How to Make Digital Stickers on the iPad || Procreate Tutorial

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today's video sponsor is skillshare big thank you to skillshare for supporting the channel hi everyone and welcome back to the channel or welcome to the channel if you're new here i'm kirsten but if you want to be a bffs you can call me kay i make videos on how to plan digital planning as well as how to create on your ipad and how to plan to create on your ipad in today's video i am going to be showing you how i make digital stickers on my ipad i get so many questions about how i create these digital stickers that i use in my shop and within my planner so i'm going to be showing you how to do that today in this video so let's jump over to my ipad and get started with this little tutorial so now over here at my ipad so again i'm going to be using the app procreate today but you could also mimic this same kind of style in an app like keynote and possibly apps like affinity designer perhaps using vector-based programs will be more helpful since we're just going to be creating very basic shapes like boxes and whatnot however i like using procreate for all of my sticker drawings so here my proquery is stacked full i have stacks on stacks this is where i do essentially all of my work i basically run my small business out of procreate so for this sticker set for instance each sticker is its own layer and that's going to make it really really easy to export all the stickers which we'll get to but this is kind of the look that i'm going for this is super simple and really easy to do yet it still looks very nice and professional so we're gonna go in and create some stickers ourselves if you're looking for more decorative stickers again that's going to come with practice so let's say you want to draw something like cherries or oranges or a dog that's really just going to come with your own confidence in drawing and procreate so now you may be asking yourself okay how exactly do i gain confidence in drawing things on my ipad if you want to practice your drawing skills learn more about procreate or get into hand lettering our sponsor skillshare is the best for doing just that skillshare offers thousands of inspiring classes for creative people like yourself on topics like illustration design photography freelancing video editing and so much more as a member you'll get unlimited access to these classes and a lot of them are under 60 minutes so you can fit them in your schedule and skillshare makes it simpler than ever to pick back up right where you left off so if you're hoping to learn more about creating digital artwork on your ipad or learning new artistic styles and techniques for creating digital stickers or you just want to try your hand at hand lettering i recommend skillshare one of my favorite skillshare classes i've taken is wildflowers and procreate by liz kohler brown she makes it so easy to create beautiful outstanding floral pieces on the ipad and this class left me with the most surprising end result i'm honestly still in disbelief that i was able to create something so beautiful on my ipad and it was thanks to liz's class on skillshare so you won't be sure of surprises and finding creativity on the platform this class also helped me approach my own art style in a very unique way it's less than 10 a month with an annual subscription and there's no ads the first 1 000 people to use the link in my description box will get a free trial to the skillshare premium membership now that you have a bit more confidence let's jump back into the tutorial however we're going to start with very basic stickers for now so i'm going to come up here and i'm going to start a new canvas and i normally just start with screen size for this then you want to go in and kind of decide on a palette or create your own palette i usually like to stick with very minimal colors maybe five at most for a sticker set so we're just going to go in and decide on a palette here i do want to show you one really cool thing though about the palettes in procreate so let's say you're on pinterest and let's find some colors that we like so let's say that we like the colors from this image we can download this image then we can go into procreate and we can either do split screen or we can just go into procreate we can click this plus button and then we can do new from photos select that photo and then at the very top it's going to create a color palette from that image so this is really helpful and really cool or if you like colors within an image and you want to use the colors from that so that's just an example i did that with one image here to get a lot of blue tones but we're going to go in and choose a color palette for our stickers so i'm going to use this palette that i have called ballet i really like kind of the more neutral tones in this palette so i'm going to use that for this specific sticker set all right so i'm just going to select a color to start and then i'm going to make sure that i am on a mono weight or monoline brush so i'm going to be using the mono weight brush in my procreate lettering set you can get this on my etsy shop you can also get a sample of this set by being a newsletter subscriber which you can do either by using the links below in the description or on my website however i believe procreate has their own monoline brush they do so under calligraphy you can use procreate's monoline brush this just means regardless of the pressure that you apply on your screen it will stay consistent which is what we want for these stickers however i'm just going to use the mono way brush that i created with my mono weight brush selected i'm going to go up here into the wrench icon and then i'm going to select canvas and then i'm going to toggle on the drawing guide this is going to be really helpful for maintaining those straight lines within procreate you can also come in and edit the drawing guide so you can actually edit the color of the lines you can also edit the opacity the thickness and the grid size so i'm just going to kind of edit the size of my grid here we'll go with 50. and then i normally like to have my lines pretty dark so i can see so i have mine kind of over here on the black side of the color spectrum and then i'm going to select done and so then this is kind of the base of our layer we're really just going to go in and kind of draw simple shapes like squares and circles to make our planner stickers and you kind of want to have an idea of what you want to create of course whenever you start creating you can get a little happy with it and just kind of go where the creativity takes you however i like to kind of have an idea in mind of what i want to create so i'm going to try and do some of the stickers that i created within this set so as you see i did very basic shapes most of the shapes here are square i have kind of a few free form shapes i made some kind of list type blocks as well as some check blocks we have some stars so we're going to go ahead and do something similar to this sticker set here all right and then it's really just a matter of going in and making these so i'm going to go in kind of with a basic square or rectangle and then you're going to want to hold down on your shape and procreate will automatically correct that for you i'm going to select this and click rectangle and there we have our perfect rectangle thanks to procreate i'm just going to go in and drag and drop that color then i'm going to go in on a new layer because i kind of want to decorate this square and i want to go in with a white decrease my brush size and then i'm going to basically do the same thing to have kind of like an outline of this square or a rectangle hold and then it'll snap to shape i'm going to go in and edit so it's a perfect rectangle and there we have it we can also repeat the process which i'm going to do and there we have it we have essentially our first sticker what i'm going to do is merge those two layers down and then if you want to do different color variants of that same sticker we can just duplicate and move it down you're going to want to make sure that you have snapping on down here in the bottom corner and it's just going to help you line up your stickers then we can go in and choose a different color so let's say we want that one and then we can just drag and drop our colors in and there we have two stickers already made within just a few seconds this is really really helpful so now i'm going to go in and create a different type of sticker so let's go back to our original color here time i'm going to make kind of like a tracker sticker i'm going to go in with that same rectangle hold let procreate snap to perfect we're going to do rectangle perfect i'm actually going to go into my select tool here and i'm going to make sure that i'm on the free form and i'm going to actually make this just a little thinner on the width there we go then i'm going to drag and drop my color i'm going to go into my white again i'm going to go on a new layer and then this time i'm going to do circles down this sticker snap and hold edit shape get a perfect circle i'm going to go into my transform this time i'm going to make sure i'm on uniform because i don't want to mess with the ratios of my circle and then i can make this bigger if i need to and move it how i need there we go i'm gonna go in and drag and drop my color now because procreate is a raster program it doesn't do very well with pixels so as you can see whenever i made my circle larger it pixelated the edges i can easily just go over that to kind of soften up those or smooth out those edges so now i'm going to duplicate that make sure my snapping is on down here and then i'm just going to move those circles down i'm going to go back to my rectangle layer and go to free form and then kind of just make this a little taller so i don't really like how large my circles have turned out so what i'm going to do actually is i'm going to kind of swipe to the right on all of these i'm going to group them i'm just going to go to my select tool make sure that i'm on uniform so i don't mess with my circle ratios and then i'm just going to make this a little smaller i'm going to go back into my rectangle tool and adjust the height freeform and then i can merge that down or flatten and then merge down and then we have our secondary sticker our tracker sticker and if we want this in another color we'll just duplicate it move that down move into our next color here drag and drop and then we have a new color of this same sticker so this is really just my entire process i think of different planner stickers that i want to create and then it's really just a matter of drawing these simple shapes if you need help drawing straight lines procreate has got your back all you have to do is just hold down your pencil on the screen and it auto perfects the shape for you so now we can go in and perhaps create kind of like little check mark stickers or like little circle stickers kind of like how i did on my previous sticker set so i'm going to go in make sure i'm on a new layer and i like creating stickers on a new layer and it's going to be really easy for you to export which we'll get into but you'll see just how simple it is if you create a new sticker on a separate layer so i'm going to go in and i'm actually just going to draw a circle hold click edit shape i don't want an ellipse i want a circle so i'm just going to select circle i'm going to go in drag and drop my color a new layer and i like to create a new layer for the details of the stickers just in case i decide that i don't like what i did i can easily just clear or delete that layer and then start fresh from the base so i'm just going to go in and kind of create kind of like a half ellipse and there we go merge that down and then if i want i can edit the size of that and there we go we have another popular planner sticker style and i'm just going to duplicate that i can go in and change the color of that guy and there we go so let's do a new layer and let's do kind of like a list type sticker so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go back into my original color i'm going to create a new square or rectangle hold edit shape i want a perfect rectangle i'm going to go in drag and drop my color let's do a new layer grab my color white and of course you can always just use different colors i'm just using the color palette i have selected and then i kind of like using white details but of course you can change any of these colors here if you want something a little more colorful so i'm going in i have my base layer for this rectangle and i've started a new layer for my details and now i'm just going to go in and create kind of like a blocked list type style so what i'm going to do actually is using my guides here i'm just going to create some rectangles within this rectangle so in this instance whenever i converted it to rectangle it didn't close all my lines which you want to make sure that all your lines are closed before you do drag and drop otherwise it will fill the entire screen with that color so now that i have that i'm actually just going to duplicate that okay there we go i'm going to start a new layer i just want to add a few more details i'm going to go in and i'm going to kind of have like a circle next to these blocks here hold edit shape and convert to circle drag and drop and then i can use my transform tool to kind of move it where i want then i'm going to go in and duplicate and move these down to get extra help with guiding and lining up you can also turn on magnetics here and then i'll use more guides to help line everything up there we go i really like how that's looking i do want to go in and edit kind of the base block of this sticker because it is a little bit bigger than how i drew my white circles and rectangles so i'm just going to go in and make sure i'm on that layer go into my transform tool and i'm going to go on freeform here and just kind of push in the sides i'm going to go in and kind of select and then swipe along all of my circles here go into my transform tool and then i can move all of those over so i just want them a little bit closer i'm going to go back to my rectangle layer move these in just a bit more and there we go we kind of have like our list sticker here so i'm going to go in and pinch to merge all of those together pinch to merge and then we have another layer of sticker if we want this in our secondary color we can duplicate it and then move that down then we'll go to our secondary color then drag and drop so there is our fourth sticker type in this set so it's really just a lot of easy shapes that you can use and manipulate within procreate it's really great that procreate has the snap to perfect shape tool essentially to create a lot of these stickers and this is really just my whole process of creating planner stickers so now i'm going to go in and create a few more stickers so i'm going to do a new layer and then we can go in and kind of create a detailed decorative sticker if you want so i'm going to go in and do a rectangle again new layer for my decorative sticker i'm just going to choose a different blue tone here instead of white i'm going to turn clipping mask on on this layer i'm going to kind of go for a pattern on my rectangle here i'm going to go in and choose a different color so here's an example of a more decorative sticker i made obviously the lines here aren't perfect but it gives it that more kind of whimsical feel for a decoration in your planner i really just kind of go wild in procreate and kind of just draw a few shapes until i create something that i like and that works so we can go in merge that down to create one whole sticker layer and then we can duplicate that move that down and then we can use the accent color of our second sticker here and kind of do a drag and drop there we go and then we have two decorative stickers here that we created in procreate again you can create stickers like this in a vector program so if you create stickers like this in a vector program regardless of how you resize your images they won't pixelate whereas they will in a rasterized program like procreate however i really like going into procreate i really like the drawing and brush features within procreate and i do all of my work within procreate and i find that using the screen size for the canvas has a really nice pixel ratio so whenever i do export these stickers they don't look super highly pixelated because of the canvas that i created them on i'll be sure to have these stickers linked below as freebies for you all if you want to use them and play around with this so to show you how i normally export stickers so what i do is i have all of my stickers on a layer i'm going to actually turn off this background color here because we want we don't want this white background being exported with our stickers we're just going to turn that off because we want a transparent background okay so with that background color turned off we we want to make sure that all of our stickers here are toggled that they're all selected we're going to go up to our wrench icon and we're going to click share we're going to come down here and then we're going to go under the share layers category and then we're going to select png files and it's going to export all of those individual layers i'm just going to save those images to my camera roll and so then if i go into my camera roll it has saved all of those stickers as you can see it saved it it saved the entire canvas and then the sticker wherever it was located on the canvas so a lot of times you'll get them in these kind of funky positions to combat that you can either go into procreate sometimes i like creating say a square background let's say this is going to be really wonky but let's say i create my one sticker on this so let's say this is my one sticker you can actually start a new layer toggle this one off and then draw our next new sticker on top of this layer and then whenever you export all of those stickers it has them all centered and cropped as best as it's able to whenever it exports this square canvas however i honestly like just having all of my stickers visible on the one canvas and then whenever i want to kind of crop down those stickers i'll go into this free app called magic eraser there's a lot of ads because it is free so i'm going to close all of those select photo then i'm going to go in and then i can go in and crop these stickers down but still maintain that transparent background so i do this and this can be pretty tedious depending on how many stickers i created but i find that i really like this process it's kind of therapeutic almost so once i have all of those stickers cropped down i can go into my planner and then select that image from my camera roll and then use it alongside in my planner so i can use that as my like little to-do list or decorative box within my planner so then you'll just go in to magic eraser and crop all of those down so these are the planner stickers that we created and this is my process for creating all of my digital stickers in procreate so i hope you enjoyed this tutorial and feel free to leave any other tutorials you'd like to see down in the comments below i'm very open to what you'd like to see here on this channel i would love to hear what classes you are hoping to take on skillshare so feel free to leave that down in the comments below i'd be so excited to find and discover more classes on skillshare with you all so thank you so much for watching today's video if you have any other recommendations or requests from me feel free to leave those down in the comments as well i'd be happy to consider what you'd like to see here on this channel please don't forget to hit that like button and hit the subscribe button and don't forget to turn on the notification bell so you'll always be alerted whenever i post next and with that i hope you have a fabulous day and i will see you in my next video bye you
Channel: KDigitalStudio
Views: 143,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: digital stickers, kdigitalstudio, k digital studio, k digital studio sticker, procreate tutorial, digital planner stickers, digital planner, how to make stickers, how to make stickers on procreate, make stickers on ipad, how to make digital stickers on ipad, procreate sticker tutorial, procreate stickers, draw on the ipad pro, how to draw on the ipad pro 2020, how to make a digital planner, procreate for beginners, procreate illustration tutorial, digital stickers procreate
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 6sec (1326 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2020
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