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how's it going everyone and welcome back to the channel so in this video I'm going to be showing you some of the most amazing builds in Starfield I've ever seen so while I've got your attention don't forget to go to x gamer. there you'll find some of my builds with blueprints to help you build the ship as always if you're new around here hit that subscribe button don't forget to like and share this video and join my community on Discord so let's get into the video actual Nao back again with another brilliant ship build I love the stats on this I don't like the cockpit I hate this cockpit I I said it earlier didn't I in one of the uh one of the other builds I would have gone with the mcelin I I don't know why I just don't like this cockpit or the Viking I think it is there another one the the f one the Viking don't like that now really really good cargo for the uh mobility and top speed and people have probably you know you may have already noticed uh 60 equip power but you get 40 from the reactor so you can get 60 with uh reactor Engineers when you hire them and obviously with perks as well in the uh in your in your own perks so so that's not this is not like modded or anything like that it's it's a vanilla build so this is more than achievable with with the right perks and crew members but this ship looks incredible like I said the only thing I don't like is the cockpit really don't like the cockpit at all but it looks good on the ship the ship looks absolutely fantastic the silhouette's nice I'm not going to take away from that but uh yeah not a fan of the cockpit at all yeah know this looks really good I like the color scheme as well you docking if you just robbed their ship that's what You' done is it you just robbed them what are you playing at Nao so the stats and the ship absolutely fantastic obviously drop down glitching use here like to see that like to see that I maybe would have used different spines here but that's just me overall though spot on build Nao I really like I want to I keep saying it but I want to build this I want to build this but different like have my own twist to it and uh yeah I keep saying that you guys impress me all the time with your build you are crazy crazy crazy man so this next one's from a user called anti pod obviously a nice little light fighter I like the silhouette already very impressive decent engines but um cuz they are decent engines these ones but I'm just not a fan of their shape I don't know why but no really really nice looking build it looks like something from Elite dangerous I really like what you've done here so the cavat C4 cockpit but drop down glitched in that is very very smart that looks very tidy nice can appreciate that now the only criticism I've got and I've said this before um especially on my own ships these things the weapons up top um the obliterators really really good Weaponry I just hate how big they are and I hate all the weapons being on show these are good your your cannons down here so when you hide them like out the way nice and tidily like this I love it but when they're on top of the ship I just don't like it I've started hid in my weapons now and trying to get them into places like this where they're just tucked out the way or you know where they they match the shape for the ship cuz these they're just too big so decent stats overall now I'm going to assume you've got no Mobility on this ship purely because you've got like nearly 14,000 cargo and obviously a ship this size I know you got the six engines I'd love to see what your Mobility is cuz you haven't sent a picture with that stat but I'm going to assume it's quite low or you know it's just about nominal I I wouldn't be able to Hazard a guess cuz obviously this is quite a big sh I know it's meant to be a light fighter looking ship but it is Big it's very long and uh you got your 10 crew decent Shield obviously a lot of Weaponry you've changed the weapons up here as well for the missiles so that's that's pretty interesting you've changed the weapons here and then yeah we've gone back to back to the obliterators I see what you're doing you're just having a a play with your weapons and you know seeing what you like great build though very good build I like it good silhouette good design looks tidy just don't like the the weapons I'd probably um I know you've done it in this picture find it yeah the red so obviously that color scheme's awesome but being just dark gray here bit bit Bland but really good build should be proud of this so this next ship is by a user called kamur really cool design and I love the colors this is this is very very nice very very nice really good use of the drop down glitch here everything Blends in very ni nicely just oh what a ship only criticism well it's not even criticism I probably would have added a little bit more to the sides here so it just doesn't look too flat and plain apart from that though really really good and this is what I was talking about earlier so decent weapon stats a lot of missile bit of particle so only probably you know Auto Alpha yeah Auto Alpha beam there so you probably only got like couple of turrets couple of or Alpha beams but they're hidden nicely this is this is the look I'm trying to go for now you know maybe a couple weapons up top but not layered in like they're underneath or hidden out the way so you've done a really good job with the Weaponry here but yeah this ship looks awesome oh yeah there's the missile poking out there so that's what I mean you know the weapons are there you know they're there they're just about poking out but they don't take away from the shape of the ship especially up top looks insane what I really like is how bit like I say this often but how big the uh the ship looks ah yeah weapons um how big the ship looks compared to what you know the actual size so obviously this is um 80 m in total well um 78 so you know 39 either way now it looks bigger than what it is you know this looks if if you didn't see this size you you probably think to yourself oh that's probably a modded modded build just because of how big it is but but it's not you know well within the vanilla restrictions so yeah really good build I hope you've entered the competition cuz this ship is uh very very tasty you should be proud of this this is something I'd build you know this is fantastic looking proud of you so this next one's by user called metal fingers love the shape I really like the sh it looks really aggressive and I like what you've done with the cockpit here so that's the Aries Bridge obviously drop down glitched in now mobility and top speed and overall stats really good only a bit of particle weapons and a lot of missile missiles are good um but I do have have a favorite which is the auto Alpha beam just cuz it's shred shield and Hole uh apart from that though really good looking ship I like the color and I like the design it's very simple but looks really good at the same time it's it's just a simple nice little looking build and uh like I said it's got respectable respectable stats you know decent cargo good Max crew yeah I like it oh they've even given us the blueprint so drop down glitch the Aries in there really good build very tidy looking in like it proud of you mate so this next one is by mystery and they are no stranger to this Channel with their crazy builds now it looks massive this build and and it is like you know it's not take away from that it is massive but mystery did say that all they did on this was a drop down glitch no uh no mods no console commands so surprisingly this to me when I first saw it it looked like a modded ship just because of how big it is but it's not it's well within the vanilla restrictions which is crazy look at the size of this thing though I like it when you build a ship like this and it gives the illusion of being bigger than what it actually is but yeah no it's fantastic some really good screenshots as well mystery that's incredible ship look at it state of it you always build good shrips mystery always always impresses me love it mate well done so this next build is by a user named Ario and I love it you know what I'm like for jet fighter looking builds this looks really cool so it's his F-15 Eagle I think he's done a really good job the only thing I probably would have done is use the duplication glitch to glitch this like the flip version so this variant onto there as well to connect the wings but I I love what you've done looks amazing yeah that is so cool very very cool very cool screenshots as well I'm liking the uh I'm liking the shots that you got that looks incredible so looking at the stats you've got really good Shield very low cargo um obviously cuz it's a light fighter I'd probably up that a little bit though two members you definitely need to up that i' I'd want to be having about four personally so up top here is very flat I probably would have used a couple of stra caps and like drop down glitch them in and you know give it a bit of bit of shape up top you know a bit of bumpiness cuz uh I know that they're quite smooth these jet fighters but this just looks a bit too flat but that's just my only my only criticism but it looks absolutely incredible I think what you've done is amazing yeah that looks so good and obviously it's well within the vanilla build restrictions as well very good aexo well done mate I hope you enjoyed the video guys let me know in the comments which one was your favorite build don't forget to subscribe and like this video and I'll see you on the next one peace
Channel: CurtisBuilds
Views: 11,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield, starfield spaceship, starfield ships, starfield ship builds, starfield best ships, starfield best ship design, starfield ship designs, startfield ship tutorial, starfield cargo ship, best ship in starfield, this ship is a must build in starfield, why this is the ship every player needs in starfield, Starfield Ship Build Designs and Ideas, these are the best ships i've ever seen in starfield, starfield best ships ever, rating your starfield ships, top 10 starfield, top
Id: _ZgB-XKlD4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 22sec (562 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 29 2023
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