Motion 5 - Getting Started + More!

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Hey FCP Fam! I hope you are tremendously well. I was getting a lot of requests for a Motion 5 tutorial breaking down some of the basics. So here it is! Please feel free to hit me up with any questions you may have. Thanks so much for taking the time to check it out.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Sadtacomonger 📅︎︎ Feb 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

Whoa! I was just going to ask for some Motion 5 tutorial here then this post came! Thank you so much!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/-sicario 📅︎︎ Feb 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

Def subscribe to final cut bro on YouTube. He knows his stuff. Ties everything up real nice and leaves you ready to create.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/sfm721 📅︎︎ Feb 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

Gotta say learning Motion basics was one of the best editing decisions I’ve made in the last year.

Do it.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/SuperSquirrel73 📅︎︎ Feb 18 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey friends dylan bates here with the final cut bro although today i'm more so the motion 5 bro because we are going to be taking an in-depth look at how to use motion 5 and just kind of starting from beginner to mildly advanced avenues of motion five so this is not going to be a short tutorial i'm going to be going really in depth on a lot of stuff um so if you're looking for a short tutorial this is probably not the place for you but i will have timestamps within this video so if you need to skip around and maybe jump to a different section you can do that so let's go ahead and open up motion and get started okay so we've got motion open and this is the first screen you're going to be faced with most the time when you open up motion and this is what's called your project browser now you can open up any old projects or you know even plug-ins and stuff that you've purchased and installed you can open all of that over here on the left hand side and in my opinion it's really terribly sorted and organized but you know maybe apple will fix that someday moving on over here we've got different types of motion projects now the uh original motion project here this is going to not tie into final cut in any way shape or form this is just a standalone project however if you need to make something like a effect generator transition or title you'll want to select one of these other project types now let's say that you forgot to select one of these i can show you a way to fix that a little bit down the road in this tutorial so have no fear so today we are actually just going to be working with the motion project so you can select that now i will show you a few other things before we dive in if you come down here to the bottom you can actually select open other and you can open any other motion type project or you can push import as project and this is actually a very handy feature if you select import as project it will give you this kind of window and you can navigate and find any video or photo um anything like that and it will dynamically set the parameters of the file to work accordingly so it'll set the frame rate the resolution everything according to how uh the video file is within here alternatively if you have a time lapse you can actually create a time lapse using this feature so unfortunately i just took a quick look i don't have any um any time lapses to work with right now but you can select multiple photos by just holding shift and selecting all those you can push options and then can actually select image sequence and this will create a time lapse of all of your photos which is really handy and you can set your frame rate here and all of that so um strongly suggest you do you try that out um but that will be for a another tutorial all right so we're gonna cancel that and i'm gonna just open up motion here so i closed it oh no where's my project browser you can just come up to file new from project browser so now that we've selected our motion project over here on the right we can set the uh the resolution the frame rate and the duration now you can change later on the actual resolution and you can change the duration of the project but you cannot change the frame rate at least as far as i am aware if somebody else happens to know otherwise that would be really nice to know so so i just like to leave my duration at 10 seconds because i can set it to however long i need to later on but i feel like 10 seconds is a good base now that we have our motion project selected let's go ahead and open up motion so here is motion and it might look a bit daunting at first but it's just like any other program where you just gotta dive in start using it and um over time you will actually be able to navigate it quite easily and honestly compared to like after effects or something motion is far easier to navigate so um it's really not too bad you just have to kind of relearn a few things but it's somewhat like final cut in some ways and so you should be able to easily transfer over so i'm gonna just break down each of these panels and uh this might get a little mundane but stick with me or you can just jump ahead in the time codes down below okay so the very first thing we're going to look at is the layers panel here and actually i believe this is called the project pane but this is where you're going to be able to see all of your layers and let's see if i have two of these you can move the layers according to where you want them to show up so if you want something on top or bottom you can move them around just like that you can also see your project here and if you select that you can come over to the inspector the properties and you can actually change um like your resolution here um projection type if you're working 360 you don't need to do that um you can just change any of these settings within here which is really nice and if you want to change your background color so you're working with white or something like that you can do that and uh later on i can show you how to add motion blur to your project but this is where you would set your motion blur samples and all of that so um yeah just select your project go to the inspector go to properties from here when you select any layer you will be able to come to the inspector and you will be able to change the transform properties rotation all of that your blend modes are here which is really handy drop shadow um also when we add what's called a behavior you'll be able to work with that here your filters which is just think of it as like an instagram filter or something along those lines and the group this is something you definitely won't need to bother with right now but it is there if you need it in the future the next part we're going to look at is the canvas now the canvas is essentially where you're going to be viewing your project now after you've added a lot of layers and whatnot it can really slow down your computer dramatically so if you need to fix that you can come on up here to the upper right click on render and you can set the quality to dynamic if you want and then you can set it to half or quarter whatever you need to do to get through your project at the smoothest frame rate possible you can also enable or disable lighting shadows reflections and like i said you can have motion blur and this is where you would enable motion blur for your project i strongly suggest that you wait till closer to the end because motion blur is very very cpu intensive and so it's um when you're working with a lot of layers and stuff it's going to tank your computer so wait till the end to enable that but you can do that here okay so you can also set your view type here and i actually like to leave it at fit you can actually push shift z and that will fit it or you can push command minus or plus to zoom in and you just have to make sure you have this panel selected by clicking on it okay so we've got our canvas here and if you come to the bottom you actually have a lot of tools here so you can select your mouse type down here there's a lot of options that i can't really get into all of them today but the main important ones are typically transform the anchor point tool and uh and that's kind of mostly what you'll be working with and a lot of the other ones come automatically when you're working with some other options so no need to stress there coming over to the right this is essentially where you will be working with like shapes and masks both are extremely important within motion so if you need like a basic shape like a circle we can click and hold on that drag and if you push shift it will lock it to a one by one aspect ratio then we can select our arrow we can move this around we can rotate it which doesn't help with a circle that's perfectly symmetrical and uh and so forth moving from there if we want to do like a more intricate shape say we wanted to make a really terrible star that which is what i'm about to do so buckle up um we can select the bezier tool here or you can click and drag and work with the b spline but uh i have never used the b spline so honestly i don't even really know what to do there but but if we just create like a star shape this is gonna look really bad so just bear with me okay boom oh my goodness don't don't look at that so anyway so we've got this terrible star shape here which if you're going to make a star i strongly recommend you just use the library that we'll get into a little bit later okay so we have our star shape we have our circle shape okay from there we actually have this cool paintbrush tool if you select that we can draw something so let's see if we want to do like waves i don't know i don't know what we're doing we could write hello where is it there we go or just right hello with the the paint brush tool you can do that and then we have our text tool and you got 3d text or just regular text and you can actually set your text to 3d later on so there's no need to to select the 3d text unless you absolutely need it right off and so we can just click anywhere and subscribe there we go that's even better so we'll type subscribe and um and then you can actually work with that within the inspector over here which i'll show a little bit later the last thing is going to be these masks so let me get into the arrow here let's select our circle and we can select the mask tool and i can create a rectangle mask there and then if we want to work with this mask we can actually come on up here to the top right click hud and then come down and we've got some mask tools here you can also do the same thing over here in the inspector panel so whichever is easier but this hud is really nice for just quick access if you want it really close by and let's say we want to invert the mask so that the mask is on the inside we can do that we can feather it set the roundness do all of that you can also do it directly on the mask here if i set the size here and we can drag out the feather like so so you can do all of that if you want a more intricate mask which is like a draw mask in final cut let's say we select our star here we'll click and hold and we have all these other different types i usually use the bezier mask um but you know there's different uses for different cases so if we wanted to just do a really terrible oh my goodness here's just a weird shape okay so then we'll just turn on our hud here and we can set it to invert you can do all of that here and it's very handy you can set your color so sometimes you're working against a background that's like already red and it's hard to see your selection so that can be handy okay so that's a basic overlook at your canvas and your mask options and uh and all that and you can see all the layers that are here now this is an absolute mess what if we want to put all of this into a singular group well when you first start it actually has a default group and you can rename that to absolute trash and uh and i just did that by selecting it pushing return or enter and uh it will let you rename it you can also right click i believe maybe nope you can double click on it yeah you can double click on it and uh you can lock it here um i have no idea what that does honestly i'm sorry i have no clue um so that's something to learn a little later on or somebody who's more experienced can maybe comment down below um anyway i don't know why i'm teaching this okay we can actually select all these with shift and we can right click and we can group that and that will create a group within the group and it's kind of like an inception thing and so we can move that group around separately and then if we wanted to move the entire group we just select the larger group you can also grab this group and drag it and you see how it's got that kind of thin blue line that means it'll plop it on the outside of our other group so now we have two groups and then if we wanted to duplicate this group you could right click and go down to duplicate or you could push command d and now we have two of the same group another great thing is you could do a clone group um which that's a little bit more advanced topic but if you select it you can push k or right click and do make clone layer and that will that will essentially clone let's see if i drag it over here anything that happens within this group will happen to the clone layer so you can see that o is moving and stuff which can be helpful for you know having colors transfer over or whatever there's there's a bunch of reasons that you might want to use that okay so that's essentially how you get around the canvas and that's a little bit more work with the project pane let's go ahead and take a look into the library now the library has a massive quantity of stuff that you can use i strongly suggest that if you have some time maybe just take a quick look at this now mostly you'll be kind of using anything from the behaviors down to like maybe 3d objects the gradients fonts and all that stuff actually comes within the inspector a lot of the time so you won't need to worry about that okay so let's go ahead and take a look at some of our generators now generators um you'll you might be using quite a bit but the one i will probably use the most is oftentimes the cloud generator and that's because let's see i'll just search up clouds and you can see there's this search functionality at the bottom which is really nice so essentially now this generator is here but we can jump into the inspector and change all of the attributes so i actually did this for a heat wave tutorial but you can change these accordingly and you can make a different type of mask that will show only the white areas and not the black areas on an image or something and i can get all into that a little bit later but um but yeah it's really handy for just kind of being able to push the generator around however you need to and the publish osc stands for publish on screen controls and so if you want to throw this over into final cut that is a handy feature again that's something a little bit more advanced in the rigging side hopefully i can get into that within this tutorial i don't know it's going to be a long one so um anyway so we've got our clouds here and we've got our width and all of that that we can mess around with and we can jump the speed up here if we're playing it we can actually work with it in real time here so you can change things up and now the clouds look a little bit more like water or something like that and you can set your offsets all of that so that can be handy now okay so real quick almost any attribute almost basically all attributes are animatable which is very very nice if you want to animate something you'll just have to push the keyframe button here that will create a keyframe it'll turn the attribute red you can move anywhere within your timeline and we can add another keyframe and you'll see down here in the keyframe editor it actually shows that keyframe that we have just created and you can mess around with the keyframes in any way shape or form down here so now if we want to animate this we can jump to the next keyframe just like in final cut and drag that down and now that will animate itself accordingly also if you want a really fast way to animate a lot of different attributes one way to do that is to push this record button and now any changes you make will be recorded so let's say if we want to go here we can pull that we can move it over and now all of that is has been animated very very quickly without me having to come over here and create keyframes for each individual thing and honestly this little thing i just made is revolutionary like nobody has ever been able to create something that looks as cool as this so congratulate me in the comments down below okay moving on so we can turn off the record keyframe feature here if you want to delete a keyframe you can do so by finding it up here or you can select it down in the keyframe editor and delete that now let's say you don't want to look at the keyframe editor you can actually hide it by pushing this keyframe button now another really handy feature is let's say you've just totally ruined the animation and you hate it you want to restart from scratch you can select any keyframe here click on this down arrow and push reset parameter and i'll just do that for everything there and i've also affected the position properties with that record button so we'll just reset everything okay so now it should be set okay so now that we have this really intriguing clouds effect let's add a filter to it so if we come on up to the top you'll see your filters which can also be found in the library so whichever you prefer whichever is easier for you just work according to that so up here at the top we'll go to the filters and they are all nicely organized and you probably won't see this c2 that's from coremelt it's just a plug-in i have so some of your plugins might show up in here so if you don't see those don't worry anyway so if we come on down here we can actually look at something like the stylize now stylize has lots and lots of fun stuff let's do pixelate and we go to our inspector and if we come down here we can actually see the pixelate filter working and that has this nice on-screen control here which if we publish osc that will be visible within final cut if we were to push this to final cut so now we can actually work with the pixelation feature and we could animate this too come down to the end and now that will de-pixelify which is kind of a cool uh you know you could make a transition or something like that okay so that is essentially how like basic animation works and how um some filters work we could add any number of filters on here and let's see we want let's do i always like the bad tv i way over use it um so you can mess with the bad tv careful that might actually give you seizures sorry people i did not realize that's what that would do so anyway yeah you can add any of these and you could stack them in different ways and sometimes that'll provide you with a different effect you'll see now the the pixelate is happening over the top of the bad tv so um so it's actually pixelifying the bad tv effect so yeah you can mess with that in any way you so desire which is really nice another thing if you are you know wanting to work with these within the keyframe editor you can push the down arrow and do show in keyframe editor and then you can move it accordingly you can also right click any of these and do a different interpolation so let's do a bezier curve and now this will kind of smooth out the animation in a different way yeah anyway let's keep moving on let's go ahead and add some text and we'll do some fun stuff with that come down here to the bottom click your text and let's just type in subscribe perfect and we can change the scale here we could also add our hud in if we wanted to work a little bit more efficiently and i'll just drag this down here also t will give you your text tool if you so desire and from here we can take our text change our size our tracking and again there are so many more options here than in final cut so we can actually this is kind of cool you could animate your tracking here and so now they'll just kind of be separating like that which is something some you sometimes see within you know movie titles and stuff you can do that okay so one of the coolest things i love is the built-in animation presets for text and stuff so if we select our subscribe button we can come up to the behaviors and we can actually look at some of these nice animations that they've already created so i really like to go through like the the text settle and we could try let's try puffin i have no idea what this is going to look like but this will automatically animate the text for me and you can drag this out to make it as long as you want so if you wanted a really slow subscribe to appear or you could shrink it way down it'll come on a lot faster and you can actually apply these in multiples so if i select another behavior and let's do uh let's do text basic arrange in and so now it has both happening at the same time and we can drag these way out so you can really see it happening so you can really get creative with this and you can push the controls around a lot so if we get over into here we can change our face outline all of this and uh and just go crazy through extrusion depth i don't even know what this does but that's kind of how you learn oh yeah so it makes the text 3d from there so that is the really fun thing about these text animations and um let's see if we wanted to blast in we could add that too and now we're now we're getting a little crazy um i don't recommend doing this for like a feature film but um you can do it for whatever you want so just have fun anyway so that is something really cool with the the text features and it's really nice to be able to drag them out as long as you want and just slow it down to exactly what you need for your project let's go ahead and jump into maybe some particle stuff so i'm going to delete that let's create ourselves a circle here and i'll get this mic in a little closer okay so we are going to create a circle and we're done no uh go ahead and select your circle and we are going to do make particles and now dang it that's one annoying thing is it creates it according to where your playhead is so okay we've got our emitter which is the circle we can move this around anywhere we need there's your circle so whatever we do to this circle will apply to the emitter all around but if we come into the emitter go to the emitter settings we can actually play around with this a lot so we could drag the speed way up and one thing to know is okay so this goes up to a thousand we can actually drag that beyond if you just click and drag up on it or you can set in like its own number and now it's it's just ridiculously fast so so that's something to note as well let's set the scale let's drag the scale way down and scale randomness way up and then we can set the speed to something kind of fast and now if we play through you can see what this is all doing so again we can set the scale down scale randomness and now this is just going to keep creating more and more particles which is kind of fun and we can set the birth rate up ridiculously high and birth rate randomness and let's set the speed randomness so they're kind of going at different speeds and you can just get really really creative with these emitters i absolutely love working with emitters we could change the additive blend so when they're over the top of each other it actually adds the colors together and kind of makes it you know kind of glowy um we could change the opacity over life so we could click on here and we'll set our opacity to zero and so now they'll just kind of start to fade out um their life is a little bit too long so let's set their life way down and so now you can see they're fading out um again this is something you just kind of need to play with on your own but it can be really really powerful another cool thing with this is we can change our emission angle so let's say i want this to be just a really direct line you can make like a jet stream and then we want to change that direction that it's firing maybe we want it straight up so you can get crazy creative with this we can change our color mode to over life which i love because yeah see now we got this nice like additive blend and it's turning blue as it gets further away and we can change the color and the cool thing is is again this is all animatable so if we wanted to we could um add a keyframe here drag this through and turn it green and this looks weird but you can get as creative as you want with your animations and uh and really take it to the next level so that is something really cool with particle emitters and i i love particle emitters i have so much fun with these i actually have a tutorial on creating an audio visualizer using a particle emitter and you can check that out and so as the music's going the particles are kind of coming off of the the music which is really cool so you can check that out there's a card up here and uh yeah anyway moving right along let's go ahead and get into some behavior motion tracking i think that'll be something really powerful so i'll set that up really quick actually i'll just show you i failed to do this to import something you just push command i or you can go up to the import button all right we're going to import this footage here and we're going to do some motion tracking and i literally i have no idea how well this is going to work so we're just going to try it together so oh and also let's let's go ahead and set the the range longer on this let's click this clock and then we can set this to like 20 seconds and then we can actually drag the end of that out there we go okay so i have this scene set up let's go ahead and get into some real basic motion tracking in motion so we are going to add a behavior so come on up to your behaviors make sure your video is selected go down to motion tracking and analyze motion this will create this nice little red dot here and we're going to want to find a point of high contrast now i haven't really done any testing with this scene so i don't know how well this is going to work but we're going to hope for the best so select your red tracker here and find a point where it's got a lot of contrast now if you're having a hard time finding that you can push option and motion will automatically let you know with these red cross hairs points of high contrast that might work well now this is not guaranteed this is just a general like hey you might want to check this out so unfortunately it's not really working in any of the locations that i want to track so we're just going to set our own but look for areas that have high contrast so this point looks like a really good spot of contrast because we've got kind of this this cross going on here so just select that point and we are going to actually add another tracker by pushing this add button and this will give us a scale ability by having the two trackers because it can figure out between the two tracks how much the object needs to grow so we'll see if we can find another point here um i like to find it on a similar plane sometimes you don't get that lucky but we'll see how this goes so we have these two now there is the look ahead frames and essentially that is going to look ahead and say okay the track needs to look as close to this original frame as possible so i like to drag it up in most cases and and that generally gets me a better track now this track is very temperamental so there is no guaranteeing but this is what i do to get the best tracking that i can so we have our two trackers in the frame we'll make sure they're both selected here which they are and we are going to push analyze now before you do this make sure your playhead is um actually at the front of your frame and we're gonna push analyze and this will let motion do its thing and we're gonna hope for the best i'm kind of worried it's not gonna work but um it's a very temperamental tracker it seems to be sticking pretty well so uh so we might be lucky here okay so it is all done tracking and it actually looks like it did uh a really good job which is rare in motion so congratulations motions you did it okay we have this tracker now how do we get this motion data onto something that is pretty easy let's go ahead and create a text object here and we'll just say something really creative like subscribe i've never done that joke before okay so we are gonna go and um selecting all of our text here we can actually go to the appearance modifier here and we can set the color to something red and we'll drag the scale up a bit and we'll do that now we have our subscribe here let's go ahead and add a behavior motion tracking match move now using this match move modifier we can actually drag the analyze motion onto our subscribe match move modifier and so now this will automatically look at the tracking data and and try and analyze it best as possible let's hope this works we also want it to have the scale factor as we are zooming in so if we look at this let's see if it if it did it right i can't i can't tell it's not enough motion to tell it looks like it's moving um let me see here so it doesn't look like it's sticking super well to where we put it and there's a good reason for that that's because the anchor point it's looking at this is the anchor point but the text is over here and the text anchor point is over here so it's it's matching what this part of the frame is doing and not so much what's going on over here so to fix that i like to i put the anchor point exactly where the other anchor point is so select your text select the anchor point and we're going to drag this down to where our anchor point is over here and this generally gets me a better motion track that's the number one thing i've discovered that gets me the best motion track i can out of motion so if we play that back is that doing anything it is it is tracked um it's just not enough motion to really be able to tell um i wonder if we can if we scale this up maybe we can get a better idea okay so you can see it is tracked into the frame i should have chosen something that had a little bit more motion but you can see it is tracked into the frame and it's doing a pretty good job now if it's not working great for you you could actually um set the anchor point to the other side so we kind of tracked it i forgot where we dragged it i think it's right there and we'll change our anchor point and rotation and scale to the other side and that sometimes gets you a little bit better motion so there's not a lot of motion happening here um but that gives you a general idea of how to get a solid track in motion and uh and you can kind of work off of that so hopefully that helps you and uh we'll keep on moving on okay so now we are going to get into rigging which is really really nice for final cut pro now i do have a lot of tutorials that actually cover this um i will link one of those up here that i think does the best job showing that but um basically what we are going to do is create a rig that allows us to enable or disable this circle and and we can actually also publish the fill color so what we will do is come on over to your properties now we have our opacity here and this is where i like to allow a check box to enable or disable something so go ahead and go to your opacity come on down to add to rig create new rig and we will do a check box what we will do is when the check checkbox is enabled we want it to be at a hundred percent opacity when it is disabled we want it to be at zero percent so now when we enable it it comes back and disable and it is gone and that is really nice for in final cut pro when you want to have a rig like that um alternatively let's see let's go into our our text here alternatively let's go into our fill color now the fill color is really nice because it you can publish it on its own you don't have to create a rig so just come on over to the fill color and we will just go down to publish and now this will automatically push this into final cut pro once we create it into a like a text object for final cut okay so now what we will do to push this because we started with a motion project we're going to push this into a final cut title so come on up to the top left hand corner go to file and then go to convert project 2 and we will do title and there's no need to set a placeholder so we'll just forget that so now this is actually a title for final cut pro and this will be cool and just to further showcase this let's go ahead and select our text add a behavior and let's do like a text blur in effect so now that will have this nice blurring effect okay so we have this title but um we want to give the person the ability to enable or disable this little intro animation here and here actually i'll even go to properties we'll set the scale to zero and then as the final cut bro thing comes in we'll set this to a hundred there we go so now this will grow in as it says the final clip bro underneath it so let's say we want to give somebody the ability to enable or disable this intro for the text layer we're going to come down to the timeline we're going to push shift m that will create this green marker double click that marker go to type and we can set the build in to optional and now that will give us a checkbox in final cut pro that lets us enable or disable this little fancy intro thing now if we just go on up to file and we can do save because this is a final cut title it will automatically push it into final cut so this template is just going to be tutorial and the category um i will put it under the final cut bro but you can put it under whatever you want and that will categorize it in final cut for you to easily find you can also set a theme if if you have a lot of titles that are under the same category but you want to organize them even more so you can do that you can check include unused media which is handy if you have a lot of images or something within your project and you want to send the project to somebody else um so that can be handy and you can do save preview movie which i generally don't need to do but you can do if you're creating like a plugin or something so we'll push publish and now this is already in final cut pro so let's open up final cut okay so we're in final cut pro and we can actually come over to our titles here and i put it under the final cut bro category and you'll see that my category is here so here we go and it's got this fancy little intro with my name on it and what's awesome is in final cut the text is actually already animatable so you can you can move it around and you can change the scale and do all of that but we maybe didn't want that intro so we can come on up to our title options and disable the build in now one thing i forgot was to publish the parameters for this circle so let's jump on over to motion and we will select our check box here come on up to the top arrow and go down to publish and now that should be published into final cut we'll save it again with command s just to be sure go on to final cut you'll have to delete your old title but now we can drag that in and now you'll see my check box here is enable or disable for that circle so now we just have the text or we can enable our circle or we can disable the whole intro and the text and we could also enable the thing turn it red do whatever we want so that's just a really really basic way of rigging also anything you name this checkbox will show up in final cut so delete it bro will show up with the lowercase o just for added effect and that should if it worked properly yep name it accordingly so now it says delete it bro so that's just something you can do to create your own plugins and whatnot so anyway i think this tutorial has gone on far too long so i think i better end it here if you have any questions please feel free to hit me up down below also if you have any future suggestions for motion i would love to see those um thank you guys so much for watching i know this tutorial was outrageously long but i hope you gained a lot of insight and uh and kind of a nice beginning measure a nice beginning intro into motion there is so much functionality in here and i really strongly suggest that you do not push this program aside but you actually take some time to learn it because it will enhance your final cut experience to a whole new level if you just take some time to learn it again thank you so much for watching and i cannot wait to see you next week
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Views: 16,258
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Keywords: The Final Cut Bro, final cut pro x, tutorial, motion 5, basics, getting started, how to, motion tracking, creating rigs, animation, particle emitters, vfx, motion graphics, motion, apple motion, final cut pro, final cut pro x tutorial, beginner tutorial, 4k tutorial, basic motion, motion tracking advanced, how to motion track without after effects, tracking without after effects, apple, mac, video editing, video editing software, generators, emitter, how to make, how to edit, video
Id: LgihDc8E9V4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 2sec (2462 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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