One of the Best Ships You Can Make in Starfield a Complete Guide

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hello everyone and welcome to another Starfield ship building guide today dig B Industries has a special treat for you all maybe a little bit of your evil side here but without further Ado I introduce you all to the dark scythe the video crew over at HQ always Nails those intros let's jump into the stats here on the dark sidethe let's start right at the top with 630 fuel it's slightly more than the 510 fuel required if your skills are maxed out to jump across the whole galaxy just a little bit extra get you where you need to go uh we've got the Hall of 1591 it's a little bit higher than we normally do but pretty standard for a class C ship we have a cargo of 14,100 a little bit higher compared to most of the digfig industry ships however says come at slight cost of Mobility which is only at 80 compared to 100 on a lot of our ships with a top speed of 130 but we believe at di industries that ad0 maneuverability is sure than enough to still kick everything's ass in space we heard your request to bring back the shielded cargo when we removed it for the zigar to so you have a nice capacity of 106 tier so you don't have to worry about those nice little Patrol scanning you if you forget you got some Contraband on we know you Heroes you like to pick up everything you see some of it's not really approved in the inner systems got that tried and true pinch reactor in here giving us 40 power 11 crew even though the max are legally allowed to have in spaces eight jump range of 30 that is just standard nowadays somewhere in the shield seent Shields is having some quality control issues so this ships at 3840 sometimes you're a little bit lower down around the 3200 Mark and if that's the case we can compensate with some credits or we can try and get you a better shield from sexon their customer service is really hard to deal with though so we'll take that burden on for you we're still rocking the normal 12 weapons this is another bang irix ship here it cost 868 th000 credits to afford this thing so it' be safe to come into this build with somewhere around 900,000 credits again kind of like my zagars and to wrap it all up we have 4931 Mass one of the heaviest s against shrips to date let's quickly go over the pilot certifications you're going to need to fly one of these things off our lot here we come over here into the tech you're going to need piloting level four because this is a Class C ship as always can't let you fly the LW fly it off the LW without that we're also going to need Starship design level 40 for some of these things got to be certified to operate some of these high-end reactors and stuff if you're not though we do have lesser versions that we can sell you easy peasy and you can upgrade later for cheap and you're also going to need to be level 60 to buy some of these specific modules but again we do have lower versions if you are not quite there yet and we'll upgrade you for the cheap later now that we've got all those pesky certifications and requirements out of the way let's let us actually take a look at the dark saber here just check out this gorgeous ship and the power she emits and the feelings she has we come stand down here we get the my favorite view of this entire ship it just feels Grand and powerful and like almost kind of sinister when you're walking up on in here you just feel like a powerful person like you want a red carpet to roll out for you when you're walking up this thing with this beautiful experimental weapon system we have right here dead center it's just absolutely gorgeous if we come around here you're going to see some more very distinctive lines on the outside of the dark saber here just check it out with these double blade of armor packages here the weapon systems on the outside to protect you from all angles and then you've got the little scan Jammer hidden in here you've got some sloped armor here to deflect rounds away from your engine come across here you have two of the top of the line some of the biggest and baddest weapons you can and protective weapon housings on the back cuz we know that the police and the P patrols that you Heroes like to get in trouble with like to fly with wingman they try and flank you enemies are always trying to come up behind you and you aren't privileged enough as a hero to have a wingman so you need to cover your own butt and we've got you covered with these things anyone that tries to sneak up behind you will get obliterated with the size of these guns back here as normal we put the beautiful little pinch shate reactor back here so easy jettison if anything happens it will be completely covered under warranty don't have to trouble yourself with that don't fret about it some would say come around here you just get to see these beautiful exterior lines here again just looks so good on the outside with these double plated uh reactors here and we've got the patent self stealing radiator technology right under the armor in this ship as well so no matter what you'll always be running at Max cooling if we can jump up top here and we have that wonderful deos cockpit that dig big Industries is so well known for we're trying to innovate here so instead of sticking up in the front like everyone else does we tucked it all the way back here in this beautifully protected position uh with still very good field of view and just wonderful place to engage your enemies from but stay safe yourself let's come back here you can see we have these huge radiator packages with the patented digfig Industries technology for self-sealing containment if they do get ruptured do maintain maximum cooling power uh we have redundant radiators strapped all over this ship on both sides and down the middle and on the bottom as well to make sure that when you are fighting outnumbered cuz we know you her as like to get into some crazy ass trouble you will always have maximum Cooling and power to your weapons and engines and you can run everything and overdrive as long as possible but we're going to end where we started here of just this view this walk up to this ship just feels so good you can just RP walk up in this thing and it feels so menacing and powerful and strong it's one of the most heroic looking ships and feeling ships that I've had when you're walking towards your Bay really nice got vaska here always protecting take big Industries uh patented just revolutionary techn everyone's like Rogen Industries they keep trying of come in here and steal our stuff but we don't let them let's move into the interior tour in here we're going to start with you have two 2x1 HS four 3x1 HS one 2X two Hab in here so nice mixing Meandering of habs here that you don't normally get in many ships especially not in digfig industry sh we're going to start this Tour by taking your right here into the infirmary right near the bloating bake we know your companions they just can't keep up with your Heroes sometimes and they need some treatment but a hero would never need any treatment we also have a pharmaceutical lab and a research pens in here coming through here we move into a workstation so you can do on the Fly repairs of your ship in combat post combat after Combat on the surface you can repair another ship you can repair anything you could possibly want in this place with an industrial workbench a second research lab in case you don't know how you can figure out how to fix it really quick a space workbench and you also have a weapons workbench then if we keep on coming up here we've got one ladder let's jump up here into the first 3x1 engineering base this this where we house some of the engine opponents and if you got to do maintenance up here it's super easy to access you don't have to Crime through any vents or anything like that in many other ships it's a giant fly that landed on my desk that has distracted me as we come through here we're going to move into the first of the living quarters here this is where like Recreation likes to happen people just hang out and bed got beautiful TV here for whatever reason these people love monitoring the systems of the ship and the scans on the ship we come through here you've got a beautiful little Lounge beautiful Galley to cook and eat at we've got two little bunk beds here if people want to take a nap in here beautiful stuff to animals we know you guys are hard in combat but you can be soft in bed it makes no sense whatsoever but you got to lift iron so we definitely got the workout things here I don't know why they have this Jan so far up in the Shelf through with the fact you can't even use the darn thing going have to talk to the crew about that when we come through here we have a lot of recreational stuff going on and we need to hire a maid or get one of the crew in here to clean this up cuz this is kind of a mess here got dirty pots jammed in the stove what what is falling here our vending machine seems to be broken we're going to have to bring maintenance here and fix that don't worry we'd refund you credit if that happened on your ship as well if we walk all the way back through here we're going to take a right go back through the infirmary come across ship is almost symmetrical on both sides but we're going to walk into the combat and control area of this ship this is a hardened position and this thing has enough stations to monitor everything going on you Top ofth Line sensor Suites here top of the line armor packages protecting this room it would take literally like a death star to get into this cockpit here or this combat control we jump up here we're going to have our second engineering Bay here again just easy access we're not going to make your crew C through panels or anything like this this is a combat ship it is meant to take a beating and we want easy field repairs here so we just made everything easily accessible up there coming out of the combat control you have the primary bunks here you've got four crew members for sleeping and shift very easy access to your combat control in case you get jumed have some unexpected guests while you're trying to get some RNR hello here they've got their own little gy so you never have to walk too far away from combat control if you're currently on duty and then the rest is just extra storage in here nice and simple navigating through this ship nothing too crazy then if we come back through here right up this one little ladder is going to be how do we get to the cockpit through these extra store rooms because you can never have too many Goods um yeah we're testing putting Deployable combat robots in our ship and uh this one seems to be malfunctioning slightly but again it's intimidating if you came up the ladder and one of those things Dro down on you I bet you would be surprised that was supposed to not be that's an experimental technology that I don't even know if I'm supposed to show that might get censored out in the actual video coming up into the deos cockpit here which we're all familiar with here at digfig Industries we have this beautiful field of view for engaging your enemies in combat nothing will escape your line of sight with the sensor Suite here you will have no problems detecting everything behind you as well my personal favorite place on any of these ships is right here this is where I love to sleep when I'm out in space on these cockpits just so beautiful at night looking out oh wait it's space it's always night time look out with the Stars and everything like that but again just your typical deos cockpit here with your navigation console if in case you don't want to do that little chair animation cuz we know how annoying that can be for you Heroes but we're going to jump on over now to the ship we're going to use to build this ship bam just like that we are in the ship we're going to turn into the dark saber I'm going to use this pitiful little Rambler too which you can buy at new Atlantis for 70,000 credits doesn't matter what ship you bring I make all of these build guyses in the anticipation or expectation that every single part on this ship is going to get delet we are building from absolute scratch some people have been commenting that if you go Bard a level C ship or a type c ship you can actually save a little bit of credits by having some of the high-end systems already on the ship so that might be a good suggestion if you want to do that we're going to be making three shops on today's Journey the first one is going to be back to our old stomping ground Soul we're going to be heading over to Titan and soul go into our map double tap back out here scroll up from alpha sari right here click on Soul it's going to be in the top left we're going to click on the Titan we're going to rotate around click on new pad and travel there to get our first massive shopping list this is this is by far the largest ever shopping list it's actually just one item we're buying here being dramatic I can understand wanting to honor or even celebrate history oh really this may take it too far this guy's the nicest guy in the whole entire game we're going to click on him we're going to go in the ship Builder here now you're are going to buy this singular item on your list and you're going to buy eight of them actually so you should pause the game now and if you haven't paused it maybe you want to pause it we're going to cut this down a little so hopefully you paused it now that you've boughten these items you should have eight and G20 landing gear uh just for reference after every single shopping list I will do this top down thing for Milling it just looks really good and it's clean let you double check that you've got all the right parts now we're actually going to do something different here we're actually going to take one of these we're going to hit the arrow key twice or once over and we're going to transform these into the ng20 landing gear wides I'm going to do this for all eight of these cuz this makes these things so much easier easier to transport which we'll get right into here now that we've done that you should have eight of these things just like this and we are now going to make these things fit on whatever ship you brought cuz we are just going to be transporting these from one location to another so I'm going to Frankenstein Frankenstein my ship for you guys and I'm going to show you what it looks like you can see here I just threw all mine right onto the side of the ship and I had to buy a Nova Galactic storm so if you have to buy some extra bits just to make all these bees fits don't hesitate to do so this is some of the harder part of this but we're just going to fly this Frankenstein ship around cuz it's one of the fun parts of making these build guide videos so we're going to back out of here and head off to our next stop if the game would allow me to back out and to double tap the map here we're going to be heading to the red mile is going to be all the way over here in peronia peronia Pima Pima I'm going to butcher this pronunciation but you guys will see what I'm clicking on then we're going to peruma 3 gets worse every time I make one of these videos I think the first time I said it right and ever since then we've absolutely butchered it we're going to click on the Red Mile and click land and we're going to head on down here to the Red Mile this is being a long loading screen for some reason once W the Red Mile we're going to jump on up over this nice little geological feature they have right here come to this front door with the beautiful red mile as advertised get yelled at by a guard oh because I called you out you're not going to be a dick this time touche the guards here they got mous on them and they make you just want to come here and and kill some folk unfortunately cycle these long airlock doors Red Mile dare to run come on through here you're going to come up here you're going to see a ship service desk with no one at it but he's actually his back off so you're going to open up this door you're going to come through here and talk to this wonderfully beautiful gentleman the most handsome man in all the settled systems to come into here and then you are going to purchase this beautiful shopping list on you this one's quite long but not unwieldy so once you've bought all this stuff we're continue this up so you should pause it and if you haven't paused it you should definitely pause it now hopefully you paused like an old walk-in maybe a TV a recorder a pause button a CD player H now that you've bought all those parts you should have some schander of parts that look something like this you should have four equipment plates seven Taio callings Four Tops eight stoud nose cap C Port forwards two stoud cap a port Four Tops one H Tech Thruster four h Tech radiators four hch pipe 4S one 100 cm battle shielded carg go hold one scan Jammer six s 6830 engines and you should have one j52 gamma grab drive two Tio Companion Way 1 Time 1 bottom aze one pinch AZ reactor now we're going to do the same thing we did last time and make all these parts just fit on the ship over here and again you might have to buy some extra stuff cuz this Frankenstein sip is about to get crazy and just like that we fit all these things on here you have to make sure you delete your reactor your jump drive all of your old engines or you're going to get flight errors here make sure all your engines are gone I've seen some people complain about in the comments you have to make sure they're all deleted I actually had to buy some extra fuel tanks here because I'm not going to have the jump range to make it to the next destination which we're going to head to now we're going to back out of here make sure we've got no flight checks or we'll get some erors here we're going to head all the way back to SLT it is nice to see you you beautiful man most handsome man in all the systems right there we're going to jump back out here we're going to come all the way across here to Soul again and we're going to be heading to deos this time around Mars that's this little asteroid right here we're going to set a course and lot away got this beautiful soulless loading screen here cuz who doesn't love these and uh yeah we're going to see you guys when this loading screen ends just like that we're out of the loading screen and we are flying the F Frankenstein ship all the way to demo station this is my favorite part of all these build guys it's how often do you get to fly a ship like this around should just make a ship like this just fly around everywhere what a what a pleasant welcoming they just gave us there now that we are on board we will be running straight forward following this little pathway here then we're going to take a little bit of lift a little bit right a little bit left a little bit right push our way right in between those two ladies very very rudely and talk to this beautiful shiny headed man like to modify we're going to click on the ship build here and come on in now instead of me to throwing up a shopping list this ship has almost maximum Parts again so you're going to have to delete every single piece of your old ship and all the other extra pieces you picked up to get this ship here and you are going to need to it's not a big deal if you delete one of the pieces by accident cuz you can just go back into the store and Reby it here that's how it happens if if you delete a piece it just goes to the vendor to be able to be repurchased but you want to make sure you delete everything that you didn't buy specifically for this build offer your own ship because this ship has one extra part space available after you complete these shopping lists so now on your screen you should have a beautifully long shopping list this is one of two there will be another one after this so you should definitely pause it here take a screenshot maybe pause it and if you haven't paused you should pause a little bit more then pause it some more and then if you haven't paused it you can pause it and then yeah rewind if you missed it and now here's shopping list number two it's a little bit shorter but you can pause it here and uh then uh you can definitely pause it and pause it a little bit more then pause some more have a good pause session in you okay hopefully you're pause let's get into this now after purchasing that extremely long shopping list you should have one Assurance SG 1800 Shield generator six deos Wing C ports 10 deos Wing B ports 12 demo swing a ports four demo spine C4s six demo spine a4s two deos radiators two deos H three deos cing d4s four pb300 Auto Alpha turrets four PB 100 Auto Neutron turrets and four PB 175 heling beams you can use whatever weapons you want these are just personal preference I like the way these look on this ship 120 LD Landing Bay six gallion s204 cargo holds one DS 40.2 Aries Bridge one 110 DP Docker top 3 500 T3 tanks one deos battle station 2x two two deos Companion Way 1 time 1es four demos allinone burst 3 * 1 and two deos allinone bursts time two now I'm going to separate all these out and completely Mill this here and then I will show you guys a top down view so if you want to Mill this the same way I do can all be on the same page and here you go the Milling is done if you want to try and align your parts kind of like this it's up to you and make it easier to follow so if you want to pause it here for just like a minute minute and maybe trying to arrange some of your parts like this you'd have a much easier time following the build so yeah should pause it here and if you haven't you can rewind we can pick this up so we're just going to jump right into this and start the crafting of this ship first we're going to start with the DS 40.2 Aries bridge I'm just going to throw it up top here rotate it around because this is how I'm familiar building this ship then we're going to try and finish the mid layer here first starting with the first two demos companion ways we're going to bring these over here going to be these Companion Way one time and we're going to stack these on top of each other just like so here you can see how it's this and then they're coming straight out the back and we're going one down then we're going to grab our Battle Stations two times two and we're going to stick it on the blower one here it's like this so you can see it's the back right corner stuck to here off the left side sticking forward speaking of which I am a little bit too close to where we have milled out because this is going to shoot out in a long Direction forward us now we are going to grab two of our deos all in one birth to 2x tws I'm going to take the first one and I'm going to transform this into an infirmary if you want to follow my build exactly we are going to stick this coming out here just like this sticking right out the front we're basically going to match this 2 by two but we're going to do it with two 2x ones now we're going to take this one we're going to transform it into a workstation by hitting the arrow keys on the keyboard so now we have an infirmary and a workstation you can see how they're both sticking out the front right mirroring this side exactly we are going to grab all four of our things here I'm just going to bring them to our workstation if you can't grab all four you can do one at a time it's all good we're going to transform this one into the living quarters if you want to follow my build exactly then we're going to take another one and we're going to transform this into the all in one birth three times one you're going to see here that they're sticking out the front just like this off to this left and off to the right here of this Gap here there's going to be one two three technical slots in the middle here and uh yeah just six4 just like that then we're going to take the next two and I'm going to transfer these into an engine bay a I'm going to stick it here and I'm going to do the same on this side we're going to do this one in engine bay B why cuz why not have an A and A B as we can and you can see here that they're sticking off the back sticking up just like this almost kind of sort of like a star Tre Enterprise just like so super nice simple easy give you guys some good views here then we're going to grab two of our gallion s24 cargo holes we're going to bring these over here we're then going to take these and we're going to stick them down here cuz Perpetual chaos we don't do anything in any proper order here we're going to stick these so they're hanging off the back just like so then we're going to come around we're going to grab two of our fuel tanks here these 500 T30 tanks and then we're going to stick those right in front of those here just like this so it's symmetrical on both sides where you go like banding way to well this isn't companding this is a workstation to fuel tank to Cargo hole just like this on both sides super nice and simple we're going to grab our j52 gam of jump drive and we're going to stick it right on the back of the ship and then we're going to DB our pinch 8z reactor and stick it right on the back of that you can see how it's perfectly lined up with these two deos companion ways so they're back to back just like that we're going to zoom out here and we're going to grab two more of our cargo holds and those are going to go right here in this slot tucking away right here in the middle here so you can see here that they're on the lower part if we get the camera angle up here zoom in is are going to be on the inside of the j52 Gamma Drive just like this but on the lower part of it so the top is still free we're going to grab our two strap cap a port Four Tops all the way over here I'm going to bring them down to the workstation and we're going to stick these to the front of the ship and that one did not stick properly so I'm going to rotate this around get this one here now we're going to stick this here you can see how they're attached to the front but we're a little bit close to our workstation or our Milling sterea so we're going to move this back a little bit right here and I might actually grab this whole ship and bring it up one think I want to do that make a little bit easier to work on here and we do this Underside now we are going to grab two of our stoud nose cap C Port 4S and we're going to stick those directly underneath the two bits we just attached the ship going to hit Z to transform it and rotate it around you'll see what we've got going on here they're dead even and paired up with each other just like so now that we've got those attached we're going to come over here and we're going to grab landing gears I'm just going to grab all of them and bring to my workstation so it's a little bit easier we're going to put the first one right behind these two you can see it's going to be just like so like that then we are actually going to grab our glass 2 gallan s24 cargo bins I'm going to bring them in that's going to go right behind each one of these landing gears on both sides mirror just like so we can get a good camera angle here goes the stoud nose cap into landing gear into cargo then we're going to take another landing gear we're going to put that right behind that on both sides so you can see here how that is just lined up just like so then we're going to come over here and we're going to grab our 110 DP Docker top we're going to flip it around using the Z key to make it Point straight down I'm going to come in and we're going to stat it behind this landing gear on the right hand side then I'm going to take a deos Hall a just to mirror it on the other side here serves no function other than to look mirrored on both sides really really nice looking then we're going to grab another ng20 landing gear and smack it right behind there apparently we're going into the smack thing again we're going to mirror that on both sides then we're going to double that up with another ng20 landing gear just like so so it goes your stoud noise cap landing gear cargo landing gear deos Docker and or Hall depending on which side you are on then two ng20 landing gears that's mirrored on both sides just like so then we're going to come over here and we're going to grab our twoo Companion Way 1 time one bottom A's bring them into the workspace and that's going to be taking up this final whoa I couldn't even begin to tell you where that just yeed itself off to Into The Ether we're going to attach these two to the bottom right here just like this so that's going to complete this entire row with the two landing gear followed up by a TI Companion Way right at the bottom then we are going to grab our 120 LP Landing Bay we're going to try and get this to snap right not in the little pocket but right on this uh deos companion we 1 time one so there's actually going to be a gap in between the cockpit like this it's going to be this weird Gap and we'll feel that in in due time but for now the deos Landing Bay is just like so then we're going to grab our last 500 th3 tank we're going to come down here try and pan around the camera get a little bit crazy with it cuzz we all know how much we love building underneath that's going to go right behind the Deo Landing Bay like this super nice and simple and then we're going to grab our shielded cargo hold the 100 cm ballast shielded cargo hold that's going to stick right on the end at the bottom down here got the camera to pan around properly slide it in oh when he misses sometimes you can't always find it on the first try we're going to put that right there now we're going to come up here we're going to grab two of our too cattling for doops we're going to flip these over so they are now facing upwards and those are going to attach right to the bottom of these cargo Bays right here like so that's not the right spot right there working underneath is absolutely toxic in this game but it works we are going to grab two of The Hope Tech radiators here I had to pause there for a second and try and figure myself out and do the order of things these are going to go on top of these cargo containers that we just put these tile callings on then I'm going to grab two more these are going to go right in front of it just like so zoom in here just so you guys can see what I'm talking about here you've got the reactor completely sticking out the back then you've got reactors here and reactors here now we should actually be able to attach all six of our engines actually before we can attach those engines we're going to need four of these stoud nose cap C port forward so I'm just going to yank for bring them into the workstation we're going to be sticking these onto the side like so I will zoom in in a second but first i'm just going to mirror these to both sides come down here these are going to go on the forward part of the deos engineering ba a 3.1 there's actually this one Gap sticking out it's going to match the distance of these radiators over here these are where our engines are going to go and then there's going to be the bit sticking out the back here on these so make sure we do that and I just mirrored it on this side you can see the orientation right here it's not all the way down but it's on these upper two right here now we're going to grab all six of our engines and I'm just going to bring them into the workstation just like so and if you can't it's all good you can do one at a time and we're just going to start attaching engines we're going to put one on the far outside edge just like so you can see here how it's perfectly lined up with these two big old flaring right here we're going to grab these two engines and they're going to go down here on the bottom just like this and see that're attached to this uh we're going to have just the radiator sticking out the top they're in par with this lined up with the tyo cing lined up with the gallion s24 cargo hold we're going to take these two engines and we're going to bring them up here just like this I am live streaming this so if there's like a little incoherency that's what's going on we're up here doing this so now these are attached to the radiators here and there's going to be this open top spot which we'll fill out later here but you can see how these are lined up in orientation so that should be all six engines this should be your profile from behind we're going to grab four more of these tooing for Toops we're going to bring them into the workstation we're going to set up these little gun pods in the back we're actually going to transform these so they flip around and they're facing the reverse Way by using the arrow keys and then we're going to snap one of these to the top just like this so there's this nice little like space in between with the cargo thing just like that I'm going to do the same on this side up here like so smack this around flip bit around here we are saying smacked again it makes me smile every time I say it now now that we've got those set up we are going to grab two of our equipment plates I'm going to bring those back here and we're going to stick those right in the middle just like this and these are going to be our rear weapon placements then I'm going to grab two of the PBO 300 Auto Alpha turrets and usually I save the weapons to one of the last things but we're back here working on this we might as well finish it up rotate these around so they're facing back just like this you can see these are our rear-facing turrets cuz a big old Battleship needs some nice rear-facing turrets just like this anyone tries to sneak up on you they're going to have a bad bad day that should be the back of the ship almost completed we should take our one last Tio calling for top we're going to raise it up need to rotate around transform it realize it can actually stick there where it's supposed to be then I'm going to grab a deos Hull a cuz Perpetual chaos exists we're going to stick it right here in the middle this is going to be above your j52 Gamma Drive right here and then we're going to take a deos cing four and stick it to the front of that right there now we're going to attach our tyo calling a top to the back of the deos H just like this and that should be the end of the back of the ship nice and simple you can see some orientation here if I pan around Zoom around you check it out here that's the orientation you're looking it should be right above the cockpit just like so nice little sloped angle right there now we're going to grab our last two deos calling fours we're going to bring them forward I'm going to attach one here rotate around and I'm going to do the next one right over here just like this you can see how they're at the end of the deos engineering Baye sloping these down into our long arm sticking out the front here then we're going to grab our last to stoud nose cap C Port forwards I grabbed them and moved them before I even read their name and these are actually going to stick right here I'm going to take this one I'm going to hit Z to rotate around and stick it in here so you can see how it's lined up with the back two of these deos all-in-one bursts on this side these two slots here attached to this deos infirmary and this one's attached to the battle station here and kind of create this slope in that feeds into this open hole we have right there we might as well fill right now before it gets even harder to do so we're going to grab our H Tech Thruster we're going to bring it around here and we're going to stick it in the hole just like that hopefully get it on the first try it's important sometimes and uh definitely not the wrong one now that we're here we are going to say IP that that's like an experimental weapon or something I wish I could glitch the weapons in there if I really want to in the back so they actually shoot out the front but that's kind of my RP there it's really cool like charge up Cannon or something like a death beam is my RP we're then going to grab our Assurance SG 1800 Shield generator we're going to stick it on up on top just like this on the very tippy tipy top uh some people might want to glitch that in it's not the best thing looking up there but I try and do as few glitches as absolutely possible now we're going to grab our last two equipment plates and these are going to go on the back mountings on the stoud nose cap C's that are right in front of your engines here I'll pan around and give you guys some better orientation when we get there these are going to snap in right here just like this you can see it's mirrored on both sides where goes engine straight into this equipment plate then we're going to take our last two po300 Auto big guns and I'm going to spit all over my monitor because I've been talking too much and we're going to rotate these around to be facing forward right here this Perpetual chaos means I don't do anything in any proper order ever then we're going to grab two of our spine A's fours we're going to attach these to the front of these pods right up here so like this uh deos for calling sign of slopes right up into them right here you can see what I'm talking about I am at height 11 with super zoom in that would be why the camera is very very Twitchy so we bring the camera down you can see right here just like this those are going to slope into that and zoom around come over here we're going to grab two more we're actually going to be placing all these here really short I'm going to hit Z to transform these then these are going to snap onto the back here right in front of this towel too cowling then we're going to grab our two radiators our deos radiators we're going to come up here and attach these right between the two bits we just put down on both sides in a second here we'll zoom in here and I'll show you some better orientation so it's like this one slops up into here this one slopes down to there we put a little radiator right in between the two also looks really nice and sleek and also adds like just a good cooling effect to your engines even though there's no actual effect to it then we're going to grab our last two demo spine a4s bring them over here and then these are going to attach to the front of the little arm bits sticking off the ship up here you can see that they're sticking right up the front and they're right behind the stoud cafe on the very first deos living quarters 3 by ones here and that's what those are going to do and then we're going to grab two we're going to grab all four of these actually I'm just going to bring these into our workstation our demo spine C4s going come on up here attach that one there we're going to mirror that to the other side like so so the big part is into the big part and the little part sticking out the end we're going to take these we're going to hit Z to rotate them so it's little bit to little bit touch the tip some might say uh this is just get inappropriate but this is an evil ship anyway so the stream can can go a little place now we're actually mirrored over here on this side just like this so it's the big end touching the big end a little time little time just like that and then they flow all together into this and it just adds this nice flowing look right across and it gives us some nice place to attach some of our weapons now we're going to get into the really really fun bit of attaching all 12 of these deos Wings we're going to start with one it's going to attach to the top right there I start another one and it's going to go right below it I'm going zoom in here so you can see what we did here these are attached right here to these Deus living quarters they do not extend out over the stoud capap phase or the stoud nose cap C and then we are going to grab two more we're going to come over here and we are going to mirror these things on this side by hitting Z to flip them around doing the two down two down just like that and I'm going to grab four of these if I can game's a little bit function picky about that we're going to come in here and I'm going to bring these to a workstation we're going to move these and we're going to place these on the inside like so I'll zoom in and orientate here but these ones are going to stick into the stoud cap a just like this and they're only going to be attached on the back to this deos all in one by one spot right here then we're going to grab these other two and we're actually going to offset these I'll show you what I mean by offset these in a second once they're done bring both in let me get you to snap in so this is going to add that like menacing sloping feature when you're coming into like this funneling everything into this Center power point you got right here and uh you can see how they're offset so there's going to be this one Gap across this Stroud nose cap C it's just going to be empty and then these are going to attach right behind it so it'll be attached to a landing gear and A Cargo Bay just like so underneath here I know it gets really wonky we're starting to work underneath things but that's what we're going to be looking at right there now we're going to come over here and grab the next two I'm going to snap these on the outside of the ship we're going to come around here oh boy I another piece that got yeed off into the ether I guess we're going to bring these closer to where we're actually going to apply it so the game doesn't freak out we are super super low on the positioning we're going to flip it around and I'm going to transform it so it's facing a rear like so see if I can get a good angle of this this is going to attach down here to this landing gear ng20 landing gear like this is there's not actually a snap point on the side of this Tio Companion Way for it to go to but we're going to snap the back way so it still covers it even though it's only attached here at this NG landing gear wide what we're going to do we're going to take this one we're going to trans form into a rear facing and I'm going to mirror that on this side just like so we get it to snap in yes we can just like that is what we're looking at I'll pan in a little bit better so you can see it I know working underneath the ship secks but that's what we got to do now we're going to come around and we should have two more of these we're going to try and fit these right here in the middle just bring them into the workstation pan around so we're staring at the bottom of the ship going to transform these into rear facing now we're going to bring these down and these are going to snap right here like so I will zoom in and try and give you guys a better angle cuz I know this is a little bit crazy under here these are going to go attached to the docker module and this landing gear right in front of this tile cowling not merged into it but one right in front of it so there's a one space Gap in between the one we attached on the front and the one we attached here should be this Landing G gear Gap so now if we come out here we can start attaching some of these pretty little radiators to the ship first one is going to attach right behind this very first Doos calling up here deos Wing a it's not a calling it's going to attach right next to that one going to mirror it on this side like so n pan around just cuz I like giving you guys to view and apparently I already grabbed another one so will we have it grabbed by accident we will take it we will flip it and it's going to come right down here like so so it's actually going to be in line with the front of these stro and NC cap C's right here it's going to be attached directly to the deos Wing in the very very back I just like the offset look of these radiators so they're not in the line or anything right here it looks really really nice we're going to flip around we're going to grab one of these I'm going to put one in the exact same spot down here zoom in so you guys can see it again it's uh in line with these Stroud caps and it is in line attached to the deos a right here and blend into each other really nice I'm going to grab these last two put them in the workstation and these are going underneath the ship like so into this one little Gap we made here in between these two deos Wings attach to that landing gear it should be the only place down here that doesn't have something attached to it just has this really nice sloping so like all all this funnels into your boarding area but then it fans back out but then those towels it's just a really good angling and sloping in here it just looks really powerful when you're walking up on the ship if it come ground we should have 10 of these wonderful deos Wing bees we're just going to grab a few weing a little Clos to the workstation we're going to flip it around the first one we're going to put right behind the deos cing SE we just put up top here like this you can see it's in line this kind of finishes off there's going to be a little Gap here which we're going to talk about in a little bit take another one and we're going to take it put it down below grab another one put it down below it's a finish off this entire run of this uh Wing right here see just like that just polishes it up finishes it off looks really really nice and we're going to mirror that on this side as well this one's going to go here we're going to put the two down below like so so the bottom Wing should now be completely finished all the way across and then the top one still has this little Gap here but again we'll talk about that in a minute now that we have those wingy bits on we are going to grab our two turrets going to rotate them one is is going to go on the top the very back part here right in front of this cing the other one we are going to Yeet into Oblivion grab it again rotate Z come on down here we're going to get this to mount upside down on the bottom in line with this right here now we're going to grab the other two I'm going to do the same on this side just like this come on in rotate it around so it's facing forward attached to the top rotate this one come on down get it to snap the bottom so again they're align with each other just one on the top one on the bottom now we're going to grab two of these PB 175s bring them over here first one is going to go in the middle of this cowling up here the back of these two options so it's on the back demo spine see but the front part of it then the next one we're going to grab and it's going to try and snap it right here upside down in this front deos a wing and I like it on upside down cuz I think it actually gives better lines having this little Gap behind it with the way you're mostly looking at your ship not having attached down here just looks really really nice we're going to grab the other two and we're going to mirror them on the other side bring this over here into the workstation bring this one in as well bring it up so it's again it's attached to the back of the two options here there want to flip this one and sometimes these can get a little finicky and if it does you can always rip this off move it aside then get it to snap into place and put this back I've had to do that a few times in some of my dry runs and just like that all 12 weapons are attached to the ship now we've still got a few bits left but first we're going to attach this scan Jammer I personally love hiding these things cuz they're a legal Tech and I don't think authorities would really appreciate you having them so for RP sakes I just usually find like the most tucked away position I can possibly find that's not glitched into this ship now we're going to talk about the parts we have left every single part we have left needs to get glitched into the ship glitching into the ship is very very simple to do it doesn't break anything you're don't risking anything it doesn't blew your ship doesn't cause any errors doesn't cause any problems so if you are uncomfortable doing glitches you can Yeet all these pieces out of Oblivion and just fly this thing around this way I personally am not a super fan of the way these radiators kind of fade in here without these bits so I'm going to show you these bits and they come in here you're going to I'm going to do this I'm going to try and explain this as simple as I can it's super easy so I am going to click on this so it is selected I'm going to hit space bar so I can move it with my mouse over it so now I fit space bar and it's just attached to my mouse and if I come over here and put it into place then I hit z twice and then I'm going to hit the Escape key on my keyboard it actually snaps into there and you can now see it's actually attached in part of the ship now I'm going to grab all three of these and bring them into the workstation I'll show you again so I'm going to Mouse over this thing I'm going to hit space bar so now it's attached to my mouse come up here and just hit Z1 z twice hit escape and then it's just immediately in there it's that easy to do on mouse and keyboard if you're on a controller it should be like uh I think it's a to select something y to rotate it and B to deselect I don't actually know the key Comins on Mouse on controller because I've never used one but just for orientation the first one went here right in front of these two radiators it kind of clips into the deos Bri a little bit but it's not too bad and it looks really really good on the outside you don't really notice it on the inside the one back here goes to the top of this engine and clips into this radiator and I just think it looks really really good it lines up damn near perfectly just a really really good gbly and we're going to mirror that on the other side again I just hit space bar with my mouse over it I hit z twice hit escape and it Clips right in just like that super super super simple we're going to come in here and I'm going to do the same here so it's mirrored now and I just think that looks so much cleaner back there like that now we have these four pieces these four pieces are going to go into these spots here to close up these little gaps if these gaps don't bother you can just delete these and this will actually give you five pieces to work with cuz we're almost at part part cap but if you leave all these on here we only have one more extra part you could add to customize this ship yourself without having to delete something so we're going to do the same thing where I hit space bar on this I dragged it in here I hit Z to transform it twice then I just hit escape and it Clips right in so space bar Mouse it to where we want it then z twice Escape super super simple little glitch that lets you do a lot a lot of things in this game put it here ZZ oh but's see how it attached to the bottom that's not quite right we're going to come back in here and try a little bit higher do ZZ oo we're having some struggle buses on this one what is it attaching to down here do we have something not attached ah so this didn't get attached so if I just face anything else I'm double clicking on my whole ship the Builder gets a little weird with detached modules apparently this one didn't take either so I'm going to come up here and fix this the EZ escape on it again now it's actually attached to the ship magically these things this is becoming a bigger bigger problem on PC hopefully you guys on Console don't have to deal with this as much what are you attaching to this not attached there we go okay now I'm going to come back here space bar on this put it right here ZZ hit Escape I like showing that I have to deal with these bugs too because some people like find it really comforting that like even I am struggling with some of the things that they struggle with so we're going to put this in here ZZ it ah apparently this one is deattached to how come game ZZ tag it in just like that so I'm guessing flight check error ship has weapon sign and ship has unattached mod rules so we're going to double click on my entire ship find the unattached part hit space bar reattach space bar reattached those two showed is unattached they are still un attached so take off put back take off put back now they are fully attached apparently these cargo modules aren't attached that was actually the problem with the other bits and still have unattached modules somewhere ha towel cing has become unattached it's really really fun here now after struggling to reattach everything to the ship everything is reattached to the ship and we are now down to just the assigned weapons error here so if we go into flight check go to weapons I like to assign the PB 175 helium beam is my primary because that is the only actual gun we have so it's a nice left click and these other two don't per se matter so you can put them in either slot they are literally just turrets they will exist fire shoot into space and do things now your ship is completed now we're going to double click on this and you can hit J to paint this whole thing or you can custom paint whatever color you want I would love to see what you guys paint if you check out in the description below there's a Discord link and I probably post it in the comments as well I've got a channel in there where you can share your ships and it' be wonderful to see what you guys actually come up with and do and just like that through the magic editing my ship is painted I'm am going to throw up all three paint swabs here and you can try and match these the best if you really want to match my ship 100% just like this that was recommended in comments and I appreciate that so I'm going to do it here and you guys can see him up here and now we're going to talk about my stats a little bit here and my skills to get these stats this Shield stat 3520 this has changed like five times throughout the recording of this video uh there's just some problems with it accurately calculating I was expecting it to be 3,200 because of my skills and then if I go to my crew here you can see that I do have Omar and I do have Vasco and these two do stack sometimes and there's a bug and that with the shield skill level three of your own should equal 3200 Shields but it's not so that's just going to fluctuate I'm going to advertise that it's 3200 Shields and I couldn't tell you why maybe I'll advertise the 3500 a little bit of Click baity but the game is Just sporadic with your Shields there's a console bug for some people that you can't go above, 1600 Shields so that's just the shield number everything else you can see the crew I have here and I will go over my stats real quick on my skills if I can do this go to crew you can see here that I have like piloting for payload for for cargo I have Engine Systems for for maneuverability and stuff I have the particle Beams I have a lot of level four systems here same with over here for um I think it's astronomics is this is the fuel jump range one here that'll make you have the 30 Jump range even if you use a Le lesser jump drive to make the ship a little bit cheaper in the long run if you decide to do that so those are my skills that I have and my crew that I currently have on the ship to equal these skills so you can match these if you want to cuz I know a lot of people are confused why their numbers are so different than mine just like that the ship is completed and I really do appreciate you all stopping by checking out this build guy do me a huge favor share this with all your friends post on discords maybe a little bit of Reddit love you guys know how that is a lot of work and effort goes into these and I just love making them for you and I appreciate it so much all the support the channels are getting and some blowing up I've been streaming a lot more it's really nice you can check that out in the description I'll put a link to a Discord I would love to see pictures of your ships when you complete them modifications you made the paint jobs you chose anything like that really really cool to see it it's just fun to join the community here and yeah I'm going to see you all on the next one take fig out thank you all again it's awesome card series click on some of them do all the stuff bye
Channel: Digfig
Views: 27,431
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Starfield end game ship, starfield endgame ship, starfield end game ship building, starfield ship building guide, starfield ship design, starfield best ship build, starfield best ship designs, starfield ship building, starfield ship guide, starfield class c ship design, Starfield OP ship, starfield ship, starfield best ship, best ship build starfield, best ship in starfield, best starfield ship build, starfield ship building designs, starfield ships designs
Id: xe18tnQHOtk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 39sec (2799 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2023
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