How to Build a Rogue (Astarion) for Beginners in Baldur's Gate 3

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Rogue is a class that offers a ton of utility  to you in the game whether it's picking locks   disarming traps pickpocketing someone or just  outright dealing a ton of damage the Rogue is   truly a master of every single facet of things  that you'll be able to accomplish in baldurscape   3. and in this video today we're going to  go through building out a rogue maybe this   is your first character or perhaps you want to  respect one of your companions such as a Starion   into a better Road whatever the case is we'll  go through that here today we'll start out at   level one looking at Rogue on a very base level  to discuss the character creation process then   go into a discussion about your subclass options  talk a little bit about standout Feats and close   the video out going into some strong multi-class  options you can quickly navigate to any part of   the video they interviewed the most using the  chapters about the timeline in the description   and please don't forget to check me out on Twitch  where I stream every Tuesday Thursday and Friday   also too if you are looking for my other class  guides I have a whole playlist linked at the end   of this video as well as in the pin comment and  description but let's get started here on how to   build a rogue for beginners in Baldur's Gate 3.  loading into the game let's have a conversation   about your race now with Baldur's Gate 3 no race  gets any one benefit over the other when it comes   to ability scores everyone's race is the exact  same in that it is all just a down the board   and you assign two or one point as you see fit  so really choose the race that you have most in   mind for the role play of your character but let's  also talk about some ones that maybe have certain   standout benefits drow for example is probably one  of my favorite races in the game period so I'll   almost always recommend it but you start with a  proficiency towards perception which is just nice   to have you don't have to waste a proficiency on  it and it's one of the most important skills in   the game you also will get can trips for Dancing  Lights fairy fire both not as amazing but you   get the darkness spell which will give which will  impose blind and blind can be used as an advantage   when you're using sneak and I'll explain that  a little bit when we talk about sneak attack in   addition to you start off with the proficiencies  and Rapier short sword and hand crossbow which is   always just kind of nice to have you can jump into  any of the races that possibly give you a medium   armor proficiency here like the shield dwarf  and whatnot that kind of unlocks medium armor   right out the gate for your Rogue which is always  knife nice nice deeplings are good too for zaryals   tieflings get both The Branding Smite and burning  Smite which are used on melee weapons so if you   go with a melee Rogue you basically get a free  can trip that you can use to give you access to   um to smiting attacks in addition as well you  can go with the Mephistopheles tiefling which   does give magehand which is different than the  Mage hand for Arcane trickster but you can still   use the Mage hand to manipulate objects and  interact with them always kind of nice also   you'll get burning hands and Flame blade on the  Mephistopheles teethlings as well which is kind   of fun to use if you want to stick with the  darkness Sprout you can use that with asmodeus   tieflings they'll get that at level five they'll  get the darkness spell as well as hellish rebuke   which is a nice reaction some other things I  can really stand out here are halflings like   the Lightfoot halfling which gets an advantage on  stealth checks and of course halflings in general   just get lucky so when you roll a 1 on an attack  ability or saving throws you'll be able to re-roll   that one another standout one is the Deep gnome  which is probably my favorite of the Gnomes which   does give you an advantage on stealth checks as  well as being a gnome which gives you advantage   on intelligence wisdom and Charisma saving throws  keep in mind you also will have your innate Rogue   um bonus to saving throws as well you'll  get your proficiency to dexterity saving   throws so you'll have a lot of advantage on  intelligence wisdom Charisma and getting your   proficiency bonus to dexterity saving throw so  it's all pretty pretty cool so those are some   of my standout options here elves are always great  here you can go with the uh the what elf will get   sneak as one of its race proficiencies as well so  you'll I'm sorry stealth that's one of its race   proficiencies as well so you'll just have that  out the gate also gith Yankee if you don't want   to go with the grade a crackhead uh the male one  can go with the female GIF but they'll get access   to astral knowledge which gives them a Proficiency  in all skills of a chosen ability so you can say   Charisma and you'll get a proficiency bonus to all  of your charisma conversational abilities but you   do also get Proficiency in light and medium armor  as well as short sword long sword and great sword   so a lot of great proficiencies out the gate now  as far as your subclasses go the big standout one   is thief thief is seemingly very thin as far as  abilities go you really only get three abilities   as a thief you get Supreme sneak which basically  allows you to become invisible and then you get   these two here a level three level uh Supreme  stick you get level nine level three here is   Second Story work you've mastered the art of  falling in game resistance to Falling damage   that's a nice to have but the big one right here  is fast hands gain an additional bonus action so   now you have an action and two bonus actions you  can pop a potion of quickness or or whatever the   one per additional action is that gives you two  actions and your innate two bonus action so you'll   just fly through the game literally the mobility  on a thief is huge because what you can do here is   use the aforementioned cunning actions of  Dash twice and triple your movement speed   and then still have an action to do attacks  or whatever you want to do or maybe you use   cunning action disengage and cunning action  Dash now you've pulled yourself out of combat   and you've moved away you can even cunning action  Dash twice and use your standard action of Dash   and move quadruple the speed so the major the  the mobility on Thief is amazing and it splices   into almost every other class awesomely if you  put this onto a barbarian they can enrage in one   turn attack on their main attack on their  on the same turn and even use a ability to um use their their frenzied strike if they're  a Berserker or you could even action Surge and   get an additional attack so there's so many ways  you can use this additional bonus action on so   many classes it makes multi-class for rogue very  diverse and very fun with a lot of power attached   to it the Arcane trickster is very interesting  in that it's going to be adding in spells of the   enchantment and illusion spell line into your kind  of repertoire remember how we talked about that   third um kind of investment of stats well this is  when you would go intelligence because your Arcane   trickster spells are going to be keyed off of  your intelligence and this will allow you to pull   some again like I said illusion and enchantment  spells sleep being very good in the beginning of   the game Tasha's hideous laughter always great  disguised self allowing you to completely change   who the hell you are all sorts of cool things  and you get access to the wizard can trips like   friendship which is really good or friends I'm  sorry or minor illusion uh fun stuff indeed but   then every so often you'll get the expanded  spell list where you can pull from the entire   um a wizard spell list so you'll get these every  handful of levels and this allows you to kind of   dip into some more diverse spells and eventually  around level nine you'll get the ability to get   um every time you are in sneak or stealthing  around the target gets a disadvantage on saving   throws against your spells if you are hidden so  this kind of allows you to basically ambush people   with your spells so it's a really cool fun way  to play the game uh being perfectly honest too   I think Arcane trickster is very fun and very  cool and very unique but I almost would rather   go Rogue thief and go wizard just to pull from  the additional bonus actions Argo Rogue thief   and go sorcerer to get just a bunch of different  casting capabilities with the meta magic there is   one other thing about the Arcane trickster and  it is the Mage hand Ledger Mane and what this   is going to allow you to Ledger's remain whatever  it is uh allows you to do is that the Mage hand   um a is invisible and it can carry out additional  tasks and those additional tasks are using your   Thief kit tools so we can now pick locks and  disarm traps and it's going to last until you   do a long rest it's permanent's always up for you  so it's a really cool way to kind of manipulate   and do things you can go interact with levers  whatever it is it's definitely more of like a   a very like RP heavy Centric of a play style and  then lastly you have the Assassin now the Assassin   is another one of those ones that may be on paper  looks very thin you get these three abilities and   then at level nine you get infiltration  expertise which you adopt a new identity   changing your appearance basically disguise  self more or less but these three abilities   play hand in hand assassin is all about setting  up Alpha strikes putting yourself in a position   to maximize damage to start a combat by surprising  your foe that you can then just go completely ass   wild with yeah will it warn you though it is more  of an advanced class because you need to kind of   really be patient and tedious about setting  up your initial Alpha strike because you do   so much initial damage in that first round  of combat so let's take a look at this   and think of this in the scenario you're gonna  need to like jump up onto rooves or jump up onto   locations so you're going to be using actions and  bonus actions to move around well that's okay as   soon as combat starts you immediately restore your  action and bonus action at the start of the combat   so you're good otherwise you'd be down on action  or bonus action if a game turn quote unquote   hadn't unfolded and then you get assassinate  Ambush any successful attack role against a   surprise creature is a critical hit so you are  basically going as hard as you can the paint for   that opening Ambush shot because now initiative  you are deadliest against unprepared enemies   in combat you have advantage on attack rolls  against creatures that haven't taken a turn yet   so this is going to allow you to really dish  out a ton of damage with your sneak attacks   and having autocrits just ripping through  anything that's surprised because if they're   surprised they haven't taken a turn you're  going first and you have a ton of initiative   to benefit which are really what a lot of people  typically will do is they'll couple assassin with   the gloomstalker ranger which will give an innate  bonus to initiative of like plus three so you're   almost always going first regardless because this  one right here assassin assassinate initiative   you don't need to surprise them you just have to  go before them in the line of combat so if you   go first doesn't matter if they're surprised or  not you'll get an advantage on your attack rolls   so a lot of really amazing things here with  your assassin so again just to recap Thief is   definitely about adding a ton of utility and  playability into your any and all class of   Rogue and you multi-class or what have you Arcane  trickster is going to be adding enchantment and   illusion spells to your repertoire an assassin  is definitely the alpha Striker uh big damage   bro now as far as some Rogue mechanics go your  big one is going to be sneak attack now sneak   that can be done with either melee or range but  this is important to know that sneak attack isn't   just simply needing to be stealth to use you don't  have to be sneaking around to use it despite its   name you just simply have to have advantage on  someone dealing extra damage to a foe you have   advantage against also works though if you have  an ally within five feet of the Target and you   don't have disadvantage so as long as you have  people in melee range and you're shooting from   range you can get a sneak attack range on those  targets or if you are in melee range with your   friends you'll get a sneak attack melee so you  can always really take advantage of your sneak   attacks and sneak attack is important because  you'll do your damage Plus 1d6 in this instance   but every odd level so one three five seven nine  and eleven your damage will increase with Sneak   Attack by an additional 1d6 so this goes from  one D6 at level one to duty to duty to two D   six at three to three DC six at five this will  progress to four to five to six D6 at level 11.   so you can really dish out a whole ton of damage  as a rogue another really big mechanic of the   Rogue is also the cunning actions you'll get  these at level two but they will unlock the   ability to use a bonus action rather than a  standard action to do things like hide Dash or   disengage and why this is so crucial is that we've  already kind of talked about how sneak attack   is anytime you have advantage on something and  you can use your bonus action to go hidden or to   sneak around in the same turn that you then use  a sneak attack with your main action it's worth   noting though of course you have to successfully  pass a sneak check so if you press cutting action   hide and your character doesn't actually sneak  then your follow-up sneak attack is not going to   work unless there's other things that are kicking  in but still it's a great way to either end a turn   or beginning a turn uh to get a stink attack lined  up or line up your stink attack for the turn after   this even as well too cutting action Dash allows  you to get some movement out rather than expending   it with a main action so you can actually do some  damage too as well maybe running up to someone   and then attacking them or again lastly here with  cunning action disengage and as we talk about the   subclasses when we've gone through those with a  thief you get your your additional bonus actions   you can have a lot of fun with this to do some  really crazy things with the Rogue when it comes   to your skills and abilities we're going to have  a little bit of a conversation here so we're going   to point all of our points into dexterity out  the gate then we're going to put the plus two   here to give us 17 decks we're going to give our  charism up to 10 and we're going to talk a little   bit more about that in a second we're going  to get our constitution to let's just say 14.   now we have a choice this is going to depend upon  any kind of multi-classing we have in mind for   our Rogue are we going to become a Gloom stalker  Ranger Rogue well we probably want to invest into   wisdom then and given that extra point there do  we want to go into a shadow monk road which will   be the multi-class feature in this video then  we're going to want to have wisdom do I want   to go Arcane trickster well then I'm going to  want to put it into intelligence do I want to   go Rogue and say warlock or sorcerer or Paladin  then I'm going to want to put it into Charisma so   choose that kind of secondary investment based  off of the ability that you want to focus on   in a multi-class 14 Constitution is more than  enough and 17 dexterity is going to cover all   of your range capabilities and you're going to  use finesse melee weapons so you're pretty much   all set between just these two stats this third is  tertiary investment is choosing what kind of bonus   multi-class you have in mind now as far as our  skill proficiencies go you as a rogue have access   to almost every single skill to be proficient  in um very similar to the bar Bard can do every   single skill but you also get two expertise  now what expertise does is it doubles your   proficiency bonus keep in mind your proficiency  bonus at level two is two and this will eventually   become three and then eventually become four  at level nine so this will go from okay you   get your proficiency bonus now you double that  bonus and get a whole ton more towards something   so very rarely do I recommend certain  backgrounds I always say hey choose the   role play of the character and I'm definitely  going to say that in just a little bit here but   um in this instance I've chosen a background  that gives me the proficiency or them sorry   yeah the proficiency the skill of sleight of  hand and stealth so then I can use my expertise   on these and my other four proficiencies on  whatever the hell I want so I would say just   use these expertise and proficiencies however you  see fit keep in mind of course that perception and   insight are very good abilities to definitely have  especially if you're going to go with wisdom which   you're going to have any bonuses on but also let  me give you an example here of why our Charisma   is only 10 of her the main character persuasion  and then an expertise into it it's at four this   will eventually become six once we reach the plus  three to uh proficiency bonus it'll eventually   become plus eight so you actually don't need to  invest much into Charisma as the main character   and still feel like you're going to push your way  through a lot of a heavy conversational checks   in the game because you become proficient and  then expertise into that skill now you will get   a further expertise down the road as a rogue so  don't feel like oh man if I miss this expertise   now I'm gonna screw it up and also you can just  Respec at any time so just choose the skills that   make the most sense insight and perception are  definite big standout ones with stealth inside   of hand being things that really just make a lot  of sense for you as a rogue maybe expertise inside   a hand makes more sense if you're not going to  stealth around because now this is going to help   with disarming traps and picking locks when it  comes to your background please choose whatever   makes sense for you I almost always go custom but  you can go with a Starion who is kind of like the   game's default Rogue and kind of go through the  vampire thrall storyline if you so wish or choose   any of these other origin characters lastly you  have the dark urge which is a particularly dark   playthrough but it is still a very fun playthrough  where you're constantly fighting these dark   urges to do some pretty wild things I don't  want to spoil any of it for you so if this   is your first playthrough try out the dark  urge if it's the second playthrough try out   the dark urge it's always it's going to be a very  different playthrough than anything else for you   so I definitely encourage it at least one time in  your playthrough of Baldur skate 3. moving into   um our background here please choose the  background too that makes the sense for your   role play of your character are you a noble son  who's kind of the black sheep and a roguish figure   are you a folk hero who also kind of is a Harper  and acts as a spy are you a soldier who is a spy   it doesn't matter what your background is choose  the thing that makes a sense for the character you   have in mind these background choices will  go towards Inspirations that you'll use in   the game to re-roll any ability checks that you  possibly fail but you only get four Max of four   um inspiration points so you'll constantly be  using them so just choose whatever makes sense   if you want a min max role typically I'd recommend  Guild Artisan for insight and persuasion but I   actually this time around would recommend urchin  because this gives you slight of hand and stealth   meaning we don't need to waste proficiencies in  it we can just already have it active with that   background and then I can put those proficiencies  into insight and persuasion if I want the two that   I talked about earlier and then I can put my  expertise into whatever I want I need to waste   two of those proficiencies on two that I'm going  to take as a rogue almost always right so I would   definitely recommend that if you want to go with  more of a min max approach now your feed options   are going to depend upon the type of character you  want to play do you want to play a dual wielding   hand crossbow type of Rogue which is very common  with the gloomstalker multi-class well then you're   gonna go Sharpshooter because this is going  to reduce the penalties of being on low ground   shooting to high ground and you're also going  to get -5 to your attack roll but you'll deal   10 more damage and you can toggle this on or off  you'll also get the crossbow expert which makes   it so that crossbow attacks within melee range  the attack rules do not have disadvantage and   your piercing shot also implicts gaping wounds for  twice as long those are two really big standout   Feats the ability Improvement one here I didn't go  over this in the ability Improvement section but   taking an odd number is sometimes frowned upon  people say well why would you do that because   you only get your bonuses on your even numbers  putting ability Improvement into the game at   level four for your character and then getting a  you want to try to think of this without spoiling   it a item from a hag I'll just say will then give  you an additional ability point so you will have   20 dexterity well within anything important  happening in the game you'll be like writing   those first like crucial 6-10 hours of the game  so you'll have maxed your primary stat and it is   a very very nice option that being said there  are tons of half Feats or Feats in which case   they only give you one ability point that you can  take advantage of like athlete here when you're   prone you get up quicker but you can put a point  here into dexterity lots of fun options alert   is really good for giving you plus five bonus to  initiative and you personally cannot be surprised   Mage Slayer is great because you have an  advantage on saving throws anytime that a   spell is cast against you and melee and you have  a reaction to immediately make an attack against   the Caster also enemies you hit have disadvantage  on concentration saving throws even if it's range   which is lovely lucky armor is nice here you  gain three luck points which you can use to   gain advantage on Attack rules ability checks or  saving throws or to make an enemy re-roll their   Attack rules which is just always good so you  can use it in a lot of instances this is just   another fun half beat if you want to use it um  to moderately armor probably be better because   you start with light armor anyway uh some other  one where is that other one that I was thinking I did meet you there I was gonna say I think it's  Mage third that's I've chosen oh mobile there   it is aha so your movement speed increases and  difficult terrain doesn't slow you down when you   dash if you move after making a melee attack you  don't provoke opportunity attacks from your target   so this doesn't uh this makes it so you don't have  to use uh disengage because disengage imposes a   disadvantage on opportunity attacks mobile makes  it so you just outright don't trigger them so this   really increases your uh movement and capabilities  to get around the battlefield quite quite well   there's tons of other Feats that you can possibly  go down these are just some a few standout ones   that might be particularly good for you the  progression for rogue is going to be focused   off of a few certain levels level five level seven  and level 11. that's when you're gonna get access   to three big abilities now keep in mind too that  your sneak attack is going up every odd number   right you're going from you're going up another  one D6 every odd number of levels so right here   level five we get uncanny Dodge use your lightning  quick reflexes to protect yourself when an attack   is you you only take half the usual damage so  if a ranged or Amelia attack hits you then you   take less damage it's a great ability here at um  level six we are going to get access to some two   more additional expertises so you can just pop  those into whatever skills make sense for you   and then level seven we'll get access to evasion  so when a spell or effect would deal half damage   on a successful dexterity saving throw something  you have a Proficiency in it deals no damage if   you succeed and only half if you fail so you  will always take half damage from spells and   effects and no damage if you succeed a dexterity  saving throw and then eventually at level 11   you'll get reliable Talent so it makes skills  with proficiency that you've got any skill you   have you're proficient in it makes them more  consistent by treating any role under 10 as   a 10. most just bass difficult things like  disarming traps are just a 10 difficulty so   it makes the fact that you can almost never fail  something very true because if you think about it   if you basically are always rolling a 10 your  proficiency will bring it up at level 11 you'll   have plus 40 or proficiency if you have an  expertise in it you got plus eight so you're   almost always rolling 18 or higher on anything  you have proficiency and expertise in it's   disgusting it's what makes the Rogue so good  at rolling into so many of the skills that it   has Proficiency in and it is absolutely awesome  for your game multi-class options for the Rogue   are far and wide you can take even just two three  levels into this character and have a lot of fun   even if you just unlock the cunning actions at  two or you jump into three for thief and adding   additional bonus actions to damn near everyone is  a very powerful capability you can do it for your   Source or you can do it for any character you  want you can spice it into fighter to add that   sneak attack into there or Barbarian whatever it  is however you want to do it there are just tons   of options like I've said before though make sure  you're taking a look at the corresponding stats   to have them make sense with the ones that you're  jumping into this guy got all messed up with my   clicking around here so a big big option is most  people will go with the gloomstalker ranger and   Rogue they'll take about the first level into  Rogue and they'll go levels two to six into the   ranger focusing on going gloomstalker getting  all the Gloom stalker attributes unlocked for   themselves at level six I'm sorry level five  of Ranger and then finishing off on Rogue   I've already covered that in a video so today I'm  going to focus on a shadow monk Rogue which is or   sometimes called a shadow Rogue or a shadow  ninja a ninja Rogue whatever it is that's the   focus we're gonna take so the first level here is  going to be into Rogue and then our second level   is going to be into monk all the way to level six  now conversely you could simply take a rogue all   the way up to three and then get Monk so that you  at least have your Rogue subclass unlocked go with   whichever way makes sense for you and the way you  want to play if you're liking the Rogue play style   just stick with it but trust me this is going to  be fun nonetheless so the big thing here with Monk   Is that you're gonna get uh where is it where is  it where is it where is it the ability to add your   dexterity instead of your strength to your attack  rolls with your monk weapons and unarmed attacks   so the big thing here is your monk weapons now  monk weapons are those with uh any weapon you   already have Proficiency in so our character as is  they have simple weapons and short swords so those   all count as monk weapons and I'm using a Starion  for this example but maybe we started with a drow   so we have um Proficiency in all the weapons we  had as a drought or if we started as a gif we'd   have a Proficiency in a great sword and that would  count as a monk weapon for the pretense of this   entire class so that's what we're going to focus  on also now because our wisdom is at three we're   going to take advantage of unarmored Defense  which is going to add both our dexterity of   three and our wisdom of three to our Armor class  as long as we are unarmored and there's tons of   kushigo gear which is all the monk gear and the  level in act one and act two so that's what we're   gonna do we're gonna take that Monk and the monk  we're just going to bring up here to level two   we'll get our cool patient defense our step of the  wind Dash entered step of the wind disengage which   is basically giving us the ability to um double  your movement speed jump in order requires a bonus   action and that's a bonus action and a key Point  invested here key points are your special currency   we'll jump up to level three where we will choose  our subclass now you can go away with open Palm or   whatever but we're going away the shadow because  this is a ninja now this gives us Shadow Arts   hide which we would otherwise we would get as a  cunning action from our Rogue we now just get it   right here we also get darkness which is going  to inflict blind on the things remember I talked   about this in the beginning um anytime something  has anytime you are attacking something that's   blinded you have a damage on it so you can use  your sneak attack on those things this is what   makes it so cool you cast Darkness you've got  blind on it you sneak attack it bingo bango bongo   um yeah silence as well as dark vision if you  don't already have it as your race and you also   get passed out of Trace which gives you a plus 10  bonus to stealth checks as well as minor illusion   and as we progress into this we're going to  go up to level four this is going to give us   slow fall which is good I'm just going to  click a button here anywhere I don't care   um dual wielders also another good option for feet  by the way because it gives you plus one AC if you   want to use two weapons now we're at level five on  Monk and this is where we're going to stop on monk   for now because we want to pick up extra attack  it's always crucial if you're jumping into any   kind of multi-class with the Rogue that you pick  up extra attack if it's a marshall or melee based   class like if I did gloomstock or Ranger the  reason we take our first our first five levels   after level one in Ranger is to get extra attack  so that when we make the attack action we use we   get to attack twice it's huge also we're getting  stunning strike melee possibly Stones the Target   and starting strike unarmed whichever one you want  to use remember your proficiency weapons or remote   weapons are all those weapons keep in mind too  here that these are actions you're using they use   key points but they key off of your wisdom score  so the higher you wisdom the more effective you're   starting strike you also get a cloak of Shadows  here wrap yourself in Shadows to become invisible   if you are obscured so you just have to make sure  you're in low light or no light uh situations   so we'll accept that and now we would jump  back here into Rogue get our cunning actions   and then jump into Thief now the reason we  choose Thief is because we're getting that   additional bonus action that is what's  particularly crucial here right and once   we've gotten that you have the option here  to you can stay as Thief if you want to get   some more things unlocked here maybe level four  Thief to just get another feat going if you want   or probably what I'd recommend would be jumping  back into Monk and by doing this we get key and   powered strikes your unarmed attacks count is  magical for the purpose of overcoming enemies   resistance and Immunity to non-magical attacks but  you get Shadow step teleport from Shadow to Shadow   afterwards you have advantage on your next melee  attack roll which is just absolutely juicy and   you will get the same Rogue evasion at level seven  that you would have gotten as a I'm sorry you'll   get the same Rogue version at level seven of  monk that you'd get at level seven of a rogue but   I think that it kind of delivers a lot of really  fun things to the kit here for you because there's   a lot of actions that you do as a rogue that are  or I'm sorry as a monk that are bonus actions   like take a look at this Florida blows is a bonus  action you have all these bonus actions right here   that you're going to be able to take advantage of  and that is a really great thing right Shadow our   tide you're popping into being hidden right away  cutting action Dash you have all these things to   take advantage of this Shadow step being one  of them so since it's a bonus action I'm using   that and I have so many more bonus actions  to go with but as this progresses with the   next couple levels we'll then get evasion and  Stillness of mind at level seven which is gonna   um remove charm and frighten um if you've got  those active you'll get another feat at level   eight for your monk of course and then level nine  you'll get Advanced unarmored movement so you'll   be moving even further if you're unarmored as a  shadow monk so a really great option I think it's   very fun I think a lot of people sleep on monk but  monk is very fun it can dish out an absolute crap   ton of damage at that it brings our video here to  a close so Rogue is one of those classes that can   spice into any directions and have a lot of fun  with this multi-class capabilities you're taking   advantage of your of your uh bonus actions you're  taking advantage of your sneak attack capabilities   and you can really do and add a lot of utility  to anyone you want to play if it's only level one   or two into Rogue or maybe just three or four  whatever it is you're gonna have a lot of fun   even playing a pure Rogue is still an absolute  shit-kicking good time so please by all means if   you have some suggestions for other multi-class  options let it be known in the comment section   below or maybe you've gone gone with the uh  Shadow Monk and you're like you know what   it just works best going six Rogues six uh  Monk and this is why whatever it is let it   be know in the comment section below I'm always  down for as much information disseminate out to   the people as possible maybe you have a really  good feet combination you wanted to divulge and   say hey you know what go with these two feets  they go really well with these two actions or   whatever it is any of those things always help  anyone else that's brand new to the game but as   always guys thank you so much for watching  here today have a good one and take care thank you
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 12,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Build a Rogue for Beginners in Baldur's Gate 3, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, bg3, baldurs gate 3 rogue build, bg3 rogue build, baldurs gate 3 rogue, bg3 rogue guide, beginners guide, baldurs gate 3 rogue guide, astarion build, bg3 astarion, bg3 thief build, bg3 assassin build, bg3 arcane trickster build, bg3 shadow monk build, bg3 shadow ninja, bg3 rogue beginner, bg3 beginner, baldur's gate 3 rogue guide, baldurs gate rogue build, bg3 rogue, rogue, baldur's gate
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 36sec (1896 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2023
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.