How to make a digital planner on an iPad | Digital Planner creation for beginners using Keynote

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hello and welcome to my channel planners by christine in today's tutorial i'm going to show you how you can create a digital planner using an ipad i want to mention that i also have a tutorial that shows you how you can create a digital planner on a laptop now when you're done watching this tutorial you'll want to make sure and watch the follow-up tutorial that will show you how you can use what you've learned today to create a planner that has no lag so make sure and watch that please subscribe to my channel and let's get started [Music] all right so the first thing you're going to want to do is open keynote and press create presentation choose a theme i always choose a classic white then we're going to get rid of these things we don't need any of them come up to the three dots document setup slide size custom i like to put the size of my ipad air 2360 by 1640 done done so now we're ready to do our background you could bring in an image or you can just do a color so to do that press plus insert from and i have this blue leather background that i like to use and i'm just going to drag this up to make it fit the whole screen now a lot of times when people have a leather looking background they also like to have it look like they're stitching to do that press the plus sign the shapes choose the square fill the whole screen and the edges of the square is where the stitching is going to be so you want it to be equally distant from all the way around and then choose the paintbrush go to style no fill but we do have a border and we want to choose the style as the dashes i'm going to change the color to kind of a dark gray and then i can use the width i can play with the width then choose a shadow and find one that looks good to you i think i like this one and there's that next is our paper so we press plus the square i'm going to change this to white and i'm going to drag it up and i want to fill half the screen for nearly half then i'm going to copy and paste and put the other half over here now we want to have have the pages have kind of a 3d look or a stacked look so i'm going to select this one and go to the paint brush give it actually i'm going to give it a border and just a really small border just at one point and then shadow i'm going to choose this shadow then i'm going to copy and paste and adjust it so that the top and the left side line up then i'm going to bring this in just a hair and then i'm going to do the same thing again paste line up the left side and the top and the bottom and then bring the right side in just a little bit so it kind of gives it a stacked paper look then on the left same kind of thing choose a border and then a shadow i'm going to do different shadows because if i choose this shadow this is the side that looks 3d but we want it to be that side but on ipad you can't really control that as well so i'm going to choose this shadow and then i'm going to copy and paste it line up the top and the left and the right and then bring the left in a little bit and do the same thing again paste [Music] so that gives it somewhat of a 3d stacked look and aside now this works better on the laptop because you can you can control having you can change the angle of the shadow so that it looks better on the left but this is what we have on the ipad okay now we're going to bring in the rings so i'm going to come back to here and insert from these are rings i got on etsy so i want to make it a little bit bigger so that it has the holes looking like they would be in the right right place but as you see it makes it go off the page so i go to the paintbrush under image i choose edit mask and then i can come down here and cut this off and choose done and there's that all right now we're going to bring in our tabs so we'll go to the plus sign and shapes and get a square and bring it over here now for colors you can just choose whatever colors you want but i find it helpful to use a color palette and if you go over on pinterest you can do a search on color palettes and find lots of options and take a screenshot of it and save it to your camera roll which is what i've done so i'm going to go to the plus sign and go to my camera roll and grab one of those that i found this is actually some paint colors so then i'm going to select my tab go to the paint brush go to fill select color swipe over to the left and then choose this little paint brush and then you have to drag it across a color so i'm going to choose this color and i'm also going to do a shadow so i'm going to go back to the paintbrush shadow and i'm going to choose this shadow then i'm going to go to arrange and i'm going to make it go behind the paper and then i'm going to copy it and paste and this one i'm going to go to the paintbrush style fill grab a different color that one's a little bit darker but i wanted you to be able to see the difference paint brush arrange go behind it or make the tab go behind the paper and also you want it to go behind this tab so that you can see that shadow then i'm going to paste again which is just pasting the first one and go to the paint brush and it's a little bit tedious but that's just part of the process go to the print brush arrange go behind so select one of the tabs choose select objects [Music] and select the three tabs press done copy paste and then go to arrange and have those go behind making sure that this one's behind that one paste again so now when i went to paste this in there wasn't room so i need to make these all smaller so i'm going to select one of them select objects select all of these choose done go to group now i can move them up i'm actually going to delete these because they're not going to i want to make sure they're all the right size select ungroup and i'm going to select just three of them copy paste okay so now we have 12 but now that doesn't fit all the way down so i'm going to select one choose select objects done group now i can move the whole thing and make them all about the same size i'm going to delete this because i don't need it anymore so we have 12 tabs now we want to make this into a master slide or create a master slide because a master slide makes life a lot easier we're going to tap somewhere on the screen to select objects select all done copy everything's on the clipboard so now we're going to tap over here and we want to choose edit slide layout now the slide layout that's how we access the master slide so i'm going to tap that it brings this screen up everything on the left these are all master slides and so we're going to use just we'll use this top one so we'll just delete the stuff that's currently on there and then we'll tap here and paste and then i'm going to press done so now if when we're back on the screen that's not the master slides i can move things around and it could mess things up or anyway we don't want this so i'm going to press plus and choose these are all master slides i'm going to choose this master slide i'm going to delete the slide that we had initially been working on and we're just going to work off the master slide so now you see if i try to move something around it won't let me it says you have to edit the master slide or slide layout which is what we want we we that's what we want we don't want to be able to mess with this so now we're ready to build our pages our monthly spread our weekly spread our daily spread the thing that i like to do differently though is i like to actually create those as master slides also so i'm gonna go back into the master slides and i'm going to delete these so we only have the one and i'm going to change the title rename and then i'm going to duplicate it so i'm going to duplicate and this next one i'm going to rename it and call this monthly and then i'm going to build the monthly layout on here so i'm going to press the plus sign and go to table and we're going to want four columns and six rows because one of the rows is going to be the name of the the days of the week and we want that one to be smaller so i'm selecting that one that one row and i'm going to go back to the paintbrush and i'm going to i want to change the size of that one row so i'm going to go to row and column size and the height i'm going to make it 40. and it shrinks the whole thing a little bit so i'm going to come back over here and drag it back down and that's about the right size i'd say so now i'm going to copy it and paste it but over here i only want three columns but now they're not the right size so i'm going to lay it over top of this and drag this over until they line up properly you see how that lines up here so they're all all the they're all the same size then drag this back okay so now there's the beginnings of our monthly spread now this is going to be an undated planner so we're going to have little squares in the corner of each box so i'm going to go to the plus sign shapes and i'm going to actually use the rounded rectangle and drag that up there i'm going to change the color [Music] and this uses this has the colors that we put in on the tab so i'm going to choose one of these i think that's a good color so i'm going to copy and paste it and i'm going to fill the entire screen so every square has one all right so now all of the boxes have a little square where people can write in the date this is also what we can tie the link to to link it to the daily spreads now one thing i want to mention here is i'm going to have a different tutorial to show how to prevent lag because this is going to end up having a large file size when we export it to pdf and there's a way around that but what we're doing now is something we'll need to do regardless so this is still something that's useful to see how to do there's a certain point where we'll do things a little bit differently but it gets a little bit complicated to try to teach you how to create a planner and also teach you how to prevent the lag with this other method so we'll just move on and i'll show you how to create the planner initially and then the other video will show you how to deal with a lag or to prevent the lag now we're also going to want to have a link to our weekly spread so i'm going to back to the plus sign and this time i'm going to use this little triangle and we'll put that in the corner of each i'm going to change the color to match and then we're going to copy this and paste it select objects copy two of them done copy paste just copy and paste one okay i'm going to press done so now i can come over here and add monthly if we want to make a change to all of the monthly screens at once we just have to go into the master slide and we can change the color for example on one place and it'll change it everywhere so before i go on i'm going to go ahead and add the name of the month i'm going to change the font so i come over to the paintbrush go to text and choose a different font let's use this one and also i can make it bigger so we have our month so now that we have one month one other thing i want to do before we move on because we did create this in the master slide these little squares we cannot tie a link to it because it's just an image so we do have to put an empty box over top of it we'll go to the plus sign go back to this and then we'll go over to dial and we'll say no fill so now we just have an empty box but that's what we can tie the link to so i'm going to copy and paste it all right so all of these little squares have something to tie the links to we need to do the same thing with the triangles [Music] and then all those are set as well so now that we have all that done now we want to duplicate this monthly spread 11 times so i'm going to come over here and choose copy and i'm going to go paste and another faster way to do it is to select one tap all these copy and paste all right so now we have all of the month so we just need to go through and change the months to be the right month okay so now that all the months are filled in then we say hey look there's this white space here actually i think i want to have something there so i'm going to tap on this go back into my master slide and now i'm going to come over here and add another column i just want one column and i'm going to make it note so i'm just going to put a whole bunch of lines also we didn't put the days of the week in so not a big deal because this is a master slide the only thing that's unique to the slides on the other part of the program are the names of the months and those little squares to tie the links to so on here i'm going to come over here and press text i'm going to change the font to be the same font and have it kind of sit right on top and then i want to put in my days of the week i'm going to select this whole row in this table come to the paint brush go to cell i'm going to change my font to be the bradley hand that i've been using and let's change the font size let's try 35 we'll see how that looks then we come in here double click and then i can type in sunday i also need to come over here and select this row and do the same thing so i didn't do it ahead of time so remember we're in our master slide but i'm going to press so i'm going to press done but you'll see that these things i just did they're all here because i did it in my master slide so these are all these all have the same changes which is a beauty of master slides i love it so the next thing we're going to do is create our weekly spread so i'm going to come over here edit slide layout which takes us to our master slide oh and this is something that i've noticed happens with keynote see how there's two of them all of a sudden so i'm going to go to the top one i'm going to choose delete and it's going to say well one slide is using it so which do you want to use instead i'm going to choose this monthly choose and then it'll delete the extra i don't know why that happens something keynote does anyway we're good so i'm going to go to master and i'm going to duplicate it and this one i'm going to call weekly and then i'm going to create my weekly spread so i'm going to go to the plus sign go to the table this time i'm going to do three columns so actually let's start on this side with the four so we can make sure they're the same size so i'm going to come over here have a stretch to the whole thing and we i want to have five columns so that's what we want but i want two of them to be really thin because i'm just going to put a bar of color in between so i'm going to choose two of them so i chose select cells and let me choose both and i choose done then i'm going to come to here and table we're going to go to row and column size and we want the height to be smaller so i'm going to put 30 actually i'm going to i want it to be even smaller i'm going to say 15. now when i come back over here [Music] and stretch it out that's about how what i want it to look like now i'm going to copy and paste it but i only want three columns because there's only seven days in the week and i'm going to come over here and line this up drag this over until they line up and then bring this back over here all right so we have seven columns one for each day of the week and i want to put a circle above each column so that the date can be written in so i'm gonna go to shape and grab a circle i think that's about the size i want i'm gonna come over here and i'm going to style no fill but i do want a border let's make it two i'm going to select it and copy and then i'm going to paste and i'm going to go select objects select both copy paste paste [Music] i'm just going to select one copy paste now to make sure they're all lined up i'm going to select one select objects and then select all seven go to the paint brush go to arrange then i want to align them at the top so i'm going to tap this one so i think that's about where i want it and then i'm going to put the names of the days above so i'm going to go to text and i'm going to actually move this down a little bit because it feels like a little crowded up there so i'm going to change this to sunday and change the font i think the size is about right though let's just kind of set it on top now i'm going to copy and paste okay i have all the days of the week but i want them to line up so i'm going to select objects and select all seven then i'm going to come to a range and i want them to line up bottom now i'm going to add a place for notes on the left or maybe a to-do list or something so let's do a to-do list so i'm going to come over here i just want one column or now i'm going to do two columns kind of tight for to-do list but we'll see how it looks let's add a whole bunch of lines let's let's not do a to-do list it's just not enough room i was going to do a check checklist but there's not room to have a little check box so i'm just going to put that and then i'm going to copy actually i just need to paste because it's already on a clipboard and then just call this to do okay so pretty much we're done with that so i'm going to come down here let me actually select the bottom one so it goes underneath it choose weekly so there's our weekly spread and we're not i went i left the master slides this is in our other screen so what we would want to do then is create 60 of them because there's 12 months and each month has five triangles and again this is undated so we aren't going to be able to have one weekly spread that's used at the end of one month in the beginning of another month if the week's overlap since it's an undated so you would want to create 60 copies but so stay tuned because i'm going to have that tutorial on how to create a planner without lag and so in that case we're not going to need to make a bunch of copies in this keynote we're going to have a separate keynote so at this point we're just creating all the spreads because that's what takes the longest so now let's go back into our master slides let's duplicate and this one we're going to call daily and then on our daily spread we're going to have a few things on here like appointments and checklists things like that so let me do a plus sign do a table we're just going to have one column i want it to be about half the width of the page and i'm going to put 36 i think is what i want because i have my day start at 5 a.m and end at 9 30 p.m so first of all let's go ahead and put in the times so i'm going to grab some text so let's change our font and we're also going to need to make it a little bit smaller so put it in our first little section here so we'll copy and paste and the way to make do this a little bit faster is just to do a few well like i did the first two so i'm going to select the first one select objects choose the other one whoops martini makes a little bit tricky done copy paste and then just change that to a six and then we're gonna copy all four and then change those numbers etc so you'll do that for the whole thing all right so once we have all of the times in let's select this table come over here we're going to take off the table outline and then we can do our alternating rows like that or another thing to do is to come over and select every other row and then on those rows we want to come to the cell go to cell border choose the upper cell and change the color to kind of a really light gray and it looks like this and actually i want to have a dark line at the top and bottom just not on the side so i'm going to come back select the whole table i'm going to say table outline but i don't want it on the side so i'm going to come over to cell cell border and on this side make it white and on this side make it white [Music] okay next i want to have a little place at the top for people to put in a date so i'm going to do the plus sign i'm going to grab this shape go to the paintbrush no fill but have a border and then i want to do a checklist so i'm going to go to the plus sign table and i'm just going to have two columns i'm going to select this column because i want it to be smaller and go to table and go to row and column size and let's make this 40. that's too small a little bigger well actually when we stretch this out it'll make it bigger and let's add more rows i feel like this is too small so i'm going to actually move this over which means i want to move this over so it lines up then i can make this a little bigger what i want to do now is put a little check box a little check mark in this square so i'm going to go to plus shapes go to search and type in check there's a check mark i'm going to drag that down and make it smaller and then in this box i'm going to put text and this is going to be going to say work tasks we'll center it on there and i also want the color to i want to have a color there so i'm going to highlight that come over to the paint brush go to cell and go to cell fill go to color and we'll choose this color so i'm going to select objects and choose the words the check mark and the box choose done and then choose group because now i can select it and copy and then paste it and have one right above it and i'm going to select that and ungroup and i'm going to double click on that and change that to personal tasks so now we have two little check boxes there right so there's this little space at the top we can just leave that blank or put something there whatever let's go ahead and put in what i've done in other planners i'm going to have it line up with the items near it and then i'm going to go to the paintbrush style fill color and select the same color then i'm going to copy and paste and change it to say today's focus okay the left side is done and on the right hand side we can put a place to track our meals a meal log so we'll go to the table i'm just gonna have one column but i want five rows which i have in the top row i want to be a little narrower so i'm going to come to the format table row and column size let's make this um 40. and let's go ahead and paste in the text we already had and call say meal log let's go ahead and make that the color as well i'm going to actually make this the whole thing now that i did that i need to move me a log in the middle and then i'm going to do paste because that text is still on my clipboard type in breakfast let's make that a little bit smaller let's copy that and paste that so now we want them to all line up so i'm going to select objects select all four press done arrange distribute to the left and there we have our mia log and then at the bottom i'm just going to put some a box where people can put in whatever they like so i'm going to put a plus sign grab a box style no fill but we do want a border and that's it for our daily spread done so i'm gonna go and add it over here so if we wanted to change the color if we made a whole bunch of copies of these because we would need if it was a dated planner we need 365 for an undated planner you need 420 so if we were to make all those copies and we decided we wanted to have a different color or we wanted to change the look of it that would be okay you would just come to edit slide layout go to your daily slide make the changes and it would change it in all of the daily spreads because you have a master slide now the next thing we're going to want to do is do the linking so i'm going to show you how to do that and then we will export it and see what size it is and this is going to be it shouldn't be very big because i haven't made copies of all the pages but to make links you come to your monthly slide your monthly page and well before we do that we're going to have to make some copies so i'm going to select the weekly slide and i'm going to duplicate it and then i'm going to just select two of them copy and paste so now we have four we have eight let me add two more so now two three four five six seven eight nine ten so let's copy and we'll paste and really we would do this so we have 60. so now we have there's 73 we said 60 weekly spreads the 12 monthly spreads and that one blank one at the top that we could use for an index or whatever and then let's just do a few of our daily spreads so we'll copy and paste copy and paste we'll just do the four that we have to get us started so we go to january and now we need to let's paste in a few of our weekly spreads so we need to come down here and see that the first weekly spread is slide 14 so we go to january we select that box we choose link we say link to slide and then we choose 14. and you see how it created this little arrow so that's how we know there's a link so let's go ahead and do a couple of them this will be linked to slide 15. unfortunately there's not a shortcut to this it's just kind of tedious and it's faster if you do it on a computer so if you have if you go into icloud and open up this and open up this presentation in icloud then you can use your computer if you have one to do this more quickly so we have this is 14 this is 15 so now let's go ahead and do some of our daily spreads just because i want to show you the best way to kind of double check your work so our first weekly spread is i mean our first daily spread is slide 74. so let's go back to january link link to slide 74. i get to slide 75 i'm just going to do a few of them here and we don't want to choose next slide because if we add things in it'll mess things up so you want to specify the slide that you're linking it to whoops so when you've done the whole month and all the little arrows on all the boxes what you'll want to do is come back and make sure that you didn't skip any numbers or duplicate any numbers so [Music] 74 75 76 77 so you're like okay i did it all correctly the other way that you can kind of double check your work is if you go to december the very last box the number that's here should match the number of the very last daily slide daily spread slide so that's another way to kind of make sure you did it right because it's harder to test it when it's undated on a dated planner you would have written you would have made all of your daily slides you would have written in the date and then you could check and specify you could check to make sure that the number the date specifically matches the date of the daily spread but there's not a way to do that in an undated planner we need to go ahead and create links to our tabs so i'm going to go back into our master slide let's come over to this one i'm going to do the plus sign and text i'm going to say jan for january i'm going to change my font i'm going to go to arrange and rotate it and i'm going to grab it and bring it over here make this a little bigger and then i'm going to copy and paste it all right so once we have all of our labels in we can go ahead and create links so just to make sure okay january is slide two so let's edit slide layout which takes us into the master slide and it was this one that had that i did it in so i'm gonna select that go to link link to slide two link link to slide three and go through and do all of those so once we have all the links we can come back here and select objects and choose all of them then we'll copy then we can go to the other pages and paste these are the other master slides [Music] and now all of our slides have links to the monthly slides all right so now we want to export so we go to the three dots export pdf and we just leave the defaults and choose export it's creating the pdf and honestly this is something i usually do on my laptop because it'll crash my ipad because a file will be too big which will lead into our tutorial on how to create a lag free planner because we we use what we've done here but we also do things a little bit differently and you can see how long this is taking like this is taking too long it's going to be a really large file all right so once it finished we'll choose share and i'm going to share it to files and you want to just know where you're sharing it i'm putting it on my ipad and a folder called planners and tutorials and i'm going to press save and then i'm going to go to it let's see what size it is so the one i just did is this one at 63 megabytes not terrible but remember we only did four daily spreads we need 420. if we had actually completed all the links it would be way larger and you don't want one that big because you're going to have a lot of lag so i'm going to create another tutorial that you can watch right after this one that will show you how to use what you've just learned and apply it to the technique that will allow you to create a planner without any lag so please subscribe to my channel and if you found this video helpful please like it
Channel: PlannersByChristine
Views: 3,784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Digital planner step by step, Digital planner tutorial, Digital planner create, Digital planner course, Digital planner class, Digital planner diy, Digital planner how to, Digital planner keynote, Digital planner using keynote, how to create a digital planner, how to create a digital planner with hyperlinks, how to create a digital planner to sell on Etsy, create a digital planner for beginners, easily create a digital planner, how to create a digital planner on an ipad
Id: qrAJ_C2xPZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 15sec (2115 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 25 2021
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