How To Create Custom Transitions - Final Cut Pro X & Motion 5 Tutorial

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[Music] hey friends my name is dylan bates i'm so glad you guys are joining us for this week's tutorial we're going to be covering some really fun and exciting stuff this tutorial actually comes from a suggestion in the comments of last week's video so make sure that you leave a comment in this video if there's something you want to learn and i will do my best to get to it so as you know everybody on the internet is really into transitions and effects and you can buy a vast library of them on like shopify or something for your final cut library but you can actually make these effects and transitions yourself even though it might take a little bit more time i think the long run that's totally worth it because each of these transitions and effects is totally unique to you and um in the end if you really like how it looks you can actually sell these yourself and maybe make a little income on the side as well so after wasting all of your time let's go ahead and get started to create your own custom transitions and effects you're going to need motion five now it's fifty dollars in the app store but it's absolutely worth it once you learn how to use it so to get started you'll be greeted by this panel here this is where you will select if you're making a generator title transition effect or just a regular motion project today we will be covering how to create a final cut transition go ahead and click the transition button there and we will now have additional options here on the side you'll want to set your preset to the highest resolution that your projects will ever be so it does upscale so if you were to do 4k and then make an 8k timeline somewhere down the line it would upscale however the resolution would be lower than if you just had made it uh 8k natively so we'll go ahead and start with a 4k timeline we'll then want to set our frame rate to whatever your timeline will typically be i typically work at a 24 frame per second timeline so i will set this to 2398 now when you first open this it's going to set your duration to 10 seconds so i typically find that my transitions last no longer than one to three seconds three seconds is definitely on the longer end but for today just so we have a little extra time to work with we'll set it to three seconds so go ahead and just type in o3 after we've done that we'll just double check all of our settings make sure your resolution is at 3840 by 2160. that's because digital cinema is actually a wider aspect ratio so your resolution will change so make sure that's on 4k ultra hd and after i change that it changed all my settings now that we're done with that we can push open boom here is motion five now if you've never seen this before it might be a little bit intimidating because everything is quite a bit different than how final cut looks but it's actually quite easy to navigate once you've learned a few of the basics the first thing i'll take your attention to is the viewer this is where you'll see your effects happening in real time down here is your timeline and you'll notice that there's transition a and transition b your a clip is the clip that starts out the transition your b clip is where the transition will end over here is a library and it has hundreds of different pre-made assets and whatnot that you can later on tweak and make custom to whatever you're hoping to create so today we'll be working mostly out of the filters browser here so we'll go ahead and click filters and we are going to be looking for a bad tv effect this will allow us to create a glitch effect which is very popular right now um and we can do it relatively easily so once you scroll down through you can find bad tv right here also if you're having a hard time finding it there is a search feature down here where you can type in bad tv and it'll pop right up so go ahead and click and drag that onto transition a and you'll notice that when we put it on transition a the bad tv effect goes for the length of transition a now if we extend this out longer it will not affect transition b and this is not what we want so i did it incorrectly so that you would hopefully learn from that so what we're actually going to do is we will delete that bad tv effect we will re-drag it onto the group and now this bad tv effect will affect the entire group making our transition a lot easier now that we have the bad tv effect here we can click on it and go up here to the inspector the inspector has so many more options than what you typically find in final cut pro what we're going to do to make our lives as easy as possible we're going to take the waviness slider and we're just going to crank that up we'll uh crank up the roll all the way to 100 and that'll just zero it out actually take the static way up color we'll just take a lot of this stuff way up so the effect is really apparent maybe bring we'll just not bother with the scan lines those are a little intense okay so now that we have those we can see that the effect is really working between the two clips now our next step is to animate the effect so we don't want it to happen during this entire transitional period just over the few seconds that the clips are overlapping so we'll come in to about uh 25 frames and we are going to add a keyframe under the mix slider we're going to drag that mix slider all the way down to zero percent now at the very peak of where the transition is supposed to happen right here in the center we're going to then add another keyframe and drag that slider all the way up to 100 now if we watch we can see that the effect comes on real quickly there after that we're just going to come to the other side and go in to another 24 frames and we will add another keyframe and drag that down to zero and this will just give us a really nice animation after that we're going to add another effect to really make this glitch stand out so what we're going to do is look for the pixelate filter now there are so many filters here it's going to be a lot easier for me to type in the search and there it is pixelate again we're going to click and drag it to the group not to the individual layer so that it affects everything now that we have the pixelate filter on there we can go back to the inspector where we can scale this way up and way down and we can animate all these properties now the pixelate feature only goes down to one it doesn't go to an entire zero so to fix that we are going to click and drag the pixelate layer over to where we want our transition to happen and now it will be at zero now we can animate the scale of the pixelate filter by clicking on the keyframe going to the center cranking the scale way up and then going forward another 24 frames or so and dragging the scale all the way down and now we have a beautiful glitch transition effect that we made custom for our own project now you'll notice the pixelate filter actually has this circle where you can drag where the pixelation is happening and that this works better for like a directional blur or something but you do have the ability to affect that so if we want this draggable feature to show up in final cut pro we can push this really simple button publish osc and when we do that it will actually enable us to drag the filter around in final cut pro without having to navigate back to motion so now is the fun part we get to add it into our project which is very simple all we're going to do is come up here to the top go to file and do save and because we selected the transition feature at the beginning it will know that we want to put this in final cut pro as a transition so our template name can be named whatever we like i will just call this glitch transition and this is what will show up in your effects browser next if you want to make a lot of glitch transitions you can create an entirely new category so we'll do glitches get stitches boom and then to further categorize each and every element if you want this to be like a directional glitch we could create a new theme and say this is a directional glitch or whatever makes it easier for you to remember that you have the ability to drag the pixelation around and now so that we can preview the transition in final cut pro we will want to press the save preview movie once we're done all we have to do is push publish now this will automatically put it into final cut pro you can have final cut pro open and it will automatically be there so you don't have to quit and come back which is extremely nice for working efficiently so i'm gonna go over to final cut pro here and i've put together this little simple edit of some stock footage i found on some boxers just fighting it out and we're just gonna add a little energy with this glitch transition now you'll notice it just says share succeeded and it always says sharing untitled was successful i don't actually know how to get it to say another name there but all the names work great within final cut and that's all we need to worry about so now that we've created the transition we can come down here to our transitions panel and we can find our category here glitches get stitches and there it is our brand new glitch transition and you can see how it creates that preview video so we're gonna just click and drag that over onto our timeline and as you can see it added this really nice glitch transition that we made custom to this project the great thing is is final cut pro will automatically do all the math to figure out how long or short the transition should be so if you want this to be a really long transition you can click and drag this way out and it will automatically do the animation and stretch out the time or on the contrary you can also make it super short so let's say you've made a bunch of transitions that you really love and they have a really unique style to them well you can actually extract those files from the motion folder and you can sell those online so all we're going to do is get out of final cut pro here and i'll hide motion and we'll come on down here to the finder and we'll go to movies motion templates um transitions and we'll just copy and you can paste that on your desktop or wherever you like you can right click it and compress it so it's really easy for upload now all you need to do is take this compressed file and you can upload that to shopify or whatever website you want to sell it on and people can actually purchase your transition packs which might be a nice little site income if your transitions are working out great for you if somebody purchases your transition or say you want to give it to a friend all they need to do is open this compressed file they can come back here to the same movies motion templates transitions and drag it into the transitions folder and it'll show up there and it'll work great for them so in the coming weeks i want to show you how to create custom effects that have more parameters and that have rigs that allow you to adjust settings within final cut so you don't have to jump back and forth between motion and final cut and it'll really speed up your workflow it's a ton of fun and i think that you'll really gain a lot of use out of it before you click off this video i just wanted to give everybody a huge thank you for all your support last week it really meant so much that 40 of you guys jumped on in the first week and um maybe we can get another 40 this week i don't know but i'm so excited about where this channel is going it's been a dream for so long and i just needed to kick my button gear and get started so i'm so excited that we're doing this i can't wait to see where we go so if you are wanting to join me on this journey please subscribe please press the like button so other people can see these videos and uh and we'll just keep going again thank you so much and i will see you next week [Music] you
Channel: The Final Cut Bro
Views: 2,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Final Cut Bro, Custom Transitions, final cut pro x effects, glitch transitions, sell, transition, glitch, fcpx, final cut pro, how to make and sell your custom transitions, motion 5, transitions, easy, tutorial, how to sell, shopify, learn, save money, glitch transition, editing, transition edits, how to make, final cut pro transitions, transitioning, template, cheap, FX, vfx, grunge, free, fast, fighting, stock, weekly, grow, youtube, editor, final cut pro x, custom, custom transitions
Id: Ih92KkMGv0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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