How to make a Digital Planner part 2 | Adding weekly and Daily pages | Mimimellieco

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[Music] hey everyone and welcome back to another video so today i'm gonna be doing part two to my how to make a planner series we're gonna learn how to add dailies and weekly pages to our planner my part one video shows you all the basics on how to make a digital planner using keynote so before you watch this one please watch part one i will link it down in the description box below or i will link it in the cards above right here and it'll make it easier for you to follow these next steps for this tutorial we're going to do 10 steps to add dailies and weekly pages to our planner i'm super excited you guys so please also remember to like this video subscribe to my channel and hit that notification bell so that you get notified when i make new videos let's get started so in this video you'll see me switch between my ipad and using my imac i'll explain more later on but the basic reason is because it makes things a lot quicker and simpler when adding each daily page now that gets a little bit tedious so we need to find a way to make it simpler step one open keynote no i'm just kidding first we're gonna start off with a good base so in part one of this series we learned how to make a very good template so we are gonna use that template mine is different but we're gonna basically use this template to create the rest of our planner your base should include a cover page an index page a monthly view page and also a beautiful background for each of those pages and in the other video i also showed you how to use the master slides this is key to make this process super super simple so make sure you know how to use the master slides once again please refer to my first video it makes this process super quick you will not believe how fast we do this planner so here is what my planner is looking like this is my cover page as you saw before it just says my planner and here's my index it is a blank page with just the monthlies at the top and i'm going to show you the monthly view which looks like this so this is my template and i'm loving it i think it's super cute i want it to stay with everything really light colored and pink but yeah you can design your planner with any colors that you like because it's your planner you can do it your way you can do either a monday or a sunday start date that's up to you we're going to add as much things that we need for this monthly page because it's going to be copied over and over and it has to be correct make sure you leave some space where you can write the month and also make sure that you have a way to link to your daily and weekly pages in my planner i'm going to be using the circles as a way to link to the daily pages and the banners as a way to link to my weekly pages tap on your screen and click edit master slide this is what my master slide looks like so i have my title page with just the background this template for the pages and this template for the monthly this is exactly how everything is going to look so far this constitutes a great base well that was easy let's move to step two we're going to duplicate our pages and we're going to make one of them a weekly template and one of them a daily template so all you have to do is tap click on duplicate and we're going to click and hold and drag it after the monthly so that we're doing things in order we are organized here this is a professional planner and i'm going to rename this weekly and i'm just gonna do the same thing duplicate the weekly and name it daily all right you guys so this is my favorite part this is the fun part we get to design our weekly and daily pages exactly the way that we want if you would like to design this in the master slides one of my tips would be to select the entire thing and lock it girl lock it up because once you start moving shapes around the pages will start moving around things will start spinning around and it gets super annoying so definitely lock everything down if this is still too much for you you can switch over to the regular presentation create it on that blank index page then cut and paste it back into the master slides so you're going to add all the wonderful things that you need in your weekly whether it be a monday start date or a sunday start date whether it be small squares little squares whether it be times from 5 to 12 all of that is up to you because you're in control yes [Music] so i started designing in the master slides and it was getting very frustrating so i quickly moved to the regular presentation section which made it super easy because everything was already in the background so i only had to focus on what was on the foreground let me tell you made a difference so so far i've created three boxes for focus i've created a box for tasks a box for notes and now i'm creating the schedule so i'm just making sure everything aligns up really good making sure everything is perfectly straight this takes some time it's really tedious but remember you only have to do it once because after we're done we're gonna group everything and put it right back into the master slide here's a really quick tip to make sure that everything is centered i'm going to click and hold and select all of the times and i'm going to go into the paint paintbrush and go to arrange now i'm gonna click on one of these buttons here as you can see it says horizontally and vertically this makes sure that everything is lined up perfectly nothing is a little bit up a little bit down it's really straight you're just gonna have to go in and make sure that the times match with the lines that are right next to it so now i'm working on a to-do list i'm trying to make the circle smaller without changing the shape the yellow dots help to guide your apple pencil to make sure that you're keeping it in its shape by the way did you know that you can search different icons when you click on that plus sign that little magnifying glass click on that and that'll lead you to type in whatever you'd like you can check a shape you can check an icon i even found a pill so that it can track if i'm taking my vitamins pretty cool so that's pretty much it for this daily page it's looking really cute i think it's good and i'm ready to paste it into the master slide i'm just going to group as you can see and cut tap on the screen click edit master slide go to the daily and paste it right in boom daily is ready to go now we're going to move to the weekly sadly some of it where most of it or all of it got cut off because it was not recording but you can use your imagination and you can see the final results right now so as you can see a couple of steps were missed due to you know just not being recorded but you can see here that i've added january and basically you go to the paint brush at the top and you click on text now it'll show your paragraph style your font your color whether you want it bold or not the size you can customize this to your liking and this is what i chose yes time for step three we're adding hyperlinks you guys things are about to get complicated i like to make a hyperlink in the middle of the page to actually be able to reach my index a lot faster from any page in my planner so that's what i'm going to do whoopsie that just turned around but we're going to do that right now i'm going to make a little square so just click on the little plus sign at the top and make a square now important to note i'm doing this in the master slide because i will not need to do this over and over and over again i just need it in the templates that i have in the master slide i do not have to put it for every single page in my planner just the master slide and done so as you can see i've made it here i'm sizing it up the way that i want it to be click on it click on link and we're gonna link it to page two or slide two now i'm just going to tap on it copy it and put it in the weekly the daily and the pages slide of course because that's where the index will be we're just going to put it on every page just to make sure that we're getting connected to the index much faster another note i've switched back to the presentation slide and i'm going to add the same link to the cover now when i click on this it'll lead me into the next page which is the index so it's a way to open up the planner now this is up to you you don't have to put this if you don't really care about that that's all up to you so now i'm just testing it and everything is linking back to the index perfectly we're good to go so now we're going to prepare for the next hyperlink we're going to be linking the days so let's add a little circle so go to the plus sign at the top click the circle and we are going to size it up make sure we're on that yellow dot that makes sure that the shape is staying intact we're going to cover our circle to create our invisible link so go to style and click no fill there you have it you guys there's your circle so now that we have it all we have to do is tap on it click on copy and tap on the screen again click on paste and we're just going to continue to do that until we reach the end of the seven days for that week once i finish that i'm gonna copy the entire week of circles and paste it for the next week and the next week this makes things a lot faster i'm all about making things look perfect but in an easier way [Music] all right now we are done with the dailies let's get this over with and finish the weeks i'm going to be using a little square shape to match the shape of the banner so just so that it goes around the entire banner so of course whatever you decided to use as your weekly it could be a circle it could be a rectangle whatever works for you so following the same steps we're going to tap on the shape click on copy and then tap on the screen to click on paste and just continue to do that until we are finished on to step four now we're going to start to add the pages i'm gonna start with the weeklies because that's how i typically like to organize my planner so we're gonna go click that little plus sign at the bottom left and add our weekly sheets so it's very easy to tell what it is because we named it we are organized we are professional okay and so now we're just going to add five weeks so make sure you have five of them to match the hyperlinks of your five banners so now go back to january click on the invisible square that you just created and go to link after clicking link go to link to slide and you should be starting with page four so it should be four five six seven and the last page should be number eight when you're done make sure you go back and check it's very easy to lose count or lose track of what you're doing especially when you get into the dailies it also is extremely important to make sure everything is correct in this step and you'll see why later on so make sure you double check triple check and quadruple check test it out and make sure it works perfectly so as i was testing i realized that i wanted to add another hyperlink at the top left corner just a way to link back to my monthly now i love doing this in my planners it helps me to get back to where i'm going to really quickly but of course it's not um needed because we do have those links at the top january february march april may june july oh it's wednesday november december we don't need to have it but i like to have options you know options are nice options are cool so i chose this little star and i'm just going to select a color and make it a little bit smaller to fit in that corner perfectly [Music] now we're going to click on it click on link and we're going to link it to page 3 which is our january monthly so make sure you click on the the star or the image and click on link go to link to slide and make sure it's on page three then you're gonna click on the star again click on copy and go to the next page and click paste now what's super great about pasting is that it goes exactly to the same place that it was in the first page so you don't have to resize it you don't have to move it or nothing it's absolutely perfect i'm just realizing i say perfect a lot in this video excuse me guys but i just like perfection [Music] all right you guys we're getting into the dailies yes crack those knuckles stretch this is gonna be tedious we're gonna go down to the bottom left click on add and we're going to place just one daily slide and i'm going to add another one of my invisible hyperlinked shapes this is going to be able to bring me back to the monthly now these links that i'm adding the star and this rectangle make sure that you only do it in the presentation section because if you were to put it in the master slide it wouldn't work for all of your months it would only be able to link to one thing however if you do it in the presentation section you can add it to your january monthly you can add it to the weekly you can add it to wherever because you have the flexibility to change the number you can change that link slide number i realized that as i was explaining it it sounded extremely confusing so if you want to leave that little star and a little rectangle part out you can you are free to do that so let's move to linking our dailies so i've just linked the first circle under monday with page nine that should be your first page so now what we want to do is click at the bottom left again and add six more slides of the dailies [Music] so now that we've done adding all the dailies we should have seven for the first week go to the top and right next to presentation you should see a little square click on it and click on light table you will see all your slides and little squares now at the bottom right we're going to click on select we're going to select the seven daily pages that we just created this is a super simple way to select what you need and duplicate them without having to use two hands like i used to show you before or two fingers you can just do it all with a click and you tap duplicate until you reach those five weeks so you should only tap it four times if you're following the steps exactly as i'm doing it you should have 43 slides that's how you know that everything is correct now we're going to go back to slide view and go back to our monthly which is on page three and we're going to link each invisible circle according to that slide number yes you guys each and every single circle has to be linked it is tedious but you only have to do this once following these tips trust me it'll be super fast in no time so the first circle should be linked to page 9 and the last circle should be linked to page 43 so let's continue until we reach the end now if you lose count that's all right that's okay just make sure that you double triple and quadruple check you should do this after every week and then when you're done with the entire month check every single day again you need to do this because later on we're going to copy the same template over and over if there's a mistake in january that will carry on for all of the other months that you copied it to so make sure it's correct the first time [Music] [Music] whew now on to step five which is double triple and quadruple check yes check even more i cannot say this enough you guys we have to copy this over and over again so make sure the hyperlinks are corrected you can always change the design of your weekly you can always change the design of your monthlies you can always change the design of your dailies literally at any time but your hyperlinks those got to be correct from day one okay so let's take a little break let's take a water break let's take a breather because things are about to go hyper speed right now and i want to make sure that you understand each step we have just created a monthly system that works within itself it is self-sufficient january is self-sufficient it has its weeklies it has its dailies and everything links perfectly but now we're moving into step six and we need to have our imac computer because this is going to be essential remember how i told you to use the light table to select and duplicate and copy that only works for the little daily and the weeklies but when we're doing a whole system not only do we have to just duplicate or just copy we want the hyperlink numbers to change as well and that's where your computer comes in it has to be a computer it has to be either a macbook pro macbook air imac something that uses keynote on a computer once again the reason is when we duplicate using the ipad it duplicates literally everything the hyperlinks remain the same number so even if you're in february and you've changed it to february all the links will still link you to january if that makes sense i hope you guys guys understand and i'll kind of show you in the imac right now step 7 we're going to open up our planner in our apple device computer whatever thing and we're going to look at our planner so far so as you can see i don't have the same fonts in my imac so they're looking a little bit crazy but that's okay leave it as it is because we are going to transfer right back into the ipad once we're done with this essential step so you see that the weekly is intact but ew this looks crazy but that's okay just leave it like that and what we're going to do is go to page 3 which is your january month hold and on your shift button on your keyboard scroll all the way down to the last page 43 and click that should highlight all of those slides now you're going to right click and click on copy select page 43 and click paste that is going to allow you to paste a new month on to step 8. make sure you are changing the months as you go this will help you to have less confusion less mix-ups and less mistakes we are going to repeat steps seven and eight over and over until we reach december so you're gonna go to the last slide once again right click and click on paste and when we get to that uh monthly page that says january we're going to click on it and change it to the next month which in our case is march and you're going to repeat those steps like i said over and over again until you reach the month of december [Music] now just really quickly to show you in the month of april when i click on that first bubble it doesn't say nine guess what it says you guys 132. when i tested this on my ipad the first circle that i clicked still said nine and it said nine for october november december every single month had the same hyperlink pages and you know what that means every time you click on it it'll direct you all the way to january so i did the testing for you so that you don't have to be upset like i was upset so make sure you use your imac computer or any computer that uses keynote so that you don't have that headache [Music] once you're done with all the months save and close it and go right back to your ipad if you're using icloud sync everything will be ready to go once you get there dang you guys we have 494 pages oh my gosh the hard work the sweat the tears oh my gosh let me stop let's do step number nine now we're going to link our monthly tabs that we had at the top to the corresponding pages so i'm just using a different app so i'm using goodnotes and i'm going to open it side by side with kino and you'll see why i'm going to write down each month january february march until we get into december and then i'm going to write down that page number or that slide number and we're going to use that to link easily with our tabs usually i'll use a piece of paper and i'll write it down on paper but since we are focused on our ipad i'm just going to use my ipad to do the same thing so yes feel free to use a paper and pencil the good old-fashioned way [Music] so now we are ready the first slide that we're gonna write down is january which is on slide number three so we're going to write down number three great now that we've done that slowly scroll down and get to february once you get there write down the slide number in this case it's slide 44. now you're going to continue these steps until you reach all the way to december [Music] well that was easy we've reached december now we're going to write the last one and now we're going to go into our master slide this is where we want the links to be because these links never change the numbers for these links never change so it's very good to put them in the master slide so you don't have to copy and paste for uh how many pages we had again 400 something i refuse to paste it 495 times so let's do it in the master slide so once again we're creating our invisible link and we're going to link it according to the list that we just wrote down so january we're going to link it to slide number three then we're gonna copy and paste that same rectangle paste it right on top of february and we're going to change the link number to page 44 or slide 44. perfect now we're going to continue doing the same thing until we reach december [Music] so now that we're done what we have to do is zoom out so that we can see the whole page make sure the background is locked then you're going to press down hold and drag until you've selected all of those monthly links then we're going to copy and paste them into the other master slide woohoo master slab woohoo master slide we only had to copy it four times i love the master slide you guys now as you can see on each page the links are ready to go so i'm just going to test it out to show you guys let me just move this pesky little window out the way and let's look at the links yes everything is working oh i like it i like it everything's working so now we're on to step 10 yes you guys we're on the last step let's get to it so step 10 is all about the cosmetic changes remember when we were putting it into the macbook and everything was wonky because it was a different font we have to go back and fix that also this is your chance to fix your weekly your daily if you don't like something you can do that now before we export our file it's also a lot easier to do this at the end because you can navigate through your planner using the hyperlinks that you just created so you don't have to flip through 400 and whatever pages to get to each month instead you just tap on your links that you created and you get to the month just like i'm doing here so just tap on the play button that will lead you to open up the slideshow click on the month that you want and pinch inwards to go back to that screen and as you can see i just arranged march and i'm going to continue using those same [Music] steps [Music] yay so we are all done now that we're all finished we're going to export it but of course we need a break break's over let's export click on those three dots at the top click on export and then click on pdf then you're going to click on export again now sometimes this happens where you click on export and it just stays this way don't worry keep it just like this it's still processing your pdf it's okay my screen never changed to the little bar that goes up it stayed like this the entire time just be patient because it is a larger file it will take a few minutes now we finally reach this screen you're going to click on open in goodnotes and open now you're able to use your planner directly into goodnotes now this is the time where you get to test out your planner write in it see if it functions the way that you want it to and make sure that everything is working perfectly [Music] alright guys so that's pretty much it for this video i hope you learned a lot if you have any questions please leave a comment down below and i'll get to you as soon as i see them thank you once again for watching i hope you enjoyed this video please remember to like this video so that it shows up in other people's feed remember to subscribe to my channel and hit that notification bell so that you get notified when i make new videos see you in the next one bye
Channel: Mimi Mellie
Views: 8,229
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: planner, videos, plan, with, me, cute, diy, amazon, fashion, beauty, bullet, journal, Art, Ipad, goodnotes 5, keynote, apple, MacBook, MacBook air, digital planner, how to, digital planning, digital plan with me, plan with me, digital planner addict
Id: aTYQRwfTYfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 14sec (1874 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 12 2021
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