Live #17 - Basic Effects in Apple Motion 5 to Final Cut Pro X Tutorial

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hey guys little hear from Len effects dot-com I'm really sorry man I was just taking a shower and then I I was shaving and I cut my lips I'm sorry guys this is crazy man so it doesn't stop to bleed how are you today my friend we are going to start in one minute okay talk about motion five and how you can create effects to use in final cut all right let me know your name where are you from okay again I'm Leno from Leno effects based on in Brazil and today is Sunday a great day I'm sorry about that guys really sorry but I prefer to do something like that then miss the life okay I'm here with you this is crazy but that's the fun of it the some of you told me that this Spontini is spontaneity it's what makes live events so so I I think closer I don't know the description sidekick a my friend how are you thanks for being here I'm glad that you make it what's the time where are you from here for me is 3 p.m. Peter from North Netherlands welcome Peter Michael lead leads in UK thanks for being here don't forget to subscribe to hit the like button ok guys I'm here opening motion already and we are going to talk about how you can create effects to using final cut if you is checking in now I was shaving and then I cut my lip and it doesn't stop to bleed let me put one little thing like that maybe maybe it will stop yeah let me see good good 2 p.m. wow my friend thanks for for being awake to see the live training Peter 8 a.m. good - good afternoon everyone from Spain here ready to go yeah mark Manero good my friend my my my mother lives in in Spain in Madrid good so let's get started 3 3 p.m. here grab a cup of coffee water anything open motion 5 or just watch and then later you can review the the key points and try it by yourself because my my goal here is to teach you how to use motions so you can be more productive in final cut because sometimes when you you create something repetitive repetitively in final cut it's a bad idea to create in motion because you can create a template and then the template is just a matter of click click click click boom you have the effect ready to go and I have some basic things that I want to talk to you but I need your suggestion maybe a reference on how to create some effect but don't come with very complex effect I want to create something sorry for you that can be useful and time-saving some tips on how to save time by creating simple effects in motion okay I'm at good to see you here my friend thanks for being here yeah please guys hit the like button ok subscribe to the channel because I have a goal of having a hundred thousand subscribers until December 2021 oh my God my you doesn't emit nice to 9 p.m. great 9 p.m. I was shaving and a knife could cut my lip lips lip yeah so let's go first 9 people live why is there on there's only 2 4 likes I need 9 let's go guys the first thing they replay hit the like button help us grow the channel if you can oh I need a help these lives takes a lot of time and they I need to put timestamps so if you are looking the viewing the replay please create timestamps put in the description and then output in the description of the video if you can all right I need your help guys because this is very hard to do every day so I'm sorry about that I'm sorry let's go let me open fine motion it's already opened here alright let me close this by pressing I don't know the name it's the key left key in there written the left key in the keyboard the I don't know that this the name is this one safe zones this symbol okay so let's go first of all let me create two basic effects very basic if you already know be patient because I'm going to talk about other things as well oh my god my lip doesn't stop to bleed and then let's see final cut and then we are going to make something more complex so let me open any project here it doesn't matter which project let me show you something for example sometimes it's important to have an adjustment layer adjustment layer is something that you put like above and then if you do something to this layer command six you affect all the clips below sometimes I see some adjustment layers on some sites to download for free but if you don't know how to create it let me show you very quickly but this is very powerful tool to using our edit so let's learn how to use in motion to create go to motion five very simple command in command and then go to Final Cut title here you can put ten seconds for example 24 frames no problem hit open and just delete this layer press command s to save it new category and let's call it Leno live or give any name you want create and then here you can put adjustment layer adjustment layer good publish that's that's it now we have let me go to final cut now we have an adjustment layer Leno lives and then if I change anything here I'll change other key lips below great now let's go to the other effect here in Final Cut in the videos tab you can rotate the video like this in the Z position in the Z is rotation but you can rotate in 3d so how can you do that there's no way yeah that is if you use motion 5 so let's go to motion 5 again close this one with mandiboy w command m to create a new product select if effects final cut effect you can put these these configurations open then select this layer that represents the video that you are going to add the effect let me reset this f12 go to the inspector Emmet asks what type of project final cut final cut effect my friend let me show you again command n to create the adjustment layer is final cut title to create the effect that we are going to create now is final cut effect great so yeah hit the like button guys subscribe to the channel don't forget and then let me let me publish the parameters of rotation you can click here on the word and publish or you can come to this triangle and publish all right let's publish the position and this scale as well and the opacity good now go to the product go to inspector project here is the parameters that you are going to see in final cut let me make the scale the first one the position and then yeah good you can change them around just click and drag then save it let's call it Leno live and know the name is 3d parameters or 3d rotation rotation good new category Leno live or put any name you want good go to final cut click here on the FX tab when you create a title you'll see in the titles tab bar browser effect in the timing the effects browser and transitions in the transitions browser go to the category Leno live let me find it it doesn't appear yet let's go to another one come back let's see no oh I didn't save it haha and it doesn't work like that I need to save it go to final cut let's see good click and drag let go or just select the video double click go to the videos tab here 3d rotation then I can make it smaller I can open the triangle and change the X scale X rotation Y rotation open the position and change the Z position like that the exposition good so that's what you can do and let's say that you want to have a text go to find in motion create a new text click here click and drag let go and put let's say Leno effects motion live ask escape key Center Center f1 Center by pressing reset parameters f4 make it bigger like that good and then I can f1 put here on this position ok man s comeback delete the effect add again and then you can see the text make it smaller let's say look it doesn't change the size of the text this is because I publish the parameters of the video of the layer not the group if I want this to affect the de text I need to put to publish the group parameters let's say that I want rotation publish command S come back and the rotation is for the group look it works great but if i change the scale the the text doesn't change but then i could select the text select the text Wow I open the text tab what is it double-click wise not showing up let me see that is something strange I don't know why it's not giving me the option it's not blood command ass let me see I can move it this shouldn't be happening what let me put here command s let's see guys I don't know why it should be happy working it's strange I'm not going to take the time to find out here live because it will be a waste of your time okay so let me you could publish the parameters let's see publish the parameters command s come back delete put again and then he can change the text change the size and why is not the option look editable in final cut is enabled it should allow me to add it in final cut everything okay but let's move on command s are you guys liking the tips or you already know everything that I'm showing you let me know in the chat chat window in my let me know guys if you are liking these tips just a moment please you yeah guys I was to the bathroom because it doesn't stop to bleed so let me see sidekick yes this is really good Tom thanks for being here Tom like them great now let's see how it can put one video one video side-by-side let's create an effect for that okay let's go here let me put my screen okay good close this project command n because I want something like that look I want something like let me put control D 4.2 change the duration put one above the other and to snap then what I want is select both put 50% for example or 40 and then one I need to be like here and the other one like here okay as an effect yeah Michael says I'm a novice in motion so it's all very help useful great Michael good to know and then later in a few days we can go deep and talk more about more advanced stuff okay so let's go step by step now let's go to motion create in effect final cut effect seven seconds 24 frames per second hit open close this dynamic guides I like now what you do is f1 and then you can let me see you can let me see how can I do that I could publish the parameters and then I just but what I want to do is create a pop-up menu where the person can select the size and let's see how how we can do that hmm let's create a rig come here and select rig and then select pop-up let's call the first one left and the right one in the second one right select the third and hit - good if you don't know what rig is and widget this is a rig this is a pop-up we can talk about talked talked about this in another day just about rigs okay because it's a deep topic in complex one sometimes and then I can explain better but if you if you follow what I'm doing it's going to work so now let me see let me reset like this and then here I'm going to select and change the name position and then you can take the group the group and then select the scale and position both holding down the command key click and drag and put here on the position good now it's left come here and put 45 percent or 40 go to the exposition and move to the left let's move it - 400 good now and let's select right and put 4 40 and move to the right in the exposition 400 positive right now if you select left boom all the parameters change select right boom all the parameters change again now what I need to do is publish this pop up to be available in motion so come here click and publish great now if you come to the project project you can select left or right great now what else I can do is let me see let's say that the person you want to be able to change the size in the position again even though you are moving here command Z you can publish the scale of the lair of the effect source this is important you can't publish something that is already in a rig in a widget you can't animate a parameter that is been using in a rig it's not good ok command s and let's call it I don't know what's the name you think it's the best one for this let me see there's a row option that you can see all the videos right there is a row option that you can see is all video aligned I didn't understand very well my friend but I think you are talking about using a rule to align them but I like to use the the number in the inspector just put a specific number - go to the left positive goes to the right let's all these as grid something like that select live Leno FX live great go to final cut and it's always a good idea to test let me reset this let me select this and reset as well great select the grid put on one video and look it's already in the right select this one input on the other one select and then select left look how nice and then you could come here and put 50% 100% 120 percent 80% and then come to the other one 80% or you could delete let me delete and add again you could come and put on one clip change to 70 for example and then select command C command shift V select the other one and paste the grid and then just come here and change to left and then if you have more videos now look III I feel the need of having a act Y position so I can move them up or down so let's go to final cut or to motion and I can't publish the position because it's it's been here it's it's been used in the rig so I need to use this one I just need the Y position so you click on the triangle and publish this F 1 and then you can say Y position great great name command s come here delete all of this again it's important to always be testing add again go to the position let me say that I want here - 300 oh sorry - 300 and then just copy command C command shift V select grid come here left and then the great thing about this is that you have the audio you have the audio okay this is great it's better than drop zones so I met it this was a question there is a rule option that you can see all videos align yeah you can see the rules here just come to the view rules and then you can create a rule or you can come to grid look okay let me command shift our guides command yeah I'm reviewing the the keyboard shortcuts it's always important to use keyboard shortcuts good so that's it now what we can do let me see come here to motion command and command and titles it's great this configuration open delete this text select the group go to add object generators generators solid then go to the inspector change the color to white or something like that publish the color parameter publish command as in called solid go to Leno live publish and then you can go to final cut Lynn effects live solid click and drag and put here make the same duration great right so what you could do evil Brazil Brazil ask as he says the later you could put a captions of Brazil or a life of Brazilian people captions I can't my friend it takes a lot of time and if I do if I put captions in Portuguese I should put captions in all regions or all all languages because Leno FX is a global company and I can't make give privileges to Brazilian even though I am Bob and Brazilian you know we we as a business owner need to to always be thinking on the pet parrot parrot owes principal a t28 ero 8020 rule something like that 20% of the effort that brings 80% of the results so in this moment I can't create captions I don't have the time so my 20% is dude doing the lives my 80% is doing the captions the time stamps share on social media because I'm here asking for you guys for your help because I'm doing a lot of stuff already these lives has been a great challenge for me a big challenge and we need help we need help in anything anything we do ok so if you have the time my friend please create a caption in English and then maybe final mo YouTube will translate in another language as well and this will be great for everyone ok and about the Portuguese lives the act maybe maybe I can do in the future but for now I don't have the time I don't have the energy these lives in English it's already being a big challenge for me and he says it's okay my friend good to know evil I hope that you are understanding and learning from this okay ten people live that's awesome guys hit the like button and subscribe to the channel don't forget to subscribe to the channel I need your help to grow this channel okay and thank you for being here it's a Sun Sunday it's Sunday and you are here with me it's my pleasure you are taking the time to learn motion 5 this means that you are a great professional a person that a person that is very committed very dedicated you want to be successful in your work I'm sure that I'm sure about that and so congratulations congratulations for you to be for being here with me today right now in a Sunday this is awesome so let's finish this effect ok this is just a based overview of how you can use FX to speed up your workflow in final cut I think every final cut Video Editor should learn how to use motion because it makes all the difference you can be more creative more productive work a lot faster all right so let's go back to motion and let me drink some water if you like this don't forget guys this is very important it's very simple but important thing to do so what do we did we created an effect that you can move left and right you can change the scale you can change the Y position this is awesome we also created a solid that you can change the color just go to the titles tab and here you can change the color now let's create a text go to motion command W command n title seven seconds twenty-four frames open delete this one T click here click again like that good let go and let's call it Leno effects live training escape heat f1 make it bigger Center alignment vertical alignment center Center like that f1 hit reset good but I want to put here because it will be the title for this scene we could add this text to one of these as well in the background as well okay so we did so we should have just one element not three you could do that no problem now let's publish the position f4 let's publish the text box here the font the size the tracking and appearance publish the color then click here on project go to the products tab publishing and here you can put the position below command s put as title or anything you want category Leno line go to final cut here we have our title but it's not animated so let's come back to motion select this click here and let me take some basic one so we can have something already we are not starting from scratch let me use this one I'm not sure what it does good great let's make it smaller faster the animation command /good I'm cutting you can click and drag or select and press oh good I like it command D put at the end and then we need to come here and rename it let's call it out the animation out out animation click on controls from change to to great now let's put a marker shift M command option M and then change to built-in optional okay look how fast I can do shift M comment option M and then just change you can do very fast great what this does is you have the option to enable or disable the in animation and you can change the duration of the text without changing the speed of the animation in final cut command s go to final cut click here let me press ask Escape key oh sorry ACK ACKs key put the mouse here the cursor axe select queue great great now let's animate this solid select open in motion let me do something very simple f1 scale open and let's change the scale Y scale like that okay so put a keyframe at the beginning hold down the shift and type and hit right arrow right arrow right arrow add another keyframe come back to the previous one by clicking here in my case my keyboard shortcut is W put 0 look very ugly animation and to put the to set the work area command seven to close the timeline command eight click inside press F shift Z comes out on command click and drag hold down the shift key now I want to do an S curve like that very and let me till children not not tilde I need to and learn how to pronounce these symbol the keyboard shortcut I don't know command H it's not previewing in real time 22:23 let me press still the option W option Z look it slow I want faster click here shift Z let me make them close together to make it faster if you are not seeing the keyframes just click on this button [Music] because you can change the timing without going to the keyframe editor good I like I like option X then command 7 command 8f shift Z select command C command V select right click right click reverse keyframes now select both and put the last frame in the last last keyframe in the last frame nice shift M comment option M built-in optional out shift em option command M built-in in I'm going faster because I already showed you command ask how to do alright if you did not see it go back to see how I did it delete put again option right bracket so now we need to animate the boxes let me do something very very simple there is nothing more simpler than a fade so let's create a fade we did not publish or put the opacity in a rig so let's do that not in a rig but animate go to 18 frames put a keyframe go back and put 0 and then you can say look Lena why don't you use behaviors because I don't like the fade from behaviors I don't like I don't use it at all ok it's very rare just when I want something very fast and then I use behaviors but I don't like the effect let me show you how command 8 command 7 because I like to use hold on the command key and do this because the fade it's much beautiful much softer smoother F I want a faster select command left arrow great I like it now again select command V F select reverse keyframes select gold command right arrow shift M command option M optional shift implement option M [Music] command Z command s sorry now let me see let me delete delete put again change it to let's say 80% and put below lower in the frame command C command shift V paste left let's change the color of the text great let's see now what I need to do is option W to add a gap United need to move the the text and this solid a little bit early and then I could take the second the right one and select press dot one two three four five times to create slight offset in time I think if I I say offset it means in time right beautiful right what do you guys think about that did you guys like it did you love it let me know in the chat box if you are seeing the replay put in the comments I like it I love it subscribe to the channel hit the like button share with your friends let me see if my lips is good if it stopped let me see yeah I stopped it stopped oh no sorry guys about that yeah let me know I need your conversation I need your feedback I need to talk to you if I I'm here by myself on a Sunday day and with you but I need your participation great we are finishing this and I hope that you'll like it you'll learn something new today that can be very helpful in your work let me know in the comments I count on you guys to share this video with your friends with your groups that you find that can be helpful for them okay let me know yeah look I love this click here subscribe and hit the bell so you can be notified hit the like button subscribe to the channel and let's hit the goal of having a hundred thousand subscribers for Len FX community in in in a few days we are going to create the final Leno FX community in on Facebook so I hope to see you there so we can participate you can give me ideas for the lives we can chat yeah it's going to be awesome I'm sure of that because I need to know what your reality and how can I make your life as a video editor and as a person in general better ok because together we can grow guys I need your feedback I need your participation are you here with me let me know so I think that's it if you have any question let me know in the comments in the comments this has been a great life it's a pleasure for me to be here and thanks for watching the live if you are here live with me thank you so much and if you are seeing the replay thank you as well has Sun King and me eonni and something like that yes thank you my friend for the the the comment this is important to me I feel much much energized when I see your comments I feel I feel a bit bad bad when I'm I'm feeling that I'm alone I'm in a monologue I don't like a monologue I like to have a conversation so you can always be talking to me okay so that's it guys thank you so much for being here I hope to see you on the next live training Jackie hey Lena hey hey Jackie thanks for being here my friend so until next time and I hope that this has been helpful to you and that's it have a great Sunday thank you so much and you're welcome my friend has son thank you you're welcome and friend as well and this is awesome stay home yeah my friend that's it you are amazing thank you brother yeah good to see your comments support from the UK nice great that's great thank you guys see you next time bye bye have a great day or night
Channel: LenoFX
Views: 1,999
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Live #17 - Basic Effects in Apple Motion 5 to Final Cut Pro X Tutorial, apple motion 5, apple motion, motion 5, motion 5 tutorial, motion tutorial, apple motion tutorial, effects, effect, publish, template, templates, Final Cut Pro X Tutorial, final cut pro x, fcpx, fcp, final cut, final cut pro, final cut pro x tutorial, final cut pro tips, final cut pro tutorial, fcpx tutorial, lenofx, leno fx
Id: -4blIiJzJaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 26sec (2846 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2020
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