The ONLY Warship You'll NEED In Starfield

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in this video I'm going to show you how to build the only warship you'll ever need in Starfield this is modded but you can also build it on Console this ship is great in combat it only has one ladder and all the Habs are separated properly and here she [Music] is here the build list pause the video now if you want to take notes the interior layout is great and it only has one ladder and one door to each Hab as they are all separated meaning that the inside is not a maze it's not modded but it does use console commands but you can build this on Xbox I've done it myself I've provided links in the video description on how to do this sadly one way to use console commands on the Xbox was patched out in the recent update you'll get a full interior tour and combat footage at the end of this video so be sure to subscribe and like this video and I hope you enjoy this absolute Beast of a build so let's get building all right so we're going to start with the first layer of habs so we're going to build from the inside out so let's get [Music] cracking so on the first layer I've put HS that I'm going to need on the ship such as a workshop you got your living quarters you've got your battle station brri computer core all that kind of stuff so just put down what you want to need out of this ship but this is the first layout so like I said pause the video so you can copy it and then these things here are you have cross braces and this will keep it completely separate so these are separate to all of this and then to get here you got to walk through this way so the ship isn't a maze you can do a loop and come back round okay so for the second layer to get the shape that I want for like the wings and things that I'm using on the outside we need to build two layers up it does keep the hab separate I'm not actually going to be building above these Habs so it's not going to affect it with ladders and such either way let's get cracking with the second layer so this is the second layer so I've gone with a living quarters Captain's Quarters infirmary science lab and an Armory like I said these two here would just slot above there so wouldn't actually create a ladder from these Habs to this but the shape that I'm going for with this ship requires that these be up here because I need to put stuff on top of it later on so this is the shape so far nice and easy like I said pause the video at any point if you need to you know copy it down okay so it's time for the third and final layer we'll just copy the companion way up and then right here we're going to put a control station because it gives us more crew slots and the bridge is going to go here and that is the final shape nice and easy okay so it is time to start working on the outside of the ship first thing we're going to do here though is we're going to put our cockpit we're going to be putting the Aries I do like this cockpit it's one of my favorites and then underneath this we're going to be putting some Dimos holes so put three holes along here lovely jubly then we're going to put one underneath each of them and then we're also going to put one right here so now what we're going to do is we're going to build seven along either side and then eight in the middle so we got starting with one now so it's 2 3 4 5 6 7 perfect we'll copy these across and we'll do the same again we're not going to fill in these gaps here by the way cuz this is where we're going to hide stuff like the reactor so that's 7 there extend that by eight and that's that so far lovely jubly and then come over to here we're going to put some daos cowlings down or damos sorry I always call it Doos yeah some damos cowlings that's that so far so one thing we need to do now is to guarantee we can get to the cockpit cuz you don't want to get halfway through the build and it say oh there's an error getting to the cockpit we're going to put our Landing Bay down now and we're going to do it right here the landing Bay that I'm going to use is the uh the the LD 120 LD I was going to say ng20 then that's the landing gear not the landing Bay we'll put that there so this will directly lead all the way up now I know a lot of you hate ladders I don't mind ladders I mean this is going to be a sort of big ladder but the whole shape of the ship is laid out nicely so it's not am maaze you're not going to get lost and you know if you can't deal with one ladder then you know whatever you're not going to be able to build a ship like this are you right so come to the front end and we're going to extend all of these Dimos holes cuz we're going to be building here now like so so we got those there nice so now that we got two layers there what we're going to put here is a stoud breaking engine there we go and then right next to that two Nova cowlings if it'll let you snap them in and we're going to do that either side beautiful looking good looking good next we're going to be adding DMO spines to start adding some shape to this ship so we'll start with spine a right here we're going to do this across all three sections of our damos holes next spine C and then after spine C we're going to use spine d right so now we're going to grab another spine D and we're going to flip it on these two sections we're not doing it for the middle one because where we're doing the drop down glitch this is going to blend in nicely okay so first things first we need to build some damos holes up and we got to go free up because it will start clipping into the bridge which we don't want and we're going to have to duplicate down so grab our stra cap duplicate down like so and then oh do that there do that there and do that there now we're going to be adding stra caps start started at the wrong Point idiot duplicate that down and that one help if I flipped it the right way would it now we can delete [Music] these okay so with these here we're going to duplicate them across because we're going to be drop down GL glitching again get rid of these two for a second grab our NOA cin drop that down and you see how it Blends now nicely if we hadn't have had this one here this would have just stopped right there and it would have looked out of place grab another Nova cin duplicate that down delete these now cuz we don't need them and then this one we are going to delete but we need to put a stra cap first dup take that down and delete and we're keeping this damos hole right here and there we go looking quite cool isn't it good good little shape okay next it's time to start building the side wings on this part here so first things first we're going to add a Doos or damos breaking engine just cuz we need this here later on so come right over here we're going to put a damos wing a move that forward come here and do the second cuz it's flipped the second variant and then that pokes out if you don't want it to poke out you can just have it like that if you want it a bit more you know smoother but I like the uh the aggressive look of that so we're going with that next we are going to put some Nova cowlings down so this one drop that down and then we're going to add the second variant there and then the third variant which is flipped just above here and we'll drop that down as well so it Blends in into the damos breaking engine nice so here we're going to use damos Wings again we're going to use the uh variant e and then PK that down and then what we will do here is we'll copy that like so and then we're going to add a damos bumper and then it might not clip in properly here but we'll put the uh the bigger bumper down as well cuz we're going to blend into this later on but that's how it looks so damos bumpers OS Wing e Stamos Wing a Nova cins lovely so all you need to do now is just copy what you've done here on this side and there we go starting to take shape Now isn't it starting to look really aggressive liking this okay so now it's time to work on this side Wing here so the first thing we're going to do is add some damos holes don't do that though snap it in place first no wrong one so we're going to be adding four like so and we are going to be moving these around as we're doing the drop down glitch for the side Wing so but they're there preemptively cuz that's where they're going to stay eventually so the next thing we're going to do is add two Nova cowlings like so and then we need one at the back here we are going to be putting some more at the back as well so okay drop down glitch time so let's duplicate some damos h cuz we're going to need them and what we're going to do first is ADD our stra cap here like so and then we're going to grab our Nova cowling I hate it when it zooms in like this still my nut so like so duplicate that down and then we're going to move this one across duplicate up and then add another Nova Calin and then this one should slot in nicely like so and there we go nice little shape now one other thing that you can do by the way if you want to add a little bit more a little bit more flare is you can grab this damos cowling here move this Nova a second drop down glitch that add this up like so PL him there drop that down and then get rid of the damos holes so it gives it a bit more bit more shape at the back there like a bit of an aggressive look you don't have to have the damos cowling I like it so I'm going to keep it there but you know you don't have to have it so you can skip that part okay so this is where things are going to get a little bit interesting so copy this damos hole across here so you got him right there cuz we're going to be snapping to that later on then we're going to add damos holes on top of this Hab like so and we're going to put two across there and then one there so you got seven damos holes like this in total so just copy this shape right next we need to be adding stoud cap so the nose cap and the cap a so first things first let's grab the nose cap then the cap a move this down and then the same right here we're going to add another stoud nose cap yeah stoud cap sorry that's the nose cap I don't that's that is a nose cap I don't know why it's not called a nose cap but it's just capsy yeah same thing so we'll copy this one and we'll move him up like so and then we'll copy this one and move him like so so this is for a future part that we're putting in later on so that's why it's there that's why I haven't copied the you know gotten rid of the damos hole and gone down like this section here so just copy this okay so the next thing we're going to do is add a damos wing a move that forward and then we're going to add the C the little you know radiator part there and then on the side here we're going to add a d bumper this way and we're going to copy it onto this one here just without the uh the part C there so same swing a and bumper bumper e c even and part A so far so good it's looking nice isn't it now we need to clip some stuff down here so grab this bumper like so duplicate that down so it Blends in nicely there now you are going to see a gap here but the these gaps here are going to be filled later on on by like um our reactors and grav drives and stuff which I explained before so don't worry about that just chill so what we need to do next is duplicate this Hab we are going to delete it don't worry copy this part if it will go up come on there we go snap it across like so and copy this bumper cuz this bumper is going to sit right there duplicate that down so it Blends in and there we go look at that you don't even see the Gap now do you and that is that Wing is looking nice and tidy Now isn't it I know this part isn't complete but we don't need to worry about that just yet but looking good looking good so just like before copy everything we've done this side onto this side all you'll be doing is doing it flipped so if you need to rewatch this part just rewind the video a bit and there we go that is really starting to take shape Now isn't it it looks so cool looks so aggressive as well liking it so far hope you guys are liking it too okay so now we need to work on the bridge area and start making this look a bit more presentable cuz at the moment it's very Bare Bones and there's nothing going on so let's make a start here okay so first things first let's grab a stra cap let's plunk that right there cuz we're going to be using that in a second we'll duplicate this Hab across and then duplicate it up move no need a third one I thought we'd get away with two there I was wrong so bring that up let's duplicate that down let's move down there a minute and then we'll grab this St cap here cuz it's just easier then finding it through the menu and then that blends in nicely here so it gives it that smooth shape instead of this just kind of being there plumed there poking out and stuff obviously if you don't like this shape you don't have have to follow this step just skip this if you just want the bridge there and let's do the same on the other side so again grabbing a Hab we got to go free up at the stra cap duplicate this down and hey Presto it is done and there you go it just gives the bridge that nice smooth shape doesn't it it looks nice I think it looks nice I could be wrong you guys might think it looks awful but all preference e so now we need to work on this part here so what I'm going to be doing is adding H Tech parts so we go all the way down we're going to add this part here and then we're going to grab this one I think we'll reverse it where is is it that one there it is and then this side we're going to add this part copy this bit across like so and then what I'm going to do here is add the marker cuz it looks like a bit bit of an antenna I quite like that and there we go obviously if you don't want this part you can actually just copy this part across and you can have double antenna if you want just to you know give it a more aggressive look I I like just the one antenna so I'll get rid of one yeah looking good okay so we're at the back now this is where we're going to get to the engines and the uh the interesting parts and finish off the shape here so first things first get some dios holes and add them ACR I keep calling it Dios it's damos it's damos okay damos hole don't Shout with me I know you're going to be annoyed just just yeah grab some damos holes and just fill in this Gap here like so so next we're going to be adding some hope Tech radiators so we'll plunk two there and then just to give them a little bit of a better shape we're going to add some Port holes at the back there obviously you can't look out with them but it just makes it look a little bit better now we're going to be building this Hab up we are going to be deleting them don't don't worry so just build that up for a second then we're going to add this part across like so and then right here we're going to add the damos wing a now I went four up yeah I knew that was going to happen I went four up for that specific reason so we can go down ah is it going yeah I thought so going to be red so we can start here duplicate down duplicate down flip this one across duplicate down again now we can delete all of this that one and that's looking nice isn't it so far but we're not done yet so the next thing we need to do is add a stra cap C right there and then we need to build this bit up here so what we're going to do here is add more hope Tech parts so we scroll down flip this one where are you there he is we'll flip that one we'll add the second variant there and then we'll add the first variant again and then that will blend into these parts here without being too much you don't want it looking like it's too much the only Annoying part about these is that you can't snap anything to the side if I could I'd be adding like you know like a damos wing a next to it cuz I think that would look really nice but there's no snapping points so you can't bit annoying okay so it's engine time what we're going to do here first though we're going to go to the structure we're going to go all the way down and go to the too nose cap if it'll cliping there we go so let's move him across it always does this I don't know why it won't snap there right so if it's doing that don't know why it does this cuz it's not it's not blending into anything there we go just have to drop down glitch it like there's nothing stopping it like that's that's barely touching it annoying but we'll do the same here so we're not faffing now what this is doing cuz you obviously you why is it letting me do the you see what I mean I knew it wasn't really touching it it just let me clip that one straight in typical anyways while we're adding this is because obviously you cannot unless you're going to use mods you can't have like a billion engines we're going to have four supernovas and two SAE 560s these just give it a bit more shape at the back get rid of the dios holes you know hide them away whilst filling in the gaps here and they do look like engines well to me they do they look like you know part of an engine part of the back structure so that's why we're doing that so engines let's get the uh supernovas first the sa um SAE 560s these ones we're going to be hiding them underneath so we're not putting them down yet that will come later so let's put two supernovas down oh three supernovas across here and then we should be able to duplicate this and it will snap there no okay so if we build this one up and snap down there we go perfect there we go see how the too Parts just give it a bit of a better shape at the back I mean you could even go full aggressive and um so if we just move this one this should snap back in yeah nice you could even go for an over cowling there if you wanted to I I don't I don't like that I'll just keep the the too Parts but yeah that's the shape I think it's looking really really good now I'm really liking the look of this so what do you think of the ship so far then guys let me know in the comments is it something you'll build are you liking it do you like the shape I quite like the shape I think it's got quite a a unique shape I know um a lot of my ships can look a bit triangle but I feel like this one looks a lot different and it's very battle cruisery love it right now it's time to get to work underneath now we've left these gaps here for a reason so we'll be able to hide all our reactors fuel grav Drive cargo all that so nothing's on show up top and you know doesn't take away from the shape of the ship all right so let's add our grab Drive we're going to be going for the SGD 3300 we'll add that there we'll move him up though so he slots in nicely and then we're going to be adding the sf40 reactor cuz in my opinion that is the best reactor it might not snap nicely here though knew that was going to be the case move the daos hole down here we can delete it so want that there now that should stay snapped yeah nice so landing gear needs a fuel tank needs a Docker so Docker is nice and easy to build so what we'll do is We'll add the docker here might need to move it down if we do need to move it down that's not an issue believe where is it yeah thought so right so if that's the case move this down plon him right there and we're going to add some shape around him just to break it up let's do that now let's get that out the way so we're get an over cowling if it will snap Right add another Nova Cal in snap that like so grab this stra cap grab this stra cap and now we'll just add two dios bellies so let's go to structure all a minute one dios belly two dios bellies and now the dock has got nice bit of shapes around it instead of just being like a here's a square there's your Docker done so it looks nice it fits in nicely now okay so back to what we were originally doing so now that we've got a gap there we don't need to worry too much cuz this stra cap covers it so this side over here we're going to add our fuel tank so let's go to the fuel we're going to add the biggest one that we can get 650 that will do won't it now if you really want you can have two of those bad boys if you're going to make this your end game ship so you got plenty of fuel that you don't need to worry about anything then now we need to add cargo and landing gear and the two other engines that I mentioned earlier so let's get that out the way now so it's the SAE 5660 so we'll add two of those now you can have two of them alongside four of the supernovas obviously with perks and stuff and depending on level I'm allowed to if I add any more it'll give me the right it's using way too much power um reduce your engines basically so we'll hide those there our Mobility so far is 100 but once we start adding cargo and weapons that is going to drop quite dramatically I'm going to estimate depending on how much Weaponry I put on this ship I'm probably going to be at about 40 maybe 35 so between 35 and 50 Mobility now for a ship this big that's not too bad you don't want 100 Mobil Mobility on a ship this big because it will turn on a penny and it will just look ridiculous being able to maneuver like a light fighter and we're going to be building this into an absolute monster of a battleship so you're not going to actually have to worry about having to maneuver and Dodge bullets and stuff you know obviously try your best but this thing is just going to crush anything that you come across let's add some landing gear and get that out the way now the landing gear as you should all know by now ng20 wide it's my favorite landing gear we're going to add a couple of these we're not putting them all down yet cuz we got to add the weapons and no doubt once we start adding the weapons it like you're not using enough landing gear like so yeah let's get ready for that right so let's start filling out the gaps with cargo now the cargo I like I do like the 40t um just because of the angles so you can blend it in with like the shape of the ship underneath I do like the ballast cargo as well and the shielded cargo so we're definitely going to be adding some of that but the one I'm going to be using in the gaps is the s24 cargo hold because it gives you the most cargo weighs a lot though in terms of mass see look the mobility is dropping already so there we go so that's free so we got 48 00 cargo so far now next to this engine we're going to add more cargo so we'll go up to the 40t let's add that in same on this side cuz it will look nice so 7300 cargo 60 Mobility I'm probably going to push this to about 10,000 cargo I think anything more is just completely unnecessary at that point you you don't actually need that much cargo so we'll add that there flip this one 9800 and then we'll go for this one here the 10 cuz it's got a nice angle to it and pl that right there lovely jubly so there we go 47 Mobility it's probably going to go a bit lower with weapons but I'm happy with that as long as it doesn't drop below like 20 that's fine honestly between 30 and 50 Mobility on a big ship is absolutely fine obviously we need more landing gear so we're going to PL want some at the front so it don't look stupid you don't want the landing gear just being right at the back cuz it would just look silly add that there add that one there as well so give it a nice bit of landing gear shape I like that now we need to add the shield cuz we didn't do that earlier but there was a reason for that cuz we're going to be doing the drop down glitch so go to either side either side here duplicate a damos hole move this let's grab oh grab a shield now I always use the Assurance 1800 purely because I think it's the best Shield it gives the most Shield so add that there pump that there duplicate down and then delete and The Shield's hidden now if you really want you can have the shield on show I just want it hidden I prefer it when it's hidden and like I said you can do it either side right so this is the final stats obviously it's looking quite good the mobility has dropped to 44 I said that though between 35 5 and 50 is fine for a big ship like this so the weapons I've gone for obviously like I always say dealer's choice pick what you want I've gone for the PB Auto Alpha tets personally they're my favorite weapons I feel like they're the best in the game and they do a lot of damage to the hole and the shield so now the only thing left to do for this ship is to give it a color so let's crack on right so let's give you lot an interior tour the inside is not a maze it's a nice little layout nice and tidy no ladders and doors everywhere so as you enter that's the living quarters leading onto the loop and I'll show you that in a bit then we got a Hab cross another Hab cross which is a 2X two and a 2X one behind here we got the battle station and we got a door here just for a control room or computer core and that's it one door in one door out okay that's it you can't you can't get lost now if we go to this H cross this should be oh no I think this is the battle station no this is the computer core and then another 2x1 Hab right here and like I said a minute ago one door in one door out that's the only way in and out so you cannot get lost same over here so this will be a Brig and living quarters hey what's up dude no worries mate so yeah over here 2 by one Hey sir and we come back out and then we will head down here now this Loops back so this is again a living quarters and there's your Docker and this is the loop as I like to call it so you'll walk all the way through here and then there's a door this way so this is your 2x one door here leads through into the engineering Bay all the way down and there you go look at that you cannot get lost so there's only one way in and one way out with this layout so brilliant I like it when it's like this cuz I hate I hate the Interiors having ladders and doors everywhere and it being a maze and just being awkward to navigate having a layout like this just makes it so easy you know where you are you know you can't get lost right we're going to have to wait for Sarah to finish using the ladder like come on now so I know a lot of you are complain can I not you what let me get on it I know a lot of you will complain about the ladders um it's if you want to ship like this you got you got to get over it right so this bit here there's nothing now we get off here we got the quarters Captain's Quarters infirmary and research station so this is your our Armory right behind lovely jubly this is the living quarters that leads into the Captain's Quarters nice now let's just go back and this is our uh research station and then our infirmary nice and then if we get back on the ladder go right to the top so it's not that big do you know what I mean I mean it's it's it's not overly big is it come on now this is our computer core straight into our into our deck look at that lovely jly obviously this is where I've clipped the part in but like people will sit here but yeah that's that's the only negative on this bit but yeah that's the interior what do you think it's not a maze is it it's it's a good little layout you won't get lost easy to navigate it's got everything you need in this ship like it's it's perfect obviously it's just got a little bit of a ladder which people seem to hate it don't bother me though so I guess the only thing left to do now is show you some combat footage so let's go and fight the Crimson Fleet got the [Music] Ma sh
Channel: CurtisBuilds
Views: 24,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield, starfield spaceship, starfield ships, starfield ship builds, starfield best ships, starfield best ship design, starfield ship designs, startfield ship tutorial, starfield cargo ship, best ship in starfield, this ship is a must build in starfield, why this is the ship every player needs in starfield, Starfield Ship Build Designs and Ideas, starfield best ships ever, rating your starfield ships, top 10 starfield, top, best warship in starfield, only ship you need, warship
Id: smeiz8S6x0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 11sec (1931 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2023
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