I Built the Best Ship in Starfield... But I won't Use it

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I built the best ship in Starfield that's so good you might as well be cheating and I'll show you exactly how I did it so you can do it too I really don't know why you guys are having so much trouble building a ship bro it's so easy Frank how we doing I'd like to modify my ships okay ship Builder looking pretty good delete all this start with a little Landing bit probably going to need a reactor wait a minute wait a minute piloting rank three require fired are you kidding me Frank why didn't you tell me this piloting rank three unlock the ability to Pilot Class B ships rank four unlock the ability to Pilot class c ships Dr 15 ships dude that's easy bro well I really thought it would be easy but to get the ship that we need we've got to get our piloting so goal number one get piloting to level four we'll be back Frank all right we're up go find some Bandits oh no there's too many of them why are you getting out of the sea oh still one of them okay Bandits are a little tougher than I thought they're literally just bullying me at this point there's only one solution to handle a bully we become the bully today is the to day we enlist am all right John I'd like to enlist you come to enlist at long last start ear your stripes with time for registration the I White Walker agree now this is what we really came for when you're ready to begin please take a seat in the Pilot's chair you want to shoot at me huh tget Target Target eliminated that's what I'm talking aboutut down 7 out of 15 just a couple more runs to go and there's rank three that easy 30 ships back to the simulator finally we've done it piloting rank four unlock the ability to Pilot Class C ship Sarah let's go talk to Frank we're back need some work done let's do this again add a reactor oh yeah wait what 16k just for the reactor are you serious Frank I didn't want it to come to this give us a discount before things get ugly Frank you did this Frank you caused this we'll be back with the money there's only one way to beat someone like Frank we get so rich we buy him again I thought this was going to be easy but another problem we've got to get our bag up so goal number two we make millions now we could go do some quests or get some Contraband but why do that when you can make a money printer all right we need a little supplies first we're going to have to start small ilum tungsten copper iron and some aluminum now let's said sarian and let's go to andropen find a spot with all three resources the trick is Place The Outpost with iron brillium and aluminum Place iron extractor Place aluminum extractor place an iron storage get you a nice chair to sit in link your extractor to your storage link your iron extractor now we're collecting iron and aluminum now we [Music] wait [Music] 136 iron 154 aluminum now we ramp up production link all of our extractors get some more power key to everything is placing an industrial workbench and then we start crafting now we wait again more storage equals more money now link the storage boxes [Music] together then we wait again and now we print some money all right about 30 minutes later we've got 57,000 adaptive frames I'm going to put a ship pad right next to the chair so I can fly out of here quick let's head over to UC distribution she's only got 5,000 credits well let's start selling took me about an hour but we got 600,000 all right Sarah let's go talk to Frank all right Frank you greedy I'm back all right we got our piloting and we got our money now let's build this thing I'll be honest I'm not really filling the options here you know what I don't think Frank deserves our business anyway let's head over to stra Stout Eckland is where it's at actually leveled up quite a bit from The Outpost Farm we unlocked a couple new toys here wait what's all this Starship design rank four required Starship Design Tech skills Starship design allows the installation of improved ship modules rank four allows the installation of experimental ship modules okay now we're talking let's go ahead and get rank one install five unique ship modules easy enough all right let's start with the cheapest okay okay two out of five rank two install 15 unique ship modules all right two out of 15 [Music] eight out of 15 here we go 15 out of 15 rank three 30 unique ship modules for rank [Music] four8 out of 30 there's no way they let me actually fly this thing right what even is this game bro you ready to do some [Music] business halfway there and boom there we go 30 out of 30 rank four boom experimental St may be new Jarvis you there at your service sir all right I always like to start with some Habs now I'm not talking these Allin ones when you're building a ship like this you need practicality so let's start off with an Armory then we'll add a little infirmary and a workshop now when it comes to reactors choice is pretty easy there's only one that is the best we're going to be traveling pretty far we're going to need a good grab Drive we're going to be taking a lot of fire we need the best Shield you can get I'm going to take some inspiration from the Pelican from Halo so let's add a few more Habs we're going to need some living quarters because we have a lot of followers copy and paste that over then we'll go ahead and slap on the best cockpit you can buy and let's attach a little control station to it and we'll go ahead and add a little science lab then I am the captain and I do need some quarters and and we'll finish it off with a little computer core because why not we're going to need a lot of fuel too all right this is the basic Foundation of our ship we've got all of our core components right here on the back we've got every Hab that you could need now the fun part begins we can start decorating for all right looking good now let's get some engines on this thing now when it comes to the engines we need speed all right make sure we're not missing anything let's do a quick flight check leaning gear and a Docker all right now when it comes to Cargo I like to store everything we are looking good quick flight check landing gear easy with all that cargo space we needed a lot of landing gear all right i' say we're just about finished up here now let's add some weapons and a lot of them let's add a couple Alpha beams and then if you get this air ship has weapons that must be assigned to a group simple just click on weapons assign choose the weapon category now you can check up here we've got room for about one more that one's maxed out now let's add a couple rocket launchers why don't we assign them we' got one weapon category left let's add a couple helon beams that's say they were ready to roll this is one hell of a ship quick flight check wait a minute ship cost exceeds available credits 7 126,000 we're short about 40K all right all right I'll be right back with some more money and we're back all right so full disclaimer if you're going to build this make sure you got about 730,000 ready to spend now for the Final Touch let's give her a paint [Music] job [Music] that's what I'm talking about this ship is dirty now let's go up some Bandits round two baby they don't even stand a chance it's too easy the who are you shooting at you're done you're gone is that all they got those are the bandits that killed us earlier I tried to warn yall if you build this ship you might as well be cheating that wraps up the video guys if you enjoyed it drop a sub for me and if you want a more in-depth guide on The Outpost XP and money farming let's check out this video right over here peace
Channel: White Walker
Views: 24,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield ship building, starfield, starfield ships, starfield ship building guide, starfield ship building tutorial, starfield gameplay, starfield the best ship build, starfield the best ship in the game
Id: WTJqZi-Y_Bw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 22 2023
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