Beginner's Guide to Procreate🎨 Tips, Tricks, & Favorite Ways to Use Procreate On the iPad

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[Music] today i'm going to be doing a beginner's guide to procreate i briefly run through all of the different features in procreate and also share with you guys some of my favorite ways to use the app i tried to cover as many features as i could but it started to get a little bit long so if you want me to expand on any of the features i talked about in the video just comment below i hope you guys enjoy the tutorial and let's get into it so when you open up procreate you will see something that looks like this and i have the i have the canvas size that is the size of the ipad but you can pick any custom size you want so starting in the upper right hand corner we have our color wheel so here you just have your classic color wheel and you can pick literally any color you want and right here is your history so this is just your recently used colors and then right here is your most recently used palette as well which i'll show you how to make palettes then you have your classic view which is just like a square version of what we just saw then this is really cool so this is the harmony section and this just picks automatically complementary colors [Music] so that is a great tool to kind of help you pick out complementary colors and then here you have just the little value bars which you can toggle on and pick your color this way and also type in a hex code here and then here you have your palettes so you can see on the side here i've created a few palettes for myself just for different pieces i've done and i also have some for my brand that i commonly use so to make a new palette all you have to do is go to the top and click the plus sign hit create new palette and then whenever you're here you'll just head back to the color wheel and you can see you have your untitled palette right here and then you can just pick different colors and add them in you can also create a palette from a photo so all you have to do is hit that plus button again and you can take the photo with your camera upload it from a file or pull it from your photos so i will just pull this photo and you can see that it has created a custom palette for me from that image [Music] then here we have the pen tool so procreate comes with all different kinds of pens they have sketching pens inking painting airbrushing all different kinds but you can also purchase different brushes from other artists and some of my favorites are the gladys texture brush brush set this is from the gladys thing shop i've talked about her a couple times on my channel and i just love her procreate brushes i also have these detail stamps from three ology so i love adding little sparkles and twinkles and just details like this to my drawings and different pieces so this is perfect for that but you can find these on etsy or creative market or find different artists on instagram and they might have their own brush sets and if you want to create a new brush set like here i have one for my favorite brushes and you can just hit the plus button here and name your set and then whatever brush you want so let's just say i wanted to add this mercury brush all you have to do is press and hold and hover it over the set where the plus button appears and you will see that it has added it to your set so you can create your own custom brush sets for whatever you want i like to have one for my favorites and if you want to delete any of the brush sets all you have to do is just tap and hit delete so whenever you get procreate i highly recommend just taking some time going through all of the different brushes and kind of testing them out and seeing what you like and how each feels i feel like one of the big mistakes i made whenever i first got procreate is i just immediately started drawing and i didn't take some time to really learn what all of the different brushes were but it really does help just knowing what tools you have to use instead of just kind of haphazardly trying to find things as you are drawing and creating things so i highly recommend whenever you first get the app just kind of take some time and test out all of the different brushes even if you find a brush that doesn't look like something you would use i recommend still just trying it out because you never know when you're going to be looking for that kind of texture or look in any of your future art pieces and here on the side of the screen is where you'll be able to change your brush size as well as the opacity so you can see you can have your brush be large small fully opaque or you can bring the opacity down and it will be a little bit more sheer you can also edit your brushes so if you just tap on whatever brush you want to edit you will see it pops up here in this drawing pad where you can create your own custom brushes so you can edit things like the spacing the streamline jitter and fall off but you'll see on the left side here there are so many different things that you can use to edit your brushes i'm not going to go through each of these right now because that would be for a separate video so some tips you can do with the pen tool that i use a lot are creating perfect shape so if you draw a circle like this and you hold it you'll see it'll keep its shape and you can make it smaller or larger and if you want this to be a perfect circle all you have to do is hold down here with your finger and you can see it's a perfect circle and you can do this with any shape then if you want to fill this circle instead of going in coloring it all the way in that can take kind of a while so all you have to do is go to the top and drag your color in the circle and it will automatically fill it up then here you have your eraser and in your eraser you can pick any of the different brushes which we will talk about in a little bit but this is just your classic eraser so then right here we have the blend tool which this will essentially just blend two different colors together so you can blend different colors together or if you want to you can also use it to blend the edges of a painting or blend out certain areas [Music] next let's go into layers so right here is where you will find your layers tab here you can pick whatever background color you want using either the color wheel or one of your palettes and then here is where you will find your layers so within your layer there's a ton of different things you can do so if you tap on the layer here you will see all of your different options which we will run through but you will also see this n here and you can click the n and you can bring down the opacity of your layer you can darken color burn litter burn all of these different color adjustments you can make here depending on the type of look you're going for so you will see here all of the different things you can use these are all pretty self-explanatory you know rename select copy fill layer and clear um those are all pretty self-explanatory and then you kind of get in to the more advanced different settings so i will start with alpha lock and when you tap alpha lock now this means everything outside of what you have colored is locked if i'm trying to color out here nothing's showing up right it will only show up within the confines of your color on your layer so you can see it's not allowing me to color outside of the lines at all and it's keeping it all within that initial green color so next i'm going to cover mask now this is kind of a hard one to explain but what it does is it will essentially obscure your initial base layer around 50 so it kind of almost looks like you are erasing portions of your image so you can see here it kind of looks like it's almost erasing around half or so opacity of our image all right so i added another layer and i hit clipping mask now essentially this does the same thing as alpha lock where it only allows you to color within the confines of whatever you've already put on your page however this is now in a new layer so i'm gonna go in and i just picked a nice texture brush and i'm just going to go in and add some texture but maybe that's too dark and too much so the benefit of having it on another layer is i can just head to that layer and bring down the opacity a bit so it's not as intense and that's something you couldn't have done if it was all on one layer next we have drawing assist which i will go over in a little bit i will share with you how to use the symmetry tool we also have the invert tool which will make it the inverted color you can also use the reference tool which this will make this the reference and the base layer of whatever you are doing so here i have a new layer and i'm going to draw a circle drop in fill the color but you see how it didn't fill that circle that's because our blue leaf is the reference so if you go back [Music] and you make this the reference whenever you go to fill in it will work and you can go even further with these layers and swipe over and you can hit duplicate and it will just create another one of these leaves so if you want you can add a few more to your art board [Music] if you have multiple layers and you want them to be all on one layer all you have to do is grab these and pinch them together and they will be all in one layer because you have a limited amount of layers you can use and procreate so sometimes you need to go in and you know mess with it so that you have less layers [Music] i'm going to show you how to use some of these tools over here so first you have your selection tool which will select whatever layer you're on and on the bottom here you have all different kinds of options that you can do to edit this heart so you can do a uniform you can make it smaller or bigger in a uniform way you can also flip it horizontally vertically rotate it you can also edit your layer in free form you can also distort and the warp tool so then you have your lasso tool which you can just grab whatever object you want like so and you can select it and move it around just like we did before or you can select it and you can copy and paste it you can also go here and hit rectangle and it will go color fill and you can draw rectangles and they will fill in whatever color you have or you can hit ellipse which will also create little ellipses fill colors in and here you can click feather and you can feather these out [Music] and then up here you have your toolbar which has all different kinds of adjustments you can make so i'm going to quickly run through these so to start you have hue saturation and brightness you can either do this on the layer or with your pencil i'm just going to choose layer and you can quickly change the color saturation and brightness then you have color balance once again i'll hit layer again you can kind of edit the colors here then you have your curves which you can edit your gamma red green and blue you also have a gradient map then you have your different blurs so first you have the gaussian blur motion blur and perspective blur [Music] then you have other adjustments here [Music] [Music] then here you also have your drawing guide which you can toggle on and then hit edit drawing guide can help you to you can either just leave up the grid and you will have a grid over whatever you draw which can be really helpful but you can also click on different things like symmetry which will allow you to have perfect symmetry in anything you're drawing you can also toggle it on to help you draw straight lines [Music] here you can also toggle on a reference photo so you can choose from an image so that you have your reference photo ready for you and available to draw from if you are drawing from a real life portrait [Music] to do a simple animation in procreate all you have to do is make sure that you're using different layers so i will show you how to make a quick gif that anybody can do it's super easy to do is you're going to pick a couple colors that you like and you can write a word and i'm just going to write [Music] so that seems pretty good so we have five different layers with different colors and now all you have to do to turn this into a little animated gif is click share animated gif and then here you can see that you can create as many frames per second as you'd like to make it faster or slower now that we have a brief overview of procreate i'm going to walk you through some of my favorite ways that i use procreate and give you some ideas on how you can use this app as well so to start i like to use procreate to make cute instagram graphics i'm sure you've seen similar instagram graphics to this on social media just little icons that you can add a little messages around also fun things like quotes and different lettering things just great way to create your own custom instagram graphics so that you can have a totally unique feed another way i use procreate is obviously creating my digital stickers so i just create these using procreate and i actually have a full tutorial on how i make digital stickers in procreate which i will link below another use for procreate is you can create your own custom wall art [Music] i think of you [Music] and you can also create your own custom ipad and iphone background [Music] i've also used procreate to make my own bullet journal spreads and i actually did a full tutorial on how i made these custom bullet journal spreads in a video where i set some goals and i did it all in procreate so i will also have that linked below as well and finally i also use procreate just as a way to draw and express your creativity and just have fun and just draw as a way to kind of get off your phone get off social media even if you're not an artist i'm not an artist by any means but i do find it fun to just kind of aimlessly draw and work on different pieces just for fun and just to you know give my hand something to do other than scrolling something i'm working on right now that is a fun little project that anybody can do is i've started doing these little doodles and i try to do them you know a couple of times a week i've only done three but i just kind of do it based on something i'm into at the moment or anything i like and i'm just using the pencil tool and i'm just doing these little doodles and i hope that you know in a few months i will fill up this whole page full of little doodles that i've made um throughout the week so that's just kind of a fun project you can do and that's kind of it can be kind of overwhelming to try to draw a huge thing like a huge piece every day but if you just you know want to do a little doodle a day it can be a fun way to just kind of express your creativity and practice your drawing [Music] happy halloween today i'm going to show you how to use procreate's face paint feature to start you're going to want to make sure you have the most updated version of procreate as well as an ipad that is compatible with face id today i'm using the ipad mini first you're going to want to open up a new canvas i chose a square and then you can go into your canvas settings and toggle on the reference tab then you will just hit face which will turn on your camera you can see you have markings for eyes nose and lips which will serve as a guideline for your drawing and then you can go in and draw literally whatever you want i wanted to show you guys something kind of halloween themed so i did a harley quinn makeup look but i've seen people do the clown from it skeletons butterflies mermaids and just have fun with it i'm definitely not an artist at all but i still enjoyed the process of doing this and once you're done all you have to do is click on options and you can export a photo or video using the filter and that's the finished product this is just a really fun feature in procreate i had so much fun and let me know if you guys try this out and that is it for the beginner's guide to procreate let me know what you guys want to see next if you guys want to see more procreate stuff but until then i will see you in my november plan with me and i hope you guys have a great rest of your day bye [Music] you
Channel: Flourish Planner
Views: 25,711
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: procreate, procreate tutorial, beginner's guide to procreate, procreate tipcs, procreate hacks, procreate guide, how to use procreate, draw in procreate, iPad drawing, digital drawing, Flourish planner, iPad Pro 2020, procreate planning, procreate art, how to digital plan, how i digitally plan, intro to digital planning, aesthetic planner, digital bullet journal, ipad planning, ipad pro, 2020 ipad pro, goodnotes planning, introduction to digital planning
Id: 0jwq_SrOBes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 24sec (1164 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 27 2021
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