How To Breed KITSUN in PALWORLD!!! Breeding Tips and Tricks!!!

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yo guys what is up it's teach here coming at you again with another video over on pow world and I'm going to show you how to get one of these a kit Sun insanely easy over on power world and it's actually something that you do not need to try very hard to do um you can just use the breeding process now the other way to get the kit sun in case you're curious there is only one way and it sucks uh basically you have to be in the right time at the right place because they actually have a habitat that only exists at night and it only exists in the area around the snow mountain and I can never seem to find them when I go over there however there's a much easier way to get a hold of them and they're actually really valuable because you can actually get a shadow beak with some of them but I'll show you that in a little bit um yeah so all you need to do is be basically level 10 because you need to get a hold of a ruby and a pen King now pen King is a boss that you can Farm I believe it's level 14 or something like that and then Ruby you can literally catch it level one and and any literally male female doesn't matter on this side as long as you have a m male one and a female the other you can breed the two of these things the pen king and the Ruby and they will give you a large scorching egg that large scorching egg as long as you have cake inside of this will be produced and you can go ahead and use that large scorching egg in order to get yourself easy access to the kitson now I'll go ahead and go and put that really did that not go how did that not go there now it went um yeah so kit stuns are super useful just because they can be bred with a aagon which can be something that you gather late game as well which will give you a shadow beak now Shadow beaks are also really hard to breed for and aagon can be kind of hard to read for as well but that's beside the point they are a very useful tame for breeding purposes and they're also really cool looking I don't know why I think they're so cool looking I just do like it's a flaming wolf which I think is I don't know why I think it's so cool I just think it's awesome right like I I I mean look at that thing it looks so cool it's got like a man of fire and it's just a fun creature in general um the pal deck just so you can see it is a level two kindling so it's not a super great overall team it just looks super pretty and it's probably one of my favorite creatures when it comes to the actual prettiness of it um and then you can see it's unaffected by heat or cold if you're riding on the pal which is super cool um because there are some really cold areas in early game that's a very useful trick when you don't necessarily have the cold or heat reduction so you can go anywhere on the entire map with a kitson and uh yeah they're super cool but I just think they're so cool I I know some of you are like oh dude I've got like 20 of those I for some reason took a very long time to actually breed him so uh for me that was it I had to breed him and then like I couldn't find him in the game so that's how I got a hold of them but anyways just a quick video to show you how to get a hold of those Kit Suns and that's it's just super I don't know I like them a lot so take take that for what you will but I think they're cool so hopefully this video helps you out and other than that [Music] teach [Music] what
Channel: Teachers Game Too
Views: 6,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, pal, catch, creature, palworld creature, how to catch pal, palworld 2024, building, build, fight, moves, specials, craft, crafting, palworld how to, palworld guide, palworld tips, palworld tricks, palworld tips and tricks, palworld first 10, palworld how to play, palworld what to do, palworld how to change, palworld guides, guide, what, what to do, how to, how to catch, palworld creatures, palworld creature abilities, abilities, palworld abilities
Id: xQqS_YnNrnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 17sec (197 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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