How to write neatly on iPad using Goodnotes 5 | 8 tips to help you write neatly | CreateKingdomPlans

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[Music] hey everyone and welcome back to another video so today i'm gonna be showing you eight really good tips to help you write neatly on your ipad now during this spring break week i've gotten so many messages from you guys saying that you've just started planning digitally you've got your ipad and you don't know what you're doing literally i've gotten so many of these messages and i am here to help you out and i'm super excited to show you how to write neatly using any ipad now i'm using an ipad pro 11 inch and i love the size it's perfect for me and you know whatever ipad you're using these steps will also be helpful to you so before we get started with this video please make sure you like this video subscribe to my channel and make sure you hit that notification bell so that you get notified when i make new videos let's get started so the first tip i'm going to share with you guys and i'm sure you've heard it a lot is to get a paper-like screen protector now i'm not using the paper-like brand i'm using a different brand which i purchased on amazon there's so many different off brands this one's called paper feel screen protector and basically it has like a really textured finish so that when you're writing it feels like you're writing on paper has a lot of resistance more so than the glossy feel of the ipad itself of course you can always write on that glossy glass surface of the ipad there's a lot of people who do you know right on it and have no issues so that is definitely up to you you definitely have to experience it and see if that's you know something you like but if you are having difficulties with that glossy glass finish then definitely try out a paper-like screen protector you'll see a difference immediately okay so this screen protector pack has two screen protectors in it it has a alcohol pad it has a cloth it has the little stickers and it also has something to smooth down and as well as instructions so this was really good i'll link it down below if you are interested in this one it was really cheap and affordable so as you can see i'm just going to pull out one of the screen protectors it does have two this is a pack of two which i'm super excited about because sometimes i find that i wear down the screen protectors so much because you know they are the cheaper brand and i don't have time to buy a new one and i just keep using it and i never replace it so it's good that i have this back up so i can easily replace it whenever i feel also keep in mind throughout this whole video i am a heavy ipad user i use my ipad and my ipad pencil extremely heavily to draw to plan to go on instagram to go on pinterest like i'm using it all of the time so if you are not using it as heavily you won't have to replace your screen protector or the other things as much as i do so if you have a brand new ipad you won't have to remove anything you're just going to start fresh but if you are installing one after you've already had one it is a little bit difficult you can use like a metro card to kind of lift it up or just try to scrape it from the sides it's so sticky that i took a long time to get it up but yeah i was finally able to get it up and all of the residue of the stickers at the edges oh my gosh needs to be cleaned so this comes with a alcohol prep pad so i'm just going to be using that to clean off the edges [Music] now i'm using the cloth to dry it off [Music] oh yeah so before i even put on my new screen protector i wanted to see how it felt to actually use the glossy screen i haven't done this in so long oh my gosh seeing how beautiful and glossy it is wow it's super cute so i'm going to just use my apple pencil and just write on the glossy screen and see how it feels [Music] so as i said before i'm somebody who is a heavy ipad user and because i'm already used to using the ipad pencil the ipad the apple pencil and the ipad pro i really like how it feels riding with it it's really good the apple pencil tip really helps you to control your strokes and so for me it felt very comfortable so yes it is possible anyways let's get back to installing our paper-like screen protector [Music] so use those little stickers that they've given you to take off all the dust and the little particles i don't know that end up landing on your ipad even though you've cleaned it so definitely use the stickers to pick that up i also use the positioning stickers to pick up the dust so just don't mind me i don't do this correctly i do this my way this particular screen protector has two tabs that you can pull off the first one you're gonna pull off whatever it says step one pull that off first and then we're going to position it and place it on our ipad [Music] now i took a lot of time to position this screen protector because i'm hard-headed and i didn't want to read the directions that they gave me because i think i know what i'm doing okay how many people are like that there's directions but you don't read them you do what you want to do that's me it took me a long time but i ended up getting it there was a little bit of particles underneath and i'll show you how i picked up the screen again and kind of use the stickers to take off the few particles that i could take off so now as you see i'm just smoothing out those larger bubbles and kind of seeing where those little particles are you'll see that they're itty bitty little bubbles those things bother me so much so i had to lift up that screen protector just to fix them so now i'm just going to peel off the step 2 film that's covering and protecting the screen protector and i'm going to actually lift up the screen protector using a metro card so that i can take off those little bubbles that are bothering me one of them actually has to stay because it was just too high up and it was too much for me to do but the other two i was able to remove the dust [Music] okay so now i'm just gonna let that screen protector go back down again and smooth it out with that little smoother that they gave me and we are done so let's test out what it feels like to write with this screen protector guys what a difference what a difference this screen protector makes i feel like i'm writing on paper again i feel like the resistiveness really helps me to control better how i'm writing this is a must-have i will link it down below for you guys definitely check it out okay for the next tip we're going to be changing our apple pencil tip okay do not judge my box i've been using this same box over and over again and when i got it i was super excited i just ripped it open so i've already used two of these apple pencil tips and there's two left so what i like to do is just peel it off and then put the old one in that little packaging that's why it looks like i have all four but i actually only have two so what you want to do is just twist off the old one mine was so worn down that it wasn't even responding so i definitely have to change it i get the apple pencil tips for i think four for 20 if i'm not mistaken or 30 or something like that it's definitely worth it i change mine probably every six or seven months or something like that um so yes because i'm a heavy apple pencil user definitely i change it often but if you're not as a you know as much as a heavy user as i am you might change it only you know once a year or something like that so definitely a good purchase i'll also link this down below for you so let's quickly test out how we write with our brand new apple pencil tip and our screen protector okay so as i'm writing i definitely feel the resistance of the paper like screen protector and my apple pencil is responding much better because i have a brand new apple pencil tip so let's move to the next tip which is to use a apple pencil grip now i'm using one of the grips that i found on amazon and i'll link not only the video but the apple pencil grip that i'm using in the description box below this is something that i really love i've been using it for um i could say a year now since i've made that video and it's something that i have not even had to replace it's easy to install and this apple pencil case is beautiful i love the rose gold not only is it fashionable but it also helps you write neater because you have a better grasp on your apple pencil so here comes tip number four if you see that after these three tips you still not writing neatly this is going to help you zoom in yes zoom in like you've never zoomed in before it will help you to write a lot neater just look at this [Music] i've heard this tip so many times and i never believed it until i started zooming in when you zoom in it makes it easier to control and see what you're writing and you're close up so that your writing feels more natural the next thing that you can do is use the zoom window so definitely using the zoom window can help when you want to see the whole entire page as you're writing because zooming in cuts off some of the text that is around what you're writing however when you use the zoom window you can zoom in on just a specific part and right in the little window below it so i just want to show you a little difference of how things look when i use the zoom window when i'm zooming in it's definitely more precise when i use the zoom window so i really love using this feature okay so i really love the zoom window especially for journaling because i can use that little blue box what helps you to have continuous writing so that you don't have to stop and you know use your finger to swipe across when you're zooming in it's so much easier and simple to do fluid and continuous writing using the zoom window so as i said before definitely finding a perfect fit for your apple pencil grip is going to be up to you now i have two different kinds one that's a more thicker grip and a thinner grip such as this which is the brand new upper case it's a thin i think it's called the nimble sleeve i'll link this down below as well if you want a review of this nimble sleeve please get this video to 50 likes and i will definitely do that for you guys and i'll give you my honest opinion because i purchased this with my own money and i want to give you guys you know a honest review if you want that please get this video to 50 likes let's do it and for our next tip we're going to change the pen size and the pen type so play around with different pen sizes and different pen types on good notes there's a brush pen there's a ballpoint pen and there's a fountain pen so play with the different pens and see what fits you i personally like to use the ballpoint pen so on good notes i have three different presets for my pen sizes i have a 0.75 millimeter 1.4 millimeter and a 2.0 millimeter for the most bold fonts so these are the pen types that i like to use definitely play around and create your own presets and find what fits you this is gonna help you so so much to have better and neater handwriting okay next tip i don't even know what number tip this is but hopefully you've been following along um the next tip is use your palm i sometimes forget to keep my palm down as i'm writing which helps me to write a lot neater and have more control for some reason my hand lifts up and i lose all control of how i'm writing so instead of keeping your hand in the air and waving it like you just don't care keep your palm down remember that apps like notability good notes note shelf they all have this built-in feature to make it easier and more comfortable as if you're writing on paper [Music] tip number eight combine all the previous steps and make sure that it fits you now we just talked about seven amazing steps all of them can be combined you can take certain things away you can add things to make it fit you so definitely don't be discouraged you can write neatly too it takes a lot of practice i've been using my ipad for over a year now steadily and heavily and i've created a much more better and beautiful handwriting than when i just started now there's days when i'm lazy and i don't feel to write and i write crazy but there are certain days when i really sit down and i focus and i'm journaling and my writing is beautiful i'm just like okay yes and you can do it too don't you ever feel that you have to compare your handwriting to anybody else that you see on instagram on pinterest or anything like that remember they've been doing it for probably years now so they've had a lot of practice if you just got your ipad you just started learning how to use good notes you just started learning how to use your ipad don't think that you're going to have perfect writing at the very beginning it takes time and you will get there thank you so so much for watching this video you guys and if you made it this far you are a real one please remember to like this video subscribe to my channel and make sure you hit that notification bell so that you get notified when i make new videos i'll see you in the next one bye [Music] you
Channel: Mimi Mellie
Views: 2,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: planner, videos, plan, with, me, cute, diy, amazon, bullet, journal, Art, Ipad, plan with me, digital planning, digital planner, Fatih planners, life planners, goodnotes 5, how to, goodnotes, notability, noteshelf
Id: eysxMq21hd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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