How To Build The Best Tomcat Fighter Ship in Starfield

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in this video I'm going to show you how to build this Majestic piece of American Dream engineering the F-14 tomat but before we get into that I'm hosting a giveaway it'll be £25 for first place 15 for second place and £10 for third and the gift card will be of your choice you know steam voucher Xbox code PlayStation code up to you details on how to enter this giveaway are further into the video so stay tuned for that however make sure that you are subscribed to the channel like and share this video and you're also a member of our Discord and follow on my socials so the tonat F14 man what a piece of American freedom fighting engineering genius and I'm going to show you how to build this Beast of a ship in Starfield so I originally saw this ship on Nexus mods and I was like you know what I can do this different I can improve on things and I can give it my own personal flavor so here is the build list also I'm just going to say now that the prices and parts will reflect on what perks you have cuz obviously I might have different perks to you and I'm building her on New Atlantis and you'll need to make sure you get these parts beforehand also no mods were used for this build and I'm going to show you combat and an interior tour later on in the video however I do want to say this ship absolutely shreds so let's get into the build okay so to start things off we're going to build a 120d landing Bay and then on top of that a 2x1 dios hole I'm building the Armory and then next to that we're going to build a dios belly what I will say is just build the Habs that are useful to you as a player you know the convenient ones like a workshop research station all that kind of stuff so next so that we're going to build two Taio top section Habs which are B variant so they got the the bits that you can clip things to on the side so behind them we're going to put two too tops again 2x one but it's the a variant without the uh the doors on the side so it's there's you can't clip to the sides basically and the reason we do this is to have like a smoother silhouette but like I said before just go for the Habs that are useful to you I always recommend like Workshop science lab Armory all that good stuff okay so behind the dios Armory we're going to put a 1ex one companion way now there is going to be a ladder in this ship I can hear you already complaining okay I can hear you complaining already it's one ladder get over it so you can go with two different Dockers you can go with this thin one the Slimline one I don't like it cuz it just doesn't sit well with the shape of the ship underneath so I'll go for a top Docker and that just looks so much better right so it's time to pick a reactor go with what you got I'm using the FF uh FF the SF cuz I think it's the best reactor and uh yeah just place it behind the companion way right so underneath we're going to be placing two Nova cowlings and these are going to be the uh the underneath Wings just to give it a bit more shape so we'll plon that right there and just copy that across and then behind that we're going to put some landing gear I always go for the NG um the ng20 wides because yeah I think they look cool and they give the most frust they're definitely the better landing gear out of the the bunch right so behind the landing gear we're going to put our fuel and the grav Drive cuz I don't want these on display building this you know type of type of ship I want to be discreet of everything so it's quite hidden so I've gone for bclass on the grav drive it's the SGD I believe let me just find it where is it there it is yeah the SD SGD uh 2300 so it's nice and thin sits like quite well and you know like I said it's discreet it's out the way you can't really see it which is uh which is the look we're going for looking good looking good right so here we need to put two dios holes because we're going to be doing the drop down glitch so plunk that there plun this one there and then we're going to put some ballast shielded cargo and then we're going to drop down two daos um breaking engines just to you know going for the shape give it uh give it them Aesthetics now we're placing the shielded cargo cuz if you want to be a little pirate in this ship and uh put a Jammer on which we will do later you got some shielded cargo and it just looks nice uh on the side basically and it's uh once you color the ship it just looks loads better but yeah that looks quite cool I like it that's that's why I've done it so now what we need to do here is build the wings so we're going to be using Nova cins so we're going to use all three variants and we're going to be flipping them to uh to build the wings so you put your Nova Cal in there then you go for the second variant flip it like so bang and then we'll put an overal behind that and to the side of it now the the Ed there's going to be a gap it's like the wing flaps basically right we're going to sort this bit out later so let me just cop this across and I'll show you so you can see the Gap already now you can put like a radiator there if you want but we're going to be putting some engines there so just just wait we'll fix it later right so now we're going to be putting some spines down so start with the spine D and then we're going to go with the spine F behind it now these are not complete we'll finish this up later because there's two ways to do this we're going to do it the vanilla way without any drop down glitch and if you like it that way cool and then I'm going to show you a way to do the drop down glitch and make the tail fins look even better so just leave it as is for now right so we're going to put our final landing gear down it's going to be the pinpoint 4G because the way it snaps on all sides cuz the you can't snap to the the side of the reactor there and it gives the you know second most amount of frust so we'll plunk that there for now and on top of that we're going to put a stoud cap C and then underneath that a dios belly and that will hide the uh the landing gear beautiful look at that right so engine time so we're going to go over spherical well whoo wao that was too big that that's a modded engine that's an mclass we're not going for that one we're going for the Supernova cuz it's spherical um obviously you can use whichever engine you want but that one looks more like a F14 so using that and then for the side flaps like I said you can put a radiator or you can give yourself a bit more frust and a bit more uh Mobility with two sa engines and I think they look awesome especially cuz they look like you know they they should be there but shouldn't they look like they move cuz they're not you know smooth smoothly blended into the shape right so now we're going to put a shield we're using the Assurance 1800 because it gives the most shield and we're going to hide this cuz I don't again I don't want things poking out I I hate if I'm doing it for a ship right if I'm doing it for a ship I don't mind stuff poking out if I want it to poke out if if yeah I hate it when it shouldn't be there cuz we're building the jet fight out we need to hide it so drop down glitch with a stra cap boom Shield is invisible out the way not an easy target you know it's not vulnerable B yada yada yada so it's the best way to do it like I love hiding stuff like this cuz there's certain ship designs that you know look good with the shield and stuff on display and then you know other ships don't so we're going to do the drop down glitch again with some stra caps so we'll blend these into the spine and uh it will look good look at this look so we'll do the drop down glitch and once you color it it just Blends in so smooth it just looks amazing so like I said it's great when you hide stuff like this and uh yeah certain ships requiring it certain ships don't and this one definitely doesn't need stuff to be on show and there we go that's that bit complete right so at the back here we're going to build two more too Habs a variants and it's you know so without the doors and the clipping on the side again just go with what you want it's um you know whatever is useful to you as a player or convenient like I said in my opinion you always want like a workshop a science lab living quarters Captain's Quarters and then for the cockpit we're using the mcelin so un that there we're going to use the Nova cowlings and doing the drop down glitch to give it that jet fighter look and this is going to be pretty much the shape complete there's there's not much else to do bar adding some weapons I'm going to show you some extra bits to take it to the next level and uh coloring it and that's it done so we'll get rid of that let add another stra cap the stra cap Nova cin being an idiot and there we go look at that come on come on come on how good does that look how good does that look dude I've outdone myself I've outdone myself with this ship but we need to take it to the next level now guys we're not done right now I know a lot of you go oh it's only got like 1,000 cargo or less than a th000 so all right I'm going to give you some more cargo okay you can put even more on if you really want but you're going to lose Mobility but I'm going to show you how to like keep some good mobility and some decent cargo Okay so we've got just shy 2K cargo with these uh 10t Haller caros we're going to have to do the uh drop down glitch to glitch it up but you know 2,000 cargo with some shielded on a on a light fighter that's that's a respectable number you got to respect that and you finish off the engines by add an AOS bumper either side right so weapon wise you know dealest choice I always say I'm going for auto Alpha beams cuz they absolutely shred I'm going to go for some um Atlas missile launchers and some Auto Alpha turrets I'm going to have the turrets rear facing because in my opinion they uh they absolutely Shred and if you've got it rear facing if you're doing some like evasive maneuvers and stuff like you can you can like Dodge Crimson Fleet weave in and out and um yeah you can just shred so if things get behind you you can take it out but this thing turns on a penny like it's it's so maneuverable it's insane so we're ending on 90 Mobility we'll probably add a couple more bits like I said we'll take it to the next level it'll be between 80 to 90 mobility in total obviously depends on perks and your rank and your level and you know what crew you got on your ship but like trust me 80 mobility in this thing is is insane this thing turns on a penny it shreds it's fast it's yeah it's literally the American dream in a ship so it's good so the color I'm going for is dark gray and blue obviously color it how you want there's some other color variants so here's some pictures like you know like a desert storm or a military green but in my opinion I know I say it often cuz I always outdo myself with these builds like this is the best build I've done this looks so cool and that that's it as standard so if you don't like dark gray like I said go for a different color like a light you know light gray or you know military green it's up to you but I like this right so like I said let's take it to the next level so we're going to lose a little bit of Mobility move uh the cargo down cuz we're going to be drop down glitching more spines to blend into the Supernova engines so where where did that go what the right just move down that's all I wanted you to do right so move these down right so next we need to move the spines out the way and we need to put some dios holes down this you know this is what's required for the uh the drop down glitch so as you'll notice you can't place anything above the supernovas so we're going to have to drop down glitch a hole and then what we're going to do is there's two different variants here okay you can have the spine e or the spine C it's up to you do you want an aggressive um do you want an aggressive tail fin or do you want a subtle Sleek design so we'll put the uh we'll put the E down for now and then on on the other side we'll put the D and you can basically just make up your mind so that's the that's the E now that's the D which one do you like take your pick left or right I'm going for right cuz it looks more aggressive okay I'm going for the E it in my opinion it looks better your choice right so we'll get rid of the dios holes and then we'll drop down glitch the engines back into place and then we'll have no unattached module errors basically so you know lovely jly that's what we're looking for and look at that that just looks so much better than not having a spine on top of the engine my opinion so no unattached module error perfect one thing you'll notice on the fuel and on the uh grav Drive is you can no longer snap to to the side of it you know where the the cargo hold was originally now that's just because the uh the engines basically blocking it um so what we need to do is build two dios holes underneath and then we need to drop down glitch it back up it will snap into place it's showing that the snapping point is no longer there but it will it will snap back into place like so just do the drop down glitch glit again so get that on there lovely jly get this one on right now we just need to snap it up that's that's down Curtis what are you doing that's for Curtis what are you doing just just drop down glitch man what are you doing there we go right and this one there we go right so we get rid of these dios holes and the errors will go now that's the snats of the ship I think that's a respectable number all across the board 90 Mobility 130 top speed 2K cargo 16 100 Shield right so weapon time so because of my perks My Level and the stuff I've unlocked and my crew Etc and the reactor I'm using I can have four Auto Alpha turrets rear facing four Alpha beams front facing and two well actually three ATL 280c missile launchers now I don't see I don't like the missile launchers being behind the alpha beams it just looks a bit unrealistic but yeah there is enough Weaponry that I can use to bring down anything in this game it's an absolute monster but go with what weapons you know you want right so I'm going to move the uh missile launchers underneath here cuz I don't like them being behind the beams and there we go and then we can move these two across so they're not poking out and that's my weapon set up like I said you can have free but there's nowhere to put a third ATL missile launcher unless it's on top I don't want it on top but yeah this ship is an absolute Beast right so the last thing we can do is add a scanner Jammer on the back now these are very tiny you can't cut them annoyingly but they're very tiny you're not going to notice it and now you've got yourself a little light fighter you know you can join the Crimson flea you can you know haul Contraband you can bring destruction it's a beast it's an absolute Beast now in my opinion I I know I say it after every video you know but this has to be the best ship that I have built ever this is such a beast it looks so good it just looks so so good and for a light fighter I know you guys like oh if it's less than 5K cargo it's useless red like if you want a car you know if you want like 5K cargo build a cargo hauler you can switch ships you can have up to 10 ships okay you can you can change ships but if you want a goodl look light fighter like this is it this is the American dream all wrapped into one ship and what a ship it is and obviously there's ladders in this build there's not many okay so just get over it it's fine it's not hard to navigate this ship you boost up done so I'm going to be doing a giveaway and how to enter is simple you have till the end of the month to create a light fighter of your own design post it on our Discord in the competition section which can be found in the Starfield section right here the winners will be picked by the Discord staff team so I'll have no input whatsoever and winners will be announced at the end of the month so you have nearly three weeks to enter only one entry per person and the winners will get to choose what gift card they want whether it be a steam voucher an Xbox code PlayStation Etc I'll purchase the vouchers and I'll send you the codes and the winners are going to be announced in a featured video featuring your ships and you know showing them off the competition is for a light fighter so it doesn't matter if it's Class A B or C and it doesn't matter if it's a starter ship or a late game ship so what we want to see is pictures stats of the ship a video of an interior tour and some you know shots of the ship and some combat so good luck to everyone who enters the competition so with all that said let me know in the comments guys what you thought about this build did you like it didn't you like it what would you have done differently I want to hear it don't forget to subscribe and like and now I'm going to leave you with some combat footage against the Crimson Fleet and I'll see you in the next video guys [Music] peace [Music] n [Music] yeah [Music] he [Music] n
Channel: CurtisBuilds
Views: 114,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield, starfield gameplay, starfield ships, starfield ship building, starfield best ships, starfield best ship design, starfield ship designs, starfield tutorial, startfield ship tutorial, starfield cargo ship, cargo ship build, best ship in starfield, the only ship you need in starfield, ship build limit, starfield build limit, best fighter ship starfield, best fighter ship, improve your ship starfield, f-14, tomcat, f-35, starfield jet fighter, f-14 tomcat
Id: nvAn2rOnLIE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 16sec (1096 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 11 2023
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