Live #19 - Create Transitions in Apple Motion 5 for Final Cut Pro X Tutorial

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hey guys what's up limo here from Len effects dot-com today we are going to talk about how you can create transitions in motion 5 so you can use in Final Cut Pro 10 so this is an important topic if you use Final Cut and sometimes you want some Hey so we are going to talk about transitions today for Final Cut Pro 10 and I will show you some basics way basic way basic way of creating transitions and then we can create some something more a little bit complex okay so let me know where are you from what's your name and where are you from and don't forget to hit the like button and subscribe to the channel already okay hit the like button guys and let me know your name and where you from I'm Leno from Brazil here is a great day fresh day beautiful night let me know your time what's the time where you are Joey oh hey my friend thanks for being here you are always on our lives and this is awesome Thanks so they like yeah hit the like button guys don't forget forget all right it has been amazing yeah Joey I'm learning where are where he's from he's from he's from Canada Joelle hope boy King dance New York New York nice welcome my friend yeah three likes great we are going to start in a minute all right so I'm very happy doing these lives this is awesome yeah the same time zone where I am here no no here is 9:30 2 p.m. yeah 9:31 uh-huh great guys good to see you here again that means that I'm doing a great job otherwise you wouldn't be here right Joelle thank you brother for your your trust and for your time and I hope you learn something new today so you can use in your workflow make it better make it easier faster and make more money but at the end of the day okay so if you don't know what lemma effects is go to Leno FX calm and look for promotions here you can see the current promotion that we are having you have 20 you can enjoy $20 off of selected plugins beautiful and you can go to the free ones to know more about our work without paying anything don't forget to leave a review look cyberpunk free tones it transitions for a five five star reveals look Instagram stories 56 and that's awesome thank you guys for the help this it's this is awesome okay your reviews makes a lot of difference and help us grow Leno effects who Sam from South DITA are are abuse of DITA yeah good morning Mac Mac good to see you here my friend from Taiwan Republic of China yes I'm learning a lot great my friend great that's awesome just bought a few plugins today thank you brother that's awesome and I hope that you make a lot of money and come back to buy more and make more money that's this side circles cycle of success I'm all about ROI return on investment if the if I have the return I'm going to always invest if I buy a plugin for a million dollars and I get to I'll buy plug-in every day for a million dollars so Danielle from Brazil Danielle Brett Brasilia Brasilia from Brazil welcome my friend a dial tone from Rio Grande de su he'll grant you to swim Portuguese yeah so let's get it started guys I hope you are ready and here my here's my water I'm not drinking coffee because it's night here so I want to sleep after the light okay so let me open here let me open motion five first okay just a moment then you know you have to see the other lives to get more knowledge yeah I shared a lot of knowledge a lot of cool stuff that can be very important in your workflow so it's a I highly recommend okay yeah transition is something that I it's I am good at so let's create something Jackie Megan from the UK welcome welcome sorry guys let's go let me share my screen and again don't forget to subscribe so here I'm in motion 5 and with the project browser open you can select Final Cut transition and then here you can select the frame size I'm going to select the HD 1080 24 frames per second okay and then 24 frames and the duration let's say that I want I 2 seconds duration so I'll put just to 0 0 and then hit open great and then I'm going to press this to close f6 now let me show the transitions command 8 and let me explain how transitions work transition a transition B transition a is the previous clip transitions B is the next clip in the timeline of Final Cut Pro 10 so let's come to Final Cut go to Final Cut this is clay clip a this is clip B if I put the transition between these two clips so coming back here some important things about transitions is that the first frame in the last frame needs to be like you are seen here without animation without without effects without anything this is very important the first frame can't not have animation or effects it needs to be the original frame okay with that being said otherwise you'll have a transition that doesn't look very good it's strange the effect let's create a simple transition a fade nothing more basic than a fade so let me drag the a 2 here and the B here like that great let me select the a put the cursor the playhead and they start of the project f1 add a keyframe go to the end and go back one frame hitting the left arrow because look I said that the last frame can't have animation so let's come back one frame add one keyframe go to the first one and move one frame in the timeline okay now let's go to the last one and then select put at 0 set at 0 command eight comments seven and then I can the command key click and drag hold down the shift key and create an s-curve like that great command ask to save category click new category and let's say Leno effects live training great and then you can give a name here template name let's say fate simple feed publish and then let's go to final cut to see our amazing transition to find the transition that you created you've created go to the transitions browser here or press command shift v command shift v and then you can close the same window next look for the category that you created let me see Leno FX live and you see an effect a fade click and drag and apply but look 14 frames this the duration of this transition it's not the same duration as the transition that I created in motion let's come back here the duration is 2 seconds 2 seconds so let's go back preview good great that's great but I want the transitions to be to be 2 seconds let's double click here if I we have extra media yes we have because the transition is applied to the extra media so let's make it to second so that's the size double click again that's the original fade that we created to have your transition to be the same duration as the original one just go to the project and then here in the prop properties tab you can find override override FCP duration what that means is if you go to final cut press command comma or go to Final Cut Pro preferences command comma let me press command comma in the editing tab you can see that my default duration for transition is 0 1 3/4 I think that's how can I say as well 0 comma 75 okay that's the default duration so let's delete with the with that selected overwrite final cut duration command s go back and apply now 18 frame it's not correct let me put more extra media it's not correct I think it didn't update yet if the transition is 4k this one can be 4k it will adapt automatically command s go back look 14 frames let's come and do this yeah I don't know because we have extra media a lot of extra media all right it shouldn't it should have the duration of 2 seconds now it's updated it's it it updates it's updated look ok so it takes some time to update sometimes but most of the time is very fast okay so let's yeah 2 seconds ok good let me see what else can I teach you let me see this is very common over right over right final cut duration I always mark this and another thing that is very important is the frame that represents the effect look you can select the specific frame that you want to see as a thumbnail here let's come to motion let's go to motion and then you need to put a marker you can right click add marker but I like to use em or shift em because if I use if I have a a layer selected and I press em I add a marker today layer I don't want that so any if I have any layer selected I can press shift M to add a marker to the timeline not to the layer selected so after you create the marker double-click type select poster frame hit OK so this frame will represent this transition in final cut command as to save and then if you go back the frame I it doesn't look that it's the right one but it is maybe didn't update yet ok so that's how you can create basic transitions in motion 5 to Final Cut Pro 10 very basic now we are going to do something more complex but before we continue don't forget to hit the like button and subscribe to the channel hit the bell so you can be notified to receive notifications when we go live when you will release new tutorials let me know if you have any questions so I can answer then you can we can continue creating another transition I was just watching the last life which I missed great great then this came up nice nice this is good so the great thing about seeing live is that you can participate ask question and give tips on what you want to learn or anything else and if you are seeing the replay just put in the comments where are you from what's your name what you learned what you like it what to like in the life what you want to learn or any question Daniel when you intend to update your motion and Final Cut Pro 10 course this is the Portuguese course I intend to update this year I'm thinking about creating a course in English for motion in Final Cut Pro 10 and then translate as well to Portuguese okay that's what I want to do that's in our plans for Leno effects okay but I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it but I intend to because the course is great and it it's outdated and that's not good okay so guys do you have any question about transitions basic because now we are going going to go deep James hello this is James from new jersey USA near New York enjoy your lesson thank you my friend and thanks for being here again I remember you were last live I think what happened when you don't have enough media even to put any kind of transition final cut will ask if you want to make the media smaller so you can has it can have extra media and then you can say yes or no let me let me show you it's better to show them to tell this is a rule of film so let me double-click here look and then I can do this and I don't have extra media and then I can press Escape key click and drag look Final Cut didn't ask it just adapt adapt the duration of the transition to the duration of the of the extra media available so let me remove all the extra media you know that a clip doesn't have extra media when you see this red sign this red look now Final Cut will ask this there isn't not enough extra media beyond clip edges to create transition do we want to ripple trim create look it made the duration of the clip shorter that's the answer let me know Daniel if I insert your question okay it's 1:46 a.m. in the morning Jax thanks for for being awake my friend to see the live coal man I really want that course great my friend great what happened we when you don't have enough media yet but I already answered so let's continue let me drink some water you're welcome my phone is ringing so now I don't know I don't have an idea what transition I'm going to create let's experiment and create something from scratch ok let's go let's go to motion command s command W command end well command W command N and then transitions now I want a transition and let me see about 15 frames because I want something kind of glitch so let's make this something like this and then I want to use an effect I'll add to both then I'll go to effects let me see stylized bad TV let's see a good thing to do is to add some photo to the transitions or video maybe you can add videos but I'll I'll use for oh it's photo is is not so it's better to preview let me see so we can keyframe the parameters so let's start with the mix put the playhead on the first frame go one frame forward then put the mix at zero then go to the middle 100 go to the end come back one frame and put zero again look and then what I want to do is let me see what I want to do is go to the transition a come here add a keyframe to the opacity go one frame up ahead forward one another frame and then I can add another one I'm using right arrow and then I can go forward let's see now let's press command eight command seven F key now let me put here at zero double click on the keyframe put zero double click on this one put zero let select everything right click select interpolation constant to do something like this look good and then here it cut I can cut I don't need to use the keyframe press Oh you can cut here let me press comment seven or you can cut like that command seven let's see and then I can make the the last one less intensive just click and drag good and this one let me add another one just double-click let's see f let's select right click interpolation constant good let's make less intensive now the the opacity at the beginning needs to be a hundred percent so I need to create a new double click here make like this great command has to save and now let's call glitch test select lemon effects live training publish great now let's see here go to effects f3 select the effect and then I can come here hold down the command key oh no select everything right click interpolation busy a busy busy busy I think look it's not connected hold on the option key click to connect and then let's do something like this f good let me see here what I want to do is saturation maybe it will change so let me come to here saturation is zero zero let me reset zero and then put a keyframe go forward maybe I want to saturate a little bit and then it is less saturated more saturated and less let's put zero good now let's see what else can we do this parameter I can change add a keyframe go here at another keyframe come here and change it good now let's see roll I want to do this work look on I'll put a keyframe here and put zero go forward and roll several times good and wave 'no slette me see wave Nasir add parameter behavior randomize here F and then I need to put add and subtract I can increase the amount all right yeah I like it command s to save it and let's in final cut what we've created so far select the glitch test put here look the duration is 18 frames let's come back and see it's 14 3 let's click on project override Final Cut Pro 10 duration and let's put in this frame shift M comment option command option and poster frame so this frame will represent this transition in Final Cut Pro 10 all right add here let's see 18 frames it didn't updated great let's control D 14 enter command s2 to render that's the way to render good let's preview nice I could just package it packages package this transition and sell it because I like it very nice did you like it guys if you like this transition this effect subscribe to the channel and hit don't forget to hit the like button already okay let me see what you guys are talking about barely media production Hey hi sir how are you I'm great my friend how are you thanks for asking John hello from Swift sweet slant sweet sweet sweet land I think Switzerland hello from India cinder had a sindhu sindhu I don't know how to pronounce I don't know how to pronounce as well hello from India two people from India great that's awesome from sweet sweets land New York Canada it's so amazing see you guys here today with me very nice thanks for hitting the like button and that's a more complex transitions in involving behaviors parameter behaviors keyframes involving the opacity you can change the opacity you can change the interpolation to constant so the line can drop rapidly fast not progressively or you know enjoy all nice good that you like it yeah the marker post a frame only particular to the transitions no my friend you can use poster frame for I think all all the the templates plugins elements that you create in motion you can add a poster frame it's the same process it doesn't change this just press shift m to create a marker command option m to edit the marker and then select poster frame and then if you don't like the frame that you choose just move the marker today one that you like the most I tend to try to I try to always put the poster frame on the frame that better represents the effect that I'm creating okay so that Wendy if Final Cut went the editor see the transition the poster frame the thumbnail he have an idea what the effect looks like alright let's create another one do you guys have the time the energy for one more if so subscribe to the channel and hit the like button if you are not a subscriber yet and you can share this video later you can comment ask questions and everything else awesome great tip thank you good to know yeah let me know if you want one more on transitions so we can finish let me know in the comments let me know I need your participation can you make zoom in transition got all the energy let's go zoom in transition let me see yeah we can try we can try but it takes some time because did the control of the curve is very important to creative loop let me see how much time I'll take to create this a zoom in is easier than let me see yeah let's that's great that's great tweens rule yeah well hello hello fellas hello good hit the like button twins don't forget my friend so and all look I'll try to go fast because if I go slow we are going to be here for in an hour because the faster and the zoom in transitions is not so easy to create but let's try to create this live alright and I am NOT I didn't really rehearse anything so this is all just working like I work at lemma effects in a regular day okay I'm just going through the process with you I think this is this is more available then if I just give you a recipe it's great a recipe but you don't think that much I'm not if the person just give a recipe they don't share the thinking process and sometimes the thinking process is more important than the recipe because it's like teach a man how to fish or give a fish for a day great drop zones transitions yeah we can do that but let me add this as an idea for great transitions with drop zones for another day okay great idea great idea John thanks for that let's see here the zoom transitions let me go to motion go to motion this one is great command and I think let me see one second I think it's too much hmm let's put one second one dot dot add to zero two zeros and then let me do this and do this no it's in the middle it's like this command eight and then what I need to do let me see let me see [Music] there are several ways of doing the same thing but let me see how could I do that let me disable the a command G enter enter look enter command a and out press trans be just B and put it here and then what I want to do is is go to filters let me see let me see filters tiling callate callate i'll call a total this one now go you can come here and select show full view area shift V is my keyboard shortcut shift V and look the size of the copies what we need to do is make the size the same as the size of the composition besides that they composition you can see here select the project and then 1080 Titan 1920 by 1080 just come here 1920 by 1080 great select the angle and put 0 now now let me see I didn't trim I don't remember how I did it III let me put on the clip shift V shift V for area so for our area because I what I want is great several duplicates of this video of the transition be ok 1920 by 1080 let me open the original transition let me see if I have it here because if I see it I can remember the effect fast transitions zoom in let me see where is it look here boom opening motion so I can try to understand yeah I did in a manual way this is not very good I learned something more easier to do but I didn't use the same technique in this transition because I cloned the layers and rotate them move them around so I can have the edges but look how I did it the transition a and then I change the Z position and then it just we have just a cut straight cut poom alright and then it stops with the big transition in the middle let me see command the blue oh it's a lot easier to do with this effect let me see if it's calico tile or it's another one go to filters tiling called--oh tile kaleidoscope no no no no I think it's this one look guys I'm going to find out in a minute it's duplicating let me see f3 ah I remember now I remember you 10 1920 by 1080 all right rotation 0 then go to the group f4 and then you can put here fixed resolution but the resolution is very big found it I remember it great just do something like this look to see the content outside go to view show full view area shift V is my keyboard shortcut let me see I think this is good and then make it taller or not great this is great but you can see here look oh look we have some edges one frame come here and select and press down arrow to x and down arrow here to x as well great we are we are good to go to continue because what I'm going to do is this select the a transition let me create a group a put inside and then I can let's try to use another method instead of using the Z position let's try to use the scale like this so I'm going to put 200 200 and then I'm going to go to this group and put 50 50 yeah I think so uh-huh because what I want to do is to let me see 50 100 100 percent let me see if it's going to work let's try that's right we don't have nothing nothing to lose 50 percent and then I can come here and make it go back one frame but before I animate this scale I want to link the X the Y with the X click Y click here link put the same group link comparable parameters properties transform is scale X now I just need to animate the X scale not the why I find this very easier much easier select put a keyframe one frame before the last one go one frame forward put a keyframe and then here we have a number of a hundred so this is what we are going to do command s to save and let's call it zoom in category let's select lemma FX live training publish just to make sure that we don't lose our work good let's see if they'll look the last one is great is working just how I imagined because I put the group to fifty percent then I added two hundred percent okay I divided then I do doubled the size all right now let's adjust the curve command eight command 7f make more room shift V command forward slash hot only the command key and let's create a very steep or very I think it's steep curve look yeah but I I need to cut at this most no let's try to make more more add more movement because the cut needs to happen where the movement is faster like here maybe here comment seven and then I can come and cut the be the a and cut the B Collider tile needs to go good good yeah but it's not very fast but let's make this more let's add a keyframe hold down the option key click here command seven come F right click align tangents click and drag let's make a curve F something like that put here in the middle F good let's say that I'm happy command 8 now let's go to filters blur zoom blur let's add this to make it more interesting look what it does so let's go one frame forward add a keyframe command 7 come here add more zoom and then come here and put as 0 command 8 command 7 click and drag with command key hold on the shift key shift key yeah it doesn't look like a zoom let's disable the zoom effect command ass go to final cut and let's test the transition we built so far zoom put here 18 frames let me see the original of 24 24 command asked to preview let's see good look the copies that we've created ok we have here here you can come to the render and enable motion blur it will be more interesting the effect but the render time will take more to render command s let's go to final cut again and again the duration is 18 frames I 124 ctrl T command s look it didn't render it's taking the last render so I need to put in another clip command s let's see to render good I like it did you like it let me know look the blur effect it blurs out I think it's very nice so guys if you are liking this hit the like button please and subscribe to the channel don't forget and if you want to download free Final Cut Pro 10 templates transitions plugins go to Leno FX dot-com click on free and if you find something valuable to you just buy one of the premium so you can support Leno effects team then yourselves mask transitions good this is a great idea mask transitions I was teaching you guys the basics of motion I'll continue teaching you and then we are going to combine everything together anyway you are going to be very good at motion so you are going to be editing on a hurry and without maybe the client is don't want the thing right away and you can be able to come to motion and create something on look very fast okay that's my goal to you with you Thiago talk yeah Thiago yeah a guy yeah he's my friend thanks for being here yeah the blur looks cool right very cool I love this effect sometimes it's very it's worth the time that it takes to render because the effect just look awesome okay so don't forget guys hit the like button really great we have 12 people live this is awesome 13 likes that's what I like and I'm very happy today because you are participating you are talking to me and this makes me very happy more energized to keep it doing this because if I'm alone it's not very fun but I know you are with me joyeux are really cool good good that's also my friend so let's finish this transition no I think it's great just awesome I would not change this transition I'll just put in a pack and sell it to you or give it for free okay yeah my friend 15 likes that's awesome that's awesome let me see Jack account Jack's comment gotta say what you are doing for the motion community is just great you are they need blessing and needed blessing and you are very much appreciated yeah my friend thank you so much for the kind words and I'm loving this I'm feeling more comfortable speaking in English I think I'm getting better and this is more I feel more relaxed so I think when we have the 100 live training about motion final Kurt about Len effects I'll be more even more better and you guys are going to learn so much and they are going to have so many skills in motion in Final Cut and I in my hope my goal is to take you to the next level for to do a better work make more money have a better life in general all right it's not just about Final Cut in motion so look the effect I love it look let's see I just love this transition let's use it here in this one command ass let me see let's see in full screen let's see command F just awesome I love it I love it we are all here with you and your vision great my friend great this is awesome so guys that's it for today I think we we did a great job together because you guys gave me the idea of doing the zoom transition the mass transition transitions with drop zones and that's great great ideas and I'm I'm taking some notes and I'll talk about that in the future so it's very important that you share with me your ideas your what you are thinking because if we talk we have a conversation it's very very easy for me to create lives but if I'm alone and thinking what I'm a my going to talk about today I have no idea but with your ideas it was it was very easy I just came here and see look I'm going to talk about behaviors tomorrow I'm going to talk about transitions today and let's go Pablo Pablo Hakka thanks Leno I am more a book person but couldn't find any update yet your content and hard work let me see is much appreciated great Pablo thank you brother thank you so that's it guys I hope you have an amazing day an amazing night and I hope to see you here in the next life talking about motion final cut leno effects plugins and help us grow the channel subscribing liking commenting giving ideas and i i'll set this up in the future I want to be here talking with you guys open your project and make it better with you live if you are if you like the idea let me know alright thank you guys thank you guys have a great night great day and see you next time at Len effects live trainings thank you bye bye
Channel: LenoFX
Views: 1,507
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Live #19 - Create Transitions in Apple Motion 5 for Final Cut Pro X Tutorial, apple motion 5, apple motion, motion 5, motion 5 tutorial, apple motion tutorial, Final Cut Pro X Tutorial, final cut pro x, fcpx, fcp, final cut pro x tutorial, final cut pro tutorial, fcpx tutorial, lenofx, transitions in apple motion 5, transition in apple motion 5, transition in motion 5, transitions in motion 5, how to create transitions in motion, how to create transitions in apple motion 5
Id: YX-NK7RpL98
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 50sec (3230 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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