How To Build The Best F-35 Lightning Fighter Ship in Starfield

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welcome back to the channel everyone and in this video I'm going to show you how to build a Lockheed Martin F35 lightning 2 my last video of the F14 tomat was well received which is amazing so thanks everyone for that and a lot of you wanted more and a lot of you asked for the F35 so I'm here to deliver on that also for those not in the know or haven't watched that video yet I am hosting a giveaway so a link to that video can be found in the top right of this video and also in the description you will be getting a full interior tour and some combat footage later on in the video and before we get into the build a quick word from today's sponsor xgamer so X gamer. is an amazing new little website to share your Starfield ship builds alongside the ship builds it also hosts news guides and mod showcases and it also has a nice database so you can look up items and compare items when you're looking for upgrades now the great thing about this website is that there is absolutely no sign up you just go to the website hit I want to publish add details about your ship as well as some pictures and hit post it is literally that simple and I've seen some crazy builds on this site so far and I've definitely got some inspiration for some future videos from it I mean look at this build hand of Destiny that's a crazy design also a good thing is that it states which builds are modded or not so if you're on console and you don't have access to like mods you can find the right build for you so with that said you can actually find this video's build on X gamer GG with a nice layer-by layer build schematic for you to follow should you require any additional information and you know see it fleshed out in a build schematic blueprint so I'd really appreciate it if you could go on to their website and give my build a like and help a brother out I mean come on let's get me to that front page status on this website a link to x gamer. g can be found in the video description as well as the Ping comment in this video so check it out and like I said don't forget to like my ship on there okay I want that front page status on this website come on let's do it we can do it so with all that said let's get into the build so this originally was going to be a uh Thunderbirds build and we're just going to get rid of that that so let's let's just ignore that that that didn't happen Okay I I didn't like it anyways so this build is actually very similar to the F14 in the way that it's laid out but there are a few changes so what we're going to do is we're going to start with the landing Bay it's the 120 LD now from there we're going to add a Docker cuz we want the docker underneath facing uh yeah facing underneath it's the top Docker so we'll go with that let's flip this bad boy there we go that's what we need now on the side of this this is where we're going to add some Nova cowlings okay so go to structure by the way if I'm going too fast like just pause the video at any stage people have said I do go a bit quick I'm I'm trying not to but I don't want to I don't want to be here forever explaining it so this is where we're at so far okay so we got the landing Bay we got the docker we got the two Nova cowlings brilliant right so we're going to be putting landing gear down but we're not going to do it yet because basically it won't snap so if I go to landing gear let I'll just show you the one that I want is the G20 the wide variant because it has the most Frost and that's the one we want so it's not going to snap so for now what we're going to do is we're going to snap some dios holes here because we need to put some other stuff down but we will come back to this later and we will delete it and it'll be fine you won't get any unattached ship modules or anything like that so these are where the landing gear are going to be okay so from here what we need to do is put the reactor we're going to go with the SF uh 40 because it is an absolute Beast where are you there we go this one so put that down there fine that's absolutely spot on and we'll leave that there now here we're going to actually add an engine because this ship obviously the F14 had two spherical uh supernovas at the back This ship's only going to have the one and you don't want to have too many engines to take away from the shape of the ship you don't want two supernovas cuz it's not the shape of the ship at all and to top it all off you don't want to lose Mobility do you we still want to keep that high Mobility so what we're going to do is we're actually going to hide an engine right at the back here so we're going to put an sa 5660 down and that's absolutely fine right so now that that's done we're going to be putting some more landing gear down because we're going to want as much Frost as we as we need cuz they will be an error no doubt so the The Landing we're going to use is the pinpoint 4G because it snaps on all sides you know all the way around and on top and it's the second most frust of uh of a landing gear so we'll plunk that there and then we're going to go for a grav Drive we're going to go for a th variant I believe it's called the S yeah the SGD and um I believe there's a better one there you go SGD 2300 it's it's a bclass very good little grav drive and it's thin so it sits in nice and tidy and out the way now on the back here we're going to be putting some cargo um storage down as well as a dios belly so we can't obviously do it with the engine here we're going to need to do the drop down glitch and I'm going to explain this later on better okay I will explain it because people do keep asking but I'll explain it better so you'll know about the drop down glitch so we don't need to worry about the back right now we will come back to this but for the dios belly we can put that down now but for the cargo we will come back to that so dios belly there lovely jubly right so we'll leave that there so now that that's done it's time to start building the next layer so the first thing we're going to add is a daos 2x1 Armory now we're pretty much copying the F14 because it has all the we need there's just a couple of changes that differentiate it basically so put the Armory down now we're going to move this across and then above the docker we're going to comp put going to comput we're going to put a companion way that's what I was trying to say we're going to put a companion way there so with that said what we need to do now is we're going to do the drop down glitch so before we do that I'm going to add a dius hole to the end here cuz we need this for later on so we'll plunk that there now next to this one here this is where we're going to start doing the drop down glitch cuz we're going to put some cargo right so what we're going to do is we're going to put some shielded cargo down but we need to attach other Habs to it and I want to keep some of the cargo hidden so we'll go to the cargo We'll add some ballast shielded cargo and we'll do it on the other side here right there now what we're going to add here is a too 2x1 top like I said add what your ship needs so we'll go to the dios Hab here we'll do it again and then we'll go across the Habs let me just find it and then I will show you how to do the drop down glitch so where is 2x1 this this menu is such a mess so the variant you want by the way is the 2x1 B wherever it is where are you there it is so you want the B because the a doesn't have the doors on the side it's the smoother variant so you want the B this time okay so grab a B we're going to go for a workstation here now if I try and move this down L cuz the car goes there it will go red okay so I've also got a controller so I can show you how to do it on controller now as you've just seen it's dropped down so if we do the same again if we just move these dios Habs across we'll get another Tio Allin one let's do the living quarters this time okay so all you do is you grab the item with left click and then as you can see on the right over here F drops down a layer R lifts up a layer so you grab it you press F and let go of left click at the same time so the controller variant cuz I do have a controller cuz I always forget the controls on this right it's the d-pad so you essentially press a to grab the item down on the d-pad and press a again at the same time it's really easy to do so like I said highlight your item so I've got it selected now if I try and go down without letting go it goes red okay you can't build it there so let go hold the item again press F and let go of left click at the same time or a and down on your d-pad and press a at the same time and a presso drop down glitch there is another way to do this as well okay so if I just get rid of that let me just build the uh where is it top one so we what did we put there it was a workstation wasn't it so was it the workstation no it wasn't the workstation it was living quarters I forgot what I put down now right so living quarters now there is another way to do this right it's the duplication glitch so basically as long as there's nothing on top so we'll put one on top here if you try and duplicate the middle one it will plonk it underneath so duplicate and it will go green bang you can build now I don't know what the duplication button is oh y all right it's y on controller so if we get rid of these look so one's on the top right I'm on my controller now as you can see the controls change press y there you go done the duplication glitch is easier on controller than the drop down because pressing down on the d-pad and a at the same time is a bit of a fath okay so there is that so what I'd recommend is doing so what I'd recommend is doing the duplication glitch nice and easy anyways let's crack on with the build all right right so the two final Habs we're going to add is we're going to add another Taio well two too top B variants twox ones where are you there we go so we've got a workstation we've got a living quarters we got an Armory so all we need now really is a science lab and a Captain's Quarters I mean you don't need the Captain's Quarters you can go for a computer core if you want it's completely up to you but we're going to have the Captain's Quarters that's that done lovely jubly now right here is where we're going to add two main engines okay so we're going for sa uh 5 660s so we're going to add those two there and then here is where we're going to add the supernova over but we're doing that later cuz again it requires the drop down glitch so for now ignore that but above the uh pinpoint landing gear we can put a dios hole so that's for future use right now it's time to build the wings before we do that we're going to start right at the top here cuz we're putting some daos engine Breakers down so we're doing the drop down glitch yet again you should be uh easy easily uh doing it by now so again duplicate if you want or do the drop down glitch duplicate is a lot quicker it doesn't always work though okay so do not rely on the duplication glitch cuz it it can be a bit of a faf half the time right so let's crack on with the wings so all we're doing for this is Nova cowlings so we'll add a Nova cowling to well here next to that we're going to do the second variant where are you there we go so it's the second variant however we're going to be putting two here because normally I'd flip it and we got the Gap here okay which is absolutely fine so what we're going to do plk that one there but we need another one so you flip it with the duplication glitch snap in nicely okay and then NOA cowling again but the third variant coming along this way duplicate that across and then here is where we will be putting I forget its name it's like a curved uh there it is the the midport the tire midcap I always forget his name but we're putting that there so we'll copy this across just over here so we'll do that one we'll duplicate ah it's not see this is what I mean the duplication glitch doesn't always work so if we grab this one we'll flip it duplicate flip there we go that's what we wanted and then we'll copy the rest across like I said don't don't rely on the duplication glitch cuz it sometimes doesn't want to work at all but that's the shape so far I think it's looking good what do you reckon I think it's looking pretty spot on to be honest right so the last thing to do to complete complete this layer is put a shield down and a Jammer you know you don't have to put the Jammer it's up to you I'm going to put one just in case I want to be a bit of a pirate so we're using the Assurance 1,800 because it gives the most Shield it's one of my favorites and then if you go to structural if you go all the way to the top you'll find an equipment plate and then on that we'll put a Jammer down so we'll put the multifrequency we're going to do the drop down glitch to cover these and you won't see them cuz I don't want these on show now the other things to do is add the tail spines to the uh tail spines the the tail fins to the uh to the engines and there we go that is that layer completely complete okay so so far so good the shape's looking absolutely awesome love it okay so now we're on to the top layer the final part so we'll finish off the wings here we're also going to add the engine add the weapons and finish off the cockpit first things first we need to cover the shield and the multifrequency Jammer so let's grab the dios hole let's copy that across copy that down ah didn't want to do it why are you not doing it now there we go and we're going to add a stra cap right here do the duplication glitch done now that covers the shield and it covers the reactor so nothing's on show the only thing on show now is the the Jammer which will be covered by the Habs so we're going to put two Habs down 2x one too Habs we're going to use the a variant and the B variant so we need the a variant for the smoothness first then we need the B variant cuz we're going to put some fuel um tanks on the side to look like those those intake valves that are on the side of the F35 so what we'll do here is put the hab down first so the one that we're going to go with like I said is a too 2x1 a variant and we will go with the computer core so we'll plun that there then what we need to do is duplicate that duplicate it across done there we go and then we that's the computer courts and then we just need to add the control station and there we go lovely jubly so that's that's that bit done we'll come back to the cockpit in a bit so right now we're going to put some spines down so let's finish off the back end of this ship before we move on so the spine we will use is the D start off with the D first We'll add spine e behind that no not spine e spine F and then we'll duplicate this and flip it so it's got that that curve right there so it looks nice and tidy copy that across top of that we will put the A and then behind the a we'll put the E the E will give it that aggressive look like I said in the F uh 14 Tom Cat it just gives it that aggressive look love it obviously this will all look better once it's colored trust me at the moment it don't look that great but it will once it's colored so what we need to do now is add some stra caps again so we're going to put a dios hole here and here duplicate that up because we need to do the drop down glitch and it'll be easier doing it this way so get the stra cap there add the other one flip it I'm an idiot there we go so duplicate down duplicate down lovely jly right so get rid of these get rid of the dios holes and there we go it will blend in nicer once we've colored the ship trust me it it will look really good oh I've deleted the bloody habit as well aren't I right let's undo that a minute there we go don't want to messing around with that again right so next we add some more stra caps where are you there you are oh why is it doing it there right for some reason it wants to be a bit silly so there we go if it ever does that just clip it in um not there clip from here cuz it'll just start having a bit of a m so that's that bit done now we're going to start building the cockpit so first let's actually put the cockpit down cuz we need to drop down glitch on top so we're going to use the melan so where are you right there so PL that down now we need to start doing Nova cowling so let's build a Doos hole up put Nova cin down where are you right there duplicate that down lovely jly just be careful when you're deleting stuff don't do what I'm doing and deleting things that you actually need so that's that bit done there now we need to put another Nova Calin down but it's not going to clip here is it that's why we've got the Doos hole here so put that there get the Nova Calin flip it duplicate up and there we go look at that beautiful does that not look good it does look good do it it does look good so now to finish off let's put some fuel tanks on and this will flesh out the shape completely so I would use here the H3 tank the M50 cuz it look it looks like I don't know what they are on the side of the F35 cuz some of them are different shapes aren't they some of them have it some of them have like bigger ones smaller ones it just looks like an intake valve or or something like that so add these now you can be fine with these and be like right that's me done you know that looks good enough but if you want to take it to the next level add the m30 tank either side and look at that oh it looks good come on it looks good don't it it looks good so engine time now remember we got this engine hidden here and we've also got the uh dios uh holes here which are going to be the landing gear okay so do not forget about them now what we can do is we'll start with the Supernova so what we'll do here add this up where are you cuz it won't want to drop down by itself it's bit of a pain at the best of times the Supernova right there it is so what we'll do drop that down get rid of that get rid of that and then to tidy this up we're going to add a Nova cowling is it up or down I always get stuck on these menus I wish right wherever you were in the menu previously it stayed there cuz it's just a f to go up and down all the time so yeah we're going to add the Nova Cal in there so that attaches that that's done lovely jly now we need to add cargo Baye um just here cuz we're going to hide that we're going to hide that and we need to add landing gear so first things first let's do the cargo bay so do that bring this across bring this one across go to the cargo bay now the one I would use that's the no there's one that's more than that bear with me there it is 585 it's the the 10t hauler it's um yeah this one should go up nicely yeah that's fine this one won't so this needs to snap in there we go now there is a snapping Point underneath these engines so you won't get any unattached module oh we've got an unattached module that one right hang on so if it does that grab it and there you go okay so if if you get any unattached module area you just grab it and then literally tab or undo clip it back there we go it gets rid of it but it should uh it shouldn't do it because you can snap to these but if you do get that just you know obviously highlight everything find out which bit it is grab it move it done right so now that that's done let's get rid of the dios holes we'll get rid of these two and then we're going to add the landing gear now as I said before the landing gear that I like is the ng20 it gives the most frust and we're going to go for the wide variant add two of them all right so that's that done the stats of the ship are as follow so far so you got Max crew of four you got 2,200 cargo just under 1,600 shield and 130 Mobility so very nimble fighter all we need to do now is add some weapons and as I always say dealer's Choice go with what you've you know you want I'm going to be using four Auto Alpha beam turrets underneath I'm going to be using four Auto beam like normal lasers uh front facing the turrets are going to face backwards and two at the side and then I'm going to have some missile launchers you can have up to well I can have up to three because of the perks that I've got okay so people have said oh I can't have as many weapons as you um I can't build this at the same places as you or it doesn't cost you know the same amount as what you're what you're spending it's because I do have a lot of perks in this game now so that's why so it's not going to reflect on what you can do that's why I always say dealer's Choice build what you can so you may have noticed while adding the weapons it's actually buffed my crew number now so it's gone up to seven which is good it'll probably end around eight or nine once I'm done but as you can tell the more weapons you add especially with this ship cuz we got some heavy Parts on it and a lot of engines now and it's a lot bigger than the F14 the mass is going to go up and you're going to need more landing gear like that's just a given okay there is a way around this and it doesn't ruin the shape of the ship so all you need to do is move the landing Bay across one so you still get that nice angle on the cockpit you move the docker across one and then you copy the ng20 landing gear wide just behind there like so and there you go no more landing gear issues and now we can finish off adding the weapons so like I said going to be using two ATL 28c missile launchers because they do ridiculous damage to to the Shields and um and hole so we go all the way down where are they I've just gone past them so yeah the 280c missile launchers 411 damage to the hole and The Shield so we'll add two of them Oh wrong way flip that across and there we go that is the ship done there is your F35 lightning come on it looks good don't it you like it admit it you like it but we need to color it first don't we so we need to we need to sort that out before we do that let's get rid of this um error message so Auto Alpha beam missile launcher turrets bang nominal look at that 96 Mobility we can live with that 130 top speed seven crew I thought it was going to go up when I added the missile launchers maybe not so seven crew still good though obviously add crew members that boost your Shield boost your reactor power boost boost everything basically there's some good crew members that you can hire and uh I know you can get some um Shield Engineers from like neon for example and it boosts your Shield up even more which is really good right so let's color this bad boy let's go with a dark gray let's go with dark gray yeah we'll keep that so we'll do that first and then we will copy that color and then we'll copy that color so we're going to we're going to adjust don't worry now what we need to do is color two should be green uh well I don't know actually I'm not yeah no that's it no it's fine it's fine I'm just being silly so we go have a nice neon green or yeah no I like that now if we move along where's trying to find like the right Hue yes I like that I do like that maybe maybe do that for color three and put color two back to gra yeah there we go that's what I wanted spot on Lovely that's not too much now then we'll take the cockpit here cuz this is this is meant to be the cockpit here obviously we'll make that black so you can differentiate it from the the dark gray and there we go what do you think that's an F35 me personally I think it looks absolutely awesome similar to my F14 obviously but um different enough so it looks obviously more like an F35 and like I said these bits here you can obviously get rid if you just want just those two at the side and delete the cockpit at the same time apparently um get rid of that there why does it keep doing that it keeps deleting more than than it needs to so yeah that looks good just by itself there personally I would I would keep them on cuz I think they look Wicked and uh yeah that's it done let me know in the comments guys what do you think do you think this looks good do you like it will you build it don't forget to go on X gamer. GG and upvote this build let's get it to front page guys and obviously upload your ships there because I'm always on that website now checking out what other people are building very good for inspiration so as promised I'm going to give you an interior tour of this ship as well as some combat footage don't forget to subscribe to the channel and hit that notification Bell and also don't forget to give this video a like and join my Discord all right let's go have a look inside what a beauty yes I love it I love this ship this looks awesome right let's go and have a look inside then so there might be a couple of errors that we'll probably notice okay and that is mainly because of obviously the clipping and the stuff that we've done so let's have a look we're in the Armory obviously that's the way out so we're in the Armory that's the docker don't know where that leads oh there we go oh it's cuz of the ballast yeah so anyways this is the living quarters you just walk through there that's absolutely fine and then obviously there's doors to other places as well so the ballast shielded cargo will be clipping in don't worry about that though this is the companion way let's open this door so this will be our workstation lovely jubly then we got captain and living quarters as well just at the back there like you can see the cargo coming through just ignore that pretend it's not there so yeah Captain's Quarters nice very nice if we get out here this should be the living quarters I believe yeah there we go look at that nice nice little layout it's not amaz it's not you know confusing just this bit is but you know you can walk through it obviously that's the other part of it so we need to climb up we can go through it don't worry it's just clipping so climb up or boost through no problem at all and uh there's the Jammer as well that actually looks like it covers it nicely to be fair I think that's actually done quite a good job so yeah the control station and the computer core so we'll go through there and then we're at the cockpit and there we go that's the tour I think it's a nice little layout to be honest so with that said I'll leave you with some combat footage and some good music by white bat audio and I'll see you in the next video guys peace [Music] [Music] [Music] ready anyway oh my God [Music] [Music] [Music] back running [Music] enway
Channel: CurtisBuilds
Views: 15,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield, starfield gameplay, starfield ships, starfield ship building, starfield best ships, starfield best ship design, starfield ship designs, starfield tutorial, startfield ship tutorial, starfield cargo ship, cargo ship build, best ship in starfield, the only ship you need in starfield, ship build limit, starfield build limit, best fighter ship starfield, best fighter ship, improve your ship starfield, f-35, starfield jet fighter, f-35 lightning, f35, f-35 jet, tomcat
Id: jFWn8UqD_N0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 42sec (1722 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 18 2023
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