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hey guys and welcome back to my video so first off thank you thank you thank you so much for all the kind comments and words and messages on the last video i wasn't expecting it to blow up as much as it did um i just wanted to get that information out there for anybody who's looking to make a digital planner i sat through the entire process and made mine and i just wanted to put it out there for anybody else who wanted to do it especially for those teachers who are already on a strict budget and wanted to have the perfect planner for them so thank you so much for those comments one of the most requested videos after that was how to make stickers for your goodnotes planner and that is today's video i'm going to be showing you guys how to make goodness planner so as you can see i made all of these stickers here all of them that are made here i made them myself i'm going to show you exactly how to do them except for this one and this one actually i did not make but i will show you how to get those super duper easy to do i'm going to show you i think three or four different methods on how to create stickers so if you're interested in learning that then keep watching also goodnotes just released a new update so i'm going to be talking a little bit about that before we get started so if you want to know how to make the perfect stickers for you for your digital planner then keep on watching alright so before we actually get into making the stickers i do want to show you the new feature on goodnotes which is actually elements and i'm glad that i waited this long to make this video because element is such an amazing tool so if you go into the little star button at the top here on your planner you're going to see the elements that goodnotes have created so i'm just going to click anywhere on here and if you go through the ones that goodnotes created you can see that they created sticky notes um mind maps are really awesome they created these back to school stickers these are text stamps that they included um as well as some everyday stickers so if these are your vibe if these are stickers that you love and you think they're really cute and you want to plan with these these are totally an option for you to plan with i think they are adorable they're not my vibe but they are adorable but now you can actually add your own stickers in here so that you're able to use them so like previously a lot of people were using sticker books they would download a whole different goodness notebook and copy and paste stickers from that notebook into their digital planner now you can still do that but it's just going to be a little bit more time consuming than the elements tool that they have put into this new feature so it's really cool i'm actually going to be showing you guys how to make these two bottom stickers first because these are the easiest so this one here and this one here so i'm going to be showing you guys how to make those stickers first so i'm going to go ahead and zoom in and we're going to start by making the sticker right here super duper simple so if you want to make a text box sticker like this very very easy to do all you need to do is go up into your text feature now if you want to do different text that's really up to you i have a bunch of different fonts uploaded on to my good notes if you guys want to see how to do that i can link a video down below for you or i can create the video myself but i do know that there's one out there on youtube that's really really helpful so i might just link that one down below um and you can choose whatever font you want so for me i like to use the futuristic fixed width if anybody was asking what fonts i used for my planner this is usually the one that i use so now you're just going to go ahead and click somewhere to put your text box now firstly i like to go up into this little diagonal like this box with a diagonal line to it and it's the text box style i'm going to hit advanced and then i'm going to go to border color now you can choose whatever border color you want i'm going to do this dark navy to kind of match the one that we already have then i'm going to go into this one right here into border so i'm going to drop this real quick and go into zero point border and i'm going to make it bigger so i'm going to put a border for and now i'm going to start typing so let's say i wanted to put another appointment type thing right here oops and i like it to be caps locked let's say that i have it at 10 a.m okay now you're just gonna go in and fix it up however you'd like it to be so i'm going to pull mine so that it looks something like this right i'm also going to scale down the size of my text you usually have to make it fairly small i'm going to select this portion of my text and drop it down and do a centering and then if this doesn't work for you or you want something that looks a little bit different you can go back into that feature the text box style feature and fix up drop that down fix up the padding so if you want it to be a little bit closer to the wordings that you have if you want it to be you know however you want it to look like you can definitely do that you can drag it in a little bit so that it looks like this okay drop it here you can also with the text so you can also go into line spacing and fix the spacing of your text so if you want it to be a little bit closer together like this then you can go back in and fix that padding right so just depending on how you want things to look you can edit it and switch it up to however you want it to look so we're gonna leave ours like that that would just be an example of something that you create it's something very very easy to create and obviously you can pull the sections just like that oops so that's one super duper easy um sticker that you can create now for this one over here this one's also very very simple again i used my own um tools for this like i said my own font so i'm going to go ahead and go into the highlight tool and you can choose whatever color you want from the highlight tool you have a ton of different options you can also go into custom if you're looking for custom colors you can definitely search them on google and get the hex number and then have your own custom colors remember because it's a highlighter it will look a little bit different once you get done on paper so you might have to tweak and adjust but you definitely do have those options so what i do is i draw a little bubble like that and then i like to make sure that it's even on both sides so i take my eraser and you know kind of do something like that and then i'll shift it so that it's in the middle something very similar to that and then you can go ahead and put your text in there let's say you have um school and you wanted to put school in there then you would move it down and then of course you can change how big your font is how small your font is um you can also so now it's time to add your font you're just going to go into the text tool at the top click wherever you want to start typing and then you can go ahead and start putting in whatever you want so i'm just going to put gardening perfect and now i'm able to scale it in the middle and i have this perfect cute little sticker that i can use for whenever i want to i can resize it which i really really love about good notes you can resize it to where it fits perfectly within your square however you want it to look shift it slightly if you wanted to and then you have the perfect little bubble sticker and of course you can change the colors and things like that alright so another really cool feature about this new element tool is that you can lasso things together right whatever you created lasso together and you can add this element so i'm going to add it to the youtube trial since that's what we're doing for um this specific video so now that you've added it to elements you're going to go to elements and a really cool thing about this as well is that this little button here at the top you can split your screen and add stickers as you go which i think is really cool right so now i can go into the youtube trial so these are all the stickers that i made specifically for youtube and now i'm going to add my gardening so it's a drag and a drop and now i can add that wherever i want and the sticker is just ready to go super duper cool so if i wanted to even leave this page go to my schedule right or if i wanted to go to march and go to the next page here i can drag and drop this gardening sticker and then resize it to fit into whatever page i want it to be in my planner or i can drag and drop this one specifically the little time bars that i have and i can resize it and have it fit into whatever part of my planner i want it to fit into so i think this is really cool especially for students or teachers and things like that who frequently use the same type of time block bars i think it would be really really easy to do so those are two stickers that you can easily make in the good notes app you can do it with just text you can do it with a shape let's say i wanted to make a shape right it wasn't really the heart that i wanted it to be but let's say i wanted to do that and then i'm going to go ahead and take my lasso tool save it as an element i'm going to add it to that trial and now i can add this whenever i want to right so i'm going to drag drop it's ready to go so these are really cool options if you're using the same type of little um if you're using the same type of little bars or using the same type of schedule blocking this is really really convenient for somebody who wants to do that type of planning now if you're into the planner the stickers that you see on this side over here i'm going to show you how to do those really quickly all right like i said before i'm now going to show you how to make some really cool stickers outside of the goodnotes platform so i made this sticker this sticker this one here the background on this one all on the same platform so i'm going to show you guys how to do that really quickly so i'm going to open up an app called canva canva is free but if you have an educator license if you have like an educational email address you can get the educator version for free if not there is like a premium fee you have to pay to get all of the things unlocked on this website just like any other website but a lot of their baseline stuff is free and it allows you to get very very creative with what you're making so i'm just going to sign in really quickly alrighty so we are logged in and once you're logged in you're going to go to logo you can easily search that up top here but mine is readily available so i'm going to go to logo 500 by 500 super duper simple and i'm going to show you how i created the hello june sticker that looks like this so actually i'm going to try to recreate all of them but we're going to recreate this hello june sticker and we're also going to recreate this here because that shows you how to do that as well so let's go ahead and do that so for me i just chose this sunrise background that they already have this was already created so if you are not a super artsy person if you are not a person who will willingly go and procreate and design something this is for you so i'm not a huge procreate person my sister is she's a really great artist but me i'm not that creative i like more of the digital design portion kind of putting together elements and then making them my own so i'm going to show you how to do that so really quickly i'm just going to delete these um oops i'm going to delete these elements down here super duper easy and i'm going to go into text now i'm just going to add any little thing for text here and i'm going to put hello and i don't want my h to be capital so i'm going to do hello just like that and then i'm going to go into font so in order to get special fonts and all the ones with like these little um crowns unlocked you're going to have to pay for the premium version if you do not have it already like i said if you have like an email from a university or if you are an educator you will get this for free but if you are not you're going to either have to pay for it or find some other way to add the font in there um you can always just save the element and add the font in goodnote and then save it together as an element that's always an option but if you want to do it in one shot this is how you do it so i'm going to go ahead and change the font here and then for me because i don't like how the font looks necessarily i have to um edit the letter spacing so i want all of my letters to touch so i'm just going to let me just zoom in for you actually that's what it looks like and i want all of my letters to touch i'm going to go to these three dots go to that over there and then i'm going to minimize the letter spacing so it looks something like this that's as good as it's basically going to get with my font outside of like something like silhouette studio so now i'm going to zoom out so you can see it a little bit better and now i'm going to move oops sorry my pen is also my font here or my typing device so i have to kind of get used to this okay so now i'm going to drag that down and making sure that it's centered how i like it perfect and then i also did let's see what font i use for the bottom here oh yes i use my futurist font like i normally do so i'm going to do add a subheading and then i'm just going to put june in all caps if you are doing the font same fonts as me this is what you'll want to do to get it to look exactly like mine then i'm going to select it all head on over to futurist fixed and then i'll have the june exactly how i want it then oops i can drag it on down to center it how i want it to be centered this is the hard part with using a stylus as also your typing device it kind of gets lost in transition a little bit so i'm going to zoom in so you can see it so it can look something like this now depending on how you want to move things and get things centered you can kind of move things around center some things i'm going to drop mines down just a little bit and shift it slightly over that way so that it's more centered okay and then you can do something like that you can make the words a little bit bigger if you wanted it to look like that all right i think i'm pretty happy with how it looks like this so this next step is really important into making your stickers look how you want them to look okay so you're going to go over to this upload looking button and you're going to hit save as this is super important and you're going to save as a png but you also want to make sure that transparent background is also ticked that is the most important thing when you're doing and you're saving stickers you want to make sure that the transparent background is clicked and again this is a feature only you will have if you have a premium version i believe so if you want to look into other places to do this that may be an option for you or getting the free trial for 30 days making your set of stickers and then calling in a day that might work for you or this might be a really good investment tool for you depending on how seriously you plan on taking um digital planning again there's other resources to use but i found that canva is very very user friendly there's a ton of already pre-made templates so that's really good but getting back to the point you're going to hit download and it's repairing your design and then you're going to save it as an image all right and then you should be all good to go with that image and now i'm going to show you guys how to insert it really quickly and then i will show you how i made the other ones so now you're going to go into elements tap somewhere on your screen and you are going to go into youtube or whatever folder you're making if you want to make a new folder you can hit that plus button over here but i already have a folder ready to go so i'm going to hit youtube trial the actual name and i'm going to add add photos so if you're doing this directly on your ipad adding photos is going to be the easiest thing to do if you're going to upload this from your macbook the easiest way is to go to import from and make sure that it's saved in your files um so that you can easily access it from your files just like that so it's super easy to do you can also access things on google drive on your ipad other ways to do that as well but i'm going to add it from my fl my photos obviously because we just saved it there we're going to upload that hit add and when you scroll down you should see that it has a clear background that's how you know that you did it correctly it should have a clear background so now i'm going to tap done i'm going to scroll down to our newest sticker and we are going to add it and it fits perfectly so it doesn't look like my original one um again there was some other size adjustments and things like that but it looks pretty similar and i created it myself and it was super easy to do so now i'm going to show you guys how to get these switches in the background right here so these and these i'm going to show you guys how to do this it's super duper easy so i'm going to go back into canva and now i'm going to hit add a page okay we're going to add a page and i'm gonna make my page um white just because i like to be able to see the background um and i oops white and i don't want to have to have all that extra stuff so i'm gonna go into elements okay and then you're gonna search something like brush stroke or something like that if you want those swishes in the background and it gives you a ton of different options again some of them are free some of them are not you just have to look around and see which ones best fit you and your budget and all that stuff like that so the ones that i've been using have been these ones right up top here and then you're going to drag it to however big you want it i like to drag it enough to where it fits within the square very easily where i can see all the corners like that okay and then you can also change the color so i'm going to go in and change it to like a really pretty you can have like a really pretty um rust color or you could have like this really pretty purple i'm going to do a really pretty rust color this is going to be different than any of the stickers i've created but i'm going to show you the same basis right so if you're super into youtube and you wanted to do a youtube sticker i'm going to search youtube right and it'll give me a picture of the play button and you can choose any of these play buttons i'm going to choose the red one you can choose to color it however you want to let's say you want to do like a really pretty like nude one oh this is not a file where you can change it let me show you a file where you actually can yeah you should be able to change the color of that one so you can go in and change the color to like a really pretty aesthetically pleasing um something like that so i'm going to keep it like this i'm going to delete this one in the background here and then i'm also going to duplicate this page so you can duplicate this page by pressing that plus right over there so we're not going to work on that page so you want to get this centered however you want it to get it centered and then you can add your text so i'm just going to do a heading youtube super cute so you have that sticker already done so we're going to download that in just a minute so what if you just want to have these swishes on demand ready to go so i'm going to delete that font and we're also going to save this swish and again you can change it to whatever color you want to and save multiples of them so i'm gonna change it to like this really pretty oops this really pretty purple [Music] and then i'm going to duplicate the page again and change it to like a really pretty maybe like a hunter green would be really pretty yeah and then we're gonna duplicate this page again and then we're gonna turn it into like a really pretty like maybe like a peachy that'll do right so we get like these really pretty switches um for however you wanna do it so now i'm gonna go into this one of course we're gonna download the image save image as we're gonna hit transparent background and download and it's preparing our design and we're gonna save all six images to our ipad now you're going to go in to your goodnotes app i think i've showed you everything that i wanted to do actually let me show you one more so you're also going to be able to do this i'm going to hit another blank page go into your elements and you can choose whatever you want so let's say you're super into gardening right and you're looking for a gardening sticker if i can smell gardening okay and let's say you find a really cute gardening sticker i think this one's adorable so i'm gonna zoom in on that one and place it right there in the middle and then i'm also going to download this one so again you can take these elements and save them as stickers super duper easy you don't even have to manipulate them you don't have to add text that's something you can do in good notes if you wanted to do so i'm going to show you how to do that as well so i'm going to hit transparent background and then i'm just going to select page 7 because i don't want to re-download everything all over again preparing my design save image perfect so now i'm going to head back into goodnotes and we're going to upload some of these stickers so i'm going to actually go to a blank month a month that i haven't even planned in yet so here is october and we're going to add some of these stickers so now i'm going to go into the pen tool right to get ready hit the elements tool tap a month and we're going to start adding our pictures here so we're going to pick all the ones that we want to add and let's make sure that it looks proper yes it looks great we're gonna hit done and then we're gonna open this on the other side and of course you can resize it to however you want it to look i think that's as far as it's going to let us go so here are the new stickers that we made right down here on the bottom so here is that really cute youtube sticker that we made drag it right on in there and of course we can resize to make it look like that how cute is that sticker and of course you can design it however you want it to be however you want it to lay but i think that one's really really cute now let's say you wanted to add one of these really pretty swishes back here and you wanted to make your own youtube sticker right you wanted to do your own thing make your own sticker so you can zoom in as far as you want get this fitting in the box how you want it to fit and then i'm going to go in and i already have like let's say another sticker that i wanted to use let's say i wanted to use this one oh actually we're going to use the gardening one so you can pull that gardening sticker in there right resize it so you have this really pretty background and then i'm going to take text and i'm going to put gardening on the bottom right you could do something like that or you can take the one that you already have and insert that on the bottom so let's say you wanted something that looked like this this is not the exact look that i would go for but let's say you're into something like that then you can take your entire lasso tool add element and you're going to add this to whatever you have now you can easily insert this sticker wherever you want to super duper easy made your life so much easier once you create an element now you can move it around and it's already created for you so it makes your life super duper easy and if you just download a ton of these little swishes these little brush strokes in the back you can do whatever you really want with them add them to whatever squares you want and add different things to them if you want to um that it's totally up to you it's completely up to you you have so much um leeway with this i guess you can say when you're designing in canvas or in canva you can make it look however you want to you can like i said add fonts on a later date you can especially in goodness it's very very easy to do and you save it together as an element you can add them inside canva you can just add the elements and download those make sure that they have a transparent background and then you can use them in your planner so you have so many different options so the last thing that i'm going to show you how to do oh and i forgot to tell you if you just do this an element and you want to add pictures you can totally do that as well that's definitely an option all right so another way to get really cute stickers if you're interested in your cute little bitmoji this is my bitmoji um you can create your own obviously in the bitmoji app or in snapchat but if you're interested in using these stickers there's a very very easy way to do that so i'm just going to go into the bitmoji app please excuse it being the wrong way for just a minute here but you can go into the bitmoji app and you can choose any of these stickers right so right now they have really cute pride stickers up so if you're a huge like pride person or you celebrate pride or you're an ally anything like that you can download these stickers now and have them for years and years and years to come if you decide to keep them in your photos or in the specific files that you can reach for with these stickers so i'm just going to go into one for school and this is literally how i feel right now so i'm going to download this one i'm going to tap it and then i'm going to hit save image okay so i saved my image now i'm going to go ahead and head back into goodnotes i'm going to hit youtube trial add photos i'm going to add this cute little bitmoji hit add and it should come with a transparent background no problem hit done so now i'm going to add my bitmoji and then i can size it to wherever i want it to be i usually do something a little bit smaller and then you can add some text handwritten text if you want to my handwriting is not the best so i probably wouldn't do this but but if you have really good handwriting this might be something you want to do so maybe you can say and then you can resize scoot her out the way resize this to be about that large and then i'm going to select it all save it as an element to our thing here and now i can just add that wherever i want to whenever there is a final do i can drag and drop and she is ready to go all right so i've showed you a bunch of different ways to make stickers i have one more way for our paper planners turned in to digital planners local planner stickers before this whole digital planner was a thing and you have like a silhouette or cricut something like this i'm going to show you the cut files and silhouette i only have experience with silhouette but but i'm sure it would be a similar function in qriket as well if i can find a tutorial for it i will link it down below but the silhouette software is free so if you do need to do this on the silhouette software you do have that option so i'm opening up a cute little cut file from print petticoat bandit and she has like these cute little stickers right these are so adorable so to get the look that i want i'm going to take um the cut lines and i'm going to delete them i know it sounds scary but remember oops remember we're digital planning so we need to delete these cut lines so let me actually select a cut line that would probably do us some favors right and i'm going to delete those perfect so now i'm going to go into the trace button which looks like a butterfly tool so if you're familiar with this you have a silhouette cutter you should be obviously very familiar with this but you're going to go into the trace tool okay and now you are going to get ready to trace whatever picture you want so i'm just gonna there we go make sure that i got everything that i want in frame and then if you need to you can expand out the box or whatever you need to do okay so that should be pretty good and now i'm going to um move my threshold up so that it is highlighting it should be in yellow highlighting everything that i wanted to highlight now again this is not going to be perfect we are kind of doing some things out of the norm here so this is not going to be perfect we're going to trace and detach okay so we're going to hit trace and attach perfect and then we're going to select everything else that we had everything else that was on here and we are going to delete it okay and we should be left with just this cute little picture right here so now i'm going to select everything make sure that everything is nice and selected and then i'm going to hit command g if you're on a mac to make sure that everything is grouped together welded together right so we're going to leave our selection on then we're going to go up all the way to the top here all right so now we're gonna go up to file and we're gonna hit save selection and we're gonna save that as uh to our hard drive so we're gonna hit save selection save it to our hard drive and now we're gonna wait for it to open so that we can save it all right seven years later we are going to save it as a png remember we're making sure that we're saving it as a png and i'm just going to save it to my downloads because obviously i'm going to be deleting this but um we're gonna save it to our downloads and i'm gonna hit okay transparent background is so important hit transparent background and i'm going to move this all the way over to the edge so i get the highest quality image possible or at least that's what i think it does i've never had any issues with it afterwards um and now we're gonna go back to goodnotes and hit that top button with the arrow so that we can add one more sticker we're gonna add and hit import from and then we're gonna hit our little cut file so it's gonna upload upload upload all right guys so i hope you enjoyed this video hopefully it was super quick and easy for you to understand there are so many different platforms and ways to add stickers to your digital planner i think it makes it super duper simple if you have just a weekend where you're going to create some stickers that you really really love to have as a baseline and then as you go along create some more stickers it would be a really awesome opportunity to do this and get your planner to be custom just like you like it again one of my top recommendations is going to and utilizing these little cute little brush strokes i think they make your planner look super duper cute and then you can edit them however you want them in the planner add text add another layer to it and then save it as an element and you have the perfect custom sticker there are so many ways around it hopefully that this helped you a little bit and figuring out how you want to make your digital stickers so i hope you guys enjoyed make sure to subscribe for more content like this and also make sure to leave comments down below if you have any questions that i can answer for you so with that i will see you guys in the next one bye
Channel: Miss.Money's Minis
Views: 13,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: digital stickers, how to make digital stickers, digital sticker sheets, digital sticker tutorial, digital planner stickers goodnotes, digital planner stickers procreate, how to make digital stickers in procreate, how to make digital stickers to sell, digital planner goodnotes, ipad pro, etsy shop how to make stickers procreate how to make stickers on procreate, sticker sheets procreate, goodnotes 5 sticker sheets, sticker sheets canva, goodnotes 5 elements, canva, sticker sheets
Id: cb-R4sqHYms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 32sec (2012 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 02 2021
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