Starfield The Ultimate Fighter Ship Insane Damage & Speed Build Guide.

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hey fellow Space Explorers so I built another ship this time purely optimized for combat to see how far can you push the needle how much can you squeeze out of the ship and what will be absolutely the most powerful configuration and maybe first I will demonstrate you how well it performs and then I will go with the ship build guide step by step how to put it together and we have some enemies first look how easy it is to keep a distance if you want to you push the Boost boost button and top speed with the Boost is over 1100 so I even lost them from the radar I push it too hard the shields the weapons are of course powerful and I'm testing it on very hard so let's see varum is in there level 54 so that's not a low level let's open fire to go and destroy it all the Boost approach it was only one let's see if we can have more than one now I managed to find two volume ships equip this speed what it can do you can trust around with full speed or reverse that's 280. I'm gaining distance so I need to slow down a lot to allow them to even close the gap going 70 on reverse so this guy is able to slowly chase me and there is this guy even further away I could kill them before they get in weapon range but it's more fun to just Sprint on them again open fire and boost and it's melted before I passed the mark another one melted no more enemies they did it even hit me and there is no exploit build it's just so powerful built the best components to put a fighter together any highlights everything now let me show you how to build it so we are starting in a solar system Titan moon of Saturn new Homestead and ship technician is just in here on the landing part that you will need to use what can I do for you trap whatever recipe you are using and we are building now first piece is a landing Bay place it we are attaching habitat on top I'm choosing the one with cruise stations four crew stations move it straight as it's a combat ship all all that you need inside is like crew stations for future proofing now we are adding the cockpit cockpit is a small Magellan c1x so we don't need any cargo capacity on this one just if you are worried about character capacity if you have a bigger ship all the cargo will be transferred to the smaller ship when you choose your fighter even if there is not enough space it will be just overloaded so we can take out but you cannot add anymore now from this point we are adding a Docker standard Docker there is only one that you can put on top now in here we'll attach a grab Drive and we need we don't need too big so we are looking for lower Mass so we are attaching Helios 300 grab drive it will be more than enough for such a smaller ship then we need to attach reactor and for the reactor we are intentionally going with class B dogstar 104 DS Mac inertia reactor the reason for that is that the most powerful weapons are class B and a so we don't need Class C weapons and Class C reactors are much heavier and only offer one extra power which is definitely not worth it if you are building a fighter Class B from my experimentation and testing is the best option so this one from this point we need a landing gear we'll attach it in here and there should be amazing gear ng20 landing gear we are just switching to the wide one so it looks better like there will be only one leg so we only need this one so we attach it in here now we'll need some fuel for the grab drive that will go on this slot and I went with two h10 Atlas fuel tanks just because that's the maximum Mass we'll be able to attach and that will give us 400 fuel as well as it's symmetrical as I can attach one in here and one on this side and I really want to have this symmetry on the fighter to look a little bit better than my Lego type cargo ship this one will look a little bit better I hope so you will be the judges anyway but I like how it looks now we need some structural elements so in here we are adding from the structural we need to add Nova calling so that's a nice finish on this side then on the side in here we need those long curlings that will be additional attachments for our weapons the same on other side actually back in there okay in spot of course what's missing obviously at this point engine so we are adding the best currently engines experimental world dwarf 3015 that gives 180 maximum speed we're attaching two of those engines it's slowly getting some shape now we need to place weapons I just realized I put those in the wrong spot those go on the back otherwise I block my weapon placements and that cannot happen so now we are placing weapons and first one will be Vanguard obliterator Auto projector we can play six of those so they go two on top two on those tight sides and I will place two on the bottom directly attach on the bottom so those are vanguards then our second weapon and those I will attach underneath so the second weapon is Class B now PPO 175 out of helium beam we attach those two in here I like to have vanguards on the first weapon slot as well because those are really good for disabling enemy engines to capture it is their very higher fire rate not too high damage to in instantly destroy a ship and a lot of them is firing so it's quite convenient to use Vanguard to disable engine instead of firing all weapons and blowing up the ship when you try to capture it now we assign those two unfortunately to finish we need to move to another spot to get remaining one weapon the one weapon is still missing so we need to move now so as it is now we have oh two warnings so I forgot to attach the shield of course here on top there is a shield and a shield we are after is from Vanguard as well so you need to join Vanguard to get it that class B 1450 Shield amazing power for the shield just perfect if I would go with class C reactor I could get a shield that is 1500 but that just slightly a little tiny bit more and so much weight would be added that I would need way much power for engines when here two engines are enough so now we can save it and we are going now to Valor system so the second system from those two going over each other and we are jumping into all of a planet hopetown and here this time around we don't actually need to go inside we don't put all the Hope Tech parts we can talk with this technician and what is still missing is the last weapon that we need to attach so you have more attachment than you need so you can choose where you will attach only three of those can be placed and we are looking for exterminator 95 Auto helium beam we can have three of those place so I put two on the wings on the side and one on The Middle so that's how it is we assign now the weapon Exterminator on the third slot The Secret of combat of course is to fire all the slots simultaneously now what's left paint it so we are painting the entire thing what I like color wise first one black and then go for Second Color aggressive red and third color aggressive red but you can absolutely paint it better than me I just like it and you can rename it as you please I called mine Red Viper and after everything is done that how this beauty looked like in the Builder when completed it looks even better in the flight as you were able to see in my opinion the best possible everything balance out to keep 180 speed 100 Mobility good jump range I have 29 I do have a pack that increases it by 15 so you will have about 25 if I'm not mistaken with my calculations but you'll have enough Max Cruise 6 I didn't found more than six crew members to be useful as of yet a good Shield good hit points incredible damage 70 to 83.85 that's at least what's showing on this page but those are free most powerful weapons available in the game all installed on this incredibly fast and tanky ship the only thing it does not have is Cargo everything Alice is in here let me know what you think give it a shot and that being said I wish you a good day and see you in the next one
Channel: Angry Turtle Gaming
Views: 132,707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield, build guide, step by step, space ship, ultimate ship, fighter, dps, damage, best ship, best weapons
Id: u1EJMh12XBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 16 2023
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