Create & Rig a Whip Pan Transition In Motion 5 for Final Cut Pro

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hey friends dylan bates here the final cut bro and i am so excited about today's tutorial it is a viewer requested tutorial by mark d hall so thank you for the suggestion we will be creating a really nice looking whip pan transition in motion that will allow us to actually set a customizable direction using some rigging let's get started first you're going to want to select the final cut transition the next thing is you're going to want to set the resolution to something that you're aware of the pixel dimensions so i'm going to be working in 4k but you can work in 1080 then your frame rate you're going to probably want to set it to what you typically work with it's not absolutely vital but it does help when you get into final cut for the transition to look how you expect it to look so i typically work at 24 so i'm gonna set this to 23.98 the duration is very important you're going to want to set this to something very short so you'll notice i've swapped this over to frames and i just have it at 15 frames and i recommend you do something similar just pretty short and sweet the first step in motion is we're gonna want to take this transition b and actually extend the duration out to the full length of our clip and i accidentally went too long there so i can push i and that will set the end point here at the beginning we are going to select transition b go up into the inspector go to properties and find the position property and we're going to go into this x value here we're going to push that down arrow and we're going to add the parameter behavior of link we're going to link the motion of transition a to transition b and that will make our lives a little bit easier in the animation realm so go ahead and drag transition a into this well here and now wherever transition a moves on the x value transition b will also move now what's important is as of right now transition a and transition b are totally locked to each other so they're going to be right on top of each other so what's important is that we actually move transition b we set the offset to the side so because this is a 4k project i need to set the offset to 38.40 so i'll set that to 3840 and that's because this is 3840 pixels wide so now the offset is over here on the side so now as i move transition a transition b follows right along and they're just edge to edge okay so that is going to make our animation lives considerably easier down the road from here we can actually get into some of the animation values so let's go ahead take transition a we are going to find the x position here we'll add a keyframe and we'll go to right to before the transition a disappears and we're going to add another keyframe and then we're going to set the value here to negative 3840 and that will push it right off to the side and i'm actually going to grow the size of the keyframe editor and it's a little complicated to work with but just a couple quick tips in case you're having some trouble if it happens to zoom in a way where you can't actually see the curves that are happening you can push this button here and that will actually expand it so that the curves are the size of your box here so it's a little easier to see so this is already actually got a very nice slope to it now sometimes when i animate this i'm not sure why it doesn't actually have like this nice bezier curve so if that's the case just find this end keyframe right click on it and you can set it to ease out ease in or both so i'm just going to set this to ease in and now it's going to have this slope so it's going to start off and just slow down a bit as it gets here to the end and it's just going to add a little bit of fluidity to the animation or if you want that kind of s-curve look you can also right-click it and set the interpolation to bezier and that should get you in a good spot so the last thing we're gonna do for this particular transition is we need to add some motion blur now we could in fact come up to render and set the motion blur value but this is gonna add a lot of extra computing power that really doesn't need to happen so what we're gonna do is actually jump into our filters we're gonna set the blur to directional blur and now as i blur this you'll see it's blurring almost like it's motion blur off to the side and it's just a fake motion blur but it's gonna work a lot faster so the very first frame we want it to be at zero we'll add a keyframe and then as it ramps up we'll find this is about where it's going to be moving the fastest so that's where we want the most amount of motion blur so we'll just drag this up till we're at a happy spot i usually like around 300 or so and so now as it's moving off you'll see that it has that nice blur but transition b does not have that blur so let's go ahead and let's set this directional blur a and then we can duplicate it with command d and we can drag that into transition b here and let's rename this to directional blur b they're going to have the same blur values all the way through but as transition b is ending we want the blur to die off so let's go ahead and extend out the blur here just a few more frames and now we can add in a keyframe a little bit later and set that to zero now i don't really like how it's just such straight direct lines so let's go ahead and right click set the ease to both and now it will have this nice curve to it and now it will slowly fall out of the directional blur and we can actually let's just pull this frame back a little bit there we go great now we have a whip pant to the left now what's really cool and something that was suggested by mark and i didn't actually know you could really do this until i started uh diving into this tutorial but we're going to create a rig so that we can set the direction that this is happening and it's actually quite simple so go ahead and select transition a find your x value here and we're going to click that down arrow add to rig create new rig and we're going to select add to new pop-up now we're going to rename this first one to whip left and it's just important that you name everything so you know exactly what's happening then we'll jump to snapshot 2 and we'll rename that to whip right so now we're going to want to jump into this edit mode and what happens is it's going to automatically create variables so that as we change things between these two modes the parameters will be adjusted accordingly so let's go ahead we're in this whip right mode we can jump into the edit mode by pushing that start it's going to give us this little rig box um you can just push that to the side and not worry about it go ahead and jump into the link here and we're going to set this to negative 3800 and now our our transition b is actually on the left hand side now we can jump to transition a we're gonna jump to that next keyframe and just reverse the keyframes by setting it to positive 3804 and now it will be moving the other direction and what's great is the directional blur actually happens to line up pretty well now it might be lasting a little bit long so let's just shorten up the amount of time that that lasts so it's a little bit more realistic now we can just push stop rig edit mode jump into our pop-up and now if i select the whip left you can see it goes to the left side whip right it goes to the right side there's this snapshot three and if you wanted to you could animate it going up and down and any direction you really wanted and not have to drag on individual transitions which is really nice but if you don't want to add those extra transitions you can just push this minus button and now it has whip left and whip right the last couple things you're going to want to do let's go ahead and rename this pop-up to be whip direction and that is what's going to show up in final cut pro so that's just important to name that and then come over here click this down arrow and push publish and now this parameter will show up in final cut as long as we publish this whole motion project so if i push command s or you can go up to file and save and we can set this to whip pan and then you can set that in whatever category you want the final cut bro and i will push publish so let's jump into final cut to see how it is working once you are in final cut pro just jump on over to your transitions and you can search up with pan and there it is we can drag that onto our timeline and let's play back and see how it looks it's all right it uh it's getting the job done but i feel like we could definitely work with the keyframes a bit in motion so we'll get into that in just a second but take note our lovely published parameters are up here and we can change it to whip right now and uh and you can change it accordingly which is really really nice and uh saves you from having like a hundred different transition types that all do almost the same thing but not quite so let's go ahead jump back into motion and see if we can tweak the animation just a little bit to get it looking a little bit smoother so i think some of the the main area where this is not looking too realistic is this line between the two isn't blurred enough so you're able to really see the transition happening so let's see if we can fix some of that we'll just jump into our directional blur a go into our inspector and let's go to the point where it is the blurriest and let's drag that up a considerable amount probably let's try 750. and uh this is just an arbitrary number but hopefully it helps and let's set the ease in on that and on this end it's already looking better let's jump into directional blur b and we will do the same thing let's see if we can really punch that up to 750. now unfortunately because of the rig we're gonna actually have to make this change on both ends of the spectrum but i want to do one other thing that i think will help this transition just a little bit more so let's go to transition a and if we're looking at the animation here i think we need one key frame that just barely overshoots the end animation so what we'll do we'll go over one more frame and we will click this down arrow and we can click add and that will create one more keyframe so it is at 3840. let's go back to where it originally landed and let's just push that to like maybe three 70 let's see yeah so if you if you watch you can see how it goes just a little bit past so it almost it's almost like the camera has to re-catch up to where it should have originally landed and let's drag this out one more frame if you click it and hold shift it'll stay on the same axis that it was originally so let's see if that works there we go that's looking a little more fluid to me now one concern is there's this edge here and it's just barely going past our video so let's see if we can fix that really quickly one way we could do that just for the sake of time is creating a clone layer and we'll just push k and let's drag this under transition b and then we will click and drag this and just barely bring the edge back so that's just barely going to be there and you won't actually notice it in the final edit and it's going to really smooth out this animation so let's go ahead push command s and save that and which direction is that that's whip right so let's go back into final cut we will delete this transition and reapply it and let's see how that looks that's looking all considerably better in my opinion now if we speed this up i think it'll look even better than that great i think that is getting to a really great place and i think this is a very usable transition now normally i would want to make all of those changes before i create the rig so that i don't have to duplicate them into the other side if that makes sense thank you so much mark d hall for suggesting this tutorial i really do appreciate it and it actually helped me learn some new stuff about motion and thank you everybody else for taking the time to watch this video if it was helpful to you consider pressing that like button and consider subscribing as i have so many more tutorials planned for the future and i have new videos every single week thank you so much and i will see you next [Applause] week [Music] you
Channel: The Final Cut Bro
Views: 908
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Final Cut Bro, final cut pro x, tutorial, final cut pro, whip pan, whip pan transition, whip pan transition effect, effects, motion, how to make whip pan transition, how to digital whip pan, whip, pan, transition, effect, fast pan effect, vfx, motion to final cut pro, custom transition, custom plugin, how to rig in motion 5, how to create a transition, customizable transition, customize transition, final cut pro x tutorial, apple motion, apple motion tutorial, vfx apple motion
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 58sec (838 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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