Twitch and OBS - How to make Animated Overlays using Apple Motion

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I've been streaming on Twitch for the last couple months and I wanted to make my streams look a lot more legit and a lot more professional I thought I considered paying somebody on Fiverr or own TV or whatever to make animated overlays and animated effects and stuff like that but I figured it'd be a lot better if I just learn how to do it myself so I'm gonna share some of the stuff that I've learned over the past couple weeks real easy stuff to make your streams or your video production just easier and better altogether today we're gonna be working on something very similar to this right here but specifically for YouTube videos so that I can add in a small little overlay on the videos that I'm making the direct people to my switched website so I'm gonna show you how to do that right now so here we have Apple motion it's a pretty inexpensive animation software we're gonna set up our brand-new session here by going to blank motion project broadcast HD 60fps and it'll be ten seconds long and this is gonna be like a stab transition at the bottom first thing we want to do I always like to back it out so I can see my entire canvas the first few times that I did this I ended up animating something in the middle of the screen as opposed to just on the bottom where we want it I'm gonna start you can use any shape really but I'm gonna start out with a rectangle right here at the bottom Center you can choose rectangle circle line you can make all kinds of different shapes rectangles is simplest to show though if you grab it with the pointer tool you can lock it to the bottom of the canvas and the center of the canvas which is what we're gonna do for this particular project now I want to make this twitch purple so that it's immediately recognizable I went to twitch and I made a screenshot of their logo but it was right there see how tiny it is we're gonna make it bigger this is strictly for the color that we want to use on our rectangle so we go over to here and we click the rectangle option if we go up to inspector you can see that it's filled with a white color if I clicked outline it would outline it with a white border but we don't want that so this eyedropper right next to the color white if we click that and bring it over to the twitch icon right in the middle of the screen here BAM that'll turn our rectangle twitch purple and now we no longer need this logo so I've deleted that and now I want to put my text in right next to where the rectangle was bottom center there's a tee click the T and type whatever you want to say which in today's situation is switched at T V now we want to go back down to our arrow tool hold shift to maintain its portion I'm gonna slightly off-centre it to the right because I've also made little tiny white versions of social media logos this is very simple to do in preview you guys hear my dog he doesn't like the UPS guy so I'm guessing that's easier anyway we want to do the same thing with this twitch logo right here hold shift bring it down to an acceptable size that's a little too big keep going down that might still be there we have it a very simple purple box with white text in it now we've got all of this under one group which is pretty good that's cool that's what we want I'm gonna rename the I'm gonna rename the group purple bar now we're gonna animate it so I want it to pop on screen for one second and stay there for eight and then leave by second into it so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna slide the playhead over to second number one right here click our purple bar group and go over to properties here we'll find everything that has to do with this purple bar where it says position under the transform headline I'm going to click this little yellow button I came to make a visit I think he wants to help me now all right where were we so we just split our play head over to the one-second mark over here properties transform under the purple bar group where it says position X Y and then to the right there's a little white diamond we're gonna click that it's gonna turn yellow that just made a keyframe meaning this purple bar wants to be in this position after 1 second work which is pretty cool so now we're gonna back it up to the 0 second mark we're gonna pull this straight down off-screen making sure we keep it in the center so now it's off screen as you can see it's made itself a new keyframe at the zero mark because it wants to be off-screen so if we've done this correctly I should be able to hit spacebar and we should be able to see the transition from these two keyframes perfect look at that so now it's gonna sit here for eight seconds total so that at the 9 second mark a couple frames here we want to make another keyframe and then at the very end at the 10 second we're gonna pull it back off screen again so now the entire animation has it coming up from the bottom they'll stay here for eight seconds total and then it'll disappear which is pretty awesome this is especially cool when you can map it as a scene source in OBS which I'll show you guys that I do in just a second so equally important as to getting those keyframes timed how you want it is how you're going to export this video to maintain the transparency so I do Apple ProRes 444 with short little transitions like this they usually end up being about 30 megabytes and my MacBook Pro can handle that just fine OBS I don't run out of RAM or anything like that I'll show you guys how to set that up right now but at the top right here it's a little button that says share you can also get to this menu file share and we want to go export movie so here I'm gonna call it which pop-up you go into your settings this is the these are the settings that I use Apple ProRes 444 it's not gonna lose any kind of quality compression or anything like that and this is where the important part is color plus alpha alpha layer basically tells it that anything that we didn't draw on is transparent which is what we want it says 834 megabytes it's not gonna be that big so I'm gonna hit export right now save it in my alerts folder I don't really like watching it in QuickTime Player it pops up afterward but I prefer to do it from preview where I could just select the file here you can see the file isn't anywhere near a hundred megabytes it's 100 megabytes but if I select this in the background of the window that pops up is like like clearish that I know the transparency works which is what we want so I just select that and hit spacebar and there we go and you can see how it's kind of like faded and clear in the background if you watch this in QuickTime Player it's just a black background and I've made the mistake too many times to not share it with you guys but will not show up transparent so those are the settings that you need to use and I'll show you how to put it into OBS right now and then you could trigger however you want I have a stream deck of myself I think you could set it to a hotkey I'm not sure how to do that but uh I'll show you how to do this in OBS right now alright so this looks so crazy because it's actually a display capture of the screen that I'm using but it should be should be fine than the last so here I'm gonna go I've got my scenes and my sources and what we want to do is add a source on our current screen here so we go to +4 ad I'm gonna go to media source I'm gonna call this one twitch just like that to what you pop up right there I don't want it to loop and I do want it to restart playback when it becomes active because I'm actually gonna set it up to toggle or this little eye very cool so I'm gonna set that up on my end and then I'll show you the finished result cool so as you can see I have the twitch popup switch screens here twitch pop-up is set to off right now so the little eye is grayed out I've mapped this source visibility toggle to a button on my stream deck so now when I hit this button it'll pop right up it'll hang out for eight seconds just like we designed and then eventually it'll go away and hide itself which is pretty cool so that's it I've put it in multiple scenes and now all I have to do is hit the button and it'll pop right up which is awesome so I hope that helped you guys out if you have any questions leave them in the comments don't forget to check me out on social media I suck drums pretty much everywhere stream on Twitch three nights a week and now I'm doing a Sunday stream as well for those of you in Europe yeah thanks for stopping by
Channel: EyeSuck Drums
Views: 1,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nbJ8Af2RfmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2020
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