HARDEST Mode in Helldivers 2 (HELLDIVE)

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we are playing the horest mode in Hell divers 2 that means everything here will be on Hell dive mode only matter of fact if we come over here and we look at this table you can actually pick the difficulty of the missions and it starts all the way down here at little old trivial the easy to medium and then it just keeps amping all the way up to Hell dive mode which is what we're going to be doing today now what this means is I need three absolute units three Patriots three gamers the best hell divers in a I am looking for us to dominate I want us to make hell dive mode our all right let's do this baby it's hell dive time no deaths zero deaths all this execution run done 10 minutes 12 seconds Shield backpacks man we stop so many deaths all right we got some big boys coming we got one behind us dude got two behind us actually one charger yes throwing grenade [Music] about I don't have another spear for this guy actually I do I do I do now it's not locking on I'm getting trying to get a lock on I got one I miss he's on you many chares right now dead D my own m strike I've got an orbito is there a big is B yeah there's a Titan I'm throwing it in it's going in right now never mind y'all got to call that out whenever you're about to take it out just waste noral strike on that did somebody just hit it with a spear I hit it with a r Cannon didn't think it would do that much stalk stalk stalk we need to move to destroy that out moving into the stalker Nest are you good alone yeah yeah I'm fine what I mean I'm dead dude land that mother should be dead we've got a lot pushing in on us right now supp re that didn't kill him how did that not kill him we got to away them we coming in we got another charger coming in how give me right on top of one of these things we my this go straight for the turret these bastards out of ammo red on it how' you like the taste of Freedom a come on baby lock this he's pushing us they're all pushing us fire I got I've got a sign sign they just hit the pole he's bleeding out I just dropped the six samples on my body how did that orbital St not take him down how about a KN democracy has landed we got to find we got to have something to counter these I need help guys me actually I'm stuck right now how do I can't get out F they're all on top of me trying to kill me but they can't get to me you can air strike them they're literally all on top of me not yet not yet I need a bad I'm already dead going he's on me no reloading ising I thought I this mother I know there may be some strategies but I just feel like you know with us doing a 3-1 split like this is just not the way to go like he's on still on the other side of the map I just don't feel like that Al just don't feel like just we're slaying out nobody has anything I've got we've got one spear in here take out guys in occasional or strike don't get bogged down by killing and stuff when you're trying to do an objective you need to kill if there's a b Titan right over the top of you you need kill if there's anything I know for certain is I guarantee we've been slaying out the most okay I've got a team of Runners and I want a a team of killers I want mothering Killers you don't spread democracy by running like a you kill Ki aliens everybody coming in with their fing strategies I like to run so that my teammates can do that how about we just dig the enemy down if this is going to be a running simulator I'm not playing that I play this game to up alien onction Zone this game dude game divers I'm going to go back to playing gam today I had enough of this all right so let me let me get the let me get the meta down we put on Shields right the shield backpacks and then we run like little right is that hell dive Mo for real yeah Shield backpack run be Al and drop everything behind you or at your feet and then let them run into it what an incredible gaming experience that was not enjoyable I did not have a good time at all I enjoy none of that getting ass pounded over and over again was non enjoyment the Bucks don't stop spawning you can't kill them all that's that rank six mentality right there you can't kill them all really have you tried has anyone here actually tried to kill them all I hear that all the time they will infinitely spawn but have you tried have you actually sat down and tried to kill everying bug the objective just kill every bug in the game have you tried all right Chad let's see if this is actually the meta cuz I just got B bed I don't like the thought of the meta being how effectively you can run but so be it we'll try it at least this one run we're going in with Shield generator rail gun and uh some more strikes they're all coming in guys we need cover fire on this got a lot coming out and we need more is clear though okay there's a laser okay perfect there's another nuke here laser get out Jesus Christ Jesus lasers calm down calm down not the St is done cuz the steret down yeah we just need to kill them we got charger coming in I don't have anything for that right now need to go that's fine that's fine that's fine have we have we done this objective we have to put in we have to put 100% we need help we need everybody here over there helping on the objective I really don't like it splitting up too much she B back looks op it's definitely helps the survivability that's for sure but it looks like rail gun Shield back working pretty damn well that a bug breach ass down yo we got big boy coming in I'm doing the incin thing on this bug breach God damn it dude holy thank God I had a shi we got a thingy charer reloading should be close to dead so good dude ammo economy is so nice going resupply B behind us enemy Elite Southeast yeah make sure you put this ra gun on unsafe mode have a go I'm trying to move into this Nest right now good stuff good stuff fire in the hole all right guys got a lot of ads around us thoughting fortification good stuff guys good stuff all right moving North now got a lot of ads here got a lot of ads here guys I've got an orbital coming in okay I'm pushing in on this got a lot reinforce I've got a lot on me right now I don't have any NAD this I just realiz going to need a resupply soon reloading he's down he's down B's down holy still you got to call that out brother right on my dick chares two St chasing I would be able to help but I ain't got none of my on me now oh my God guys come on all right oh how was I we sorry I didn't work so close oh man we need a plan here fellas we need a plan here I mean I don't I'm not getting I've gotten killed by nothing but right now I need a shield shield it's crazy Chad this run was going so good and then it just fell the apart I'm just getting absolutely just run over constantly Jesus requesting support that man everybody's just running from me Char nothing to do with I mean we got rail guns just pick up a rail gun to do with the Chargers hey I'm going Northwest right now Northwest yall can somehow get there I've got my backpack I've got a rail gun I've got a couple other things going to main objective by myself hopefully we hit two separate ones addition [Music] reinfor yeah I did how are you you literally killed me on the way down you son of a I have so many on me guys like so many like a ridiculous amount on me can y'all get to that Nest I've got them on me right now I got the the Titan reloading right then cuz I'm dropping a c bom on you all right go I can get any rail gun now as well try freak exraction await how did he live cuz I'm a game watch out I got a C on the right pross the back the up yep an oh killed by Rock Cross I told you was right on the right might call him in reload EMP get in that ship 10 seconds my God the fing chaos GG's guys dude I don't feel in control at all at no point in this game mode do I feel like we got this the moment I'm like wow we're doing pretty good is the moment we get insta well that's the thing you're never in control the B you're never yeah you're never you never get a leg off holy you encounter more enemies time goes on basically as you hit 22 minutes remaining all hell breaks loose holy I didn't know that wow all right well we that means we got we need to be booking it then all right so here's what I'm going to do I want us to like book it in the main objective then let's see how much better this will be how many ads are here stalker stalker stalker stalker sake might want to get the away from me I'm about to drop this Tes Tower down I can get some at any point idea was a terrible one I they got everything out everything got destroyed stalker ler you gen canot use mode man I wish it sucks cuz I've invested so much in in the upgrades don't waste your on that they all just got destroyed all the turrets died and you can't even play sentries in like high ground spots cuz it bounces off calling down a requesting oh Ste I fell out of mine lovely oh my Lord guys want you can go north2 and I will you guys do the oh my god dude I'm at the main objective take this out oh my God this walker you motherucker you keep taking down my turet tret every turret just got on except fing Auto Cannon yeah I need one of them one you got to resupply let me cat I can throw in front of you why the zomie hello okay supp drop on you don't worry it won't drop on you it most definitely dropped on me how the did I just get attached to my head B up ball up B up I got my right Cannon for it dud the Tes Tower is so weak chat oh we got a huge group of B coming our way all right move it uh almost 180° I want do that fast dude might want to do that fast should be weak just Lord of Mercy dude deal watch watch done all right let's move north it's about to be 22 minutes about to go crazy probably about to be really really bad dropping Shield wow really that easy supplies wait where's the samples call down fortification requesting watch out watch out watch out oh come oner kill that kill this there we go God damn time all right so what are we missing Ste I don't know it wouldn't let me press I got it I got it I got it you have ignited the let the TR we got to go way way south and I mean way here I'm booking it guys I'm booking it here B Titan coming [Music] in what the b t the tower you're doing so much over there please show me how met you are I lost a lot of samples on my body full steel behind you throwing grenade clear can we get those samples okay we got the got let's get it baby let's get the out of here that was pretty manageable is this game better Remnant 2 it's a very different game Remnant 2 I I love that game guys I love that game Remnant 2 is a better solo game how's that is a better group game I think both games are awesome though but the main thing is this guys I wanted to do these missions today to just kind of show you the scale of Hell dive difficulty and let me just say it is balls hard the other side of things is I I I don't know I'm going to ask you guys do you feel like there should be another incentive for doing hell Dives cuz like right now if you're trying to like grind levels you could do hell dive like the defense missions but I don't know you guys tell me like XP wise it doesn't seem to scale as heavily in Hell dive as would like I know you do get more medals but should there be like some other incentive for doing hell Dives slap that like button like your mama told you [Music] right
Channel: Aztecross
Views: 152,608
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Destiny, Destiny 2, Destiny bungie, Bungie, Destiny Aztecross, Aztecross, Helldivers 2, Helldivers 2 Gameplay, Helldivers 2 Review, Helldivers 2 First Impressions, arrowhead game studios, Gaming, Video Games, playstation, gaming, helldivers 2 pc, helldivers 2 trailer, helldivers 2 preview, helldivers 2 gameplay trailer, helldivers 2 reaction, helldivers gameplay, hell divers 2, Helldivers II, Helldivers 2 Release Date, Game Releases 2024, helldivers, Helldivers 2 Endgame
Id: TB90bT26EaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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