak frost bid you can see his clan role in the party is being a scout which means that we use is scouting skill as the party scouting ability so as you guys can see I can see all the way over there because I have a scouting skill of 85 even though my own character has a scouting skill of zero but as you start to build up your clan level one of the most useful things you can do is make another party especially when you have another Kingdom so for example all I need to do is click create party and then you need to have a spare companion so Agner the shieldmaiden just here for example I'm gonna select her to make any party with and currently she only has herself as the party so what we need to do is me to find her and talk to her if we then talk to her you can say let me inspect your troops and then what I can do is I can give her all of my troops so currently because I'm at clan tier 4 I can give her up to 81 troops so now you can see if she has a party of 43 troops herself if we go back to the clan tab once again so as you can see a clan tier 4 I can have free additional parties each one of them has a troop cap of 82 so in total that's 246 people that I can have in addition to my own party ok my own party has 274 people as the maximum amount I can have so in total we can raise an entire army of 520 people and I'll tell you how to do that in a moment but first you're going to want to create separate parties of people and basically these separate parties are going to go around your lands and defend them they're going to recruit additional troops increase your influence and so on around the kingdom if you also go back to the client app and you hover over your finance menu you will see that Agner the shieldmaiden for example has earned us plus one thousand five hundred and eighty two gold from attacking enemy caravans raiding local villages and so on and also absolutely the robber and fur hand have both earns around five hundred gold and I've seen these fluctuate in between them earning two hundred to two thousand gold depending on who you're at war at and what they're doing in the countryside so companions having their own parties while you're at war can make you a lot of money even more money than workshops and caravans that I showed you in my other video explaining how trade and caravans work which are also linked down below I've literally done a guide on everything to do with mountain blade but as you can see absolute the robber has a rogue skill of sixty so if we let him form his own party he's gonna be running around robbing other villages and making lots of money for us you also see under the clan tab that you have your caravans and the local Garrison's of your different castles and cities that you own and then you also have the thief's tab and this basically allows you to click on the different castles and villages you own and see if they're all happy with you if any of them hates you and you know what their current situation is and so on and it just allows you to manage them easier you can also see their total income if you look on the finance section just here as well and you can even change the governor from this tab as well you also have a other tab which is going to show you which workshops you own and how much money they're making for you and you can also change production of what they're making as well from this tab if you guys don't understand workshops and how to make the most amount of money and check out my other video guide on how exactly to do that I will link it down below but now let's have a look at our kingdom tab now the thing is is that I actually own my own kingdom so this is the battleborn Kingdom and as you can see I am currently the only clan in my own Kingdom I can recruit other clans to my kingdom if I want but currently I'm not doing it and I'll explain why in a moment if you join another factions Kingdom for example we used to be in the ville ad in Kingdom you would see all of the different clans that are a member of that Kingdom just here and by the way I forgot to mention this but if you want to build your own Kingdom you have to do the main quest in the game which is the quest called narrow tethers folly you then need to do a quest called rebuilding the banner or something like that which follows on from that quest I'll link a walkthrough on how to do nerrit as is folly in the description below and that follows on to another walkthrough of essentially how to build your own Kingdom it's quite straightforward but that video just kind of shows you the fastest way of completing that quest if you're really keen on going down that path you can also see everything that your kingdom currently owns and how many people are defending each thing but what I want to talk to you guys about is the policy tab because as you guys can see there are some policies in here that will massively benefit your kingdom for example sacred majesty the ruler is considered semi-divine and certain rituals are to be performed in his or her presence increasing is or her air of authority so essentially this gives my rulers clan which is my own clan the only clan in the kingdom five more influence per day and then non ruling clans would lose one influence per day now because we have no other clans in our kingdom if I go ahead and propose this it will automatically go through and it says that this decision had the support of the council which is just myself because I run a dictatorship obviously and now that's gone through into our active policies some of these policies are absolutely incredibly powerful for example you can grow your party size by double with the Royal Guard policy the ruler maintains a prestigious guard force it attracts warriors who might otherwise serve their local lord rulers party size is increased by 80 that's literally double the size of a party you get for literally having your own Kingdom all you need is 50 influence and you can just propose this for your own Kingdom and you double your party size you also get an additional one influence per day and non ruling clans lose 0.2 influence per day which again really doesn't matter another thing is no booze written you what this does is clans with tier four clans or above gain one influence per day and the party size of their leaders is increased by another 50 so we already have a massive party size now just by using a little bit of influence to activate these policies now most people watching these videos who are new to this game don't actually know about so I want to point them out to you another really good one though is land grants for veterans the distribution of lands to veterans was a key platform of the Roman populace such as Marius and Caesar the presence of veterans in farming communities helps with organized militares so if you have this policy millets equality will be increased by 10 percent the negative side is that village tax income is reduced by 5 percent currently as you guys can see I've got like three hundred and seventy two thousand gold because I'm at war with Sturge here and we make all of our money through war and a tiny bit fruit trade so village tax isn't important to me whereas recruiting really good warriors is so this is really good for me personally so for example if I've recruit fruit from one of my local villagers here you can see they've actually got sturgeon warriors and not just crappy sturgeon recruits so they've actually increased the quality of these men that we can recruit from them and this village as well also has some veteran soldiers and if you're really good friends with the village you actually be able to recruit some of their best men as well but currently we're not that friendly with them they'll have to love us to do that another one that's a no-brainer is castle charters castle upgrade costs are reduced by 20% that is a massive as so cheap and castle owners will also yield one additional influence point per day so you just get free influence points well I mean this is negative for anyone why would you not choose these policies there are some policies in here that obviously have negative effects for example state monopolies rulers clan gays 5% of settlement tax per town which is really good if you have other clans in your kingdom but it also reduces the workshop production by 10% so it can be counterproductive in many ways too so there are some policies you'll need to use your head about if they work for you there are other policies where you know it's just a no-brainer like why would you not okay so we've gone over policies now let's talk about creating an army so as you guys can see if I press create army my free parties that I showed you how to make in the clan tier can't all be added to my army that I'm about to make like so and you'll notice it cost me zero influence points to recruit these people because they're my own companions if you are in a like another Kingdom that you don't own it will cost you influence points to tell another commander to come to your and join your army so you can go and raid some villages or something so do bear that in mind but this is one of the advantages of having your own Kingdom another thing you'll see here is that it says the distance away that your companions are so as soon as I activate this it's going to take actually the robber two days and 11 hours to actually reach me so you might want to plan around how far people are away from you before you go and make an army so we're gonna say done and as you can see all of these people are now going to be in my army and they're all going to be walking towards me so here I am in the middle of nowhere I'm gonna walk over to bow guard and I'm gonna recruit some more people while we wait so here we go here is Agnetha shieldmaiden so as soon as she gets close to me she's just gonna go ahead and join my party and now it becomes an army you know so we're just waiting for another two of my followers to arrive and our army will get even bigger so I'm just gonna wait on my local castle for everyone else to show up and what I recommend doing is talking to your followers and then you can say let me inspect your troops and currently you can see agna the shield maintenance party is 44 plus for wounded out of 81 so if you can have a lot more people in her party so that's going how to make sure that she has a full force of troops so now she has a full 81 troop limit if you make sure all of your companions are out their troop limit and you know that you're going to have a fully forged army so as you guys can see the whole army has formed here we have 489 men in total you can see on the bottom right everyone is now in the army however her hand doesn't have a full party so if we can actually go ahead and talk to him and we can say I want to give you some more troops and then we can go ahead and make sure he's at the full strength of his party so now we have four hundred and ninety members at five hundred so let's say for example I know that I want to take this local castle but I'm already at my maximum army limit one thing I can do is I can go and manage my garrison our local castle Jona have has a lot of people and then I can add all of these people into my party so now I have a whole army of three hundred and thirty but it's over my party limit so essentially what this means is between three and five people each day are going to just abandon your army and leave so it's not recommended but you can definitely do it if you just need the extra men for an attack on the enemy but now we have a full army of 500 people that is essentially how you make it let's go and have a giant siege battle at the end of the video another thing you guys can check out on the kingdom tom is diplomacy this essentially shows you who you're at war with who you're at peace with and you can see their power compared to yours and look how weak my tiny kingdom is that we are at war with Sturge and we are slowly crushing them so that's pretty cool so let's say for example you've made your entire army you can then go and click on the manage tab what you can do with this is you can remove people from your army if they need to go somewhere else and help you out elsewhere in your land where you can even click here to disband your entire army and let everyone leave it so now we're going to march north and we're going to lay siege to this castle just for I'm gonna ignore the enemy armies because they're not really gonna be able to do anything I'm going to go ahead and besiege this town and build ourselves a battering ram and some siege towers like so so you also noticed as you guys are leading your army that your leadership skill mines currently 60 is going to be increasing because as you can see if you maintain a high morale in your party and assemble and lead armies it will continuously go up you can also see here on the right when you're organizing these huge forces that your army has a cohesion of 85 so if you have a huge army its cohesion is gradually going to reduce so because of the army size and its base size it gets - free per day once the army cohesion reaches zero the army will disband if you also hover over the food icon just here it will tell you that we have a total amount of food in our army of 494 we have a daily food consumption of minus 26 so we have 19 days and so our army is starving essentially you can also see that the parties held in the army as well and who is owning each one of those parties you could talk to them or you can even look at the stats in the encyclopedia you can also see down here what your movement speed is your view distance and your daily party wage as well so we're losing 1,000 gold by having all these men in our party you know seizing this castle so you really want to plan your assaults and tactics well when you're doing this okay so we're now ready to lead the assault so obviously we're gonna go ahead and do that with our huge absolutely colossal army now you guys can watch this giant siege if you like with 500 people attacking a castle if I think about 300 or so defenders but essentially that is it for the tutorial part of the video if you guys have any useful tips or comments about your own experiences please do comment them below because it helps other people out watching the video who might have questions as well and I've made a guide on literally every principle of mountain blade and how it were so you can find those other guides in the description below in the playlist so if you want to check those out they're all down below in the description and I'll be making a lot more too so make sure you subscribe and press the bell icon for those future videos when they come out but now let's begin the assault brothers imma get off my horse I don't know why I brought it into battle to be honest by the way if you do bring a spear into battle actually gives you plus more aus so it's pretty beneficial how is this there's like there's like two men pushing this entire siege engine yeah that's right you lazy boy why don't you get on it and help too so we could probably take out some of these archers from a distance to stop there my goodness let's get behind the siege fool here and see if we can do some damage the last castle I took in my in my campaign was actually quite funny because we I ended up getting hit by I think it was like attribution or something so it just took like 300 damage that damage at the start of the battle and died instantly as you guys can see horror battering ram has already been destroyed usually as the siege towers that are perhaps you know do the best and make it over to the enemy so I recommend using as many siege towers am I just terrible archery there we go 31 - not procedures are still a little bit buggy I found but they're getting better as tail world's oh my god all the arrows not sticking out of their shoes as Sarah's patches the game they are getting a lot better I can see him aiming at me erect son I need another man to take over pushing this I try and protect you on the 1000 archers shooting you erect son look at that beautiful Oh beautiful look at that cut down absolutely destroying the you might want to start shooting some of these guys who are gonna try and take us out as soon as we start attacking them in a moment though [Music] okay I could go back and collect some arrows from the ground but I think what we're gonna do is stick around here right the men are Stein to walk up so I'm gonna walk up with them just to increase their morale the other stage engine is going around to the side that area is actually a lot easier to attack if you haven't attacked this castle before the majority of their forces are going to be at the main gate right here see if we can take people out behind here we want our men to get off this ladder goodness me a lot of men here gonna sit on the ladder and poke poke at their feet there we go direct Sun sorry about the FPS by the way to get the game is super badly optimised honestly if you just stay on the top of the ladder with a spit I just poke their feet actually like quite defensible I'm gonna grab a shield in a moment I just kind of want to poke over the heads of my troops here to do some damage like so as you guys can see we are realists difficulty by the way I just let you guys know everything's done realistic so yeah even the men coming towards you just get down the ladder and poke their feet it seems to be very effective oh yeah look at this first-person perspective just recruiting hokey-pokey I think I might grab a shield from the floor here and I picked this chilled up directs up Yates do father damage back here it's kind of hard to actually see where the enemies are with oh dear there's so many of them let's go ahead and equip a two-handed axe and soon as I get the opportunity we're gonna come up this ladder and just swing swing swing that brutal oh man a hundred and nine damage that is grid I'm gonna set the back there we're almost dead or so this is brutal okay now might be a good time [Music] we're slowly depleting their that the enemies oh yeah ranks are I can hardly swing my axe around there it's okay oh we got hit by an arrow that's so sad my forces are very slowly working now out the wall though and if we have a look Oh on the other side of the castle as you can see my other siege tower has completely breached their walls so the rest of the men are now charging in all heading up that siege tower unfortunately our fast way around didn't actually make it in the end but if it did we would be able to flank behind all these soldiers and we wouldn't be attacking them in one tiny corridor here but guys I want to thank you so much for watching if you did stay to the end of the video and if you want to follow along with my main player and campaign by actually gonna do a siege battle like this very soon please go ahead and watch my videos I'll link the playlist down below in the description but thanks for watching thanks for all the likes and I'll see you in the next guy goodbye
Channel: ESO
Views: 137,778
Rating: 4.9233198 out of 5
Keywords: Mount & blade 2, mount and blades 2, mount and blade 2 bannerlord, mount and blades, bannerlord, gameplay, mount and blade 2 gameplaymount and blade, mount and blade 2, party size, how to, increase party size, army, clan, guide, kingdom, create, management, tutorial, starter, Policies, mount & blade II: Bannerlord, bannerlord guide, bannerlord tips, bannerlord 2, mount and blade 2 guides, mount and blade bannerlord, mount and blades bannerlord, mount and blade, bannerlord gameplay, large
Id: p-Iei6ABmx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 34sec (1414 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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