How to Use the 2022 Dash Planner - Digital Planner Guide

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hello i'm megan the creator of dash planner in this video i'll be showing you how to set up your brand new 2022 digital planner the first thing you'll need to use your digital planner is a note annotating app there are a few popular options available but a majority of our users use goodnotes so that's what i'll be using in this demonstration most of the apps follow a similar structure so you'll be able to apply most of the following steps in your app of choice after purchase you will be given a downloads dashboard pdf file this is an interactive dashboard where you can view and download all of the planner files stickers and covers included with your purchase the file will either open in your web browser or your ipad's files app once open you can navigate to the document to locate your desired planner settings here you can choose if you'd like the landscape or the portrait orientation once selected you can choose the weekly layout of your choice the last thing you'll choose is if you'd like the weeks to start on monday or on sunday making this last selection will instantly download your chosen planner the planner file will download to your ipad's download folder you can access your download directly from your web browser or your ipad's files app tap on the planner file to open it select the share icon in the upper right corner choose your app from the list if you do not see your app in the list tap more and choose your app from the complete list this will open the planner file in your app you can rename the planner if you'd like or choose a specific folder to save the planner to when you first download goodnotes the default setting is set to vertical scrolling i like to change this to horizontal scrolling so that it feels more like an interactive planner and less like a list of pages the first page after the cover is the planner's index here is where you can see all of the planners pages and sections at a glance you can return to this page from anywhere in the planner by tapping the index icon in the upper right hand corner to click on any of the planner's hyperlinks you will first need to select the read-only tool which kind of looks like a crossed out pencil this will toggle the toolbar and allow you to tap any of the links one more tap takes you into full screen mode tap again to regain your toolbar this first section here is for your yearly pages you can also access the section from the quick links in the bottom right corner here you'll find your calendar overview tapping on a week's number or day will take you to that dated page this is also a good place to color code the calendar if you'd like next is the overview page where you can fill in particular details of each month to see everything at a glance this is a flexible space where you can record special dates like birthdays and vacations break down projects by month or document monthly goals whatever works for you this is where i like to put my main focus for each month so i'm reminded of the big picture you can also break down projects so you can see everything by quarter or month for each quarter you can plan out your monthly objectives and important dates [Music] the future planning page is where you can jot down any information you receive regarding 2023 this helps you to make note of things far off in the future and it's a great place that you can reference when you move into next year's planner to the right here are your monthly taps tapping on a tab will take you to that month's calendar and links to additional monthly pages the calendar is great for having a visual overview of your month with links that take you to weekly and daily pages the calendar is the best way to navigate all dated pages for that month if you'd like to plan the months out in more detail you can use the monthly overview page here you can state your focus for the month and record important dates you can also jot down additional tasks or important reminders related to your personal professional life or around your household one thing i like to emphasize with dash planner is having a comfortable life balance one way to do this is to plan an activity or objective in each life area every month this helps you to fill your planner with tasks that improve your quality of life not just things that have to get done once you come up with some ideas you can add them to your calendar to make them happen if you like to keep a close eye on your finances you can fill out the monthly finance page here you can set a budget for your expenses and come back at the end of the month to review how much you actually spent the monthly trackers page is for all you productivity lovers out there who like to get super detailed and track certain areas of your life i've included basic trackers for sleep hydration and wellness but there are also spaces for tracking anything in particular to your needs here with the sleep tracker you can choose if you wanted to track sleep quality the hour slept or both you can choose colors of your choosing with either the pen or highlighter tool select which color represents what in your key then use these colors in your daily logs you can also use symbols in your key like i've done here in the hydration tracker the wellness tracker can help you keep track of symptoms moods fitness or anything related to your wellness if there's something else you'd like to track you can use the blank trackers to the right at the end of the month you can use the monthly review to have a personal check-in reflect on your personal professional highlights for the month as well as record some happy memories and accomplishments that you are proud of there's also a space at the bottom where you can briefly note about your progress in certain goal areas you can also complete the check-in which can help give you an idea of which life area could use some extra love next month i like filling out this page as a way to memory keep so i can look back at the highlights from each month you can quickly navigate to other monthly reviews as well as all the other pages by using the monthly bar here if filling out these pages overwhelms you at all you can simply ignore them they are just here in case you want to get super detailed with your planning the great thing about a digital planner is that the pages don't take up any physical space like say a big old paper planner would but they are here in case you'd like to try them out sometime let's navigate to the weekly pages your weekly view will vary based on a particular layout that you selected upon download all of the layouts will have a place where you can write out any important tasks or things going on each day you can tap on a date to take you to a particular day and then tap this link to take you back to the weekly view you'll also see two buttons in the upper right hand corner this view here is your overview where you can see your whole week at a glance there's also a link to a preview and review page this is a page to help you plan out your week as well as review your week before moving on to the next the preview selection has places where you can brainstorm and record what you've got going on in different areas this could be certain tasks goals or just things to remember there's also a section where you can jot down what you have to do that week plus the section for recording things you'd like to do that week because that's important too when i sit down to plan out my week each sunday night i like to start with the preview section this helps me to brain dump and get out all the little details of the week first then i move over to the overview page and decide what things need to get done on which day and when at the end of the week you can come back and fill out the review section if you'd like this section is great for helping you reflect on the week to remember the things you accomplished and also note on anything you need to know moving on to the next week again this is an additional planning page and if you just want to stick to the weekly overview and ignore the preview and review page you can totally do that as well each day has a dated daily page that you can use if you'd like to plan out your day in greater detail the daily page has a place to declare your main focus and list out your to-do list the daily page also has a time schedule for plotting out time sensitive tasks or time blocking your day by subject to the right is a flexible note section that can be used for anything you need use this place to take daily notes journal or fill with inspirational quotes and images next up are the page templates the page templates are organized by category and you can either access them from the index or with the quick links in the bottom right corner each category has a convenient dashboard where you can see all the templates in that category at a glance you can use the templates directly from here or you can copy paste and move the pages around anywhere in the planner say you want to add an extra expense tracker next to your monthly finance page simply copy the page and navigate to your desired location in this case next to the finance page from here tap the add page button and select paste page now when you open your finances for the month there's a transaction tracker located one swipe to the right you can do this in notability as well this can be done to any of the other page templates in the planner allowing you to customize the planner to your needs in addition to these page templates the planner also includes a variety of note paper so you can use the planner as a notebook as well i hear from a lot of people that like to have a page of note paper next to the weekly or daily pages so they have extra room for extra notes this can be done by copying the note paper style of your choice navigating to where you like to place it and pasting in the note paper this is a great way to be able to locate notes from a specific date another new addition to this year's planner is the goal and project section the goal dashboard is where you can see all your goals at a glance tap on view goal to go to an individual goals planning page here you can plan out all the details and steps related to that goal choose which life area the goal pertains to and what resources are needed break down the goal into milestones and smaller steps and set it to do or do by date to the task as needed the progress bar relates to each step and can help you visually see your progress there's also a dashboard to keep track of your projects whether they are personal professional or projects around the house each project has an individual page for planning out the project's details and required tasks need more space for sketches and ideas using the method mentioned earlier you can paste an extra note paper or page template next to the project page for even more planning room you'll easily be able to find these pages later since they will be located right next to the related project to help you organize all these pages the planner comes with five section dividers it helps to think of these sections like the dividers in a binder or notebook in my planner i like the first section to be called notebook where i can dedicate a space for all my random notes i label the section write a description if needed and paste in any note paper or page templates i'd like to use now when i click on the section in the index or with the quick link i can easily locate all the pages i have related to that category some examples of sections you might want to use would be a section for school notes a health section a section for inspiration and mood boards and maybe a space for work and now for the fun part of digital planning using digital stickers this planner comes with over 1400 digital stickers the stickers come in two formats a sticker book for good notes and individual pngs that you can use in all other note apps a sticker book is essentially a catalog where you can access all the included stickers organized by category and color download these sticker books directly from the download dashboard since there are so many stickers included i had to break them up into two color palettes a classic color palette which matches the colors of the sticker sets available in our shop in a neutral palette since i know many people love using neutrals in their planner download the stickerbook file and import into goodnotes using the same process we used for the planner once imported into goodnotes you'll be able to use the hyperlinks to navigate through all these sticker options once you find a sticker you like to use select the lasso tool you'll want to make sure that images is turned on in the lasso settings or you won't be able to select the sticker draw a rough selection around the sticker and tap copy go back to your planner and go to the page where you'd like to use the sticker tap to paste the sticker you can resize rotate and move the sticker as you desire if you like using the goodnotes elements tab you can also add the stickers to a collection as well if you're using notability note shell for any other note app you can use the individual sticker files in your planner download the individual png sip folder from the downloads dashboard if the file saves to your files app as a zip folder tap to uncompress the folder since this file is so large it might take several minutes for the folder to fully unzip if your ipad has any issues unzipping this folder just send me a message and i'll help you out once unzipped you'll find a folder for each color of stickers in this example i'll be using notability with your planner open open your files in a second window you can float this window or open in a split screen locate the sticker you'd like to use long press and move the sticker over to your planner using the selection tool tap on the sticker to resize and move as needed something that was requested in our most recent planner survey was to add a section in the planner for storing and organizing your most used digital stickers [Music] this sticker book section allows you to paste in all your favorite stickers from other sticker packs as well so that you can quickly locate them while you're planning [Music] if you'd like to take it a step further and customize your planner even more you can do so by changing your planner's cover to change the color of your planner's cover download and import the cover pdf as its own document once opened navigate to the cover you'd like to use copy the page and go back to the planner navigating to the cover page paste in the new cover page and delete the old cover if you like to match your pen and highlighter colors to your stickers you can find the color codes for all the included planner stickers to use these codes tap and hold on a color code and choose copy go into your pen or highlighter color settings and paste in the code where it says hex you can even add this color to your presets to use later once you have your planner all set up you might want to be able to reference your planner from another device you can view and edit your planner from a mac or iphone by downloading goodnotes or notability on those devices as well as long as you are connected with the same icloud account your planner will sync and auto update across all devices this makes your planner super handy whether you are with your ipad at your computer or on the go i hope you found this guide helpful in setting up your new planner i've created a tutorial section on our website where you can find more helpful videos and i plan to add even more videos in the future you can also sign up for access to our free downloads library to get more digital goodies like seasonal sticker sets and more until next time happy planning
Channel: DashPlanner
Views: 16,657
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Id: F8aGcYOdpe0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 43sec (1243 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 04 2021
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