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hey guys and welcome to my channel my name is erin and today i'm going to be showing you guys how to create a digital planner from start to finish so as you can see this is a digital planner created for school but you can basically create a digital planner for anything i created mine for my student teaching i am in a four semester combined credential and master's program and i wanted to create a planner that fit my needs um where i could both lesson plan and have my regular school work in my planner as well so like i said i'm going to be teaching you guys how to make this planner from start to finish i'm just going to go through a couple of slides with you so as you guys can see all the tabs work and i have different things listed under the tabs stickers i will show you guys what that means later my notes quick links and then i can click any of these links to go to random pages here and then of course we have the months and we have what our months look like so if you guys want to learn how to make a planner that is fully functional and that you can use and create to fit your needs then keep on watching so like i stated before i'm going to be showing you guys how to create your own digital planner and for that you need a couple of items so the first thing that you're going to need is keynote and kino is the mac version of powerpoint so you can either use kino or powerpoint today i'm going to be showing you guys how to use keynote if you like the tutorial on powerpoint let me know down below but you are going to need keynote and if you don't have access to it on your mac you can log into it on icloud and use keynote from there so i will go ahead and leave a link to that in the description box if you don't have access but you should be able to use the same um platform on there you're also going to need the app goodnotes um you're going to upload this planner into goodnotes after you're all completely finished and that's how you're going to digital plan i'm not sure how this works with notability or onenote but i know for sure if you can upload a pdf to it and use hyperlinks and you are able to use it but i just found that this is really well compatible with goodnotes you're also going to need you're also going to need a font of your choice depending on what you enjoy um i just chose some fonts that i will also link down below you're going to need a texture for your planner or a solid cover page whatever you want to do your background you're just going to need to find some inspiration off of google and find some pictures that you really like to use for your background and the cover for your planner and i think that's everything you're going to need everything that i use will be linked down below for you utilize including sizes that i used as well as any fonts or color palettes and things that i use like that will all be listed in the description of this video so if you guys want to learn how to create a digital planner from start to finish then keep on watching the first step to creating your digital planner is opening up keynote and when you open up keynote you want to head over to this area right here and make sure that it's set on standard four by three because in that case it will make sure that everything is positioned and sized right in good notes it'll fit your ipod literally perfectly if you use 16 by nine there's going to be a ton of extra space around the border and it's not going to fill good notes perfectly so i would recommend using a 4x3 and then you're just going to come over to any presentation you want to choose because we're going to end up deleting everything off the screen anyways so we're going to make this full size and delete everything off the screen because we just want to blink slate then we're going to head over to where it says background and choose image fill so this is where we're going to add our background this is going to be the beginning of our like front page of our planner so i am going to go in and choose a wooden background just like the one you guys just saw me create and this is what it looks like so super easy um that is the first step in creating your planner so make sure you go to google and find a really high quality image that you can use as the background now i'm going to start creating the cover and i actually have some sizes for this so i'm going to go over to shape and i'm going to choose the rounded rectangle tool and i'm just going to have that there and i'm going to head over to arrange and we're going to enter the size so i have it as a size of 908 for the width i have it as 687 for the height and then i have it as 44 for the corner radius and that should give you a really nice squared off box just like this so we are going to move it down and we're going to reposition this as we start to add more things to our cover page so i personally want it to be that really pretty leather looking planner so i'm going to head over to again style which is right here head over to phil and we're going to change it to image fill and we're going to choose another image and add your texture and then i personally found that i like to go to original size for this particular photo so that i can see the texture um and you can size that as big or as small as you want it to be so that is going to be the basis of our planner now personally for me i like to add a thread around our planner um i think it looks cuter that way if you like to add a thread you're more than welcome to you don't have to so i'm just going to copy and paste what we just created and then i'm going to go to no fill and then i'm also going to hit border and hit line okay so you should get something like this and then i want my line to be dotted just like that actually actually want something a little bit longer so it's going to look like this now i'm going to go to arrange one more time and then i'm going to resize our thread so i have it as 884 by 670 oops and with a corner radius of 42. now again this is completely up to you how you want to design your planner if you like these sizes or not but these are just like a base size um for what you want to do so i'm going to hit it like this and i'm going to change it to a really pretty off-white shade um that's a little too bright for me so i'm just going to go over here and change it to an off white perfect so now we have the outline bases of our planner so for me i actually like to add binder rings on the side so we're just going to exit out of keynote really quick and look for some binder rings i actually bought these off of etsy so i will go ahead and link the shop down below but these are just the binding rings that were in the set here and this is just what they look like so i'm going to choose the gold single hole rings and add those to my planner here and add them as i like them so if you're like me and think that the binder rings are too long you can just double click the binder rings or whatever photo that you chose and crop it so i'm just going to bring it all the way down so that i can crop it hit done and then i can expand the rings as big as i want them to be and again this is all up to you and how you like to personally plan and how you like things to look um i'm going to i think make it a little bit smaller and add an extra ring on the bottom that looks like the top and then i'm just gonna pull things down and i like it about here so this is going to be the basis for our cover and then i'm also going to go ahead and add a shadow to both the background so the brown part here i'm going to go to shadow and add a drop shadow so it looks like it pops off the page a little bit and then i'm also going to do the same thing for our binder rings we're going to also add a shadow there there we are so here is the very beginnings of our planner and then i'm also going to really quickly adjust this to make sure that it's perfectly centered so now we want to go ahead and add tabs that's how we get our planner or digital planner to function and i also have the measurements for those as well so i'm going to go back to shape tool and i'm also going to grab another rounded rectangle and i'm going to go ahead and head over to arrange and we're going to go ahead and put in the measurements for the tabs so i have it as 197 58 with a corner radius of 13. all right and it should look something like this so here are what our tabs look like and then i'm gonna go ahead and send them backwards so i can see or to the back excuse me so i can see what the tabs look like for me i personally did four tabs i'm just gonna hit command c one and then i'm going to hit command v three more times so one two three and then i'm going to move the one that i want to be the furthest where i want it to be then i'm going to select the rest of the tabs that i have deselect all the rest of those and then i'm going to go to distribute and i'm going to distribute them horizontally then i'm going to align them at the top and lastly i'm going to send everything to the back so it should give you something that looks like this now i'm going to go ahead and change the colors of my tabs so you guys can kind of see what i'm doing give you a little bit of an easier view but that is what our tabs look like and you can choose to scale and shift them however you please but i think this is going to be good i think i'm going to move them up a little bit more in height um but that is going to be basically all we do for the tabs all right so next we need to make our side tab so i'm going to go back to the shape tool and hit rounded rectangle then we're going to go to the arrange tab and we're going to go ahead and put in the measurement so it's going to be 72 by 61 by 11. and then i'm just going to go ahead and drag it to where i would want it to be and i'm going to go ahead and make 12 more of these so i'm just going to command c and then paste with command v i'm going to make 11 more so we have a total of 12 for our 12 months all right so we have all 11 of these and we're going to select them all and we are going to align them all to the left so that they're all the same then i'm going to go ahead and drag one of them down to the last spot that i would want a month to be and then i'm going to go ahead and select them all again we're going to align to the left and distribute vertically so you should get something like this then i'm going to select them all once again send them to the back and then i'm going to add a drop shadow so that they all kind of stand out just like this okay and then you can just align them evenly how you would want them to be and then distribute vertically again just kind of giving yourself some options here um and making sure they look how you want them to look all right so now that you have all of your tabs done this would be the time where you would get all stylish and personal and personalize your planner however you want to so i'm going to show you guys some brief tips on how i do that so the first tip is first of all making sure that your tabs look how you want them to so i'm going to show you guys what my planner looks like one more time so this is what my planner looks like and you guys see that i have this beautiful color scheme going on here i actually chose these colors from something else so i'm going to show you guys really quickly where i got these colors from all right so i actually have color palettes saved onto my computer just like this so i'm going to actually go to that folder real quick and as you guys can see i have tons and tons and tons of color palettes i absolutely love these i got a majority of them from sarah ray clark and that's or excuse me sarah renee clark and this is her um logo down here but i got a ton of my inspiration from sarah renee clark so i'm going to show you guys the ones that i actually used i use the one right here i use this one um called 320 door i also use this one called um 307 forest and then i also used a mix of this one i took the two purples from this one 324 chocolate so those are the ones that i use i will list her website down below but that's what i use for my colors and all you do is take a picture we're going to close this off now you're going to click one of your tabs you're going to head over to style you're going to go to the color fill section and you're going to click this little circle orb thing you're going to come to the color picker and you're going to pick whatever color you want to change it to and that'll change your colors for you right then and there um so that is a really easy way to change the colors and then also you might want to add text to yours so for me i'm going to show you guys how i did the months over here i wanted to say january so i'm going to put jan on there i'm going to change it to whatever font that i fill in that day and i'm going to go to arrange and i'm going to flip it to a negative 90. that'll get everything to flip over and then i'm going to head over to my tab and i'm going to go ahead and size it to what i think will fit really well so i'm going to size it to a 15 which i think will fit really well oops drag it on down perfect and then i'm going to actually change it to a white color and then i'm going to add a drop shadow to make it pop up the page go back to style i'm going to hit shadow and hit drop shadow and it will pop off the page just like that so super easy really easy to create and then one last thing that i'm going to show you how to do um before i copy and paste my own little uh stuff on here i'm going to show you guys how i created this little bar right here so it's super simple i'm just gonna head on back over so all i did was grab a shape i grabbed a just regular squared off square and i just created you want to make it as thin as you want it to be so you don't have to start over so i'm going to create two of these bars as far out as i want them to be then i'm going to create another one of these bars and i'm going to go to arrange and i'm going to flip it so i'm going to hit it to a 90 and it should be flipped then i'm going to go up to the top of the bar and drag it all the way across and again it's at a width of five so make sure you remember that when you're going across here got a width of five so we have the same kind of angle all the way down and then if you want to adjust this i'm going to adjust this like a 125 so that it's longer just like so super easy to do okay and then you're just going to copy this bar down here and place it down there so now you want to make this however short you want it to be so i'm going to make it a 200 and i might want to make it a little bit shorter than that so i'm going to make it like to maybe 150 okay and then i'm just going to copy and paste that line it up there i'm going to hit this box in this box and i'm going to go ahead and line it up so i'm going to do a line to the top and that should be about even once you complete the box that you wanted to do if this looks good to you you are going to select everything that you created all four lines or all five lines that you created then you're going to hit unite and then you should be good to go then you can change it to whatever color you want to by going to style and changing the fill for me i personally went to fill and chose image fill and then i went ahead and chose a really pretty foiled pattern so i just had foil available so i just had some foil available and then i just used a foiled like piece of paper background kind of thing photo and i created this really pretty gold foiled background so that is basically how i customize the front of my planner so i'm going to go ahead and customize mine real quick and then i will be right back with you guys alright so we are done this is what our planner looks like and it is super simple and super cute like i said you can go ahead and creatively decorate this however you want to this is how i decided to do mine um but you are more than welcome to decorate it however you see fit alright so now we need to go ahead and start making the actual slides of our planner so we are going to go in and select on the left hand side in that pane our original slide we're gonna hit control c and command v or command c and command v to copy and paste so now we're gonna be beginning to make this our master slide so all we're gonna do is delete what we have off the first page just like that now we're going to go ahead and make the paper for our planner and we're going to do all of this before we create our master slide just to make things a little bit easier on ourselves so for our paper we're just going to go ahead and command c and command v the little stripes or the little like stitching around our planner we're going to go back to border we're going to make no border and then we're going to go back to fill and we're going to hit color fill and we're going to just make this a white piece of paper then we're going to head over to arrange to go ahead and put in our sizes so i have our paper as a size of 868 by 659 with a corner radius of 40. perfect and then you're just going to go ahead and center that right on the page it should be like clockwork for you you're gonna head over to your binder rings and you're gonna pull those all the way to the front so it looks something like this and super easy we already have our first page done so now we're gonna hit command a and copy everything on the c on this page so command a to select everything and compare command c to copy we're gonna head over to style one more time and then deselect everything we're then gonna go to edit master slide we're going to delete everything off the master slide then we're going to go to background and we're going to go ahead and do an image fill so we're going to put the exact same background that we used earlier so i use that wooden background so that's where we're going to go ahead and use then we're going to go ahead and command v to paste everything that we used already as our master slide on there and we want to make sure that this paper is completely stark white so if it changed on you make sure you go ahead and change it back make sure that everything looks good from here and we are good to go perfect so we're going to change this to a stark white apparently that wasn't a stark white that i chose stark white there we go so it looks just like our master slide everything looks absolutely perfect so now what we are going to go ahead and do is we are going to make 16 more pages reason being we need one for schedule stickers notes and quick links and then we also need one for all of the 12 months going down so we're gonna go ahead and hit new slide and that should create our master slide and we need um a total of 13 more of these so we need to get down or 14 more of these so we need to get down to a total of 17 slides so we're going to hit command c and then just paste all the way down until we get to 17 perfect so we're down to 17 and now we're going to go ahead and go back to edit our master slide because now we're going to start linking things so now we're going to hit the back tab of schedule and make sure you're hitting the tab it's going to be a lot easier to click this when you're using your digital notebook instead of just clicking the words so we're going to hit right click we're going to go to add to link and we're going to hit slide and we're going to link this to slide 2. okay we're going to do the same thing for stickers make sure you hit the back of the tab try not to hit the actual words i know it's a little bit difficult sometimes to not hit the words there we go we're going to right click oops hit that back and we're going to right click hit add link slide and we're going to put this for slide three and we're just gonna do this all the way down in order because it will make our life so much easier it's going to be slide four it's going to be to slide five same thing with all of our months over here january is going to start at slide six and we're gonna work our way all the way down all right so now we are officially done linking all of our slides and the purpose of linking slides is that once we link slides you guys can see we link schedule to slide two we can see that schedule now goes to slide three we linked notes to i believe slide five we can see that notes or excuse me stickers now leads to slide five so we want that same feature to work in our digital notebook as we're creating it and that is how we create it to work so now you're gonna go ahead and hit done and now there should be links on every single slide so you're going to go back to all of our slides here and check to make sure that everything has slides that are being linked and it looks like we have links on all of our slides so that's how we know that everything is working properly and ready to go um and everything looks good all right so that is the basis of how we create our slides and how we create our planner to function now you can add whatever pages you want to add this is completely up to you now i'm going to show you guys how i do some of the fun stuff and how i add some pizzazz to my planner um so i'm going to show you guys really quickly so i like to add text at the top of every single one of my pages it's just a personal preference for me so like the first one would say schedule i personally like to use the font futurist fix with and everything actually has to be in caps for it to look how i want it to look okay and then you can go ahead and make the font however big you want it to be that's a little bit too big for me and that's a little bit too big for me so we're going to go with 35. consider it and then for me because this is a school planner as well as a lesson planner i'm going to go ahead and put the semester semester to okay so then what i like to do personally is i like to make charts to label my semester so all i do is go into text or excuse me not text i go into shape hit one of those rectangle tools and create what i want to create so i want one of these but then i also want it to have no fill because i want it to be blank so when i add stickers it'll look really cute no fill but i do want a border so i'm going to hit line and i'm going to go ahead and make it whatever color i want to i'm going to make it like this really pretty chocolatey brown color and then i'm going to go ahead and adjust the line however i want it to be i like mine to look like this and then i'm going to make five of them so one two three four five i'm going to drag it over as far as i want it to be then i'm gonna go ahead and select oops select the rest of them i'm going to go to arrange a line at the top and distribute horizontally so you guys can see that things are overlapping and i don't have enough rooms and then i'm going to go ahead and adjust the width and that should do it right about there i'm going to drag it over one more time and then adjust everything accordingly i'm going to go ahead and distribute horizontally one more time and again if that's too close for you you can work it down just a little bit more and adjust vertical or excuse me adjust horizontally and then this should give you something more like you're looking for and then for me all i do is just copy the text and i put monday and we're gonna make it like 8 15. place it on top and for me i really like that gold flare so i'm just going to go into text i'm going to hit text color i'm going to hit image film and we are going to fill it in with that foil sometimes it pops up sometimes it doesn't so i just have to go find it again fill it in with that foil and it's absolutely beautiful then i'm going to do the same thing alright so now i've created a schedule that i can use to keep track of every single week this is for the things that repeat on a weekly basis i'm going to have the same classes on monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday they usually don't change once you're in a class for a semester and this is an easy way to look back at your schedule and make sure that you're attending the right classes on the right day especially in the beginning of the semester when you are just adjusting to your new classes so that's a really quick way to make a schedule and you can use this same type of idea to make anything that you want to with just these really cool text boxes or these like shape boxes now i'm going to show you guys how to create quick links which i think is one of the coolest parts of this tutorial so quick links was linked to page five i believe so schedules stickers notes quick links so again i'm just going to go ahead and copy this title here paste it on our page 5 as quick links perfect and all you do is create a shape just like this any old shape that you want to i'm going to thin this out and i'm going to round out the corners a little bit okay so you're going to thin this out make it whatever shape you want to then you're going to go ahead and color it to be whatever you want it to be colored so i'm just going to take this really pretty color here and make it this color perfect so we have our beginnings ready so now we're going to head over to text and you're going to label this whatever you want it to be so i'm going to label it as yearly overview okay and i'm going to select that change it to whatever font we want it to be and we're going to shift it down to whatever we need it to be perfect i actually can make the text a little bit bigger on this one because i have the room put it at 17. perfect so that's what it's going to look like and you can change this to whatever color you want it to be no big deal so i'm going to make it white so the really cool thing with this is that you can go ahead and select this and you're actually going to want to make a new slide down here for page six so you're going to hit this pill and you're going to link it to page six just like we did in our previous links before it's now linked to page six so now when you hit this link in your planner it'll send you to page six and it'll be whatever you want it to be i think this page is so important because you can easily jump to pages that you may want to use frequently but you don't have enough room to put it in the tabs up here or the tabs on the side if you don't want to use tabs on the bottom this is a really easy way to jump to pages that you might use frequently so i'm going to show you guys what it looks like in an actual planner so here are my quick links in goodnotes so like i said i have a yearly overview i can just go ahead and hop over to the yearly overview and i'm able to see what the year looks like at a glance if i wanted to hop over to some templates i can hop over here to a dotted paper and then i can copy and paste this template to wherever i want it to be in my planner so it's really really helpful to have these on hand um for the most useful things that you may want to use so that is a little bit about quick links and why those are so important and lastly for this tutorial i'm going to show you guys how to make blank pages that you can insert into your planner so what you're going to want to do is scroll all the way to the bottom and you're going to want to make a new tab or a new page so then what you're going to want to do is copy the paper template that we made before so an easy way to do that is go to edit master slide and you're going to go ahead and select the paper and you're going to select the binder rings you need to select both of them and control c you're going to go ahead and hit done and you're going to control v on top of the paper that you have now all right so now you're going to go ahead and click the paper that you just pasted you're going to go ahead and go over to style you're going to hit color fill and then you're going to select image fill again you have that image filled already but you're going to head over to whatever type of paper you want to use so i'm going to go ahead and use grid paper again it's super easy to search you can just go over to google and image search grid paper printable and you should be able to find a ton of grid paper options that you can use um so i go ahead and paste that into there and now you are all good to go and that's what your grid paper looks like and now you can use these as templates for whenever you want to add them into your planner so again i'm going to show you guys how i do that so i'm going to go ahead and go to our grid paper templates and again this is why quick links is so important all right so now we're at our grid paper so what you're going to do is head over to the bar side or you can head over to these three dots right here you're going to hit copy page it's copied now let's say i want to add it in january after i've done my lesson planning so this is my listing planning template i'm going to go ahead and right click and i'm going to put add page after and then i'm going to hit paste page and now i have this really pretty um little grid paper here and it does not mess up any of my remaining quick links so as you guys can see i can head to february just fine it didn't mess up any of my quick links head back to january just fine all of my links are still working but you're able to copy and paste pages to um add to your digital planner or notebook or whatever you're creating and then if you want to delete it you can just hit move to trash just like that all right guys and the last thing i need to show you i promise this is the last thing is how to export and upload it into goodnotes so basically all you do is head over to file and keynote you're gonna go to export to and then you're gonna export it as a pdf and you're gonna hit next and you can save it as whatever you want to so i'm gonna put trial planner we're saving it as a pdf then you're going to head over to goodnotes you're going to head over to this original screen that you get when you open the app you're going to hit new import and then i'm going to go ahead and import the trial planner that i just created all right and here she is she's a freaking beauty head over to quick links here it is it'll take me to page six there we go we're gonna head on over to december it's gonna be a blank page but it's gonna bring us all the way down to almost our last page um and then it should be a great paper so as you guys can see all the links work you can add whatever you want to and for me personally i really love this because now you can go into good notes and you can add whatever personal text you want to add so i'm going to add best planner tutorial ever okay so now you have um a blank piece of paper that you can go ahead and utilize and add fun text to and write on and you know just do the works on all right guys so that is basically it i've given you the basics of all you need to know to be able to create a planner so i'm just going to show you guys my planner really quick just another brief overview of what it could look like once you finish it if you are a student teacher like me i think definitely a year at a glance is super important i will link down below where i got my year at a glance page from all i did was crop it down to both the calendar and the date or the month and i adjusted it to fit in my planner just fine by adding those pictures in there and i got it to look like this also to create my lesson planning page all i did was create a chart in keynotes and add in all the information that i needed for lesson planning and i left a space up top to be able to add the dates and that's how it functions so well in my planner and then the last page that i kind of have in here is this page and this is just for keeping track of my schoolwork all i did was have the same type of format that i use for my schedule page monday tuesday wednesday of course all the days laid across and then i have a task list of tasks that i want to go ahead and get done for that week or any assignments that i want to get done for that week if you guys have any questions for me make sure to leave them down in the comment section below so i can get back to all of your questions but that is basically it for this video i hope you guys enjoyed learning how to make your own planner and with that said make sure to comment and subscribe and i will talk to you guys later bye guys
Channel: Miss.Money's Minis
Views: 214,521
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make a digital planner 2021, digital planner, goodnotes5, digital planning, digital planning 2021, goodnotes planning, hyperlinked digital planner, teacher planner, lesson planning, lesson planning 2021, distance learning 2021, how i lesson plan, ipad planner, how to create your own digital planner, how to make digital planner master slides, how to create monthly template, how to create digital template, how to make a realistic digital planner, digital planner tutorial
Id: sLx931TrMM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 51sec (2211 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 29 2020
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