THESE Are The BEST Ships I've Ever Seen In Starfield

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how's it going everyone and welcome back to the channel so in this video I'm going to be showing you some of the most amazing builds in Starfield I've ever seen and the ship you're seeing now is a teaser For an upcoming build that I've done it's nowhere near finished hence why I haven't done the colors or anything yet now it is modded with console commands to make the ship bigger but you can build this on Xbox and I'm going to show you how in Tuesday's video so stay tuned for that while I've got your attention don't forget to go to x gamer. there you'll find some of my builds with blueprints to help you build the ship as always if you're new around here hit H that subscribe button don't forget to like and share this video and join my community on Discord so let's get into the video okay so to start things off we've got Andrew and his revamped star Eagle now off the bat brilliant build absolutely love this and I'm probably going to build this there's sometimes in sub Sunday videosos there's there's some ships that I see and I'm just like yeah I I'm going to build this there's a lot that I would change though but overall the design is absolutely fantastic and I love the shape not too keen on the colors but that's just personal preference but no this is a fantastic ship Andrew Well Done mate look at that the stats on it are really good as well if we go back to the stats like you know nearly two 2,000 Shields it's that's decent that is decent the cargo you could probably up that a bit but then obviously it depends what your Mobility is doesn't it so this ship looks fantastic I really do like this so the things that I would change um it looks like you haven't done any drop down glitch in which is fine like you don't have to don't feel like you have to but um there's a couple of things that I would do mainly with the drop down glitch to give it a bit more like of a cooler shape and the cockpit here I would probably use the cver i' drop down glitch that in but apart from that this ship looks absolutely fantastic mate you should be proud I'm definitely going to build this because the there's I'm seeing things I'm like planning in my head now like what I would do like so for example this the the damos um wing a I'd probably bring one of those down here protrude These Wings out a bit Yeah there's potential with this build it looks fantastic by itself definitely one of the best ships I've seen so far I love the shape and I like how the layout is cu you can tell it's not a maze you know you've got your um Hab spines and stuff and your walkway so yeah so you're not going to get lost in this ship but yeah brilliant ship definitely going to build this well done Andrew proud of you mate orbit back at it again with another great looking ship this looks fantastic you guys impressed me every week I do SUB Sunday I'm just like you guys build some crazy ships off the bat seriously this looks fantastic you're using the drop down glitch it looks really good like some really smooth parts and I like what you done with the spine here this looks cool now there isn't any pictures of the stats so I don't know the full stats of this however obviously you haven't got a lot of Weaponry here maybe that was like you know a part build picture and um the cargo is a little bit lacking I always say don't get too hung up on cargo but 280 is very low and like I said there's no other stats so I'm I'm not sure what the the final you know build will look like I like what youve done with the drop down glitch here as well that looks so cool really good shape obviously very fast good mobility and I'm guessing that comes down to not having weapons and cargo I love the silhouette of this ship this looks so good mate ah you've changed it here the spine's changed from the original picture and I've just realized why so it's um where's that picture again there is so it's 42 M long here so I'm assuming you've built it and it's exceeded the limit so you've uh you've taken this that's a shame cuz that spine does look good however that still looks incredible like that so you've taken a bit of length down honestly this ship looks so good it's definitely a ship I would build you should be uh should be proud of this orbit that's um that's insane that's a really really cool design hold on mate okay so the Builder of this ship doesn't need any introduction I think you already know know who it is but I'll give you 5 Seconds to have a guess come on you know who it is I know who it is we all know who it is of course it's Grim it's green it's black and it's a crazy design it's all Grim builds green and black Crazy Design ships and to be fair it's another really good looking ship I love the design and I like how small it is for a ship that's not that big that's really like nicely designed and compact this is a fantastic compact design I really really like this the only criticism I've got Grim not a fan of that cockpit but you know personal preference I've never been a fan of that one I think that's the damos one I believe correct me if I'm wrong it's just one I don't ever use so for the cockpits of this kind of shape I'm a fan of uh the miguelin um and I like the Caba and the Aries but yeah this ship looks absolutely fantastic mate I love the design I like the layout as well obviously good Shield like some good stats here decent amount of cargo for a small Fighter the crew too you i' probably up the crew members if you can I think you can uh more weapons you put on they add crew as well so but overall no another fantastic Bill Grim looks amazing mate look at that that looks spoton don't it that looks so cool this might be the thumbnail this might be the thumbnail not sure yet is that who's that in the background who oh yeah I think that's Sam isn't it it looks like Sarah pilo in it that looks good though I like the uh I like that screenshot especially with the weapons look at that beautiful ship I love the colors as well you always make it look cool with the green and the black well done Grim mate this is uh honestly spot on brilliant brilliant build as always well on mate proud of you keep them coming so this absolute unit of a ship is done by a user called pasarilla and yeah it is a unit of a ship I really like this aggressive design so obviously 1,600 Shield to 3,000 cargo Mobility 60 but it is a big ship so 60 is absolutely fine 130 top speed decent Mass decent jump jump as well and obviously uh nine nine uh nine crew however lacking on the weapons here I think um you definitely need more weapons that's the only criticism I can give apart from that though this ship looks absolutely incredible I love the shape I love the shape and the colors it's yeah this is a really cool design different as well very different and you don't see the you don't see this kind of design often obviously I've done a couple but it's uh it's it's never kind of gone as well as this in my opinion this just looks yeah amazing look at that look beautiful I maybe um looking at this now I maybe would have done um this Nova Cal in the the 2L cowlin like drop down glitch this part over here next to this engine so what you can do is uh remove this stra cap build a couple of dios holes across cuz this will snap to it but you need to build it here put it there duplicate it down as well as this part and yeah that would have looked pretty cool to be fair cuz th this I love the cowlings they they just give it like an aggressive look especially for something like this where the the front end is uh so aggressive looking as well now obviously you've hit 40 so you can't go any um any longer basically for vanilla but a damos wing a uh flipped would have looked good here as well but obviously you would have had to sacrificed the the back end but like overall really really good looking ship I I actually really like this I may build something similar to this cuz this has given me some ideas as well but well done proud of you brilliant build I hope you've entered it in the competition so this next build is from a user named Capitano I am and it is a battleship Yamoto and it looks incredible doesn't it like come on it's insane obviously it's modded look at the size of it 105 M but they' built this spot on quite a lot of cargo definitely a lot of hole obviously a lot of Shields and a lot of Firepower but yeah you know Mobility top speed obviously that's going to be top tier because it's modded but this ship looks absolutely insane absolutely insane now they have said that it's got a dual Bridge a du working Bridge so that's pretty cool as well wow that top down view looks insane look at the Firepower so you got obviously the the side pointed uh side Mountain weapons weapons facing forward weapons facing backwards this is insane obviously they're all turrets by the looks of it so they're just going to absolutely Shred the enemies I mean this is this is a proper ship isn't it this is what should have been available to be fair from day one on Starfield being able to build absolute Mass massive monstrosities like this but look at the state of that this is brilliant this is very well done you should be really proud of this ship it's very very well done this is something I'd like to build uh eventually it just looks incredible I mean look at it what a build man a lot of time and effort went into this very well uh very wellb built ship I hope you've uh entered it into the uh into the competition cuz this uh this definitely deserves to to enter the competition this is yeah such a cool build what do you guys think of this one this is definitely one of my favorites I've seen like a lot of efforts been made into this and that's what I appreciate the uh the effort made like every little detail craziness love it you can see the reactors down here as well and there that's mad what do you guys think I hope you enjoyed the video guys let me know in the comments which one was your favorite build don't forget to subscribe and like this video and I'll see you on the next one peace
Channel: CurtisBuilds
Views: 39,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield, starfield spaceship, starfield ships, starfield ship builds, starfield best ships, starfield best ship design, starfield ship designs, startfield ship tutorial, starfield cargo ship, best ship in starfield, this ship is a must build in starfield, why this is the ship every player needs in starfield, Starfield Ship Build Designs and Ideas, these are the best ships i've ever seen in starfield, starfield best ships ever, rating your starfield ships, top 10 starfield, top
Id: poz8Bk6cZbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 22 2023
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