How to Draw Stickers in Procreate + FREE Procreate Brushes

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welcome back to another live tutorial i'm so excited for you guys to be here today uh today we are going to draw some simple stickers in procreate and um i'm really excited about this one i kind of intend it to be just like kind of like a chill drawing session where we're just going to be drawing some very simple little illustrations almost doodle like um and then i'm going to be showing you some stuff about stickers so it's going to be really cool and you can draw along with me with whatever i'm drawing or you can draw your own ideas and things you want to draw for your stickers too so before we get started with the drawing i want to go over a few things we have some exciting stuff during this live so let's zoom on over there so the first thing is that we're doing a giveaway today i'm really excited about this one it's been a while since we've done a giveaway um so what we're gonna be giving away is five master bundles so that's my complete collection of procreate brushes were up to 300 brushes in that set because i just released a brush set this this week um called scratch arts graffito and it's for making really cool scratch art and procreate so now we're up to 300 brushes 15 sets plus my magic paper um so i'm gonna give away five of those and then we're also giving away five 100 credits to sticker app and sticker app is who i use for my stickers you can see some like these ones over here on the side um were printed through sticker apps so you can print your artwork as stickers and they're really like i really liked their um website was really easy to use and the stickers came out great so really excited about that so if you want to join the giveaway you can go to giveaway and sign up and we're going to announce the winners at the end of the live so go ahead and do that and we'll give you we'll put this up one more time at the end for you get another chance to enter but you can go and do that now all right the next thing is we're going to be using brushes from my kids make art brush set this is a free brush set that i have you can find it at free and you can download it and put it into your procreate that's what we're going to be using today it's got some fun brushes that are just like all your favorite art supplies as a kid that you liked as a kid like crayons and markers paint colored pencils there's a marker brush in there that i'm going to be using a lot today of course you're welcome to join in with whatever brushes you want but this is what i'm going to be using today so again free if you want to get that as well as any of my other free brushes and free resources okay so let's start stocking let's start talking about stickers because that's what this tutorial is all about today um we're gonna be drawing some little cute little simple illustrations that we can make into stickers and i actually have a big sticker series all about how to make stickers with procreate it's actually a three video series and i have this whole sticker resource page i should have put the link on here i just realized but that's at stickers and if you email or sorry if you sign up for the giveaway i'm going to be sending an email to all those people with with all these like resources and stuff so if you want to get that info sign up for the giveaway and then you might win something too so um it's a three-part series like i say and i say there's three different ways that i take you through how to make stickers so the first one is to cut them out or sorry to print them at home and cut them out by hand which is a really easy accessible way to make stickers the second way is using a cricut which is a little bit more expensive a little bit more of a learning curve but i go through all about how to do that and like troubleshooting and all that kind of stuff and then the third way uh that i go over is printing them professionally through you know somewhere where you can order them online and have them print it and mail it to you which is i talk about sticker app in that video and my experience using them so that's three parts that stickers if you want to learn more okay enough chatter let's draw all right so i'm going to go ahead and open up procreate and i'm going to create a new canvas and before i get started i wanted to let you know that if you have questions about what i'm drawing or something that i'm doing during this lesson feel free to throw your answers in the chat my husband jeff is here he's always back behind the scenes manning the chat um so he'll throw out questions as they pop up and then if you have questions that are not about this like you just want to ask me something general we'll do a q a at the end so you can still throw those questions out and jeff will like jot them down but we'll do a q a at the end for like more general stuff so feel free to ask questions that's the benefit of doing this live okay so let's get started i'm gonna go up to this little plus sign to create a new canvas and i'm gonna go with my favorite canvas size which is 3800 by 2800 pixels so if you follow me and you watch a lot of my videos i use this canvas size all the time so i recommend making a template for it but again it's 3800 by 2800 pixels so i'll go ahead and open that up okay so as far as what we're going to draw i actually reached out on instagram and in my facebook group um asking people like for suggestions about what i should draw which was really fun just to get your suggestions and then draw those things so that's why i chose the things that i'm gonna draw kind of um and i'm excited to show you that so the first thing we're gonna do is just start by sketching out all the little illustrations so to do that i'm gonna go up to my brushes and i'm here in the kids make art set it's got a brush called colored pencil which is great for sketching and always recommend a pencil type brush for sketching i like to often use my pencil box set about the sketching pencil from that set but colored pencil from kids make art works just fine and then i already have it let me clear all this stuff out hold on i meant to start with a clean palette okay here we go all right so i'm just going to use black for my color to do my sketches so just choose black and again the colored pencil brush okay so i'm just going to draw my little sketches and then i will rearrange them into sort of a layout afterwards so the first thing that i was going to draw was a little palm tree so i'm going to draw them pretty small let's see i'm gonna actually bring my brush size down just a little bit so for a palm tree i kind of just draw like a slanty line like that and then kind of some curving lines coming out like that kind of like little moons or little bananas you can draw as many as you want and this is this can be pretty rough because again it's just a sketch i might make this a little bit thicker actually so that's a palm tree super simple again we're not going too complicated with these um let's see another one that was suggested to me was a dinosaur so let's see for a dinosaur i'm going to start i'll zoom in so it's a little easier for you guys to see i'm going to start with like a big oval and again you can follow along with me and draw these or you can draw whichever doodles you want to draw and then i'm going to add some legs kind of just like little rectangles like that and then this one another one here another rectangle and i'm going to add like a little you know like the bulky part like his thigh that's what that little line is this is just a sketch so it doesn't have to like look perfect um and then i'll do like a tail coming down oops something like that and then i'm gonna do the neck coming up something like that the head so the great thing about sketching is like i said it can look really messy you know all these extra lines aren't going to be there in the final piece but for now it's fine because it's just a sketch a little eye so super simple little dinosaur okay um i think i'll do like a little ice cream cone so for the ice cream cone and if i'm going too fast and you need me to slow down just let me know i know i tend to do that sometimes so for the ice cream cone i'm doing kind of like an ovaly shape like that it could be an oval or a circle however round you want it to be and then a triangle down below for the cone and then i like to do like little scallops for my ice cream cone just to kind of be you know that the part that's kind of squished down and melty and then of course i'll have some lines going like that but super simple now these are kind of big on my canvas but i am going to resize them so i'm not going to worry too much about that let's go over here and let me see at least we're using a 3 800 by 2800 that's right 3 800 by 2800 pixel canvas let's add a rainbow definitely want to include a rainbow like what this is going to kind of look like is a big sticker sheet like a bunch of stickers and i'm going to kind of use a limited color palette to color it all in which we'll talk about once we get to coloring so it'll all kind of go together so for a rainbow it's just kind of like an arch shape and then you can add some lines something like that again doesn't worry about don't worry about if it's perfect um let's see i think one of my suggestions was a dog or actually somebody said specifically a french bulldog and i think i really like let's see maybe i don't know dog breeds that well but the one that's like got black on the side and like the muzzle is white i'll draw it and you see you can see if it looks like that so for that dog i'm going to draw kind of like a big u shape like that and then a little line here so that i can make some like diagonal lines like that so that's going to be the top where the ears are i think see if i have enough room for that so for the ears they're just kind of these like long rounded almost triangular rounded shapes and then i'll draw the nose right here just a little kind of circle like oval and then the nose like that the way that the coloration of this dog goes is it like his snout is white with like black if this is when you're not sure when something looks like if i had pulled up a reference i could look at that but i kind of practiced this one already um so look at a reference if you're not sure it helps a ton that's how i had to learn how to draw this dog in the first place so so i'm just kind of drawing lines that come out like that and then kind of curve around something like that there we go and then it's like white in the middle and like black on the sides and then we'll draw little eyes there we go so we've got a cute little doggie color do the little ears perfect super simple i'm just going to do the head of the dog and then we'll do another one i'll leave that one there she can take a peek uh let's see what else i should do uh one of my suggestions was a pretzel which i love i've got a little pretzel sticker over here that i already did he's like doing or meditating doing yoga i made these these little stickers if you guys can see them off to the side they're like little food people because i love drawing food so for a pretzel i like to do it like this um you kind of make a big rounded shape like that and then you curve it around oh this one's going to kind of be wonky let me try that again all right kind of curve it around like that and then you curve it around like that there we go that's kind of like a generic pretzel shape and then you can like beef it up by making it like a kind of snake which snake is another thing i want to draw you can make it as thick as you want it to be but that's kind of like a pretzel shape very simple or if you want to get fancy with it like this pretzel i did like a twist where they're actually twisted like like a real pretzel would be um which is a little more complicated but it's a fun way to do it but i'm going to do this one for now all right so i'm already like kind of starting to run out of room which is fine i'm just going to shrink these down a little bit so i have a little bit more room so let me tell you what i did i'm going up here to the trans form tool which is a little arrow and then you just kind of take one of these blue nodes on the side little circles and just make it a little bit smaller so now we have more room for more things okay i really want to do a pencil um so i'm just going to draw that as like a big rectangle to start with a triangle on the top it's great when you're drawing if you can reduce things down to simple shapes it will really help you out and then you can add details to make them look not so basic so you know rectangle triangle and then down here we'll add like you know like the metal part is another rectangle and then the eraser is like a rounded rectangle and then here i'll add little kind of v's like a little w uh for the leg you know see mine looks like pencil but it doesn't look like that you know when you you don't have that deluxe it's like wavy right there on the edge and then the black part right there and then there'll probably be some like lines coming down maybe some lines there like that super simple okay let's head over here and uh let's see oh i really wanted to do a ukulele somebody somebody suggested musical instruments and my musical instrument of choice is the ukulele so i'm gonna do that so for the ukulele i'm gonna start by drawing like two ovals one is a little bit bigger than the other one so you can see that one's a little bit bigger and then i'll kind of connect them with curved lines like that because the little sound hole will be about right there probably don't have enough room for my neck of the ukulele so i'm just going to use my selection tool which is this little s select that part and just move it down so that way i have a little bit more space and then the neck just two lines and then there's a couple ways you can draw the i don't know what that part is called but where the little tuning pegs are i'm gonna do it kind of like almost like a diamond shape that's like chopped off at the top so it's kind of diamond almost like a penta hexagon and then i'll have four little things for the tuning pegs and four little pegs that stick out and then i don't think i have room for four lines here but i'm just gonna draw three that's okay there we go if you have room for four go ahead so there's my little listen what are you ukulele again for your sketching brush right now i'm using the colored pencil brush um from my kids make art set but any pencil brush will work for sketches let's draw let's see we have our doggy let's draw a little kitty so for the kitty i'm just gonna draw like a big circle like that with some ears kind of go up i don't like that and then a nose i'm just going to draw kind of like an oval we'll zoom in so you can see with a little u underneath it so it kind of makes this cat nose shape and then the eyes are almost in line with the nose they're like slightly above it but they're still pretty low i don't want it to be you can totally change the look and feel of your a face by like putting the eyes in a different place like to me that doesn't look like a cat i don't know it looks like some other animal um and the lower the eyes are the cuter it will look too so that's kind of why i did that and then we'll just draw some whiskers and a little kind of j shapes for the mouth so cute so simple really cute all right let's see what else oh i know another thing that i wanted to draw was a teacup um and i have this teacup that in my house that i bought at disneyland which is just it looks like the teacups at disneyland like the ride so i want to draw a teacup that kind of looks like that so for the teacup i'm going to start with an oval and then it kind of goes in a little bit but then it turns into like a cup shape and then it'll kind of um flat on the bottom so it kind of goes in and then out this is almost like a big like an s curve but very subtle and then um i'm going to draw the saucer as well and i could like try and freehand it but i think a better way to do this was is to use the quick shape feature so to do that you just draw an oval and then you don't let go and it will become this like movable thing and you kind of get it close to how you want it and then you can let go and then if you go here it says edit shape now you can like move it around and resize it so i'm going to kind of put the center of it right at the bottom of the cup and then get it kind of exactly how i want it to be so that's handy if you want to get like you don't have to redraw it a bunch of times to get it perfect you just want to get it where you want it the first time that's a really handy tool and then just tap anywhere to get out of there and then let's draw a handle which the handle will go out kind of come in and then maybe have like a little i don't know a little nub or something there thicken that up a little bit and then i'm also gonna draw the decorations too so i'm gonna have like a stripe going there um we'll add a little foot to the teacup probably have a stripe going around the saucer and then there's like these swirly patterns that you'll see that are on my mug that are on like one of the teacups at disneyland kind of like like they're like swirls but they're kind of like angular like that and then there's these little like stars there we go cute little teacup okay let's see i think there's a couple more things i want to do like an ice cream cone i thought would be fun i'm starting to run out of room i'm going to resize my pencil just a little bit i did the ice cream cone what am i thinking what am i missing then oh the roller skate that was what i really wanted to do okay so roller skate is a little more complex than some of these other illustrations but bear with me i think we can all still do it so i'm going to start with the top of the skate and then i'm going to draw essentially like a boot shape so i'm drawing a line down and then another line down but not all the way and then it becomes kind of angular like that and then there we go so there's kind of like a basic boot shape um one thing i've drawn quite a few roller skates oops i'm gonna i'm gonna erase a little bit so i wanna select the colored pencil as my eraser um so i'm gonna tap and hold the eraser tool and that will choose that brush as my eraser so that's a little tip one thing i've noticed about skates is that like the top it's not like completely flat on the bottom it kind of goes up in the front kind of like that and that's i just know that because i've observed a lot of skates and drawn a lot of them so it's one of those little things that you notice that makes it look a little bit more realistic you know even though we're drawing like kind of a cartoony thing all right then we're going to add like the metal part that goes there zoom in a little more and then a little break thing you know that like triangular plastic thing a little stopper and i'll just draw the wheels trying to get the proportions of it right so it doesn't look too weird but again it's just a sketch that you can always like change things and then these little lines just to connect the wheels to this metal part and then like the center of the wheels i think i might make this a little less like a little less triangular maybe a little more of a toe there we go that's cute and then for the laces i'm going to just draw a line that follows that and then kind of curves up so kind of like almost like a j shape and then some like little lines that go like that for the laces and then a little bow and make a little um fun little swoopy you know give it some style like that there we go cute little roller skate and i think it looks a little stubby so this is like if you want to um adjust your drawing but you don't want to adjust the whole thing or you don't want to redraw the whole thing this is where i like to use a liquify tool so i'm going to go over here to the adjustments menu and then i'm going to go to liquify and i'm going to get the brush size that i want maybe a little bit bigger and i can just like oh maybe that's too big just like pull the front of it out a little bit and make it a little longer and these look a little weird but that's okay because it's just a sketch you know they kind of got distorted but that's totally fine so yeah now it's not quite so stubby so i use liquify all the time to kind of adjust just little adjustments okay all right i think we're doing pretty good you guys didn't get everything oh i wanted to do a snake hmm running out of space though i'm just gonna move my oops i'm gonna move my pretzel over over there i'll move my teacup over a little bit too and i'll move this gate down okay i think that's some room good i got some room now for the snake so for the snake i'm just gonna draw it in kind of like a almost like a figure eight um so i'm just gonna lightly draw the shape i want it to be in maybe like that and we'll put the head here so like really lightly doing it and then i'm going to come in and draw it in the shape and like thickness that i want so the top of the nose is kind of flat and then it's like this diamond shape for the head of the snake so we've got it flat and then it's kind of like a diamond and then we can just make it thick thicken this line up like that and then thicken it oops i'm kind of trying to make it thinner at the end than it is at the beginning so i kind of like that little snake okay all right i think that is all the little doodles that i wanted to do so now we're ready to move on to coloring i'm going to check in and make sure we don't have any questions before we move on to that part how are we doing jeff we're doing really great um over on instagram uh jdo asking a good question is i better than warp does it maintain clarity of pixels better no it doesn't to answer your question about the pixels no it doesn't um your pixels will always be distorted a bit when you um transform something but in this case since it's just a sketch like i don't really care about the distortion but if you're working at high enough resolution when you're you know drawing it's not going to matter too much that you use liquify a little bit if you stretch something out a ton it's going to look weird but um warp is not as fluid like it's uh you can get in there and finally like dude you stretch things out and stuff with liquify you can't do that with warp so okay let's go ahead and i'm just gonna to start out i'm gonna arrange these so that there's space in between everything so i can set it up as kind of like a sticker sheet so we're gonna eventually have like white borders around all these so we want to make sure there's enough space in between each of them um so to do that i'm just going to zoom it out a little bit like that and then i'm going to go over to the actions menu yeah actions menu uh which is a little wrench and i'm gonna go to canvas and then i'm gonna go to crop and resize okay and all i'm gonna do is just add i'm just dragging the corners out and just adding a little bit of space so that i can spread these out a little bit more and arrange them and i have room to work with because i can always go back and crop it down more if i need to so all i did was drag the corners out just to give me a little bit more space and already they're arranged fairly well so i'm not going to have to do too much but i am just going to kind of spread them out so i'm just going to my selection tool it's set to freehand right now and i'm just going to select around them and just kind of move them over a little bit and if you wanted to rearrange anything like now is a good time to do it if you're planning on printing it as a sticker sheet then you might care about how things are laid out right we're not gonna worry too much about that right now we're just gonna have fun making stickers so uh let's see move the pencil over a little bit so yeah i'm just kind of rearranging things like these two are really close together but i think i might um i might move the ukulele over there and move the snake over there because i think it'll fit better so i'm just going to select the snake oops and go to my transform tool move it over there move select my ukulele move it over here like that i'll have to move that roller skate over okay there we go i think the snake fits but i can make it a little bit bigger too so yeah just rearrange things get them the size you want them to be in rel in relation to the other items on your page ah there we go come on there there we go maybe i want to make this gate a little bit bigger maybe i want to make i'm having trouble today you know sometimes procreate does this to me i need to message them because like i get stuck now everything is kind of frozen so i have to quit out of it so if you ever get frozen like this like i am like i can't tap on anything nothing's working here's how you can force quit the app and you might lose a tiny bit of work but not usually a lot like i might lose the last transformation that i did so you swipe up from the bottom until it looks like this and then you just swipe procreate out of there then i open it back up again and now i'm back to the gallery view see like my skate moved back to where it was previously that happens sometimes transform tool is a little tricky sometimes there we go come on there we go okay all right so again just rearranging things making sure there's plenty of room in between everything getting close move my teacup the doggy and the pretzel i think that's pretty good there seems like there's plenty of space in between everything okay yeah i think that looks pretty good remove no it's good i'm not going to overthink it okay so now at this point my sketch is complete and i'm ready to start adding color so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go up here to my layers which is these two little squares and i'm going to tap the plus sign to create a new layer and i'm actually going to move this layer below my sketch i like to always keep my sketch on top of the artwork so i can always see it and i can always refer to it so i'm just going to tap hold layer 2 and drag it underneath and then i'm going to go to this little n on the sketch layer i'll just tap that little end this is the sketch layer and i'm just going to reduce the opacity so that i can just like barely make it out i'm at about 11 on that on my opacity and then the other thing that i like to do for my sketches is change the blend mode to multiply it just makes it so it's a little bit more visible always so you tap the n and it the blend modes are these list here and you just go all the way to the top and that one's multiply and that just helps again so you can see it a little bit better as you're adding your color all right so now we're going to tap into layer 2 and i'm going to start coloring i'm going to do i'm going to try to use as few layers as possible just to kind of keep this like simple um but i am gonna use a few layers to like put things in front of or and behind and to add my details so we're gonna use layers a little bit but i'm not like going for this really intricate illustration so i'm just trying to keep it simple and i mentioned earlier i want to use kind of a limited color palette just so everything kind of goes together i think it will look nice so i might make some unusual color choices because that's kind of what you have what you do when you're working with a limited color choice you might not choose how that thing looks in real life but like choose a color that's close to it or that works so that's what i'm going to be doing so it'll be a good exercise in color too all right so i think i'm going to start with green because i'm going to start over here at this palm tree so let's go over to our colors and i'm just going to choose like a nice green something like that so i'm kind of like here on the color ring and here and you know what i'll probably do after this live so if you're watching in the future i'll probably save this color palette that i'm going to be using and you can download it so look for that in the future uh for now you guys can just follow along and try to pick the colors with me we'll go to the brushes and i'm going to switch to the fine point marker the marker is also really nice it's just not as you can't get as precise with it the fine point marker is great for getting a little bit more precise when you're coloring so fine point marker and let's start over here at the palm tree and all i'm doing is just kind of i might make my brush a little smaller to start out with i'm just kind of like tracing over my sketch and coloring it in i'm just going to do that and you can you know you don't have to follow exactly to the sketch if you want to refine it at this blake i want this one to be maybe a little bigger or something like you can do that you're not married to your sketch it's just a guide there we go so i'm just kind of sort of tracing over that palm tree and i'm not going to do the the bottom of the palm tree the trunk yet i actually want to look at my drawing as a whole and see where else i could use this green so i think i could definitely use it on the dinosaur it will play a role in this rainbow for sure but i might not do that quite yet um the snake of course i think would be nice and green so that's a that when you're working with a limited color palette like look right away and see where it could work um before you start getting like untraditional with the colors so i'll just do this dyno next uh so again i'm just kind of tracing over this but also kind of refining it at the same time coloring it in i like to rotate my canvas a lot so that it's just a better angle for me to draw because there are definitely more comfortable angles to draw at than others and remember this little like thigh that i kind of added like a little circle semi-circle like now it just becomes a part of the leg i'm gonna do this all the whole thing in one color we'll make his tail a little bigger so it meets up like that do the same thing here do the other two legs do the neck there we go and then i just color the whole thing in very simple i'm not going to be doing like a lot of shading i'm going to use lines to kind of define things where they need to be defined instead of shading so i'm not gonna like have a light source or any you know i'm trying to keep it really so i'm gonna be kind of like shapes and lines so dinosaur shape and i'll probably only just like add an eyeball on that or i could add a line to separate the legs but i don't even know if i want to do that that might be you know maybe too much i don't know all right dinosaur is this little lisa not it's a generic dinosaur i guess a brachiosaurus or a diplodocus right diplodocus that's my son's favorite i think he likes i just like to say diplodocus it's a fun word to say and someone did ask if it was a brachiosaurus it's not a brontosaurus is you know i don't know how old you guys are but when i was a kid we had the brontosaurus and they decided nope no more brontosaurus and then which brush are we using again so i'm using the fine point marker for my kids make art set but i'm glad that you asked because i'm actually going to switch to just the marker brush for the snake so i'm just switching from fine point marker to marker because this one is a bit bigger like i can even make my brush size a little bit bigger and i think it would be nice just to kind of do that i might not get the whole thing but you know if you use a bigger brush you can do a snake shape in like one fell swoop it's a lot easier than like going on the edges and coloring it in i'm going to switch back to the fine point marker brush now to kind of get in here and do the details in the head real quick which um what layer are we on right now so right now we just have two layers so the sketch layer was the pencil like all these sketches and now i'm on layer two and i'm doing all the green um i might yeah we'll have a few different layers but i'll make sure to tell you guys what we're doing and stuff and then i'm just drawing the end of the snake in like that okay all right let's see where else we might use green um i'm probably gonna do this rainbow all at once so i'm not going to worry about that but let's switch to another color now shall we before i do that though i am going to save this color just in case i need to come back to it in a color palette so i kind of skimmed through this but if you need to create a new empty color palette down here you can go down here to palettes and then you just tap a plus sign and you tap create new palette and it will create an untitled palette and i could just call it i'll just name it why not stickers and then i go back over to disk down here at the bottom and then there we go i have my color palette and then i and then i just tap and i've got that color green saved easy all right so let's do let's do i'm going to do yellow next so i'm going to go over and find a nice yellow that i like it's kind of a warmish yellow like that i'm gonna make sure that i like it yeah i think that's a good yellow so i'm gonna just go into my color palette and just save it right now so i've got my green and my yellow and i'm gonna start with this pencil because i love a yellow pencil as you can tell from my apple pencil this is a sticker from dbrand that i got not sponsored i just like it [Laughter] um i'm just going to color that in i kind of like it to look a little imperfect that's what i like about this marker brush is see it might be hard to see on camera but there's like variations in you know it's not just like solid flat color it looks like you did it with marker so and i like that kind of hand done look and even if there's like little white spots that's fine i like that i like the way it looks okay what else yellow i think um i think my dog says i'm gonna do probably like yellow orange green and blue are my colors so for my dog i think i'm gonna do it orange and yellow so um the orange will be the darker part so maybe i'll do that first i'll come back to that um let's just you know what let's just go ahead and switch over to orange now okay i'm going to choose an orange that i like so i'm kind i don't of right there and i'm choosing like a really saturated orange if i wanted it to be more brown you know you go down here but i want a nice saturated orange this is where you hang out in this disc when you want really saturated colors and i hang out there a lot okay so let's go back to our doggy um i'm just going to trace around this part here now real quick just as before you're starting this did you put your stitch layer um why did you put the layer below the sketch layer and not on top of it so i did that because um let me move it down you guys don't need to follow along so you can see here i put it below now and when i start drawing over it and coloring it in i'm covering it up so now i can't really see what i you know it's hard for me to see where my lines are that's why i keep it on top because it makes it easy to see so i hope that answers your question and move it back just makes it so i can always see it all right i'm going gonna color on this part of the ears just kind of the outside of the ears like that and then this whole part okay and i'll do the same over on this side so i'm doing the outside of the ears and then this part of the face color it all in there we go and then for this part the like bottom parts of the mouth flaps are darker on the dog on this dog so i'm just going to draw like a line for that and i think that's pretty much it i'm going to do the rest in yellow um but while we're here i'm going to do some more orange stuff like i think the pretzel like pretzels are kind of a bread color which is like brown but i think orange could be a nice stand in for that color so that's what i'm going to make my pretzel orange because it's kind of like brown it's like probably the closest color in my color palette to brown or tan you know pretzel color so again i'm just tracing over my lines coloring them in and which brush are we on again i'm back to the fine point marker yeah get all of our detail yeah just to get the basic shapes i'm going to do a lot of the details with that pencil brush but i'll let you know when we'll switch to that one so there's my pretzel if you want you can thicken it up by just like tracing around your lines a little bit if you wanted your pretzel to be a little bit thicker just add some more thickness to it like that it'll make this one a little bit thicker remember i said you don't have to be married to your sketch you can improve upon it as you go there we go and if you ever like um it's also a good idea so like i said since i'm changing the way it looks in my sketch my eyes can kind of be just be deceived by the sketch line so it's always a good idea to occasionally go into your layers and just turn off your sketch layer so you just uncheck this little check box just so you can see how it actually looks like here i can tell that this line is probably a little like i thickened everything up but then i didn't thicken that part up you know like it so it's helpful to look at your sketch and see how it looks like by itself versus with the sketch layer without those drawn in details okay but i'm going to turn it back on for now so i can keep going all right all right what else can be orange i think orange would be a nice color for the ice cream cone because it's kind of like the pretzel where it's like a bread color kind of like a light brownish kind of color so i think that the ice cream cone can be orange not worrying about so you might be wondering why i'm not drawing around these scallops that's because i'm going to put the cone on a different layer so it's going to cover up all this area like if you know you can just like make another layer and put something on top of it then don't worry about what it looks like underneath that is the beauty of layers there we go all right we got our ice cream cone and i think i think maybe on the roller skates like the the wheels can be orange i think i'm gonna do like blue skate orange wheels and then some color details for that okay all right um let's do you know what i'm going to do a pink color because i know i want my ice cream to be pink so um let's do that next i'm going to go to my colors make sure i save my orange and my palette so i have my green yellow and orange and i'm gonna go over to pink i like a reddish pink i like my pink's a little warm so it's almost into red versus like being down here in magenta and let me just see how that looks i think that's a great pink so remember how i said i'm going to put the ice cream on a different layer whenever there's things in my drawing that overlap and they touch overlap or touch but they're different colors i like to put those on different layers so i'm gonna actually create a new layer to do this top of the ice cream cone so i'm going up to my layers i'm gonna tap the little plus sign so now we have layer one with our sketch layer two is on bottom with all the stuff we've drawn so far and now we have layer three which is in the middle of those and i'm just going to trace again trace over what i had drawn someone's asking a good question why aren't you just using color drop and uh that's a great question here's why so here is a circle and if i use color drop okay well hold on let me uh okay i just adjusted my color drop threshold i have a video about how to do that in case your color spills everywhere but um look at this see how it's like this is solid but this is like nice and textured color drop just fills with completely solid colors no texture to it so if you want your drawings to look like they have like texture like this see all that color it by hand don't use color drop you can add texture after to things and that's definitely a way that i do digital art sometimes but you won't get these like haphazard like you know like natural coloring lines so that's why i didn't use color drop i like to color i just this is the look i wanted to go for um i wanted it to have this hand colored look so i colored by hand i wanted to look kind of like it was done with markers or you know almost childlike i guess i don't know there we go so see how there's all these like variations and some parts are more opaque and some parts have more texture and it's totally random that's what i did by hand and now that i'm looking at this pink um i think it's a little too dark so i'm going to actually adjust my pink and this is good because i just started with pink and this is the only thing on this layer right now it's just this ice cream cone so i'm going to use the hue saturation brightness adjustment to get the pink i want exactly so i'm going to go over here to the [Music] adjustments menu it's a little magic wand icon and i'm going to tap where it says hue saturation brightness and then i'll tap layer and now i can adjust it completely this is i fine-tune colors all the time using this adjustment so you can like change it to a completely different color if you want you can make it more saturated or less saturated you can make it lighter and darker you can tap and reset all those things with your finger if you tap reset so i'm just gonna like i feel like i want it to be a little lighter just a little bit because that's how i am about colors sometimes sometimes that little bit of color will make a difference like this pink and this orange were almost the same exact value so i want my pink to be a little lighter and now i'm just going to select this color with the eyedropper by putting my finger on the page and then choosing it so i'm just choosing it trying to get a nice opaque there we go and then i'll save that to my palette so i've got the three colors or four colors now all right and while we're on pink let's go ahead and color some more things pink i think i will do this eraser for sure and this doesn't touch the yellow so i don't could have been on the same layer but it doesn't really matter it's not touching um how about we do the kitty in pink so again i'm just outlining it and then i'm just coloring it in and here's where i said if you wanted you could get like the marker brush it's a bit bigger and colored in faster but coloring things in faster sometimes you trade off um those random hand coloring marks like if i was to use that small brush and colored in by hand i'd have a lot more randomness to my coloring than like using a really big brush okay oh yeah i said i wanted this to be pink and i think i'm gonna switch to blue now oh yeah i'll switch to blue so my last color is going to be blue and i'm going to choose kind of like a warmish blue so i'm almost in the green area here and then almost completely saturated i'm not all the way at the edge i'm just a little bit in so that's the blue i'm gonna check it to see if i like it like i think i'll do this in blue which i'd like i like how that looks with all the other colors maybe a tiny bit lighter yeah i think that's good okay so i'm gonna do the teacup and i'm just gonna i'm gonna do the entire shape i know there's kind of like the saucer and the cup and the one is in front of the other but i'm going to do it all as one shape and then i'm going to use the i'm going to use some line work to kind of separate them out so it doesn't look like a big blob draw this little handle color it in okay and i'm double checking that i like that blue i think i'm gonna adjust it a tiny bit um so i'm gonna actually select since there's other things on this layer now i'm going to actually just select this part so i'm going up to my selection tool and just drawing a circle around it and then i'm going to my adjustments menu hue saturation brightness and i'm going to make it a little greener a little maybe less saturated a little brighter i like my blues like kind of warm so you don't have to get that crazy about your colors if you don't want to but color is pretty much my life so i'm like kind of particular about it all right there we go looks good i'm going to select this color now and see save it all right that's my full color palette aside from some darker versions of these colors that we'll use for line work and details um i think i'm going to do my ukulele in the same color so i'll make that blue you can make it any color like i could have done it brown because the ukuleles are usually wood but you know what there are painted ukuleles which i own one i have on a ukulele that is blue i'm gonna actually it's almost exactly this color hanjoff it's almost exactly this color um so you can make it better you can make anything whatever color you want there's no rules i just you know i struggle i've struggled with a long time with making things not the color they are in real life it's it's it's hard to like break out of that and like be imaginative with color um but the more you practice at it the better you'll get at it and that's true with anything so um just practice with it and try with it i'm gonna also do the roller skate in this color there's a lot of things in this little corner of my drawing that are blue that's okay oops so i'm just outlining just the boot shape not this is going to be like metal so i probably will bring in a gray to do that like i don't have to make everything in this color palette if it doesn't make sense i just want to bring in maybe a little gray and that's fine too okay okay we're getting there we're getting there um you know i'll do my rainbow now that i have all my colors so i'm gonna start with pink and i'm actually going to switch to my marker brush because it's a little bit bigger like i said it was helpful for the snake because it was a bigger brush and it's also kind of squared it's like a little more squarish than the the fine point marker is kind of roundish so i'm just going to draw this part maybe a little smaller i'm going to draw my first little stripe and i'm going to actually make it a little bit wider than it needs to be and i'm also going to make it go down further than it needs to be because i'm going to erase that away so the pink is a little bit bigger than it needs to be and now i'm going to do orange and i'm kind of overlapping the pink so that way there's not any like white space in between so i like these marker brushes as they are opaque they're a little transparent but they're pretty opaque so you can use them to cover up other parts real markers have transparent inks so you couldn't lay yellow over a darker color it would just look like see-through but it's digital we get to do whatever we want i designed this brush to be a different way all right i'm gonna do yellow now see the yellow covers up part of the orange oops and i'll make it again bigger than it needs to be and then green not exactly following my sketch because that yellow stripe is pretty wide and last color is going to be blue and this one i want to be this thickness that i want to because i'm not covering up anything else so there's my little rainbow and then i still have from my eraser the colored pencil brush selected which i think is fine you know it doesn't exactly match the marker texture but it's okay i don't mind it kind of has this cool i don't know grainy texture so i'm just kind of erasing part of it away like that fun i like it you can erase as much of it as you want all right we got a rainbow alright now it's time to start using layers to add in the rest of our colors so i think i'll start with the palm tree since we started there so the palm tree green part is on this layer layer two and i want the trunk to be behind the green part so i'm going to create another layer that is behind or underneath the part with the green if that doesn't make sense let me know and i'll re-explain it but hopefully it makes sense all right i'm going back to my fine point marker brush now to keep going with my shapes so see how i can like the top of it goes behind the green like that why i put it on a layer underneath so that it can like the top can hide behind the green part all right what else needs more stuff the doggie so i want to do the other parts in yellow so this layer will work great because the dog orange parts are on the layer right above it so i'm going to use a layer right below that i'm going to grab yellow from my palette and i'm just going to color in all these areas following this line on the bottom see and i don't have to worry about getting it like perfectly lined up with this edge because it's on a layer behind or underneath the other color okay let's see what else needs some stuff um i think we're really just down to the pencil and the skate everything else has all the colors that it needs before we start adding detail so let's do this gate so i said i wanted this part to even though i it's not in my color palette i'm going to make this part gray like metal so i'm just going to choose like a light gray so i'm kind of at a little bit above nine o'clock there and what layer am i on i'm on a layer let's see i'm on a layer below the boot and the wheels so that's fine that'll work just great for this so i'm just coloring that in gray and this too a little triangle shape to connect the wheels okay and i want to add maybe like a yellow stripe to the boot so i'm actually going to go to the layer with the boot and i'm going to use alpha lock and what alpha lock does is i want to draw a shape just like that is exactly within this boot shape and not have to like worry about it going off the edge or something so i can use alpha lock to do that to turn it on you just take two fingers and you swipe to the right or you can tap it and you can choose alpha lock from the little menu i'm going to grab yellow and now i can only look i can only draw within that shape that so that's why i thought it would be handy to add this little stripe detail there we go super fun super easy and then i'm just going to turn off alpha lock i use this gesture a lot to swipe to the right with two fingers i don't often use the menu because it's more tapping so i use the gesture a lot all right last thing is we have our pencil we need some silver for the end i kind of want to use silver for that so i'm going to go to this bottom layer to do that because it's behind the yellow so i'm just going to choose like a gray color fill that in like that i'll do that again there we go i'm just kind of coloring in between the two and then i'm going to do i'm going to do like a brown i could use the orange but i think it's not going to work that well so i'm going to use i'm going over to orange and i'm choosing like a desaturated orange that's kind of light so i'm about right there for the pencil color it's about this color here and then i'll color that in make it nice and pointy i don't have to worry about down here because it's behind the yellow okay and then to do the point like the graphite part i'm gonna use alpha lock again so i'm on the same layer i just drew on i'm gonna do two finger swipe to the right that turns on alpha lock again you can tap it and you can see that alpha lock is turned on you'll also notice there's like a checkerboard pattern behind the little thumbnail that's how you know it's on i'm gonna get like a charcoaly gray color and then i can just do this and just color in that tip and then don't worry about getting it perfect because it's alpha lock all right cool i think all the all the shapes and everything are colored in i'm going to turn off alpha lock on that just in case so now i'm ready to just add my line work details and then we'll be all done drawing the little illustrations are we doing good on questions jeff we're doing really good someone was asking earlier is merge down the same as pinching the layers together merge yes yes and no merge down will just merge one layer down so if i tap on this and choose merge down it's only going to merge with this layer right below it if you want to merge multiple layers you can squish them all together just like that it's a good question but we haven't merged any layers or anything like that you can if you need to but i'm just going to leave these all separated out okay all right it's time for our line detail so for the line details i'm going to create a new layer to use for that so i'm just going to tap plus this layer is above the three um i don't know color shape layers so if you want to review our layers we've got the top one which is our sketch we've got a new one which will be our line details and then we have three layers for all of our shapes and the different parts of the shapes and things like that all right so now for my lines um i'm going to create darker versions of these colors for the lines and i'm going to kind of use that so that way i'm kind of in the same color family but i know i'm going to need some darker colors to make stuff pop and stand out like for example um none of these colors would look very good as on this they would they're all kind of in the same value you know meaning like lightness or darkness so we need some darker colors so i'm going to start with this blue so i tapped on the blue and then i'm just going to go find like a darker version of it so i'm about right here now and if i were to draw you can see like that's how dark it is it's always good to like see that i'm overlapping these to see if it's like contrasty enough and i think these two colors look really nice together so i'm gonna save that into my palette like right under the blue so i've got that version i've got the like darker version of it all right now we're going to switch brushes i really like the colored pencil for adding detail it's nice and texturey but it's also good for lines um so that's the brush i'm going to be using for pretty much all my detail so for the tea cup i am going to i'm just going to trace over the top like opening of the cup i'm actually just going to color that whole thing in there we go and it's okay like leaving a little bit of texture so it looks like it's colored in by hand it doesn't have to be completely colored in is totally fine and i think i'm gonna actually for this one i'm gonna outline the whole outside of the cup that's gonna give me that separation between the saucer and the cup and then i'm gonna draw my little line here i'm gonna draw my kind of angular swirly pattern awesome my family and i are actually thinking of doing alice in wonderland for halloween this year my little girl who is four and she's got blonde hair and she looks a lot like alice and she's really into that idea so i think it would be really cute and then the bottom of the cup um here i'm just gonna add like a little line right there to kind of separate this from that i don't really want to outline this whole thing um just a little line to separate the handle from the saucer and then i'm just gonna add the stripe on the saucer like that and that's it like i don't need to outline everything um just just enough to kind of make things stand out from you know what they're on top of and i really like how it looks so uh let's do the ukulele now because i don't need a lot of detail i need the sound hole so i'm going to color that in and strings on a ukulele usually are white but you know i want to use my color palette so i'm just going to make everything dark so i'll draw the little tuning peg twisty things the little actual pegs and then my lines can i fit all four uh no i'm just gonna do three that's okay and then the little part where they connect down at the bottom and then also we need some frets don't fret just add some frets yeah something like that here we go super simple keep it simple try and simplify as much as you can um you don't need to make it completely accurate like you would look at that and still say hey that's ukulele all right um well i have this dark blue i think i'm going to use it to do the um the blue on the for the laces and that hold all those details so i'm just going to trace over this line and i'm going to just draw on the laces like that and then the little bow like that maybe i'll do it one more time there we go um and then i'm gonna add like a darker orange inside here so i'm going to go to my orange and i'm going to choose not just a darker version of it but a redder version of it if i start going just darker orange it's going to like look brown and that's like two i want it to be a little bit more saturated than that so i'm actually instead of just going straight into dark orange i'm gonna go closer to red and like add a tiny bit of darkness so now it looks like that instead of that brown color so i'm going to save that and that's how i like to do colors if you want your work to look more saturated in color like you know change your hue not just your lightness and darkness i do that a lot with greens too my darker greens are usually more cool like they're closer to blue then um and my lighter greens are like kind of more limey green um the skate is looking pretty good i'm going to actually grab white and i'm just going to add like another little stripe just for fun i think it could look cool you could add a different color too it doesn't have to be white you could add a pink stripe there i'm going to erase that little bit that went too far cool i like the way the skate is looking um while i have white i am going to add some salt to my pretzel just by drawing kind of like little my salt kind of looks like sprinkles but that's okay that's why i like it you could do it as like little you know like little dots or squares or something but i kind of like it to look like sprinkles so i'm just using white to do these because i think it'll look better than any other color um let's go over here to a kitty now i i think i'm going to use this dark blue um instead of like actually here i'm going to get the pink i want to do a pink nose but i want to do a dark pink nose so let me get my dark pink color now i'm just going to choose that pink and then choose like a darker version of it see if i like how it looks i think that looks pretty good so i'm just gonna save that pink so when i have my dark pink and i'm gonna do the nose in the dark pink but like if i were to do this like and choose like quote unquote natural colors i'd probably use maybe like black for the eyes and mouth but i'm trying to use my colors and not black so i'm going to choose the dark blue instead because that's like i think that's going to be the closest thing to black like the darkest color perhaps and i think it looks nice with the pink i'll do the little mouth and then the whiskers so cute i really like this the way the pink looks with this kind of teal dark teal color all right let's do our doggie too because i think i'll do the same thing for the dog i'll do the nose and this teal color and maybe go like that and then the eyes and i think this worked out really well with this dog because this dog usually is black and white and then it has black eyes too and they're kind of hard to make them stand out so doing it in like an unusual color made it so the eyes stand out quite a bit which is cool let's do our palm tree um i'm gonna get my dark orange and i'm gonna just add some like diagonal lines like that and then the other way too so we have kind of like this waffle crisscross pattern i need a dark green now to do some details on the green i don't have a dark green yet so i'm going to select the green and i'm going to find a darker version of it and like i said i like i like it when my darker greens are a little cooler like towards um towards blue that's just my preference so let's see how that looks love it i think that looks really good so i'm going to save that green color and then add just like a little line down each of these just to add a little bit more detail if you want you could add like little lines this way you know but i kind of want to keep it simple cool where else might we need this green how about the snake so for the snake um i could draw some lines like this but i kind of want to use alpha lock to keep my colors within the snake shape so i'm gonna go to this layer with the snake body which is for me it's layer two i'm gonna turn on alpha lock again two fingers swipe to the right or you can tap and choose alpha lock and i'm actually gonna switch to my marker brush for this instead of the colored pencil brush and i'm just gonna draw because this is a nice thick brush some stripes and i think that looks really cool really easy way to add some like stripes to my snake you can make them thinner or thicker it depends on how you want to do it i think that looks cool uh what else needs details the pencil okay so for the pencil for yellow i'm not going to choose a darker yellow um for kind of the same reasons i didn't choose like darker yellow kind of gets muddy or you can go closer to orange to get a darker version but i already have an orange so i'm just gonna use that orange color to do my like lines on the pencil so i'm going back to the layer with all the line work which for me is layer 5 right below the sketch layer going back to my colored pencil brush and i'm just going to use that orange to add a couple lines there um i think for these i'll probably just get like a darker gray to add some lines on the pencil like that that's pretty much all i need for the pencil so i'm going to do the ice cream next um so this is going to be very similar to the palm tree actually i'm going to do like a waffle pattern using that dark orange da da and i don't mind that it kind of goes off the edge a little bit adds character and you know maybe i'll add a little lighter with that like a i don't know like a strawberry sauce on top just to make it a little more interesting why not or maybe a cherry on top would look cool maybe i'll do both i'm just going to add this strawberry sauce i don't know just something you could do sprinkles on it that would be cool too i'm probably going to make this a little lighter all right just real quick i'm just selecting this and going to hue saturation brightness and lightening it a little bit and then i'm going to get like a red to make a cherry on top that's cute just my cherry is just a circle with like a line coming off and if you want you can add a little dude on the end very simple okay did i do everything oh you know what our dinosaur our snake have no eyes so let's do that uh while i have red selected actually i think red would make a nice tongue for my snake so i'm just going to add like a line with kind of like a v shape coming off the end and i'm going to get i'll do black for the eyes for this one and just two little ovals for my eyes so there's my snake all done and then the last thing is my little dinosaur he needs i too and i'm just going to give him an eye like that you can get a mouth too if you want that's kind of cute actually and you could you know if you wanted to you could add some like i don't know stripes your dinosaur or like spots or maybe i'll add a few spots why not sure just have fun with it okay that's cool he's got a little bit more details all right but other than that um i'm pretty much done with my illustrations so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna turn off my sketch layer just to make sure i like how everything's looking so i'm just gonna go to layer one and uncheck it and i think that looks pretty good um the ice cream might need a little definition i'm just gonna use this pink and maybe like draw a line like that it's up to you sure why not um and then maybe like here on the pretzel i'm gonna get like the dark orange and just draw some lines to kind of like separate the like where the pieces of dough overlap like that and i think everything else looks pretty good yeah all right so i'm really happy with how this all turned out so now i'm going to make them into stickers before we move on do we have any questions uh before we go do all the sticker stuff i'm going to draw a little line here just kind of separate out the front and the back legs i don't know you could do that or you could not it's up to you okay so um here's what we're gonna do next um we're going to go up to the layers and so first of all i want to say it the next steps that i'm going to teach you might be optional depending on what kind of stickers you're going to make like if you're going to print your stickers from sticker app or some other companies are the same way they will automatically add the white border to your stickers so you don't really have to do this step all you really need to do is go to your background under your layers and turn it off and then i know it looks kind of weird right now but don't worry about it and then you go up to the actions menu share and you share it as a png and all this information is in those videos that i'll send you guys um but that will send it as a picture with a transparent background so the next steps might be optional depending on how you want to make your stickers but i thought it'd be fun to show you how to add the white borders because it just makes it look like a sticker and it's like very satisfying and if we have time i might even show you how to make like a faux digital sticker like appearance so we'll see how that goes so this is actually exactly how i need it i need the background off so if you haven't done this yet go up to your layers go to the background color and then just uncheck it so that your background is transparent all right and now the next thing is i need to i need these all merged onto one layer but there's a non-destructive way to do this um and non-destructive means it's reversible it maintains all these layers we're not going to do anything we can't undo so to do that you just take three fingers you swipe down and that's going to pull up the copy paste menu again that was three fingers swipe down and it's going to copy paste and you select where it says copy all and copy all selects everything that's visible and then you swipe down with three fingers again whoops come on three fingers and you choose paste and now you see i have a layer with everything but i also have all my other layers just in case i needed to go back and edit something or change colors or whatever like i want to maintain those layers separated all out but i do need them all merged onto one layer for the next step so i'm going to tap and hold this checkbox of this new layer that says inserted image and that just turns off all the other layers so now i only have this layer selected okay the next step is to duplicate it so you're going to swipe to the left and choose duplicate so now we have two of the exact same layer and now i'm going to go over to the adjustments menu and choose gaussian blur gaussian blur and then choose layer and now we're going to blur this layer not a lot uh this is going to help us make our white outlines really easy so like about 10 percent is good the more you blur it the less precise your outlines will be like it won't hug the curves as much experiment with it like it on your own like turn the blur way up and then do the next steps i'm about to teach you and you can see like how it affects it but i'm about like eight point five percent i think that should be okay okay and then we're going to go to the selection tool well someone was just asking wait i didn't get the copying part okay that's that's fine i'll do this part again so this is this is an important part so i'm just gonna do that whole thing again okay so i have my layers right here i've got my background turned off i'm gonna swipe down with three fingers and i'm gonna choose copy all okay and that's gonna copy everything that's visible right now and then i'm gonna swipe down with three fingers again and choose paste okay and so now everything that's visible is now on one layer and i still have all my other like all my separated out layers so i can always go back if i need to change things whatever then i'm going to tap and hold that checkbox just that just turns off all the other layers so now i just have this new layer visible and then i'm going to swipe to the left and choose duplicate so i just have that twice okay all right and i show you how to do this in those sticker tutorials too but um i'm glad to repeat it for you guys okay so i'm going to the adjustments menu and i'm choosing gaussian blur layer and then i'm blurring it to about eight to ten percent or so there we go like nine and a half percent now it looks weird but bear with me so it's going to make sense now once you've done that you're going to go to the selection tool it's a little s and we're going to switch now to automatic selection okay it's down here in this toolbar at the bottom automatic it's the first option that's very important and then um what you're going to do is you're going to tap not where any of your drawings are like in the middle and then you're going to slide your pencil back and forth to adjust how much outline you want so i just wanted to explain it before i do it so i'm going to tap and then i'm going to slide this way and you see like the black outline around everything see if i go this way too much at all that's not what we want we want black outlines so i'm gonna go to the left until i get about there and then i'll let go i'm gonna do that one more time so i'm tapping somewhere in the black and i'm sliding back and forth until i get a nice black outline around all of my drawings okay then the next step is also very important you want to go down here where it says invert okay so what that has done now is it's made a selection around the edges of all of my stickers essentially and that's going to be the white outline around the stickers so um so it's like a a selection that's a bit larger than your actual piece of art if you guys need me repeating that let me know um and i'm gonna go ahead and do the next step now are we good you guys good okay all right um so now we're gonna add the white so i'm gonna go over to the layers and i know you can't tell but there is a selection like if you look really closely there's um like diagonal lines kind of moving around i'm going to create a new layer okay i'm going to go to my colors and i'm going to choose white and a quick way to select white is to double tap double tap close to white and it's going to snap to white okay so we just selected white i'm going to go back to my layers i have my new empty layer selected i'm going to tap it and i'm going to choose fill layer okay so this is what it should look like at this point just like a bunch of white blobs all right um so we're going to actually move this layer down now so we're going to tap hold it and move it below those two layers and then we can delete or just deselect the one with all the blurry shapes and now we have stickers voila [Laughter] um and so if you're gonna if you're gonna like do stickers on a cricut or something like that you do need to add these white outlines although i've heard from somebody that they just added a feature that does this for you but if you wanted to make faux digital stickers or something like that this is a way to do that so it's pretty easy especially once you get the rhythm of doing that it's really easy to add these white outlines and they look so cute so did we have any questions pop up during that section jeff um someone's just asking first of all we are saving this video yes um absolutely yeah it'll be on our youtube of course it'll be um on my tutorials page tutorials is like my full library and that's the best place to go to watch them because i include other information i usually include like pictures of the art if there's a color palette to download or reference to brush set like all those links and images and downloads like those will be on the pages on my website so that's the best place to re-watch things all right so yay we have some stickers now um and you can export this out and you can um you know you can print it out there's like all those different ways i showed you how to make stickers you know you can find in the sticker resource page with all the sticker videos but i thought it would be fun to show you real quick how to do like a faux digital sticker look that you know it just it looks really fun and i think you guys will like it a lot so let's do that all right so we've got um i'm gonna just delete the one with the blur like it's this layer here that's just the blurry version don't really need to have it so i'm just going to swipe to the left and choose delete so the only two visible layers now are the artwork and then the white outlines so what i'm going to do is i'm going to set a background color and you can choose whatever color you want um oops i gotta turn it on first so tap the button and then you can set whatever color you want uh for your background i think maybe i'll do like a blue or something like that okay and um i'm gonna add a little bit of paper texture to this you if you have my brushes um or if you have my master bundle if you the set that i'm gonna be using to do that is from my texture maker set where is it it's down here texture maker and i have a brush called paper and this will be really great for adding like a little bit of paper texture if you want if you have a different texture brush you want to use you can do that you can even import a photo of paper onto your canvas which looks pretty cool too so i'm going to create a new layer i'm going to move this layer underneath um the other two layers so the ones with the actual stickers and the white shapes and then i'm going to select this blue color i use as my background and then i'm going to go to i'm just gonna make it a little bit darker a little darker version of that and again i have the paper brush from my texture maker set and i'm just gonna like go over the whole thing like that and just add a little bit of paper i'm just very lightly going over the whole thing and now it has kind of like a paper texture and then i'm going to go get a lighter version of that blue that's not light enough let me get a little bit lighter oh okay a little lighter there we go all right i just got a little bit lighter blue and now i have like something that has a lot of depth that looks a lot like paper so there's like the shadows and the highlights and then the original color and it just looks nice like paper so all i did was brush with a darker blue and brush over with a lighter blue to get this nice paper texture and so the other thing we want to do this like realistic sticker look is we need some shadows and this is this is awesome it's really very easy to do i'm going to go to the layer with the white shapes so i'm going to tap on that layer i'm going to tap it again and then i'm going to choose select and it turns to black because it's still got that automatic selection tool on or you can go to freehand it doesn't really matter but it's just going to select the contents of that layer and then i'm going to create a new layer right below it so i'm just going to select this paper layer tap the plus so now i have a layer below my my sticker art and my white shapes i'm going to go to my colors i'm going to choose black and then i'm going to go back to the layer and choose fill it's essentially you can't really see what's going on but i just filled like those same shapes but in black so i've got the white and then i've got the black all right now what i'm going to do is i'm going to make them look like shadows now so i'm going to go to so i've got the layer with the black selected i'm going to go to the transform tool and i'm just going to move the whole thing a little bit this way and there's a couple ways you can do it you can do it by hand by like moving it you know a little bit or you can if you want to be more precise about it let me undo that you can tap tap tap and it will like nudge it like pixel by pixel so i've just moved it just a tiny bit just a little bit there's not going to be a ton of shadow between the sticker and the paper because they're like right on the paper so if the more the bigger you have your shadow the more it's going to look like they're further away from the thing they're sitting on like the paper and stickers are right on top of it so we don't want to do that we want just a little bit of shadow like just a little bit like that and then the next thing we're going to do is just blur the shadow a little bit so i'm going to go up to my adjustments menu gaussian blur and choose layer and i'll zoom in so you can see what this looks like but i'm just blurring them not a ton like a couple percent like i don't know the more you blur it again the farther it's gonna make it look away from the paper the sharper the shadows are the more they look like they're like right on top of something so i'm only gonna blur it like two and a half percent or so like it's 2.7 very subtle okay then the other thing that i'm going to do is i'm going to go to my layers i'm going to tap this little n and then i'm going to reduce the opacity a little bit i'm about like 45 or so okay and it's already looking like like realistic shadows but if you want to go the extra little step to make it look a little more or a little less perfect like these are perfectly perfect shadows we're going to use the liquify tool to do that and this is just going to give it that extra feeling of realism so um go to the adjustments menu and go to liquify and we're just basically going to oops move the shadows just a little bit like i'll start with this pencil and how big is my brush i'm going to make my brush a little smaller so i can really just do parts of it and i'm just gonna like wiggle the shadow a little bit the further away the shadow is the more it's gonna look like the edge of the like sticker is like sticking up off the paper let me do that again like it might look like the stickers kind of like lifted off the paper a little bit because there's more of a shadow so it's up to you how much you want to do that like sometimes on the edges like it looks like the sticker didn't stick all the way or something you can put a little shadow you know on the other side it just adds a little bit of dimension and makes it look a little bit more regular so i like to go around and just like pull some out push them in like maybe here the tail is like the side of the sticker can you see like it looks like the sticker is kind of pulled up a little bit so yeah just kind of like go around and and you can push some some shadows in a little bit and that will make it look like the sticker is really stuck to the paper i don't know it's just fun to kind of play around with this and just make it a little bit more irregular so i'm just going around and almost randomly unless i intentionally want it to look like part of the sticker is like flipped up or something okay all right i think that's looking pretty good they'll have there we go all right so you can see like even just like zooming out you can see how it makes it look like there's more dimension like parts of the stickers aren't completely flat it just adds this really nice touch and the last little bit if you wanted to do like in these parts where the shadows stick out a lot more you can just kind of like blur them out a little more by using an eraser brush so you can go up to the eraser and this is a built-in brush so you should have it go to airbrushing this is like a built-in procreate brush and get the soft brush it's just like a really blurred out brush and a little smaller with my brush size just kind of like erase a little bit of that away just a little touch of realism there we go sometimes it's these really subtle things that make a big difference just like on these really big shadows that kind of stick out for her um like this one just erase a little bit of it away here there we go awesome that's it and yeah so now we have this really cool like realistic sticker appearance you know if you wanted to make artwork that was digital art that looked like it was made of real stickers like this is a way you can do it this technique is also great for like paper cut style art which maybe i'll do a video on that that would be really fun um like paper i d i do have a video on collage um but i kind of want to make more videos like that so yay oh one more thing i wanted to show you how to make them look shiny so if you want to stick around uh one last little thing um i'm going to select the same layer with the white shapes so i'm going to tap it and i'm going to choose select i'm going to create a layer above all the all the other layers i'm going to tap it and i'm going to choose mask and now basically i have a kind of like alpha lock but different so i'm not going to explain it too much because we're kind of running out of time but now i can only draw within these shapes so i'm going to choose one of my kids make art brushes kids make art and i'm going to go to messy paint so that's the brush i'm using i still have white as my brush and i'm just going to like oh i gotta deselect okay deselect and now i'm gonna make sure i'm on this layer here oops undo hold on sorry i accidentally drew i didn't want to oh draw on just trying to make it fast and then you mess up all right deselect and make sure nothing is selected and that you're on this layer right under where it says layer mask and that the layer mask is turned on okay now i'm going to grab white and i'm just going to add you can almost can't see it but i'm just adding some stripes across just like a couple they don't look like much now but i'm going to make them stand out a little bit more and these are just going to make them look like they're a little shiny like a sticker so i'm just drawing like two little diagonal lines over everything and then on this layer that we just see all those little stripes we're gonna go to n and i'm gonna choose add and that's gonna make it look really wild and crazy like intense like it's super shiny um so i'm just gonna turn the opacity of that layer down a little bit until it's as shiny as i want it to be and then we have this cool shiny look so here's with and without see how they look shiny so if you want them to look shiny too that's what you can do i kind of went through that fast so feel free to go back and rewatch that part but there you go that's how you can make some really cool like digital shiny stickers you can also print your own stickers if you want using all those tips i'm going to send you about sticker resources um yay that's it any questions about that before we wrap up and we get into our giveaway any questions jeff someone just said i tried making the white outline from the video the previous video that you made and it seems as if you have an extra step on this video is that true i don't think so i kind of went through it a little bit slower on this one but that's generally like duplicating the layer blurring it and then doing the automatic selection tool inverting adding white that's the same method that i used in those videos anything else we may just give it another second here to see if anything else pops up okay well let me go over here and i'll talk to you about this because this is one of my favorite things is i want to see what you guys are making like that's my favorite part about doing these tutorials is getting to see what you guys create i really interested to see if you do what i drew or if you drew your own little illustrations and what you made so please do if you're sharing um please tag me um you can tag hashtag bardo brush bardo brush is my account or my personal account is lisa bardo and i made a special hashtag just for this this tutorial which is bb stickers so that way we can all see what everybody else did from this specific tutorial so if you go and visit this hashtag in a couple days you might see other people's works you can see what they made as well so be sure to use bb stickers as your hashtag and then of course barto brush you can tag me so i can see it i cannot wait to see what you guys make let's go ahead and give you one last chance if you want to enter the giveaway just go to giveaway and you can sign up there and we're going to close it in just a couple minutes so this is kind of like last call for getting signed up and then we're going to get the winners and announce who they are but again what we're giving away is five master bundles which is all of my brush sets we used one of them which was the texture maker set a little bit in this but i have 300 brushes now which isn't crazy i can't believe like we i realized when i released my last set which was just this week uh it was 300 now i'm like oh that's cool it's like a nice even number um and then we're also giving away five credits of a hundred dollars to sticker app which is where i got these stickers printed and they are really nice i really enjoyed working with them um these holographic ones are super cool and they turned out really good and they're so shiny i'm always so impressed with how shiny they are so last chance to go ahead and do that and while you guys are um are finishing up getting signed up for the giveaway i just wanted to really quickly talk about making art every day which is the drawing challenge that i've been running for three years now this is the third year and basically what it is it's daily drawing prompts tutorials resources motivational emails i sent out once a week and we have a really awesome community all with the goal of helping you establish a daily art making practice if you want to get better at drawing my best advice is to draw often and draw a lot of different stuff and try a lot of different things and that's kind of what making art guides you through is like taking you through a lot of different subject matter teaching a lot of different techniques or like pushing you in ways to try things you might not have tried on your own and it's really a lot of fun i really enjoy running this and seeing what everybody does and it's grown a ton so if you want to learn more about that joinm a e and you can learn all about it all right guys i think we're going to go ahead and close the giveaway we are going to close up the giveaway yeah okay so jeff is going to do some behind the scenes action it's going to pull the winners but while he's doing that we can take a few general questions and then once he's got him we'll announce the winners and it'll be awesome um so if you have any questions i am happy to take them you know it could be about what we did today it could be about something else whatever i'm an open book ask away this actually got asked multiple times how long have you been using procreate i have been using procreate since 2013 either late 2013 or early 2014 but a long time so what is that like six or seven years over six years over six years over six years wow yeah and i um and i really really started getting into it like in 2016 because i started i this is where making art every day actually came from was because in 2016 i decided to challenge myself to draw something every day because i really wanted to start drawing i wanted to learn how to draw i wanted to like find my style and find my way with drawing and just learn how to do it better so i was like well i'm going to draw a lot and that's going to help and it did it helped a ton and i found like it was so helpful for me not just improving my skills but um like helping me find a way to express myself in a way that i hadn't before so it was it was really amazing so like 2016 was like when i really really started taking it more seriously um and i started like making my own brushes and then i started selling my own brushes and then i started teaching and here we are today and like the teaching has been the best thing to come out of that like i just so enjoy teaching and like helping people find their creativity because it's been such a powerful thing for me in my life so that's pretty great life story i guess um someone asked is tracing art heck yeah tracing is just a tool like you can see even in this video i traced over my own work um i've traced over photos before tracing is a tool um and you can use tools to make whatever art you want the the the problem that i think a lot of people have is is like the line between um like how much you're copying like if you're making a complete reproduction of somebody else's work absolutely that's a no-no like you don't want to copy other people's work but if you're using tracing as a tool you know especially for learning is so great but even like in your artwork um you know lots of great artists of the past like they'd project like they had this thing called the what the camera obscura they would like project something on a wall and then trace over it and paint it like literally i don't know michelangelo i don't know who actually did it but those guys way back then yeah tracing is a tool and it's great very useful all right you got another question jeff um yeah uh is your house as colorful and whimsical as your art yeah i think so what do you think jess yeah it definitely is probably not as much as i would want it to be because painting rooms is a lot of work but uh although we have a lot of art it's very colorful i like to bring color in wherever i can you will be hard-pressed to find anything like beige or gray or you know anything like that in our house we do have a lot of color someone's asking um do you always draw on the ipad or do you uh draw on paper as well that was a great question i do draw on paper sometimes um and i actually like to do things with my hands like i like watercolor painting you know like digital is amazing and like i use it probably 90 90 of the time if not more um it because it's easy you know it's accessible i've got all my colors and my brushes i've got everything there i don't have to make a mess or clean anything up it's amazing but it you can get what people call it digital fatigue where it's like you just want to work with your hands sometimes so like i'll get out my watercolor paints and like you know crayons or pencils or whatever and like it's refreshing to do that too and it's actually really important um i think to expose yourself to different kinds of making art so you can have more of a well-rounded uh skill set because when i work physically physical mediums it really does influence how i work digitally too so both are wonderful i just do digital most of the time someone's just asking where are the winners going to be notified well we're going to announce them here and then a few hours later you will receive emails with uh your master bundle or your gift card yeah um you're 100 in credit yep we'll announce the winners here and then we'll also email you a little bit later today uh how do you decide what to draw well that's a great question um it depends like for me i i keep i keep like kind of like a file of inspiration you know like pinterest or like i say things on instagram um and a lot of the times it's like subject matter where i'm like oh that's a cool turtle i want to draw a turtle i'm gonna draw a turtle or whatever it is you know um yeah i like to get a lot of inspiration from art and you know and often from real life too like that's one of the things that i don't do enough of is like go out into the world and live and get inspiration from that because like this last year has been really hard and you know it's still weird for me i just did a post about how weird life is right now with going out and living life and things like that but i need to do more of that like going out and experiencing life and letting that inspire me too it's just as important it's more important if not than getting inspiration from other artists and things like that but if you aren't sure about what to draw that's why i created making art every day because that's often a big barrier when somebody sits down and they open up their procreate and they're like i don't know what to do and they put it away and so that's why i made making our every day they're every single day of the year 365 day of the year there is something for you to draw so i want you to like overcome that barrier of like i don't know what to do and i don't know how to do it so okay let's have some tutorials like i want to help you overcome whatever barriers there are to having you make art like that's my goal you have another question jeff just there's so many so what's your favorite color scheme um i'm pretty much yeah what you guys saw today i i i hang out in these colors a lot which is like pink orange yellow you know light and dark like here there's a lot of this in my house um this like aqua teal combo but i also love pink orange green um yellow i love yellow so this is why we ended up in these colors for this drawing because uh because i like them so much so it's probably one of my like i mean here yeah you can see these stickers over here kind of like the color palette that i like but it's always good to try other things in fact on my website i don't know what's in my safari right now um so free free is where all my free resources are including the free brushes that we were using today the kids make art and i have uh oh thumbnails aren't coming up but um i have free procreate color palettes so this is a great way to like challenge yourself like just download one of these color palettes and then work with it and see what you can make with it like you could redo what we did today but with a completely different color palette you're like hmm where would this pink work or where would this you know like it's good to push yourself beyond where you're comfortable like i tend to go where i'm comfortable a lot with colors which are like these like bright kind of spectrum of rainbow colors um but it's also good to try new things and that's when you really start making discoveries and things like that so yeah you can down like all those color palettes are free if you want to download them oh and i should mention i also have a tutorial that links about how to work with a color palette and how to choose colors and um you know how to choose which one goes where in your drawing and the like this will show you like a balance of you know your dominant color and then the like supporting colors or whatever so that's also really helpful color is awesome i love it all right well we have our winner so we are going to start that announcement all right yay so the first things that we're giving away are five of my master bundles which are my complete collection of procreate brushes 300 brushes 15 sets plus my magic paper which is like these textured canvases that give you really amazing realistic textures but you get all of it yay so let's go ahead and get our winners all right so first up we have antonio zapera antonio zepeda congratulations you have won a master bundle uh janine bolnay or bull ness sorry for butchering your names congratulations janine you get a master bundle we'll be emailing you a little bit later about that amelie p amelie p congratulations uh cambrie broadhead cambrie broadhead congratulations you're getting a master bundle last but not least is uh marissa lupo yeah marissa b sorry with the name butchery yay congratulations to all the winners of master bundles we'll email you guys with all the details about how to get them um super excited for you guys all right next giveaway so sticker app um i kind of talked about them a little bit but they are where i printed my professionally printed stickers from and they came out really nice i really like using their website um i really enjoy them a lot and so they gave us some credits to give away we have five 100 credits you can print quite a good amount of stickers with 100 bucks like they're one of the other things i really liked about them is like their prices were reasonable like it wasn't they have low minimums too so if you only want to get a few stickers it's not that bad to get you know a small amount of stickers like i just there are lots of reasons which i talk about in my ordering professionally printed stickers video about why i really like them um so yay let's do that we have five credits to give away a hundred dollars each all right first one is going to lisa russell fabulous name love it lisa congratulations uh next up we have savannah palmer savannah palma congratulations you're gonna make some stickers sarah kapperman congratulations sarah kapperman you get to make stickers uh deb uh di marcho or desmarteau oh yeah i know you you're in our group hey congratulations deb and last and not least is jasmine johnson and jasmine johnson congratulations to all the winners i'm really excited for you guys again we will be emailing you the details about how to redeem everything yay so excited for you guys um again we'll wrap things up i'm lisa bardot i make awesome brushes for procreate i make videos and i like to teach and i run the making art every project and that is what i do and i have so much fun doing it and i'm really grateful for everybody that could join us today i hope you guys had a lot of fun making stickers i hope that you maybe want to make stickers out of them and again i'll send you guys all the details about that um and i can't wait to see what you do so have a wonderful weekend and happy art making bye
Channel: Bardot Brush
Views: 94,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: procreate, procreate tutorial, iPad, iPad procreate, iPad art, procreate for kids, kids how to draw, how to draw, How To Draw, Easy, funny, how to draw a dog, color drop, cute, activity, drawing, learn, perfect shapes, layers, drawing on ipad pro procreate, apple pencil, getting started in procreate, learn to use procreate, illustration, you can draw this, free procreate brushes, procreate drawing tutorial, how to draw a cat, pizza, palm tree, roller skate, ukulele, rainbow, ice cream
Id: XEk1GwL2YV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 22sec (6982 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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