Hitchcock Vertigo Effect - Zoom Dolly in mO2 | Apple Motion Tutorial

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hello everyone and welcome my name is sebastian from cinema fatale and in this video i'm going to show you a neat little camera trick that you can use right inside mo2 so let's get right into things we start with an empty motion project and the first thing we're going to do is click on add object generators motion vfx and mo2 that opens up the mo2 panel we right click click control and go into the builder mode to speed things up next we're going to add a model we'll import it from library because i've already imported the model previously and the model is a spaceship hallway that you can find for free on sketchfab and the link to the model will be in the description below next we're going to center the camera swing it around and then we're going to take a deep dive right into the hallway or maybe a bit more at this point i'm still fiddling with the position to make sure that the camera is roughly on eye level and centered up let's say centered up enough [Music] next i'm opening the model properties because i would like to change a few things particularly those lights in the hallway i would like to give them some illumination and in the materials tab i can simply change the color make them illuminate and go into beauty mode to see how that is going to look in the final shot in the scene settings i'm also going to adjust the environment because well right now it is looking a bit bland and i want to add a bit more contrast in the cg animated environments i'm going to click around and pick something this is going to take a while but i will simply speed up the footage so you don't have to see the trial and error in real time okay so this is looking good or let's say good for now because i will be revising that later still not quite happy with the way those lights look so i'm going to crank up the illuminants and make them really pop also in the camera tab i'm going to adjust the amount of bloom until i find something and it really really adds to the glow of the scene and makes this look like it's been shot on a vintage lens in the next step i'm going to rename the default camera to hitchcock because the zoomed only is a move that hitchcock has used in various films perhaps most famously in vertigo but it's also been used in the birds and other films the first thing i'm going to do is set keyframes at the start of the timeline for the camera position [Music] and then set keyframes at the end of the timeline for the camera position right now i'm overshooting the desired position a bit but i will just that in a second the thing about the zoom dolly is that it requires the camera operator and the camera assistants to work in unison so it is quite a difficult move to pull off and you will in most films see that this has been used rather gently so while the camera is being pushed forward on the dolly the camera assistance will readjust the focal length on a zoom lens and then adjust focus accordingly and we are going to do all that right in mo2 so right now i am changing the field of view which acts as a focal length for the shot i've used this specific hallway because the vertical lines make it rather easy to assess how far you are moving because the effect you want to achieve is to give the audience the illusion that the camera doesn't in fact move at all this is the kind of effect this is going for it makes everything slightly wobbly and rather rubbery and while i'm at it i've just discovered these vertical lights and i'm also going to give them a luminance and adjust the color to make for a more pleasing overall experience okay so this isn't looking too bad the camera looks like it's moving slightly turning on beauty mode to see how things are coming along and [Music] yes everything looks like it's made out of rubber this is looking cool but why settle for cool when you can have cooler because the zoom dolly effect looks nice on just a background but it looks even better if we add a bit of foreground and for that i'm going to import yet another 3d model and i will simply settle for one of the primitives the sphere because well it's nice and well-rounded [Music] obviously because we are right in the hallway the sphere is in the middle of nowhere so let's adjust its position by eye first push it into the hallway and because this good sphere is such a big boy we obviously have to reduce its radius [Music] but even already this isn't looking too bad let's get back into builder mode and reduce the scale of our sphere right in the radius property [Music] we'll also move this sphere closer to the camera to make sure it's really affected by the dolly zoom move [Music] next up we're going to adjust its position to make sure it is on our eye level because normally that is a shot that would be used on a person in the foreground potentially even roy scheider in jaws next we are going to add a surface material to our sphere flesh i find is looking a bit icky so let's just try the reptile scales yep that's nice adding a bit of depth and adding to our overall scene maybe it's an alien sphere in the middle of this spaceship hallway okay not looking too bad really let's move our sphere even closer to oh it's a bit close maybe even closer to our camera and see where things are going okay this is starting to take shape but yet again i think we can make this cooler and even more disorienting so right now what i'm doing is cranking up the focus amount and as you can see right now nothing's in focus this is how the first shot should look and this is how it should look near the end [Music] okay so all that's left to do is simply keyframe the focus once again mo2 makes this really simple [Music] in the depth of field tab we can set keyframes for the focus distance so let's set a keyframe on our first frame let's cherry pick our focus move on to the last frame and pick our focus yet again and if we now play back the entire scene i'm sorry but i'm going to have to do a ram preview first because i'm running this on an old machine but as you can see yeah this is looking quite nice already so let's do one more quick adjustment because i think in the end or three quarters through the video the camera loses focus a bit um let's set another keyframe right there so we have the focus i was initially going to set another keyframe there but i actually quite like the camera losing the focus for a brief moment there it really adds to the disorienting effect of the shot let's do another ram preview and see how things look [Music] just like i imagined in my head [Music] okay it's all looking good now i just want to dial in the final look i'm not quite happy with the way the environment looks happy with the environment i chose but i think if we dial down the brightness and gamma a bit we can add a bit more drama to the shot and if nothing else this shot screams drama much better [Music] now to finalize the look i'm going to select the entire group and add a color wheels filter just to reduce the contrast a bit i find that makes a better bass line for our final step where i'll be using amlat to add a custom lookup table again i probably should have made up my mind which lot i'm going to use before i start recording this tutorial but now you can watch me fail in real time even though i am going to cheat and speed it up if nothing else this proves always go with your first instinct so let's take a look at the final shot okay i think this is looking pretty pretty solid but the camera losing focus halfway through the shot has just given me another idea so let's add to the disorienting effect of the shot by having the camera rotate around its axis here's a neat little trick if you just like me can never remember which axis to turn the camera around just try them all out because the correct answer is never your first or your second choice it's always the third one so let's keyframe the zed rotation but just slightly this really makes the shot far more nauseating even though the movement is quite gentle well and there you have it this is our final shot so thank you guys for watching and if you want to see more content please like and subscribe and i'm also really looking forward to hearing more from you down in the comments below this was sebastian with cinema fatale and i'll be seeing and hearing you in the next video well i mean you will be seeing and hearing me bye
Channel: Cinéma Fatale
Views: 223
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sebastian Matthias Weißbach, Cinéma Fatale, berlin, Tutorial Motion, Apple Motion Tutorial, Hitchock effect tutorial, mO2 Tutorial, Motionvfx mo2, mo2 camera moves tutorial, Virtual Dolly Zoom mO2, Virtual Dolly Zoom, mO2 3D models tutorial, cool camera effect mo2
Id: rcUlggtcPTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 01 2021
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