How to Build FCPX Transitions in Motion 5

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hi everybody I'm Stephanie Mullen aka final cut stuff from rampant design tools calm and today I am here to show you how to create your very own final cut transitions using motion 5 in this motion training class I'm going to show you how easy it is to create time-specific transitions how to add options to your transitions using motion rigs and then we are going to build an RGB distortion transition from scratch yeah it's going to be crazy for real now before we start and because I love you all so much I'm giving away these motion project files today for free head on over to 4k free com sign up and you will get access to all of our free projects and effects you will see the motion transition files right here at the top and you will also get access to all of our free effects as well that's like a double scoop of Awesome so head on over there check it out and download those today all right let's start building our transitions now the first thing I want to do is explain what we are building so I'm going to start in Final Cut as you can see here I have bunch of clips in my timeline but we're talking about two clips we're talking about going from clip 1 to clip 2 or clip a to clip B right we're talking about transitions and we I thought we want to do we want to create something that goes from clip a to clip B now in Final Cut Final Cut comes with a ton of built-in transitions and they're fantastic and my favorite if I go to movements and I come over here to slide I put this is my favorite transition to slide just like this I love the way it looks and it's fantastic but what if I want a slide that's actually time to fit my needs because I always seem to find myself going okay I got to go duration I want this to be a twelve frame maybe I need to make it a six frame and you have final cuts made that really easy for me but I want something built in so I don't have to worry about the duration I can slap it on keep editing saving time and saving my sanity right so how do you do that how how is it that you make a time specific transition well this may seem like a complex task but the awesome folks over Apple have created making this transition in motion much easier than you think so I'm going to get rid of this and we're going to start motion so I'm going to hide I'm going to hide Final Cut do that then we're going to open up motions now when you first open motion you will see this screen don't be scared of this there's a lot of information here but we're going to break it down to small pieces for you so everything makes sense first thing we're going to start we're going to start here on the left and all you're seeing here on the left hand side is a list of all of your projects that you've created in motion it's a really fast easy way to see exactly what you've built you can see here I've made a lot of different motion projects so I love how this is all right here love that all right moving along right here in the middle these are actually going to be your motion projects or the things that you create in motion the first one you'll see here is called motion project these are going to be all your native motion graphics projects that you create so let's say you have a motion template it would most likely be a motion project and the next four project types so you have one here all these these are going to be based around Final Cut here's where you can build your Final Cut effects your generators your transitions and your titles now we're going to be working with transitions so let's go ahead and select that and then moving right along here you'll see here these are going to be your project properties you can change the resolution to whatever you want we're going to stay with 1080 you can change your framerate to whatever you want we're going to work in a 24 frame transition right now and then you can do your duration which right now is going to be 24 frames that's what we're going to start with so that's all you do pretty pretty simple now all we do next is click open and here's the motion interface this is what you get when you open it up now at this point when I hear a lot of editors say nope not going to happen goodbye I'm closing that out I'm going to hire it out and they close motion and they never look at it again well I'm here to show you that motion is not scary and I'm going to try to take some of the fear out of this big bad scary program it's not really big and bad it's really quite easy so let's get started now the first thing I want to do is I want to change my view from 100% to 50% just so I can see the whole canvas right here and then we're going to come down here and we're going to play with our timeline and you'll see if I move my playhead around here it's flashing from green to red no this is not some crazy Apple traffic light this is just a visual way to show you that you're going from one clip to another so like we talked about in Final Cut you're going from clip a to clip be okay so two color panels showing this and what your footage is going to be in Final Cut that's not so scary is it alright so everybody still with me okay let's keep going alright let's start building our transition the first thing I want to do is set up my timeline for my transitions to work and the first thing I want to do is I want to make sure my layer a and my layer B are completely overlapping so just want to take my transition B move it to the front and transition a move it to the end now we have everything overlapping correct now we're talking about making a slide or wipe and that would involve moving transition a or layer a to reveal layer B then what for this instance we're actually going to be using a crop so to find the crop you're going to click on your transition a come up here to your inspector you're going to see your properties this is exactly like it is in Final Cut this is a different location right so we still have properties we still have an inspector there's our properties for transition a and like I said we're working with the crop so we're going to come down here it's going to say crop we need to turn that on and we need to say show now what we're going to be working with is we're going to be working with the left crop right so here it is see how it's revealing that red underneath that's perfect and you also see that motion stops us at 200 I don't know why it does that but if you take the number you can keep going all the way up so you'll there there's our our slide right so let's undo that so how do we make that happen well we have to animate it we're going to animate using keyframes keyframes were really simple so we want the keyframe to start here at 0 and we want to take our play out all the way over here to the end and we want this to go all the way to the end just like that so if I play that through there we go we have this beautiful transition how easy was that now there's our first slide now what we have to do is we have to save it but there is one thing I want to point out before we save this and that's about the timing so let me go back to Final Cut if you didn't know this you have a preference in your final cut about the timing of transitions if I come up here to Final Cut the menu click on preferences and you click on add the editing tab right here you're going to see right here that you have a transition duration and this transition duration is two seconds so if you bring in a transition into Final Cut it doesn't have a specific take time it's always going to be two seconds well we have to find a way to override this so that when we bring in our 24 frame transitions our wipe our slide it doesn't it could extend it to two seconds right so how do we do that so they get rid of this it's really really simple in motion so before you save it what you want to do is you want to look at your project properties so if I do it to find that you click on project and it's going to pull up the properties here in your inspector if you didn't see the properties remember you can always click on inspector and it's going to be right there and underneath the properties you're going to say see things like your resolution your frame rate a whole bunch of other stuff but right here it says override SCP duration by checking this box we are overriding that default transition duration in final cut if this is not checked when you would drag this to your timeline between two Clips it would be stretched out to two seconds so we want to check this so it stays at 24 frames and now we just save like any other program we're going to press command s and this little pop-up window is going to come up and you're going to see you're going to have to name your template put it in a category and give it a theme well what does that mean well let me show you in Final Cut it's a lot easier to show you there if we come over here to our transition window right here you will see all these names here this is going to be your template name so for example this says reflection that's your template name and then your categories are going to be everything over here these are all your categories and then if you had a theme which you don't need one's always your themes are going to be here in this little pulldown menu so template name category theme heading back to motion so let's go ahead and name our template slide 24 we're going to create a new category and we're going to call this Steph's transitions and you can call this whatever you want put your name in there call it whatever so steps transitions they create it's going to create a category for us and then all we need to do is publish we're not going to put this in a theme right now because we don't need one so let's publish that and now let's head over to Final Cut and see what we created so now right here if you go down here to steps transitions if I click on that there's my slide 24 put that over here and I roll that back and let's just make sure let's do a control D just to make sure it's still 1 in 1 second or 24 frames that's perfect roll that through and there's our wipe our slide I love it all right so now let's make a 12 and what's the easiest way to do that is we're going to go back to our motion and we're going to use this slide 24 as our basis now you could if you want to make another one go to file new and then create transition and do the whole thing from scratch you could do that but we're going to keep this in light why reinvent the wheel wide make more work for ourselves we already made it once so what we want to do is we want to first save as we don't want to override this overwrite this on accident so if we do command shift s it's going to pull up another dialog box and we want to call this slide 12 we want to put this in our same category so steps transitions and we want to say publish now the next thing we need to do is we need to fix our animation right so with our animation we have this going we want to be at 12 let's put our playhead at 12 let's move our keyframe back to 12 so now you'll see that it's full red full green full red full green and now what we have to do if we play this through we'll wait a second what's all that extra stuff at the end well now we have to fix the duration of our project remember we're still in a 24 frame duration now the easiest way to do this for right here in this window is to click on this little arrow next to your timecode pull that down that's going to say show project duration if you click on that you're going to see here so it's a 1 second or 24 frame duration if we double click that change this to 0 and then change this to 12 look at that we now have a 12 second transition perfect all right so now we do is command s because we already save this if we head back over to Final Cut voila there's our slide 12 so drag that in look 24 frames 12 frames oh it's so great alright let's go back to motion and quickly make our our 6 frame remember I said you have to move this to frame 6 well how come I can't see my time codes oh that's right we had it set on project durations to switch that back to current time move your playhead to frame six move your key frame down to frame six change your duration from 12 to six and all we need to do now is say that now I didn't do save as at the beginning so make sure you do a command shift s on to say that so slide six put this in step transitions and say publish and if we go back to final cut there's our slide six let's throw that on oh my gosh let's look at this we've just created a 24 a 12 and a six frame slide really easy really fast all right is everybody still with me that was pretty easy right remember when I got that C motions not really that scary alright let's move on to the second thing we're talking about and that's talking about rigging well what is rigging what does that mean very simply rigging just means that you're giving options okay so if I add in here if I go up to all and I show I throw a cross-dissolve on here and we click on this we go up here to the inspector all of these things here is that you see in Final Cut our options or they are rigs inside of motion so how do we create these options how do we create rigs well I'm going to show you that it's actually not that hard all right so I'm going to get rid of this and what we're going to do is we're going to head back over to motion and we're going to take a look at slide 24 we're going to add some options to our slide 24 and the easiest way to reopen something that's that you created in motion is if you're in Final Cut is to come over here right click and click open in motion and we're talking about the 24 so let's click open in motion and here's our slide 24 remember we made this at the very very first transition that we made okay and maybe we wanted to add a box to this that was that was right here along the transition line right along that crop line you see this a lot on TV maybe wanted to add that on there so that's really really easy to do well the first thing we have to do is we have to create a box right so right here on the right above the timecode you're going to see this little bar and there are a bunch of tools here and this is your shape tool if you twirl this down you'll see they have a rectangle a circle and a line we want to do a rectangle so select that then come up here and you're going to draw the right on top just like that now before we do anything else I want to show you this you'll see that your rectangle came in exactly where your playhead was positioned we want this to be than the entire thing so all I need to do is make sure I extend that to the beginning of our of our clip here all right so now we have our box but wait a second what's not doing anything it's just sitting there that's right we have to animate it right we have to we have to put some motion in this and this is where motion gets super fun now we could go up and animate all the keyframes and tweak the box so that it sticks on there the whole way through right but that's a lot of heavy lifting and that's not easy I know your thing stuff really you have to do all of that no no this is where motion gets really really cool we're not going to use keyframes we're going to use something called a motion behavior now what our motion behaviors well they are probably the most amazing built-in animations that will make your life as an editor easier than ever and if you ask anyone who uses motions they would probably tell you that behaviors are one of the best features of this program so where were these behaviors live well if you come on up here to your library if you're on your inspector click on library and you will see that all this stuff all this content that's built in and the very first one is behaviors we click on that you will see here there are 231 behaviors yes limit let me scroll through all these look at all of this awesome behavior as well pretty cool and what I really what I really like about this is that if you click on something like this it gives you a little preview of what it does so got a blast in live a bunch of text behaviors in here which is really neat but I love that it shows you all I can see exactly what it is that's fantastic so these are behaviors and they're automatic animations that have that motion has built into the library now if you're starting out you're probably going to stay with this folder right here called basic motion and this is going to be your main save your eyes it's going to just go it's going to save you so much time so we're working in the basic motion with our our box here and what we want to do is we want to make that box stick on that edge right we're going to use this behavior called a line 2 and all you have to do to make this behavior work is take it from here and drag it right on top and that is it okay so now we played this through wait a second nothing's happening well we have to tell it exactly what to align to it doesn't just know because it could be anything we could have all we can have 700 layers here which layers is it going to align to so to do that we're going to click on the line - we're going to come here to our inspector and you're going to get this box in the properties window and the first thing we want to do is we want to tell it what to align to right now it says none we want this to align to our transition it transition layer a so we want it to move with that to do that you'll see this little well right here if you ever use a drop zone in Final Cut this is the exact same thing and we want to drag this layer to this and to do that we just take it hold it it's going to pull up this little arrow and we drop it in now if we play this through you'll see it's all it's attached oh all right so far so good next we think we have to look at are these other options that we have here and we wanted to do is we want to align this to transition a on the left side let's go ahead and click left like here are the other options we was on Center that's where we've Center before but one it left all right so now we have it going through okay well next thing you'll notice is that when we play this animation it's good on the end it's not showing but here at the beginning it's actually showing we don't want that to happen remember I said we want it to be a full green screen and we want to go to a full red screen as much as possible so to fix that we're going to align the next thing which is the rectangle is going to be aligned to the Anchor Point which is right here right now the rectangle is aligned in the center if we open this up you will see that there's left right top bottom upper left and so on so we actually want this to be aligned to the right-hand side of that anchor point there we go so now our box is aligned now I can see that there is now if i zoom in here you could probably see zoom in pretty far let's see if I can find that you'll see here we have a little red line we don't want that little red line to be there how do we fix that well if we click on a line this is where your offsets going to be if I twirl this down you'll see that I can move this over like this so I just one move it over just a tad bit just so that little that you're not seeing any of the layer beneath it and then let's just make sure that this is not going off and I see that I've done something wrong I think that this be property got chained to the crop on transition a should be at zero oh I moved it oh it's right here so this should be at zero sorry that's what happened there we go perfect and then there's our box I actually moved it when I zoomed in so took care of that all right so there's our box it's aligned to our transition a and we're done whew that's great but I told you I was going to give you options right now right now we'd have a box stuck on here's the option what if we don't want this box to be here what if we do want it to be there so we want to turn it on and off well the easiest way to do that is probably to work with the opacity of the actual rectangle so if I come up here to opacity they're gone theirs off on off on off on but I don't want to make somebody sit here and go with a slider of opacity that's not real sexy is it we want it we want a box but a checkbox I'm going to turn this on turn it off really fast keep going editing keep on with my work right so to do that we're going to create a rig and here's where our rigging options come in so besides opacity there's this little arrow and there's a little arrow on every single thing if you drop that down you're going to come down here to see add to rig we're going to create a new rig and then you're going to have these three different options you can have a checkbox you can have a pop-up you can have a slider now a checkbox is going to be exactly what I just said we're going to be when you click it something happens when you turn it off something happens okay doesn't necessarily have to be an on/off it can be a yellow green whatever however you rig on this particular example we are talking about opacity so it would be an on and off you can do a pop-up and if I go back to Final Cut and I drag that dissolve over here I can show you the options here and this is going to be your pop-up so when you click it it's going to be a drop-down menu where you have a bunch of options and in the last rig that you can do as a slider and again that's this where you can actually slide just like the opacity now get rid of that back to motion now we are doing it on off so I want to choose add to rig create new rig add to new checkbox and you'll see here on my lair spaniel panel a rig popped up and it says checkbox the very first thing I want to do is I want to double click this and I want to call this something that I know what it is and I'm going to call this box on /off enter now that's my box on and off now if we head all the way back up here to our properties window between our inspector you'll see we have these things that says box on and off little check box and then here's our opacity now if we think about this when this box is not checked we want this opacity to be zero so let's change that to zero now it's gone over here if we click it it's on off on off on super easy all right now how do we make this show up in our final cut window how do we make it show up on that and that inspector and final cut well we click on this arrow right here twirl down to publish and that's it now if you want to see what you're actually publishing to Final Cut if you click here on your project and you go here to the inspector and you click on the project window this is what is showing up in Final Cut so whatever you see here your published parameters this is going to come into Final Cut so it's a really cool way to see what you're doing all right so the next thing we want to talk about is this rectangle well I want to give us some color options I don't want to just be white that's really really boring so how do I do that well that's really easy if you go up to library there's another folder here called filters if we click on filters you have a lot of different options we're talking about colors so let's go to color correction and then we're going to be colorizing our white from white to a color so we're going to drag colorize to our rectangle and you'll see it turns into this peach color which is really nice but so now let's go back to our inspector and right here you'll see the filters tab and here's all of our options for the colorized filter and we're talking about this remapping to white so if I there you go right there goes changing colors so we want to publish this now in motion which is really cool you can create a rig which is what we just did with the opacity to make it look sexy from on and off or and so does having a slider so you can create a rig or you can publish something directly as is from motion to Final Cut and you do that the same way with this little arrow and I just go to publish I don't have to create a rig I don't have to do any of that but that's just published and how do we know well we go over here to our project click on that and if you can't see this project one if you see this click on project and again here are the parameters that are getting published to Final Cut here's our box and here's our remap white - and then our color now what before we get started on anything else the first thing I want to I want to rename this this is what does this mean remap white - that is crazy if I gave this to an editor they'd be like what are you doing with me what is this let's double click that and let's name this box color alright now it's a lot easier ok so my box goes on and off ok my box color perfect that's easy now this is what is going to show up inside Final Cut so if I now click Save took safe head on over to Final Cut and I go if I get rid of this first one and I go back to stuff transitions drag my 24 here here we go there's my box it looks amazing I'm so happy it goes it works yay alright now the other thing I want to show you is that whatever you have default in motion whatever you have set there that's what's going to show up here so if I get rid of this right now you'll see that this is checked on in this box is peach right let's delete that let's head back over to motion let's turn this off and let's turn this color to something like pink something bright that you can see ok so right now it's off in pink if I save this now and go back to final cut and now drag this 24 dry make sure it's resaved drag this 24 slide here you'll see now that there's a slide but now if you look over here in the inspector the box is off and the color is what I set it to so does that make sense whatever you have and whatever you're seeing in motion will be translated inside a final cut so if you want your box to be off which is probably what we want we want that to be unchecked and then again you can make this whatever color you want so now we can say on now we can pick a color if I choose this I can actually pull up the the eyedropper and choose a color and that's actually in my frame so maybe I want to be able peach or maybe I want to be blue whatever we want there and we have our slide with our box I love it and that's that let me close this out we just created three specifically timed slide transitions we've got one we've got two and we've got three and then we added a box right here which can be turned on or turned off and then we changed we added the color change so you can check you can change it to any color you want and that wasn't too hard was it motion has some amazing tools in the way it integrates with final cuts is awesome I just love it okay so perfect we've got 24 we got the six we've got we have twelve we've got six we're rolling now now here's part two okay this is this is the step we're going to create something from from scratch we just learned some serious motion basics and I hope I was able to take some of the fear out of using this amazing motion graphic software all right now let's apply all these techniques and maybe a few more and create a complex RGB split distortion transition because you know everybody loves distortion that is built from scratch right so now this build is going to be kind of fast so I want to be able to because I want to be able to show you how easy it is to create a complex transition alright let's hide final cut let's get that out there and let's get rid of these other projects and we're going to start new so file new and we're doing a transition so do transition where you still want this to be a 24 frame transition 1080 is fine I'm going to say open alright again we want to make sure we make our layer a and our layer B overlap perfect and again I need to I need to find some way to make layer a reveal layer B underneath and because we're doing distortion we're going to use some different tools and I want to start with making a rectangle and choose this rectangle before I did I'm going to make my canvas so I can see it and I'm going to make a little rectangle like that alright and what I want this rectangle to do is I want it to fill this entire screen I want to be replicated well your promotion has this really cool thing if you come up here to the right and click replicate it replicates oh we have a bunch of boxes now if we go over here to the inspector and check out our replicator properties right here there are some different things the first thing I want to do is I make sure my size fits my canvas so let's change this to 1920 by 1080 okay and then I also want to make sure it's zeroed out right now it's on some crazy X's let's make this zero and let's make Y zero there we go back to our rectangle that looks nice this is look very Distortion it's a little bit too uniform so let's change our arrangement from tile fill to random fill just like that looking great now we need to cover we need to make our these little rectangles go from zero to a whole bunch right so we basically want it at the end of this frame we want the if we look here they're called points we want this to be pretty much like that right completely full so how do we do that well all we need to do is keyframe it so let's start here let's put this as 0 full green keyframe that and then by the end we want to have this to be as full as we can so let's move that up looks pretty good right so if we play that through hmm there we go all right we're starting our distortion if we're getting excited all right so there we got that now let's make something boxes don't look very glitchy they don't have a lot of a lot of life let's give them some life and we're going to do that by adding some filters and the very first filter cycle material library filters I'm going to come down here I'm going to search for a filter called wave I'm going to drag that filter to my replicator just like that I'm going to go back to my inspector and here's where I can play with my these things called amplitude and wavelength so if I do this you'll see ruler gets crazy and then if I do this to get to even crazier if I want to drop this down so see how that those glitchy lines just like that and maybe make that just like that perfect so now let's add some motion to these rectangles right now this is looking good that they're coming in kind of uniform so let's add some motion so to our replicator we want to come up here to the library and we want to go we want to get rid of this wave and we want to search for a filter called offset okay I'm going to drag my offset filter to my replicator and that's going to let allow me to see how they come in like room to come in a little crazy alright let's go back to the inspector and if I come to the if I show you this this is what's going to happen I wanted to do something like this yeah it's going crazy but I don't want to sit here and keyframe this whole thing remember that's a lot of heavy lifting I need motion to do a lot more work than that so let's undo that what I'm going to do is I'm going to add a behavior we talked about behaviors I'm going to add a behavior to the horizontal offset right here so I want to click on this come here to add parameter behavior and I'm going to say randomize let's let motion do all the work little man needs to work so right now if I did this now now you can see that it's doing behavior to all by itself it's offsetting that that on it's making the offset all of a sudden do a animation so I come to replicator you'll see right here here's my points it's moving and then as I come to my filter there's my offset see moving all by itself look at that little man go he's going hmm all right so we have this offset working now if you come in here to offset you can also do if I come back to behaviors you can also if you don't like this animation there's this thing called random seed I can click this refresh and of the whole thing so you can keep going until you find something that you like like see I like how it comes across - that looks really glitchy that looks really cool so let's stop there we're good oh yeah one other thing I really like about motion is that you can refresh this while it's playing back as you just saw that I did so that's a really cool feature now we have this replicator offset going and it's randomizing and we have this thing down here called randomize well I want to rename this because I like to keep everything organized if I had to come back to this project in four months I would have no idea what I'm doing or what's going on so let's click this and let's just put randomized offset just so we know what's actually being animated right there you can also look if you go to your behavior right here you can also look down here apply to but it's hard to see that when you're in your layers panel to see exactly what you're doing so I like to rename it makes it really simple and keeps it really clean and I'm really liking the way this looks just like this but I really want to I think I want to animate put some animation on this wave right I want to I kind of want this see how I kind of make it do this because that's really cool and glitchy well it's that behavior duh let's not do any work let's do what let's what motion do that so let's add a behavior again let's add a randomized behavior to that wave and let's just see what happens right now if you see it so it's getting crazy let's add a little more amount of that so it goes really crazy so it goes rude and if I go back to the wave you'll see there it's moving by itself do that for me I love it so cool and the other thing I want to do on the behavior right here is I want to make sure that I name this randomized wave okay just so I can keep myself straight and I know exactly what's going on art here's our here's our first animation this looks awesome I just love the way it looks oh so great very glitchy looking great so now we need to make this just replicator with all these rectangles how do we get them attached to to our lair a well we're going to create an image mask and to do that in motion is really simple all we need to do is click on our transition a right click and go down to add image mask now it's going to bring up this property stuff right here it has a little well this is exactly the same as we had in our previous thing so I need to do when our replicator 2 be masked on our using that as our mask for layer a so let's grab that drag it here and there we go so there it is now right now if I play this through you'll see it's going from red to green that's not what we want all we need to do now is we just need to invert this and now we've got full green going to semi red almost almost right the end right full green to red that is what we want all right step one of our distortion transition is complete we are now successfully going from A to B alright so what we're going to do now is we're going to turn off layer a I'm just going to click the little checkbox so now we're just working with layer B and we're going to be creating an RGB split transition on layer B which means we need three color layers we need a red layer a green layer and a blue layer now there is not a direct way to duplicate a transition layer or transition the a or B in motion so we kinda have to work around this and the best way to do this is to actually split it so to do that if we move our playhead just a few frames doesn't matter how many come here to the Edit window at the very very top and click split alright that's going to split our transit transition and we need to do that one more time so just do a few for James and then click split now we have split our transition layer which is one layer video but we're going to show three layers and one I know it gets crazy but so now we have three layers and all we have to do now is we just have to make these overlap just like this and there we go so the next thing I wanna do is really fast I just want to rename these remember I like to keep everything organized so we'll do red green and then blue okay so we got transition be red green and blue now we have to get the color so how do we do that well to find the red green and blue we need to use a level then to find that we're going to go up to our library we're going to go we're going to get rid of this offset and then we're going to go to a color correction and here's our levels right here and we want to drag levels to each layer so layer B green red and blue so now each of these has a level and we're going to start with red so if we click on levels come to our inspector you have your here's all of your level stuff if you drop this down here are your specific color channels and we want to keep our red one but we want to get rid of green and blue so let's click on green let's get rid of that one and then click on blue and let's get rid of that one so now if you look right here this is a red box there's no other color showing in that red perfect let's do the same thing to green so red we want to get rid of and blue we want to get rid of right so you'll see right here it's green and right here it's green and now it's the same thing to blue so click on the blue levels get rid of the red get rid of the green and now you're left with blue blue blue so we've got red green and blue okay everybody with me so far now we have to do something and one more thing we have to change the blend mode of these because right now all you can see is the blue so we want to change the blend mode of each of these layers to screen so I'm going to go to properties here's my blend mode go from normal to screen do the same thing with the green layer and do the same thing with the blue layer alright now we're cooking alright so now we've three layers we're ready to animate and we want to animate to make this a little glitchy I'm going to animate the exposition so if I come down here I'm going to click start with red I want to animate this I want this to go like this I wanted to be glitchy like that but I don't again I don't want to do that by myself I'm not going to sit here I don't have time for that who has time for that so we're going to add a behavior or just on the exposition I'm going to say click this thing down grab him parameter behavior sorry about that and then I'm going to click on randomize and then if we come here and I start letting this through you'll see that it's moving a little bit we can Jack that up just a bit oh it's going crazy a number I said you can actually work with this while it's still playing which is lovely so there's that again you can randomize the behavior so it just has little different subtle differences I like that one that one looks good perfect let's do that exact same animation to transition green again the X we're going to put a behavior we're going to say randomize randomize and this time I want to play that through I want it to go the other way I wanted to go left so let's drag this down negative there it goes whoo look at that craziness I love it all right so we've got red and green going opposite directions giving us this really glitchy looking feel ok now let's talk about blue we're going to do a little bit more to blue but the very first thing is we definitely do want to do a randomized on the x position so let's go X add behavior randomize and we don't want this one to be so much so I think we're just going to leave it with the 10 we kind of don't want to get too crazy right all right now we're going to be adding some cool motion filters to our transition blue and if we go up here to library and here are all of our filters red filters we're going to go to stylize and I have a whole bunch of different options number you can see the little preview up here we're doing but we're going to be working with this thing called bad TV and there are a lot of cool things in here now bad TV can be overused so just be careful on what how you're doing it and keep your a stuff a little classy so we're going to drag bad TV to our transition be blue and if I go to the inspector these are all of the choices we have for bad TV and the first thing I want to look at I'm going to move this along just a little bit is the static that's the first thing I want to see and I want my static to be like boom boom you know kind of like alien ish like coming through I love that okay so but again we don't want to do that by ourselves let's added behavior so click on the arrow add parameter behavior go down to randomize and if we play this through yeah maybe want a little that maybe a little too much oh that's crazy that's pretty good where it's blinking through really really good I love it okay so there's our static and what I want to do I've already I've already done the I need to rename this I want to call this randomized static and you could talk about the randomize in the level for the levels for the exes and solicited let's just name this so you know what it is randomized exposition randomized exposition because I forgot to rename these I broke my first rule keeping everything neat so there we go all right back to blue so now we have our static we have this static that's randomized so love the way it looks it's looking so great a bit looking really glitchy okay so what's the next thing well we're going to go back to our bad TV and we're going to add in these scan lines and you'll see here it's like more just to give you more of the just a sort of kind of look so let's add a behavior on that one let's do a randomized on that and if we play that through maybe one a little bit more yeah looks good looking really glitchy so let's again put this on here random my static randomized scan line brightness okay and then let's get crazy and add one more filter let's go back to our library we're going to add off another offset filter here find that put it on our blue layer go back up to our inspector here's our offset choices and I want to offset the this one see how it moves mmm I want to add a behavior here so let's go drop down out of behavior to randomize and then let's watch it play through watch so let's rename it first so we randomized the offset and if we play that through we can add a little more oh that's crazy that looks fantastic houses great glitch I love it alright let's stop that alright it's our final moment are you ready let's go ahead and turn back on layer a here's our whole thing so if we watch this go through does it look like much now because we don't have any footage in here but let's go ahead and save it and see what it looks like in Final Cut so again but remember before you save make sure you change your duration and we have to override that so how do we do that again we click on project come up here to our properties window if you don't see this in to some somewhere else click on properties come down here to override FCP duration and click that with a little check make sure that's on there that's very important now we can say we can command s let's call this RGB split Distortion we want to save this back into step transition folder click publish and then let's head over to Final Cut and right here you'll see there's our distortion we just created right there I love it if we drag that down here put it on here layer here we go you ready look at that look how awesome that is that's built from scratch and RGB transition whoo that is so amazing oh my gosh we just created that and didn't really take us that much time all right so let's recap let me get rid of this I want to get rid of this and I want to play this all the way through just to show you how much you've learned today in this motion class so let's recap we started by creating time-specific slide transitions we created a 24 frame a 12 frame and a 6 frame slide we then added options to our 24 frame transition with motion rigging we added a rectangle that follows the slide animation and can be turned on and off and the color can be changed inside final cut we then went into a more complex build and build an RGB split distortion transition from scratch using all of the techniques we just learn with our slide transitions that is amazing and that is it that is 100% it thanks so much for hanging out with me today one last thing I want to say now that you have all this awesome knowledge on how to build transitions maybe you don't have the time don't have the reef horses or just don't want to do any of this no worries rampant has you covered you can head on over to rampant FCPX calm and check out all of our final cuts specific products we also have a bunch of other style effects as well so definitely check those out I have created all these final cut goodies just for you to help you save you time and money and for staying with me through this class on transition building I would like to offer you 20% off your next rampant order what knowledge and a discount come on yep that's right I love you guys so enter coupon code run rampant that's are you in are am PA NT and stock up on your favorite rampant final cut plugins or style effects again I hope I was able to showcase the awesomeness that is Apple motion it truly is amazing software and the creative possibilities are endless if there are any questions or comments please leave them below I would love to talk to each of you about your video needs also don't forget to Like subscribe and share again I'm Stephanie Mullen aka final cut staff with rampant design tools calm thanks for watching hi
Channel: RampantMedia
Views: 37,743
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: visual effects plugins, vfx plugins, video production, rampant design, rampant design tools,, post production, motion graphics, visual effects, fcpx, fcpx training, final cut pro x, final cut pro, final cut pro x training, motion, apple motion, apple fcpx, apple final cut pro, apple final cut pro x, motion 5, apple motion 5, transitions, build transitions, training, howto, larry jordan, motionvfx, motion array, fxfactory
Id: UVzOHj7j-Ak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 26sec (2606 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 10 2017
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