How to create a Digital Planner with hyperlinks using Keynote | Mimi

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hey everyone and welcome back to another video  today i'm going to be showing you how to make   your own planner using keynote don't forget to  subscribe to my channel and like this video if   you thought it was helpful i'm hoping to make many  more videos like these that are helpful to you   so that you can make beautiful planners  just like this i'm going to break this   process down into 20 easy to follow steps so  if you're lost just go back and repeat it again   let's get started so the first step is to create  a brand new presentation i like to use the basic   white and one quick tip is to press down and  drag using your apple pencil and delete all   the items in it because we're not going  to be needing all that stuff and that's   a really simple way to select um so what we're  going to do next is go into the master slide   now the master slide is what i like to use if  i'm going to be repeating many pages so in this   area in the master slat section you're going to  see a lot of slides on your left hand side now   we're only going to be using two slides um at the  very bottom there's a blank one which i'm going to   just drag all the way up because those are the  two that i'm going to be using for this planner   now what we want to do next is rename them so the  first one is going to be the cover page and the   other one are going to be the rest of the pages  of the planner and as we go into the video you'll   see that i add another page which is going to be  for the index which we're going to need as well   so now we have our two blank pages and we are  ready to start this planner process so now i   go back to the presentation section and what i'm  going to do now is add a page to add a page you're   just going to click the plus sign at the top right  and that is going to help you to create a shape   now you can either do a square you can do a  rounded square you can do a triangle if you want   triangle shapes but for this video we're going to  be doing the rounded actually i actually change to   that because that's my favorite style so that's  what i'm going to do another tool that you're   going to be using a lot is that little paint brush  right next to the plus sign now you have to make   sure that you have already selected the shape  that you created and then click the paint brush   once you do that you'll be able to edit the style  the text and you'll be able to arrange each shape   in the way that you want it whether you want  it in the front or more towards the back   in the style selection if you click on color you  can slide and click on the eyedropper tool now   you're able to pick up color from anywhere in the  slide anywhere in the presentation anywhere at all   now that i have the shape that i'm  really in love with i'm going to   copy and paste it to make sure  they are the same exact size   and now i'm just going to make sure that they're  placed really uh straight and going to select all   of it group them together now it's going to be so  much easier for me to place them on other slides next what we're going to do is click on the plus  sign at the bottom and create another slide now   we're going to cut and paste this page that  we created and paste it onto this blank page   this is going to be our index the first  page is going to remain as our cover so what i decided to do was actually to create  a longer page with a seam in the middle now this   is your preference some people like seams in the  middle some people don't like any seams at all and   some people like to have rings in this i'm going  to be adding a seam oh my goodness we're already   at step five all right so as you can see all you  got to do is press the plus sign and add that   diagonal looking line and you place it directly in  the center of your page and now we're just playing   around with the color the shadowing to make sure  it looks absolutely perfect now something that i   like to do is also add one of those squares  and lighten it up lighting up the opacity   opacity however you say it and i like to layer it  right on top of that line so that it looks more   like a book now you press that little play button  and kind of test it out see if you like it see if   you don't like it and just kind of pinch inwards  and it brings you back to the presentation screen now that i have everything just the way i like it  i'm going to select the entire screen then tap on   the screen and press group now that everything is  grouped together we're going to cut and paste it   into the master slide now into this master pages  slide we're going to paste it in here because this   is basically going to be repeated over and over  again and we don't have to copy and paste it all   we got to do is add the page and it'll be there  automatically next step is adding background yes   my favorite part making the planner look complete  we're going to add our background now this is   a background i created in procreate but you can  use any background you like there are free images   all over the internet but make sure that you're  only using it for personal use if you do grab it   from google if you do grab it from pinterest  make sure that you follow the instructions   and you're using it only for personal use now  i'm adding my background to both of the pages   i kind of made a mistake and realized it later  that i added it only to one page but make sure   that you add it to both of your master slides that  you do not have to repeat it over and over again   and it makes things so much simpler every time you  add the page the background is already ready to go   all right so now we're going to add pages  now as you can see we are making it look   more like a book yes we are on step seven i  copied that cover page that i had and now i'm   just going to change the shadowing and change  the color so that it really looks like pages do not get confused in this section i realized my  mistake and i'm just now adding the background to   the other pages so that's why i'm like going back  and forth because i forgot to add the background   so i did that and now i'm changing the page color  to white i'm also adding shadow to make sure the   pages really pop so now you just see me fidgeting  with the side a little bit i'm just wanting to   really make those pages pop to really make it  feel like a book some people like the realistic   look of a book when they're doing digital planning  and some people don't so this is all according to   your preference but i'm just going to show  you what i do when i'm making my notebooks   alright so now i'm stretching that page all the  way across and making sure it's centered up down   all around and you can see that cross right  there which really helps you to align your   page correctly so once again i'm cutting  and pasting into the master slide that way   when i do duplicate this later on the pages  are ready to go and i don't have to keep   redoing things and redoing things over and over  again so i'm just going to give you a really good   close-up look by pressing that play button and it  looks fabulous already but i'm still going to add   another page so just copy that page add it on top  we're going to click on that little paintbrush at   the very top and click on arrange when you  click on arrange it'll allow you to take the   selected page and or the selected shape and push  it more towards the back or towards the front when   you move that little dial so now you can see that  little seam that i made pops up in the front once   again and that's exactly the look that we want  now our template for the pages is ready to go   now i'm just going to show you a little  close-up of the pages so you really see   what i'm talking about how we pinched it inwards  that's what it's looking like and it's looking beautiful   congratulations we made it to step 8 out of  20. but we're making it we're getting there   now we're going to complete the cover and really  make it look and feel like a book that you're   about to open so what i like to do is add a line  as you can see i'm going to lighten it up a bit   you can make it thicker you can make it  slimmer just by going to that paintbrush   as i said before and playing around with the  style settings you can add shadow you can do   so many different things you can lighten  the opacity okay why do i have such an   issue with that word but you can do as many things  as you'd like the next thing that i'm going to do   is add the pages just the same way that we did  for the other open book pages the same thing i'm   going to do but this time we're going to add the  pages at the back of the cover if that makes sense   so all you have to do is copy that first page make  it white and send it to the back using the arrange   section and send it to the back girl send that  to the back we don't need to see all of that we   just need that little edge so that we can  see that it looks like a page like a book   i like to add a couple of pages sometimes i add  two three four five and i also do this step on   the presentation slide since it's the only page  i don't mind to do it on the presentation um   part of keynote rather than the master slide  like i said since it's only one page i'm only   going to come to it one time i don't mind to do  it on the presentation section um but basically   the rest of the pages will be done in the master  slide as you'll see continuing on in the video   just want to warn you guys working with keynote  can be absolutely frustrating even for somebody   who knows how to use it and is like a pro like  sometimes i try to zoom in and like goes to the   side and i'm like can you please stay in the  middle and it just won't because it doesn't   like to listen to people but i work as hard  as i can to make the presentations look good   but let me tell you it's not going to be easy to  learn but you can do this you got this all right finally the book is looking good and i'm going to  add some text at the front for the cover i'm just   going to put my notebook or you can put whatever  you like in this section but i'm just going to   put what i want you can even leave it blank and  then later when you export it into goodnotes or   whatever you can do what you want now we're going  to go into that text section we're going to look   for the exact font that we want and we're going  to name it caption so when you click on that part   that says paragraph style you can click on caption  there are plenty of styles such as title subtitle   agenda quote whatever it is that you want to use  that for you can select that paragraph style or   that um style that you created and every single  time you click on that style when you're doing   your text when you add text it'll always show  up with the same font the same size whatever   you chose so you don't have to go and tap tap tap  for the size again you don't have to go and find   the font again everything is already saved so as  you can see i've added a little white box in the   background and i'm just playing around with the  shadowing to see what kind of look i want for the   cover you can play around with this as much as  you'd like and customize it to the way that you prefer woo hoo step nine the fun part let's add some  tabs so also depending on your preference you   can add squares for your tabs or you can add the  rounded edge square for your tabs it all depends   on your preference once again now i like to use  the rounded edges i like that look but if you   like more squared off look you can choose that as  well so what i do is i make a small little square   and i add shadow and what i'm going to do is just  copy it over and over again once again i'm still   on the presentation slide it's a lot easier to  work with this setting being that all the other   um layers of pages are not going to move around  and switch around on you so it's better to use   it on this side and when everything is  all completed and done you can just cut   and paste it into the master slide section all  right here's another quick tip once you select   every single tab that you like you can group them  and resize them all together at the same time   so this is a really great tip if you want to  size something you don't have to do it one by one   you can select the entire thing group it and when  you move around those side little blue circles it   will size it exactly the way they are all the same  so that's a really nice tip so you don't have to   size everything side by side and then one is small  one is big it looks terrible that way but this   way everything is sized the same perfectly um so  i'm just showing you a little example of what it   would look like if you had bigger tabs but since  we're making a planner i'm actually deciding to   make smaller tabs and i'm going to be placing  these tabs at the side you can also of course   place them at the top of your planner at the  bottom of your planner like i said all these   things are your preference so right now i'm  creating groups of three i copy that group   paste it go to the arrange tool send it to the  back and then i group the six tabs then i'm going   to copy that six tabs that i just grouped paste it  send it to the back using the arrange tool and now   we have 12 tabs ready for the 12 months of the  year now i group those last two groups together   and send it to the back that is so complicated  honestly i i'm hearing myself and it sounds really   complicated but if you watch the video and just  look carefully you can see what i'm talking about   now i go back to the master slide section  and i'm in the pages slide that we created i   cut and paste those tabs that we created in the  presentation section and send them all to the   back now we can see that they are appearing behind  all the pages now like i said before you can make   them appear in the middle you can make them appear  on top everything is according to your preference   it's time for another quick tip so now we're going  to be adding the text for each tab i'm simply   going to be adding the first three letters of  each month so for january to j a n and i'm going   to select my paragraph style and once i'm happy  with all my settings we're going to rotate the   text now this can be challenging but what i do is  i hold down the text box with one finger and with   my other finger i move and drag my finger along  until i get it to the way that i want it to be so   you're having to hold it down with one finger and  the other finger is moving in a circular direction   that way you get it to the place that placement  that you want um and you'll see the clicking   when it gets to like 90 degrees or like  180 degrees it'll just click and stop you   so once you see that you just stop and  your wording is in the perfect position   the next thing i'm gonna have to do is turn on my  jelly comb keyboard because now that i have the   text in the direction i want i make it smaller  and i'm going to add it right on top of the tab   so i use the arrows in my keyboard to  make sure that it's perfectly centered   so keynote does have a little bit of an issue to  move things around especially when it gets smaller   but using the arrow keys on your keyboard  helps it a lot so that it centers it perfectly   sometimes do have to eyeball  things to make sure they're perfect   but once you see that you like it all you got to  do is copy it paste it and everything else will   align to the first word that you created so you  probably will not have to use the keyboard as much   anymore so i copy the first text paste it and  all the font that i created in the beginning   is the same font that it uses so it makes it super  easy and simple to add the rest of the months if   something is not aligned correctly then i'll just  use the keyboard arrows to make sure that it is   perfect so you'll see that i'm doing  this for all the months in this planner   that was super quick just kidding it takes  absolutely forever to do that but once you do   it you will be so incredibly happy so now i group  everything together and i'm just going to paste   into the master slide now on each page that  i add it will be there to copy the same exact   slide over and over again all you got to do is  click on that slide press copy and then paste to   select multiple sides use one finger to click  on one slide and the other finger selects the   rest you copy paste and boom 12 months ready to go  step 10 we're halfway there let's make invisible   links first what you want to do is go into the  shape section create a square then you select   the square go to style and click no fill i'm now  going to place it onto january and i'm going to   just leave it there for a second before i add the  link i'm going to copy and create a 13th slide so things were a little bit jumbled up i  jumped here and there so basically i had   to add the index i copied it from the cover  page the same font so that way everything is   the same now let's get into the invisible  links so we're going to click that little   blue arrow and link to slide as you can see  we're doing the first one till page three   because page three is now going to be our january  monthly page so now we're just gonna copy that   paste it and now that one is going to be the  february page which is going to be linked to   page four or slide four and now you just continue  it continue it make sure that your links are   correct make sure that you are going slowly and do  not rush this process because you can easily put   two pages to the same slide that has happened to  me lots of times so take it easy and you'll get it   when making your planner there is a lot of  repetition you have to do the months 12 times you   have to put the dates 12 times you have to put  the squares 12 times everything is 12 times so   what i'm doing is trying to make things simpler  by making sure everything is perfectly correct   checking it and then copying it to the master  slide so as you can see i copied it and i'm going   to paste it to the master slide do not group or  lock these links because if you do that it will   mess them up and you won't be able to use them  correctly so using links is a little bit different   from using just a regular shape so as you can  see here i'm clicking on them and they're working   now to make sure that it's being linked to the  correct page we're going to copy the index font   and add our month tiles i mean title why did i say  tiles why did i say tiles so for each month we're   copying and pasting that same title and we're  going to add it to the next page what's really   awesome about this as well is that when you  paste it it pastes it directly the same as   the first page so that's not going to be a little  bit to the left a little bit to the right a little   bit up a little bit down everything is going to  be perfectly aligned just like the page before   because you copied it with that setting so this  is an awesome tip so that when you're copying and   pasting everything is directly in the same line as  you can see our links are working and i'm excited we're moving we're moving we're moving to step  12. yes we are creating our monthly calendar   yes we made it now this is a little bit  difficult to do because you have to do a lot of   deciding of how many months i mean how many  months how many days you want on one page versus   the other page so once again this is according to  your preference now because i saw that it looked   kind of awkward with the january in the middle  and i didn't want to change that um centeredness   i decided to put four of the days on one  side and three of the days on the other side   like i said before this is all according to your  preference so do it the way that you want to do it   but this is just how i do it so what i like to  also do is use a square for the overall shape   of the calendar and then i add lines so the first  line is going to be pretty small rectangle shape   that i'm going to make and then i spread them  out copy and paste the lines and spread them out   copying and pasting the same line really allows  for you to have the perfect length of line so   that you're not creating a new line and then  it's a little bit longer a little bit shorter   all the lines are the same size now what you  want to do is add a vertical lines to create   those boxes and you space them out to make  sure that everything is centered perfectly   what you can do is first put one line in the  middle and then you add other lines to the   side that way you know they're perfectly shaped  now my boxes came out a little bit rectangular   so if you want them to be more square shape  them to the way that you want them to be   now to make sure i keep that exact same shape  i'm going to copy and paste it to the next page   and i'm just going to reduce it and make  sure that it's only two lines to create   three separate columns for the days so  now i'm just ungrouping what i created and   making sure that i'm able to move the  line that square that i made down and just   eyeballing it because it's a little bit hard  now to get the exact shape being that it was   all grouped together i'm just lazy and i don't  want to ungroup everything that i made so i'm   just eyeballing it to make sure that it looks  the exact same and things are looking really   good so i'm really happy i have the seven spots  for the seven days now i'm ready to move on okay so i'm going to select everything group  it then i'm going to cut it and paste into   you guessed it the master slide so i'm just  looking at all my pages now and i realized i   spelled february wrong yes i spelled it wrong and  now let's get into the master slide now i also   have to make another copy um because the index is  supposed to be blank meanwhile the monthly pages   have to have this grid that we just created for  our calendar so as you can see i just duplicated   it and i'm going to make sure i name it index  and now everything is looking perfect and now i'm   going to just paste in that grid i just created  into this page now we see the index is blank   and what we're going to do now is change the slide  so i'm trying to make it of course a shortcut i'm   going to select a lot of them together and go  into that paintbrush and make sure that i have   the correct slide picked now you can see that  the grid is on all of the monthly pages simple   i didn't have to copy i didn't have to  paste anything boom they're just there perf now as you can see all of the months have  the grid now we're going to be adding the days   so i want to use the same font that we had for  the month so sometimes which is another quick tip   sometimes i click on the paragraph style and  even though it's supposed to have the same text   it doesn't as you can see the size is supposed  to be a lot smaller but it isn't so now i have   to go back to the other font that had the same  agenda style and go into it and click on the text   go into the paintbrush go into agenda and click  update that little update button now when i go   back into that monday you're gonna see the  font has changed down to the size that it   should have been sometimes that happens i'm not  exactly sure why but um if i had click agenda   it should have been right hello okay now we're  just going to copy and paste and put all the days   in once again we're going to group all the days  together cut it and then paste it into the master slide now as you can see it's so much  easier than even copying and pasting   all you got to do is do it one time  and it shows up for all of the pages   our next step is to add banners now  i like to use banners or squares or   circles so that i can add the number  dates so when you click that little   plus sign at the top you can actually search  for different objects different figures images   whatever that you like unfortunately for me the  banner that i was looking for is not there so i'm   going to make it so what i do is add a square  and then add a triangle on top of the square   from there what you want to do is change the color  of that triangle so that it's easy for you to see   how it's going to look once you get the triangle  into the perfect position you're going to select   both and you're going to go back to that  little paint brush click arrange and at the   bottom you see it says combine shapes so click  the button that is three images from the left   which is subtract so what it does is take the  top image and subtract it from the bottom image   and that's what gives us our banner now we're  going to color our banner so what i actually   like to do is leave it without a fill and just  have a border but it's up to you if you want   yellow banners if you want pink if you want um no  banners at all that is up to you you can actually   do even circles which is what i like to do as well  um so now that i have my banner perfectly situated   i'm going to just copy and paste it for each  square and as you know i love shortcuts so   once i did the first four boxes i copied them and  pasted them and then i copied those four and then   i pasted them this makes things a lot quicker when  you're doing a lot of little items so it's not as tedious   all right so now that that's done we're going  to group everything together cut and paste   it into the master slide as usual and this is  really awesome because it keeps things simple   later on if you make a different kind of a planner  everything is already grouped and ready to go you   don't have to make anything from scratch let's  move to step 15. we're going to add more pages   so this step doesn't apply to you if you don't  want to add anything other than your monthlies   but if you do this is the time to add those pages  so what i'm gonna do is add an extras page and   usually in my planners i like to add different  kinds of paper i like to create a section where   i can have blank paper lined paper graph paper  dotted paper and i sometimes even add a section   for stickers so depending on what you like you  can go ahead and add those different sections   so right here i'm just testing all my links making  sure everything is correct and i realized i forgot   to add a link to the index so what i like to do is  add an invisible link right in the middle shadow   so if you missed it before i'm doing it again what  i do is add a square shape size it to the way that   i want it to be and then i'm gonna go into that  little paintbrush and click on style click no fill   and that way it will not show up in your final  product now i click on that square click link   and now i'm going to link it to slide 2 which is  going to be my index page so no matter where i   am in this planner i'll be able to link it to the  index so now you want to make sure you copy and   paste it to all pages in the master slide so that  no matter where you are it will work correctly step 16 we're going to add hyperlinks to the index  so i'm going to of course add the extras a link   um i'm just adding a simple shape a square and  elonging elongating it into a rectangle and now   i'm just going to copy that index font make it  say extras and i'm going to add two other links   and just make sure that you're linking them to  the correct pages so that they go to that page   but these extras can be a vision board it can be  a journal a notebook whatever you want it to be   but i just want to give you an example of how  you can add that as well all right so let's add   some blank pages between those dividers we just  created as you can see all you got to do is stay   on that divider click on the little add button at  the very bottom and boom it creates a blank page   so now i'm just going through the entire thing at  the side making sure everything is looking perfect   the way that we want it to be and look at our  divider and look at our blank page perfect let's hit that play button  and test out our hyperlinks make sure you always test your hyperlinks  something always goes wrong i tell you and   as you can see i hit extras and instead of going  to the extra section it went to january something   is up what is going on i don't know so i had to go  back and fix it so i realized that when i actually   clicked the banner or the um pink box it went  to extras but the word extras did not so i added   the link to the text box i had a feeling there was  just an issue with layering and since the extras   does not have a hyperlink it blocked it from going  to the page i just had to investigate this issue   now let's see if it works yes it worked now let's  export our planner so what you're gonna do at the   very top with those little three buttons you're  gonna click on it and click export go to pdf and   then you'll see this page you're going to click  export again it's going to load the presentation   and just wait and you'll see it says open and  good notes so you might have to scroll down   then you're just going to open it and you're  going to import as a new document into the place   that you want it to go now for some reason it  didn't pop up on my screen which it usually does   but what i just did is exited good notes and went  back in and then searched for the planner in the   place that i saved it and it was there waiting  all our hard work paid off we created our first   planner now it's time to sit back and enjoy  it congratulations you made it to step 20   and you made your first planner wasn't that  super easy please like this video comment down   below what you thought of this planner and also  subscribe to my channel for so much more once   again thank you so much for watching i appreciate  your support and i'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Mimi Mellie
Views: 76,370
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: planner, videos, plan, cute, diy, journal, makeup, natural, hair, naturalista, 2020, digital planner, keynote, iPad Pro, iPad Pro 11 inch, how to, tutorial, how to create, create a planner in keynote, how to use keynote, 2021 planners, 2021
Id: 5yOqHAOsMIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 24sec (2004 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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