Build Highest CARGO Capacity VS Mass & Range | Perfect Mining & Cargo Ship - Starfield

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check this ship out it might not look amazing but when you realize what it does you'll be extremely surprised ah she's built like a steakhouse but she handles like a beastro in Starfield weight is an issue be it your carry weight or mass on the ship You're Building you might have seen my previous two videos running through the perfect cclass ship and perfect ship with no requirements but now after more hours than I can count I can say with full confidence that the only real thing you need your ship to do is have the maximum amount of cargo space to weight ratio you may have seen monstrosities that look ugly as Sin floating around the internet basically B cubes that fit a lot of cargo the problem is adding cargo components also adds a ridiculous amount of mass adding Mass reduces your maneuverability and your jump range without 30 Jump range the max you can't access every system so if you build a ship with the most amount of cargo space you'll not be taking that ship to many systems at all she's out of control you need to find a balance between weight and power enter the be through a lot of trial and error I found the maximum ratio while making the ship look great and not at all like a flying construction site add one more small component to this and you lose a lightyear in travel distance you win again gravity this ship is able to travel to any system from almost anywhere on the map making your cargo runs easy it's perfect for mining asteroids and storing the contents without having to unload every couple of minutes it's extremely tanky with heavy Shields and Hull letting you tank everything since you guessed it it's got bad maneuverability but that is as many of you know completely pointless when you have aut turrets ripping through enemies requiring you to avoid dog fights ships really just get you from set piece to set piece and how they handle all their speed is irrelevant it's basically just a cosmetic stat when the ship you fly can take down anything in seconds the Firepower on this ship is crazy and you have enough power to power up everything at once you can swap in the Habs you want and it comes standard with all the crafting tables it has the auto turrets but it also has perfect manual firing weapons for mining asteroids and shooting down enemies the best parts are unlocked at level 60 but you can build This ship's design right away and swap in upgrades as you get them now the design itself doesn't matter what matters are the parts used to make it so if you don't like the bridge design you can build it more like this with a cockpit at the front you can move things around as you see fit but keep the ratio of cargo components and you should be fine you may also not like ladders at all on your ship and if so it's possible to build the front face Cocke design without any ladders follow my other two ship building videos for that information but this video will be ignoring the zero ladder requirement for the sake of external visual Fidelity and making it look more compact I don't mind a ladder I can jump pack up since I barely use the Habs as it is but since we're talking about the internal let's have a quick tour followed by a how to build tutorial and here we have the beastro you'll immediately notice that you can enter the ship from the front which saves you having to run all the way around the back with some designs you also have the front facing Docker which is definitely helpful as it enters right next to the cockpit So speaking of cockpit let's go there now and we can see the ship is quite visually pleasing let's get up and have a look around the main cockpit the bridge since this ship is relatively small your crew will mostly hang out with you here but if you drop down you have the pharmaceutical lab and you have the rest of the infirmary or also you have the research station as well also if you drop down once more you have all of the workbenches then you can exit the ship if you're docked with a space station or another ship through here or you can exit through here sorry very simple ship very small because it has so much cargo it needs to carry as you can see all of these hidden cargo Bays sh from one spot otherwise you just need to fly around the Galaxy I've got a video in the description below showing you where all of the best places to find ship parts are otherwise use your ship builder at your main base but start off by building the shell of what you want and then you can fly to different locations and put on those individual parts and swap out others that you've used temporarily so starting here you see you have more than enough power to power every single system you'll also notice that it has a crew of six but you can definitely add to that by putting in different Habs it has a 40 reactor it has that Max 30 Lightyear jump range it has a high amount of shields but you can increase that if youd like a lower shield regenerate it has a lot of particle weapon damage and it has a ton of cargo space now this is impacted by my payload skill so it might be slightly different for you based on that skill in the tech tree it also has uh 1,500 Hull and it has 500 fuel which is more than enough to basically get everywhere on a single jump now with all these parts together it should cost you minimum about half a mil but you might get away with less if you swap out other parts so how do we build this Beast now it's quite complicated so I'm going to need to pull it apart kind of one by one to show you how it all works first let's start with the Wings segments so let me just take all of these off first so these are the wings you have a Nova cowling 2 L stacked on top of another no Nova calling 2 L and they're held together by two of these cargo holdes now there are different models as you can see here the one below it is the 30 ton Haller cargo hold and the one above that is the gallion s23 cargo hold this one has slightly more mass than this one but has a slightly higher cargo amount now remember I said there's a fine balance between the cargo amounts and mass so there is a reason for those different amounts there then we have the engine attached to that the Slayton Aerospace cell 6830 engine now this has a lot of maneuvering thrust and engine thrust but you can really swap in and out what you want there you don't need to follow this guy in terms of exact engines you can use some of the other more powerful uh cclass engines if you want or if you're not quite there yet you can use a lower a class engine as well but that is the first Wing let's take apart the other Wing as well now you'll notice a slight difference on this Wing to this Wing this Wing has the shield generator attached to the left side side and the shield generator is the Odin 3050c Shield generator and this is a C-Class it has quite a bit of Max Health but it's not the highest Max Health Shield you can get the reason I went with this one is slightly less mass and it has a faster regen rate but you do require the Starship designed rank four for this so you can like other parts swap them in and out based on what you need as long as you keep the mass around the same that is the main thing you need to look out for it also has two turrets the first one is the obliterator 250 meev Alpha turret This One automatically acquires targets and fires upon them in an arc but this being on the wing basically hits anything around you so this is the best spot for it and then we have the obliterator 250 meev Auto Alpha beam this one is the one you manually fire and it does less damage obviously than the turret but it fires at a faster fire rate and it fires Straight Ahead good for shooting down asteroids or starting fights with people you want the turrets to start acquiring and it's the same over on this side except instead of having the shield on the left hand side we have a rear-facing turret so this will just get people from an arc behind you if you need to get people off your your backside so this is more than enough for you so those are the two Wings it might be a good idea to build those after but this is the main body itself now now if we have a look on the underside we have quite a few landing gears so let's grab all of those first so I've grabbed everything from the bottom so I can pull it apart and show you and here is the underside of the ship so this is where you want to start you want to start with your grab driver the Apollo G v300 this gives you a grab jump thrust of 50 which is the most important thing here the the highest amount of thrust is needed because we want to get that 30 Jump range the 30 Lightyear jump range so the highest amount of thrust possible is what we need then we have the highest power generated possible reactor but the grab Drive is more important in this particular case but having 40 power generator means we can power everything you'll need to be I believe level 60 to get access to this it's got piloting for and uh Starship design for as well so you need to work yourself up to this one then we have the 120 LD Landing Bay this one connects as you can see with the arrow to whatever is on top of it so that's very important if you want to swap out another landing gear for design purposes it needs to be connected to the top here and then we have six of these ngg20 landing gear wides they fit on the side and then we have the pinpoint 4G landing gear for the the ports the two here make sure you use the Z button and swap them around to the right side before connecting them you'll notice that these landing gears here have a Lander thrust of four and these ones have a Lander thrust of two that's important because these this amount of thrust total that I've put together here is just enough to lift the weight so you can swap out one of these landing gears but you need to add another one with thrust of 4 then we have a gallion s204 cargo hold this cargo is 1480 space so this is hidden underneath the uh fuel tanks but this isn't the highest amount of cargo storage that we have access to and it's hidden kind of underneath the ship so you don't see how ugly it is whereas these cargo holds here look more like the structure of the ship so these particular components I like to hide away so this is the underside of the ship this is everything you need to know about the underside so the next thing we need to do is to build upwards so let's start with what's at the bottom here so we have the nose cap and the cargo holds so let's grab those so first is another gallion s203 cargo hold the one uh the 1200 cargo capacity variant and then we have another one but this one is flipped onto the upside here we have another one over here and another one over here like so and you can see the ship starting to come together we'll grab this nose cap C the port four and we'll pop it here and another one and then we have the next layer of the ship so we will grab the Hope Docker and the too Workshop 2x1 Hab now you can put any Hab you want here if you don't want the workshop Hab if you want you know a Captain's Quarters you can put that here instead but this is really up to you what's important here is to fill out this section and attach the Hope 11 Docker at the front here this is just so you can dock to other ships and you won't actually be able to fly the ship or to to flight check it without having some form of a Docker so it's good to have it here just at the front just because at the top won't be possible because of the bridge and over to the side won't be possible because of the wings so that's just the best spot for it so now that we've got that done we can start putting the other components in the first one is the M50 ulses helium 3 tank these tanks together provide 500 grab jump fuel you will need the Starship design rank four for these but you can put in any other tanks in this spot here there's enough space to put fuel tanks for for any design really and then we want the next section of the ship we've got a a range of six of these uh 30 ton haulers that provide 1,000 cargo we just pop them onto the top like so and then we want to well we could essentially just pop the infirmary and the bridge onto it and it would be done but we want to make it look a little bit more visually pleasing so we put the Shroud cap a here and another one over here and then we've capped off the design so grab a too cowling for top and put it here put a too Companion Way one by one here now it can be any 1ex one like mentioned before and it could be any Hab 2x1 like mentioned before but I'm using the top versions of the Taio uh Companion Way and the infirmary the infirmary for the research station and the chem lab and I like the top parts of the Tio design just because they look a little bit more rounded off and then you want to grab the contiki Shroud ekan bridge now this one needs a Starship design rank four and you will need to go to the shroud manufacturer in order to get access to this but you can use any other Bridge you want really or you can put a cockpit here instead then the body of the ship is mostly built so double click on the wing and attach it and do the same for the other and attach it and there we have it the beastro is ready to fly [Music] my
Channel: Dantics
Views: 13,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Starfield, ship building, ships, starship, ship parts, best ship, perfect ship, best starship, starfield ship, cargo, mass
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2023
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