HellDivers 2: The Ultimate Starter Guide For Newbies

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oh what's going on every here and welcome to Hell DS 2 today I want to give a super beginner basic tutorial on the game and uh getting things figured out for these These are the absolute beginner tips if you're not a beginner this isn't the video for you I guarantee you know all this stuff but if you're a beginner to the game and you're trying to find your way you're stumbling around trying to get everything figured out I want to help you because who who' better learn it from than a beginner I'm only level 13 but there's a lot of things the game doesn't tell you doesn't do a very good job explaining that I want to explain to you and hopefully these tips will help you hopefully your transition into hell divers 2 will be easy and brief and fun and you will have an absolutely fantastic time so first thing we're going to talk about because this is the thing that everybody always wers is where do you get your new guns and armor and weapons like where do you get all the new stuff right so at first you have your Armory right here which is where I came over and I was like okay cool so this is where I get my stuff right primary I should be able to select different things yes and no so in order to get anything here to select you're actually going to have to go into your acquisition so for me you can see at the top of the screen it says Acquisitions is R um I'm going to go ahead and hit R and that is going to bring up this acquisition center now this can be confusing if you've never played a game with this style of unlocks now um a lot of games where you just play along you uh you hit certain levels you unlock things this this game what you do is you earn these things called uh war bonds or medals right here they're they they're going to be these guys and what you're going to do is you're going to go into this first one and you're going to see a few pages there's page one there's page two you know 10 pages right here and it's a little confusing at first a little jarring you know um and that's why I want to make this video but essentially what you do is as you play the game you're going to earn these and as you can see different things have a different cost requirement um and then also in order to get from one page to the so page one say I wanted to get to like I'm trying to get to this page right here I have to spend two more medals Above This in order to unlock this page so um when you're looking for new armor new weapons things like that this this is where you're going to be looking now there's a lot of um uh there's a lot of like extras in here so like this is actually an armor suit infiltrator you can also hit tab for me it's tab whatever this whatever it says right down in here for you you can hit Tab and that will actually give you a uh a little bit better of a breakdown so armor rating speed stamina if it has any passive abilities um you can learn those and then also you can hover over this and um yeah it just tells you basically information about it now um there's your grenades there's your weapons there's your you know your armor um your helmets have different possibly different abilities now at the time recording this I do believe that the armors are still kind of bugged right now where like the the I believe the stats aren't being affected or something something's going on with the with the armor just pick which one you like for now um don't worry if you're super early into the game just pick whichever one you want honestly uh because it's you know it's it makes a little bit of a difference later game um I feel like because like I'm I'm only level 13 like I said I'm not a late game person but later game I have noticed that hey you know what having this little park or whatever was pretty pretty nice now there's other things in this war bond um there's this right here which is super credits so you can actually spend um your war bonds to get super credits which is the premium currency in this game um but let's go ahead and let's continue on so let's say I wanted to unlock I'm going to unlock this because it's it's two credits I need to actually you know I'm going to unlock this super credit right here we minut so to unlock it as you can see I click on it and then I have to come over here and I have to press and hold so my I made the mistake before of trying to um of trying to get the uh like trying to get an item right uh let's go ahead and grab what do we want out of here what do we have we have an impact grenade we've got a 50% chance of not die from taking lethal damage hey you know what that's actually the um pretty sure that's the armor that I have right now it's actually it's actually a good armor set um I actually want this helmet I'm going to go ahead and grab that helmet so um but yeah I was trying to unlock stuff I was just clicking on it and I was like okay press and hold like how do I do this you have to come over here and you actually have to press and hold to claim the item now uh one you buy buy an item it will ask you if you want to equip it you can equip it or you can equip it later which I'll go into in a second um now the other thing this is a premium war bond so if you buy a premium version or if you pay the upgrade cost to become a um a super citizen or whatever uh if you it's it's a paid thing it's all money it's all basic that stuff um that's where you're going to find this stuff and this stuff is going to cost more stuff um it's going to be the B basically exactly same progression system now these weapons to what I know cuz I haven't with a lot of them like I said I'm a beginner beginner guide beginner tutorial here these basic these weapons right here are basically they're similar to the weapons that you get for free except they have like little quirks with them so this one is like the um the regular Liberator gun that you start off the game with except except it's concussive so it has a chance to like stagger enemies um then you have the breaker right here that's incendiary so it's basically like the breaker except I think it does a little bit less damage but then it also ignites them on fire so it's like you kind of trade a little bit of here a little bit there for like something a little bit more interesting I guess I guess you could say so um that's how you get your weapons and your uh your armors and stuff like that now let's say I want to go and put those on and that is where the Armory is going to come into play so here's your Armory so here you have you know your primaries your secondaries your gadgets your grenades whatever what have you um as far as primary goes I'll I'll recommend some weapons and some things at the end of the video that I've been using when once I hit level five um hitting level five is crucial so basically what I would do the recommendation is play the game until you hit level five don't buy anything don't purchase anything don't upgrade anything until you hit Level five level five is where things become available to to do stuff um get to that point first and then I'll tell you what we should get so um this is where you uh you know you can CH you can mess with this stuff here and then also if we go into armor we can adjust our armor so like let's say I don't like this headpiece I want to use this one now so I can equip that and uh yeah so now I look fancy there I have a fancy Cape whatever um character you can you can use some customizations and stuff like that in here you can have different boosters which which give you um different abilities in game so Vitality enhancement allows all hell divers to resist injury uh hellot space optimization hell divers coming out of the HELLP pod fully stocked on ammo grenades and Stems now these stack with your team well they don't stack with your teammates but they affect your teammates so if somebody else on your team has a hellot space optimization it won't let you place that one it you have to play a different one so keep that in mind these are unlocked in the same place as the ammo and the the as the in the same place as the weapons and and um arm gosh why was that so hard um and then you also have your career stuff over here which is pretty neat so um that's how you unlock your weapons your armor that's how you equip it right there now you're going to see something back here this back here I didn't even know this was back here this is a very important place this is actually where you unlock your strategems so as you can see you can go into strategems here um and then these are strategems that you can unlock or you can't if you're not a high enough level um so this is where you're going to come in and I have some recommendations on these as well because like I said for as a beginner what did I prioritize and what worked really good for me versus what didn't um so yeah we have those there and then we have ship module so strategems here anything you call in um as far as like support weapons things like that those are going to be in here uh if you hear people talking about some weapons that you might not see in the war bond like a lot of people talk about the grenade launcher the grenade launcher is a support weapon so you can see right here this is the grenade launcher you have to call it in um you'll hear people talk about guard dog Rover uh laser cannons whatever those are those are items that you call in those are like bigger weapons that they have to you know you have a cool down and all that fun stuff so that is all fine and dandy now let's also talk about ship modules uh briefly because like I said I don't have very many of them I only have one these require the um you're going to find like uh these these these resources while you're on planet you're going to find common rare and like super rare or something like that um you're going to find these different common samples and when you leave and you get back you're going to start AC crewing them well this is where you're going to spend those so for me I did this first robotics Workshop here Dynamic tracking reduce deployment time for all century strategems and then um I want to work because I'm working towards high quality lubricant and uh the shark absorption gel mainly this one this one's a huge one uh but basically what you have to do is you have to unlock the first one before you can unlock the next one in whatever tier so this tier right here is the one that I want to work on so I want to get shock absorbs in Jael next so these are the items that I need to have in order to unlock this and the reason I want to unlock this increase all increases ammo for all Sentry strategems by 50% so when you call down a Sentry weapon and it sits there and shooting stuff for you it has 50% more ammo it's amazing yeah fantastic right it sounds like a good time that's where you spend those now um let's you know what actually whilst we're in here let's actually so let's go ahead and let's talk about the other stuff in here now you're going to Noti friendly K has joined my squad um so I want to talk about a couple other things in here so at the top here you're going to notice a few things there's there's a couple things there's um there's uh like money essentially the 26446 are that's like your money you have your uh your war bonds or your medals right here and then you have your samples here um and then you have super credits here so each of these items is used to unlock different things like I've mentioned before so your war bonds are used to like I said unlock your um your weapons and your ammo uh the super credits which I didn't touch on yet are going to be used in the Super Store and that is where these are these are your premium credits now you can buy these if you want to however you get them pretty decently in the game which is which is actually pretty cool surprisingly um so yes you do uh like see what is this one um a light Gunner provides higher damage rating that's actually pretty good once once there's like you know good armor and stuff like that that's actually pretty uh pretty decent one um and then we have like a heavy armor increase throwing range by 30% provides 50% limb Health that's pretty good too and that's a dread knot that's kind of cool too so I might have to pick those up I don't know we'll see um but that's where you spend that currency and then like I said before the other currency is spent on in here so your strateg gems are used just just money so if I want to unlock this guy The Price is Right Here at 6,000 so that's where you use your money and then this is where you use your samples so every there's a lot of different currency systems and there's a lot of different places to use your currency systems so that makes sense it's like I said it's very confusing in the beginning and it doesn't do a super great job of explaining at all but let's go ahead let's say you hit Level five if you waited you didn't buy anything you hit Level five what would I recommend all right so let's start off with the strategems cuz we're right here since we're right here anyways um the first thing that I would recommend 100% of the time is the uh let's go I'm going to go in order of what I think is probably most important or least important the grenade launcher the grenade launcher I believe you unlock at level five it's absolutely insane it is fantastic you're going to absolutely love it go ahead get that bad boy get that unlocked if you don't already have it unlocked maybe you can unlock it a little bit earlier I can't remember for sure um that thing is fantastic um after that I wouldn't recommend anything else in here until you get to level 10 and then get the guard dog Rover do not get guard dog because as you can see this one shoots uh it shoots like bullets um yeah no you don't want that one you want the guard dog Rover it shoots a laser laser is way better so um basically in this category I would go from grenade launcher to guard dog Rover and then from there you'll have a understanding of what all these other ones do by playing with other people that you'll understand like what you want kind of now I'm going to start at the top now because but I'm saying the the best one I think is the grenade launcher that um as far as these go the machine gun is what you're going to start off with use it have fun with it it's it's fantastic um if you want to get the flamethrower later on you can they actually just buffed it quite a bit but um as far as this category goes I don't play with this category a whole lot orbital cannons I don't play a a two ton with either but the orbital air burst strike is a uh a better is that's that's a better version of your orbital so um I believe that's level five as well if it's not earlier if it's earlier congratulations get that this one is super useful it does like a a shotgun attack down on the on the on the area and it's just super nice um and then my personal favorite out of these The Hanger is actually the eagle air strike which is a very early game one as well like I said e either level five or before and I've played with some level 30 level 40 level 50 people that are still using this strategem because it is it is that good is a really good Strat now what's nice about it is it has two uses so you when uh when you when you you you use it you throw it out it has a a 15-second coold down between the Second Use you can use it again and then from the Second Use I believe it's like a TW minute cool down or two and a half minute cool down don't quote me on that I'm not 100% sure it's a really good strategy to use so that is that is an absolute go-to the eagle air strike um and then once we have other we have other stuff above that but like I said I haven't really honestly played with any of those because I just this one is fantastic it does everything I needed to um and then let's see what else we have um let's see as far as the bridge goes or orbital Precision strike this stuff I don't really use any of this stuff right now either um because in the early game I don't feel like you're going to need it and then like I said grenade launcher guard dog is fantastic and then this is one that I believe you can get pretty close to right off the bat if not before level five get the Gatling Sentry not the machine gun Sentry the Gatling Sentry this one just rains bullets down on your enemies and even at its basic level even if even if you don't have any upgrades on it it does it does a really good job it does seem to run out of ammo pretty quick and you want to be careful because a charger or somebody they come over here and destroy this thing almost immediately it's um it's it's pretty squishy it's pretty it's pretty squishy indeed but yeah the uh the Gatling Sentry highly recommend it if you're level five level 10 whatever hit that um the mortar sentur is really good it's also really good at taking out your teammates so um if you have a mortar Sentry out let everybody know they have a water Sentry out because if it's going to Target onto a group of enemies and you have friends right in this area well guess what they're going to get destroyed as well but that's half the fun of the game isn't it so um but Gatling sentury that is the Sentry that I recommend so if you are level five what would I recommend okay level five I recommend getting yourself the eagle air strike getting yourself the orbital airburst strike and the uh grenade launcher and the Gatling Sentry those ones those items right there I believe once you at level five those items are going to completely change the feel of the game for you you're going to feel more powerful you're going to feel like you can handle yourself better um you're going to feel like you're more supportive to the team you're going to feel like you're able to do more things um as far as ship modules go just get what you want as you can um they're kind of expensive and they're kind of like they're kind of timeconsuming to get so um there's that now as far as Weapons go let's talk about the weapons here so let's go into our war bond here and let's go in here so in the beginning um in the beginning we have we have a couple pages that you have to get through you just have to get through them um cuz the first weapon that I'm going to recommend is actually on page three this little guy right here so this SMG or U actually no no no no first weapon I'm going to recommend because you're going to have to go through it to get there sorry let me R track back here a little bit U is actually this Redeemer this this little Uzi pistol guy um this is going to be your replacement secondary this one's way better than just the hand the standard pistol so um once you can get to that guy cool go for that but ultimately what you're really going for here in my opinion is this breaker now this breaker did recently get nerfed a little bit um they took three rounds out of the uh the magazine and I believe they changed I believe they changed adjusted the penetration or something like that a little bit penetration a little bit um so this gun it's still fantastic though it's still a really good gun it's still a goto gun for a lot of people until you get to higher levels um so basically what you're going want to do is you're going to want to get to page for and you're W to get to this now I know it's going to seem like it takes a while um because like oh my gosh all these medals and it's going to say like like if I want to get to the next one right I have to spend 89 more medals to unlock this page which is a lot but it's not a lot and I'll tell you why um afterwards too um so you're going to be going for the breaker the breaker is going to be something you want to get immediately however the things that are going to help you on the way because you're going to have to spend points there regardless is go ahead and pick up the defender the defender is a little fun gun to play with until you get the breaker um I would actually recommend this until you get this gun um and then also make sure you pick up your your um your boosters your hell pod space off optimization pick up your free super credits absolutely get your um get your little mini uzi get your credits here if you want to pick up the other weapons you absolutely can and play with them and see if maybe there's something else you like too um but the breaker is going to be you're going to start you're going to really like the breaker you're going to have really good time with the breaker so um now as far as getting these additional credits if we go into the map over here and say we want to do a mission right there's going to be there's a daily um struggle from manag there's a daily personal order that as you can see uh right oh well okay off to the right hand side of the screen kill 40 enemies using an anti-personnel Minefield that's going to give you an extra 15 medals now I don't have an anti-personnel Minefield yet so I'm going to have to decide whether I want to spend the money to unlock it if I unlock it then it might be worth it and I probably will cuz honestly it seems like money is easy to get to get the unlock so um I probably will go ahead unlock that and try to get that but pay attention to that you just have to go into the map um once you go to the map you'll see those over there now if there's any major orders which is the one right above that those are going to be like defend this planet for this long or take over this place or something like that so um those are going to be how you get additional medals as well so make sure you're getting those medals doing your things doing your stuff having a good time um but that I think basically I think that I think that covers most of most of absolutely everything now there is also if you want to get a little bit more nitty-gritty there is a plugin that if you have a if you have a stream deck if you have an Elgato stream deck if you don't I have a link down I have link down below if you don't have an Elgato stream deck I'll have a link down below if you want to check one out it is an affiliate league so um if you don't have an Elgato stream deck you can check one out there but there's a plugin that you can get from free from the Elgato site that puts all of these strategems and stuff like that on a uh on a on like a hotkey essentially and you just basically tap one button because if you don't know the strategems are basically this right here uh where you have to put in different arrows uh different Arrow codes and uh be able to you know put them in quickly while you're on the battlefield so if you don't want to do things like this um then I recommend a stream deck and getting that thing on there so it's pretty cool I mean stream decks are great for everything but um it's fun you know had to had to do a Shameless little plug there but yeah I think that covers basically everything that I wanted to talk about because like those are things that I was super confused about in the beginning also you know what I will touch on this one last thing because this is dependent upon when you're watching the video if you're you're watching it right when it came out if you see on the bottom right hand corner of my screen there is z which pulls up U basically information about what's going on in the world um and then C which is an effect so right now everybody can use a patriot exo suit for uh one per game and they're like basically testing it out but it is a strategem now that is unlocked at level 25 so if we go in here we go strategems basically all the way to the bottom list uh Patriot exra suit right there it is amazing oh my gosh it's a good time all right so now I'm going to one last the the last thing we're going to talk about is I'm actually going to hop into a game we're going to talk about uh navigating the field navigating the map and figuring out like what's going on uh with like what's what's going on here uh you know what actually let's just hop into a quick play let's see if we can find somebody okay so uh we uh we found a game now let's talk about applying your strategists because I've seen a lot of people go in empty make sure that when you're on the screen you actually go in here and select what you what you want so I want this guy this guy this guy and I want this guy so we've got those and then I also want to go ahead and use a the booster they don't have any of those so I'm going to use that one but make sure you apply what you have and then ready up I've seen a lot of people like I said go going naked essentially not prepared not ready to go and it's just a beginner thing because you don't know what you're doing you don't it doesn't do a good job of telling you that so make sure you apply your uh your strategems and then once we get playing side I'm going to talk about you navigating the map looking at what you're supposed to be doing knowing what like knowing how to do how you're doing what you're doing uh and trying to figure out like why people are going certain places because you're going to be like why are we going over here why are we doing this I don't understand what's going on here I want to tell you what's going on here all right we are planet Sun oh it feels good it's exciting all right so let's see let's go ahead and hop in and grab our stuff and get our new goodies so if you have support items like your machine gun whatever make sure you just call those right away get that cool down going that way you have it ready to go uh so let's see let's grab our grenade launcher we're going to grab our Rover guard dog as well now as far as the mini map goes so our mission right now is to upload data via local relay collect a crypted hard drive so basically what we got going on here is if I zoom out we need to collect the hard drive from right here and we need to deliver it to this area that is the main mission however there are side missions any red spots those are nests the bigger the SP the the harder The Nest is um we want to take those out as well cuz those are all bonuses and then there's other little things as well this is extraction Zone and then there's also this terminate or ille broadcast we can take that tower out that's another bonus side mission so lots of little things going on here but let's go ahead Let's uh let's go actually help our team out here and let's take out a nest shall we okay so we're not playing with the terminates we're playing automatons I for some reason I thought we were playing terminant we're definitely not so nice little fun fact if you die you can actually find yourself on the map uh if you go back to where you were it should all be right here uh so there's my grenade launcher back and there's my guard dog so that way if you have an item that you are on cool down you can go ahead and pick those back up also if you die or if you see somebody die make sure you grab their core samples if they have any because those are you need to bring those back with you to the um to the ship in order to get those so if you see them on the ground pick them up for your teammates it doesn't matter who has them everybody they they're shared anyways all right then after a successful Mission uh you go ahead and get all your goodies oh it's always such a good time now every Mission depending on what you do depends on how much XP and how many reward points you get and how many things you can depends on it also um how many people extract complet you know depends on your your points and stuff like that so U it seems like on average you usually get like um you get a couple Metals which it seems like metals are like the you know the thing that you're going after in the early game anyway so uh yeah pretty exciting stuff but that is going to end this this video If it helped you leave a comment down below let me know uh hopefully it did this is like I guess super beginner stuff because I didn't know a lot of the stuff when I started and I was like super lost but U figured it out along the way so thanks again for coming out have a wonderful day I'll see you in the next one bye everybody [Music] n
Channel: Z1 Gaming
Views: 62,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2, helldivers 2 tips and tricks, helldivers 2 best weapons, helldivers 2 guide, helldivers 2 beginners guide, beginners guide, helldivers 2 tips for beginners, helldivers 2 tips and tricks pc, helldivers 2 tips for solo players
Id: Yv9Ajdt919o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 21sec (1401 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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