How to Make a Digital Planner | iPad Pro

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have you ever wanted to design your own digital cleaner that's what we're doing today okay so as we get started making our first digital planner we are going to be using the keynote application which looks like this down here with the blue background if you have an iOS devices should be a free program if you do not you can sign up with an iCloud email address and use this on iCloud internet and you should be able to use the keynote app so we're going to open this and we're going to hit create presentation and we're gonna hit white just basic white presentation now you don't need all of these so let's go ahead and delete all of these and then we want to make sure this size is right so go and click these three dots in the top right hand corner and if your Apple pencil is not working you can hit this Apple pencil and toggle this select and scroll on and that allows you to actually use your Apple pencil to design your planner if you'd like to use that instead of using fingers sometimes it's easier to grab little like tabs and stuff like that if you using the pencil so definitely toggle that on if your Apple pencil is not working correctly and then we're gonna hit document setup and we are going to hit slide size down here at the bottom and you can do sixteen by nine you I actually have changed my sizes up several times but for the sake of this planner we're just going to do sixteen by a thousand and then we're gonna hit done and so this is basically how we're going to start our planner now there's a couple of things that you can do to speed up the process and making a digital planner one of the things is to use master slides so basically a master slide just when you hit this plus button down here you can actually pick one of these and make it what you want it to be so make it a planer background they get pages whatever you want it to be and so then you can duplicate the pages a lot easier so for the background the pages and the Rings a lot of times that is a lot easier way to go than trying to redesign and copy and having elements that are moving around so I could design this whole page and then I could copy and paste it how many other times I want for the planner but all of the elements are still going to be moving around so if you make a master page it's going to show up on every single page but your you will not be able to move around the item so you can always go and edit the master slide later so basically master slides are definitely the way to go if you're wanting to make a lot of planners and make it super easy on yourself so that is what we are going to do we're going to double tap and we're going to edit the master slide and we're just going to go down here to blank and then we're going to start editing this okay so we are going to add a shape here and we're going to start making the outside so the front and back of our planner I like clicking just a plain square and then dragging it out definitely before you get started on designing the planner there's a few things that you definitely want to do you need to decide what kind of planner you're making if you want it to page or one page if you want it portrait or landscape and then how many different sections do you need how many tabs do you need if you have too many tabs you may want to do tabs on the top and the side do you want tabs to just be on one side or do you want them to flip like an actual physical planner and start appearing on the other side as they go to each section you need to kind of think all these things out before you even get started on this part and actually even designing out the pages it's a lot easier if you go ahead and just take a pin a regular pen and paper or a plain sheet on your iPad and start drawing out the boxes and stuff of what you want the pages to actually look like that'll make your design process go so much faster so basically we're editing a master slide we are going to do a two page open planner with rings down the center so we need to allow space on this side because I am just going to show you basically how to do it and then you can make yours how many upper tabs or however you would like so we are going to make this to where we can have two of these and have room for our rings and I want the tabs to flip from side to side so we're going to allow some room over here on the side for our tab so we are going to click this and then I'm going to copy and paste this so it'll be the exact same size and then just enough room for my rings okay so you can see over here I still have loads of room so I'm going to cut that space up about in half and you can always just look at the measurements whenever you're actually designing these instead of copy and pasting over and over again just really whatever you're in the mood to do okay okay we're gonna move this one over allow room for a tab and then we're going to move this one over to allow room for our tabs as well and then I want a little bit of space here in the middle so this is a 729 width so let's bring this one to 729 actually I want it to be a little bit best you like 723 okay we're gonna leave like that okay so then the next thing that you need is what do you want the outside cover to look like so you can click on this and you can click on the paintbrush and you can pick a color or if you click fill they have like presets that have like gradient that's kind of neat or you can pick an image so in this case I have picked an image that is free to use you can find images all over the internet Pinterest Google all different places if you use them personally use that you can absolutely use for free if you're wanting to resell these you have to make sure you buy something with a commercial license or find something that doesn't require a commercial license and it's free to use for resale but definitely check all of that otherwise you could get in big trouble and as a designer I really don't like people that copy my stuff and yeah I use it for free that's just it's not cool so we're gonna do the same thing here we're gonna select image and then I'm going to select this last image here and then to make this look a little bit more realistic I am going to add a shadow to the background so we're just going to hit that paint brush again and toggle the shadow on and then you basically just pick whatever shadow you like where it looks like it is sitting on a table or gives you you know that look so we're gonna click over on this one we're going to add a shadow to it if you are using a desktop or a Mac or whatever with keynote there are a few more options that you can use okay I like that I'm gonna move this one over just a little bit okay so now we need to add our pages on top so we're gonna hit the plus + the square again and then we're going to hit the paintbrush and we're gonna change it to white because I like the plain white page look and then we're just gonna put this kind of where it would look like in a realistic planner to me it seems like it's always closer to the edges over here but then it's a wider from the outside edge maybe that's just me maybe that's just preference to design it does however you like it and however you think it looks really good and then again you can see all those guides helping me to get it exactly the same on both sides so let's go ahead and add a shadow to the back of these make it look a little bit more realistic shadow and like I don't have a set way of doing these I just kind of design as I go every time so let's go ahead and add our rings first let's hit this plus icon and then I'm gonna hit photos now you can design your own rings you can actually draw out and design your own rings I actually purchase rings that I could use to resell so that's what I'm going to use I'm going to insert from and then I'm gonna click some of the rings here and then if you have a photo like this and you only want one set of these rings you can go up here to this paintbrush again and you can hit image and then this edit mask hit that and then we're going to just go down to just this one set for the open-book rings and hit done and it just exited me out of the master slide because I wasn't supposed to hit done yet so go back to edit master slide go back to blank I was not supposed to hit done I don't know why I hit done but anyways okay so here's our Rings and then they are too big I don't like them this big I don't think they look very nice and so I'm gonna make them a little bit smaller all right I'm gonna make these a little bit bigger and then I need them a little bit longer so I'm gonna hit copy and hit paste and then they should be the same exact size so I'm just gonna set them right on top of each other and if you ever have trouble like this on getting everything lined up exactly you can always use your keyboard if you have a keyboard this makes it a lot easier and then you can actually line these up exactly on top of each other by using your arrow keys and then you can I'm gonna undo this so it's easier for you to see okay okay so let's group these by selecting on both of them so hold down on one and then select the other make sure they're both highlighted and then you can position the Rings where you want them and then undo now we want to add a little bit of a shadow so let's go back and ungroup these so we can add a shadow and then just click on a shadow and then figure out what kind of shadow you want I like that one okay so let's leave it there okay so now you are at the point where you need to make tabs now if you want to make tabs that flip you can't add them to the master slide because each page is gonna have to be different so you basically need to figure out if you want to add a background to this so if we want to do that let's click on background let's just do like a dark maybe not that dark let's just do a light gray I think that looks nice you can also add a picture in the background to where it looks like it's sitting on a table just really whatever you would like you can add in for the background there so basically this is going to be the back of our the back of every page of our planner so we're gonna hit done and we're going to hit this plus icon and we're going to scroll down to the bottom and we're gonna hit our little mock up thing that we did the funny part about all of this is when you start designing these and actually looking like off of the camera and on here you realize that like I don't really like how the shadow-like it's it looks like it's hole punched off of the paper so I'm gonna change that I'm gonna hit edit master slide and I am going to either and that's probably why do I want to move these over so I'm going to move this background a little closer and I'm gonna move this over to where it looks better okay and then we're just gonna hit done I'm debating about whether I want to make smaller rings though this is kind of where you get into your planner doesn't have to look perfect I'm a little bit of a perfectionist and so I want everything to turn out perfect and so I can literally mess on planners for a very very long time let's just do this in 'let's edit this let me go to image and edit and then I'm just gonna bring this down to where it's not overlapping the Rings and that'll just be easier okay so we're gonna leave it like that and then we're gonna hit done and so this is going to be our background for every single page so we're gonna delete this first one because that's not a slide that we need anymore and we have this so now we need to cover we need the tabs and then we need to start designing so to design the cover we're gonna go back to a master slide so we're gonna hit plus we're gonna go back to a blank slide is what we want so just copy it and we're just gonna name it cover and hit done and then we have another one that's called cover now so now we just need to delete one side of this actually I want to leave the Rings on there until I get the other ring so I'm going to show you why we're gonna do an insert cert from these okay now it has the rose gold ones okay so we are going to hit the little paintbrush and the image edit and then we're gonna get the ones that looks like we're it's just the outside of the book and it's not open and then we are going to kind of match up how many rings are on here to make sure we got these exactly the same so that looks good two three four five we need five more rings so let's just delete delete and then we're gonna put these in here copy paste and just overlap these and then go back to image edit and then we were one two three four five so let's go to that one make sure they're not showing wrong okay and then we need another cover on top of here I like to go ahead and add another cover on the top instead of just deleting down to this background cuz I think these shadows just kind of show and it just makes the book look a little bit thicker so I always just add another one so copy paste I'm gonna put this back in here where it was and then I'm gonna add this cover right on top here and then we're going to add a shadow which it does already have a shadow on there let's do that maybe that one and then we need to arrange so we need to move this back behind our rings to where the Rings are going into the book like that perfect okay I don't know why there's a Y in the middle of my screen here I guess I typed a Y at some point I'm sorry about that okay so basically we can leave this book like this it looks super cute you can add another like a rounded corner thing here and we can name the book we can make this white to where people could do their own name so sometimes I like to go to like style and then go to fill and make this white but then go back to like the border turn the border on and then change the style of the border and you can do like these really cool paint looking ones and then you can make it thicker to where you can see the paint lines but it's like not going all the way over so it kind of gives it a cool effect you can change the color of your border and you can hit color down here and then if you swipe over you can click on this little dropper tool and you can actually match up with a color that's on here so if you like the yellow or the green you can make it whatever color and people can just title their book or you know you could do a circle or you know it doesn't have to be as traditional as just the rectangle look but super super cute and then now we need to add our tabs but the tabs I always do last so um I first make how many pages that I need and all that good stuff before I go into the tab so we're gonna hit done because we are done with the master slides for right now we're gonna hit this plus button here and we're gonna add our cover so we're gonna click on the cover hold down and rearrange this move it to the top okay so that's gonna come first and then it's gonna open our book okay so we are doing good we're almost there okay so the next part is start designing your pages or you can start adding the tabs to kind of see what it looks like whichever way you want to do it I always add my tabs and last because I use a copy and paste I just think it's so much easier but since I'm not actually designing a whole planner for you guys um I can go ahead and show you what I normally do well had the will hit the plus icon and then I like making the rounded corner tabs so we are going to make these you don't want to make these super super big because they're clickable so if you make other things clickable on this paper you may have trouble with another icon being linked to something so you don't want to make these super thick okay so first you're going to make your tab so we have a rounded corner here and then we are going to add a shadow so hit style shadow and then kind of pick the way you want your tab to be I think I like that one okay so I'm gonna click on this and I want to change the color of this so I'm going to add my cover photo right here on top for just a second and I'm going to show you how to change the colors here so I'm gonna hit color slide over hit the dropper tool and then I'm gonna hit this yellow our tan color and then I am going to copy and paste and move it down here and then I want to make sure this is behind our other tabs so see how it went behind it okay so that's where I want this one just slightly behind it and then I'm going to change the color of this one so style fill and go to the dropper tool and let's do the pink fish color next and hold down is select with the other finger and copy and paste and then I want these behind those tabs as well so arrange and then put down behind that and then I'm going to just keep doing two three four copy paste okay a one two three four five six seven eight okay so I have eight tabs don't worry if these are not perfect I will show you how to make them perfect so you want basically the top one to be at the top of the white page in this one at the bottom of this page select and then we are going to align and distribute so we are going to make these all even as far as vertically so we're going to hit that and then it's going to evenly spaced them out and then we are going to align them so we want them aligned like this this third one on where they're sitting sideways like that okay for some reason some of these ended up bigger than the other ones none that one for sure why I just messed up whenever I was making them okay I'm gonna move all of these to the back then once you have them aligned and then I'm just going to click and hit style and fill and then just the color dropper just over and over again until you get everything colored the way that you like [Music] so these are our tabs we can go ahead and delete this and we are ready to go with this so now we need enough pages for all these tabs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 because we want them to go to eight different pages we want the pages to flip as well now you may be wondering why I haven't put this behind this piece of paper here well that's because you cannot because that is on the master slide and you cannot do that unless you put these tabs in the master slide but if you had the tabs on the master slide you can't make them flip so it's just kind of one thing after another trying to figure out the best way to do these so what I like to do is just add another one of these and change the style to make it a white background and then I can just make this come right here to the side and then cover up just a little bit of these tabs but not to where it comes edge to edge with my planner below so about right there and if you need to save room for you to write you know on your tab so I think that I like them there but if you wanted to move them over you can always just select and group move them over to where you have like them mmm I don't know where I had them at but anyways i'm an ungroup and then i am going to copy and then i'm going to paste it's going to look crazy here for just a minute but give me just a minute and I will show you what I'm doing so I'm going to add them over on this side that right there I'm going to copy this page and paste it and cover up a like so okay so now we have our tabs on both sides you wonder okay why do I have tabs on both sides and I'm just gonna say this right now that that the shadow looks really really funky on these so I'm gonna highlight all these I'm going to change the shadow I don't really like the shadow I like that a lot better okay so so see it's it's not that hard to make changes at the beginning later on not so much but at the beginning it's not that hard okay I think I like the looks of that better okay so now we need one two three four five six seven eight tabs so we're gonna hit this plus button and we're going to hit a blank page and this is what we want to start with and we have one page already so that's two we're going to 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 oh excuse my children ok so now you want to go back here you're and click on the first one you're gonna click on link link to slide and we are going to hit on slide number 2 and then you're gonna go down to the next one and you're gonna hit link and we're going to hit site number 3 and so on [Music] okay so now that linked to all of our things you can link these over here or you could select these all and copy and paste and move them back over here I am just going to link them really quick okay so where we're at now is we've got everything linked up and we want to put these links on every page so we are going to select each one of these links ah this this is one of the hardest parts especially this is when a computer becomes a lot easier to use so and we're gonna select this page holding down and we're going to select at this side as well now I would already have labeled these so if you're going to label your tabs do it now because you can do all of this in the same process but I'm not going to label them for this video so we're just going to click on here and we're going to paste on every page so it'll paste in exactly the right spot so we just have to go through and hit paste on every page and then on this first page you want the first to have to be able to hear but you do not need the rest of these tabs so you're just going to select all of these and hit delete and you're going to delete the top one up here you're going to go to the next one you want the first to hit delete and then we're going to delete the first two over here okay and then you just go so on [Music] okay so now whenever we flip the pages it's going to go from side to side and you can see on this one is messed up I accidentally deleted that so let's go back to that and hit paste and we could put another went on there okay so now all of them are linked up showing the tabs flipping from side to side okay so now here comes the fun part you've got your cover you've got your pages with all of your tabs and now you can actually design what you want on each tab so if we start on the first one and we're wanting to make a calendar you're gonna hit the tables they're gonna hit plus and then hit this table icon and then hit just like a blank blank one with no extra thick lines or whatever and then you're just gonna move these let's see Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday and I counted Sunday twice but I like doing 4 so it's actually sized pretty pretty good I went six weeks because some weeks some months there it needs to be six weeks and then I like to add one more for my header to be able to put Sunday Monday Tuesday and so on and then if you want them to all be this side we're gonna click all of these and click on row size and this is going to be the height so we want to bring the height that way down and this is an easy way to get everything to match the right size so we're gonna leave that like that we're gonna go ahead and change this one we're gonna make it a little bit taller and then now that everything is the same size we can adjust this to where we can actually put something up here that says January so we can go add some tags double click and type in in January and then we're going to drag this up to the top and of course you can change it to really pretty font change the font to whatever you want it to be and so on so just whatever you want it to be really elegant and then let's make this a little bit bigger and you can change the color of it if you want it to be a different color it's actually text color color and just do this dropper thing and let's just make it the light blue that looks good and then we went to copy you know paste there we go okay so you paste this thing thing over here get it all lined up the way that you want it so like this can be a note section so you can highlight all of this and you can just merge them and then you get just type in notes there and then you can just double click on these okay Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday notes okay and then now I want to change the fun of this I'm gonna highlight all of this we're gonna make these smaller we're gonna change you can change the text color you can change the text there is really just a lot of stuff that you can do and make it your own so we are going to click on this row and we're going to change the size I can't remember what size I made that one over there and then change that let's see 19 okay I think I made this 18 so let's highlight this again make it 19 okay so that's basically how you make it template so you just have to decide what you want your templates to look like and you can make a template that easy and then you can if you want to add the numbers you double click and you hit 1 2 3 4 course you need to look this up and make sure the month is laid out like this 5 6 7 and you do your whole calendar like that and then at the very end you can highlight everything change it to a smaller font you can move it left hand or right hand and move it up to the corner and voila and you can highlight all that and then highlight all that and you're done once you have it then you can just copy this paste it on this page actually let's just copy this actually let's hit this and hit this and copy and then just paste it on this page and it's going to pay something exact same spot so you don't have to worry about it lining up and then we're going to type it in February and then if you need to change these to where it is starting on Tuesday you just move these over and it's automatically going to type everything in the right size and everything because you had it already set to that so then it's super easy to redo your numbers let me go back to this real quick because we forgot to put our tabs on the front page I need to choose all of these copy and then we need to double click Edit master slide and paste and then we just need to arrange these and move them back behind that front cover and then let's go ahead and copy this yellow because that's the one that we're missing paste move it right up here arrange move to the back and then change the link on this one cuz it's linked to the wrong page we need a link to page two okay and then whenever you're done hit the three dots hit export as a PDF and then export again and then it's going to bring you up to opening good notes you can choose where you want to open your document I'm going to open in goodnotes import as new document and here you go and then you can see your tabs work and everything flips to the other page and it is beautiful so that is how you make a digital planner using keynote with your iPad and your pencil I hope this video was very informative for you you let me know in the comments below there's something else that you would like to see and I will catch you on the next one be sure to hit that subscribe button in the bell button that helps us out so much and we will catch you on the next one thanks for watching bye you
Channel: Amanda Davis
Views: 172,503
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Howtomakeadigitalplanner, howtocreateadigitalplanner, howtomakeadigitalplannerinkeynotes, digitalplanner, Howtodeisgnmyowndigitlaplanner, howtomakeadigitalplanneronipad, Createadigitalplanner, howtocreatemyowndigitalplanner, breezyorganization, digitalplannertutorial, howtocreatedigitalplannertemplates, Digitalplannertemplates, Howtomakemyowndigitalplanner, digitalplanning101, keynotesdigitalplanner, howtomakedigitalplannertabs, creatingadigitalplanner, digitalplannerforfree, howtomaketabsflipinadigitalplanner
Id: A3TeXvxpHXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 51sec (1971 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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