HELLDIVERS 2 Essential Beginners Guide

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hell divers 2 has taken the Internet by storm with thousands of players taking out terminats and automatons already with thousands more waiting for their chance to play what makes this game so much fun is the freedom players are given When developing their hell divers and how they choose to experience the game from the very beginning aside from an extremely brief tutorial covering the Bare Basics and controls of the game you are dropped onto your ship with endless possibilities for how you will take on each Mission this has led to some of the most exciting gaming experiences I've had in years with the gameplay itself developing my skills in knowledge of the mechanics naturally rather than bogging players down with meaningless tutorials and minor stat alterations and unlocks however this freedom and lack of Direction may be a bit too overwhelming for newer players so in this video we are going to go over a very basic overview of things the game doesn't tell you the first thing we are going to look at is your ship itself there are three distinct areas of your ship that you need to familiarize yourself with the ship management station is one of the most important parts of the ship that most new players will entirely Overlook here you'll unlock additional stratagems to use on the field in addition to improving your ship's ability to use these strategems everyone starts the game with the basics of the machine gun and the orbital Precision strike they're both incredibly useful for most missions and I recommend against buying additional strategems for now which may be incredibly tempting but trust me you'll want to master these two before adopting new Str gems as they can become extremely dangerous to yourself and your party if used incorrectly ship modules will require some grinding and surveying of each landscape before you can start upgrading so we're going to come back to that in another video our next stop is the Armory and acquisition screen this one is a bit more self-explanatory the Armory acts as your equipment management screen and allows you to change your load out while on the ship you can also change your cosmetic options here as well you'll notice all of your unlocked equipment and weapons aren't very customizable to affect Gameplay at the moment and we're going to want to keep it that way for at least a little while now you'll notice the Acquisitions option on the top of your screen this is where you can buy new armor from the superstore using the in-game currency known as super credits or you can progress through your warbonds which is this game's version of a battle pass each Mission completed Awards you medals which you can then spend on different cosmetics and Equipment I'd recommend starting out avoiding the superstore entirely and only spending your early medals on cosmetic items or super credits I know that that shotgun and light armor on the first page is very tempting but hold out our final stop on the ship is the galactic map here we can select missions and view the progress your fellow hell divers are making against the terminats and the automatons on the right side of your screen you'll see your orders the major orders are weekly objectives that apply to every player in the game while your personal orders are daily objectives that are completed by you alone your personal orders refresh at 700 p.m. EST daily and some of them are pretty challenging but reward you very well here you can see the available missions in each sector and planet with nine different difficulties ranging from trivial to Hell dive the higher the difficulty the better the rewards but for our first couple hell Dives we're going to be sticking between trivial and easy all right now we know the ship in our basic menus so let's move into the game you're going to be pressured to take on an automaton mission right now due to the major order we discussed but I'd avoid those missions for the time being I'd also discourage turning on matchmaking for now we just want to figure out the basics in Solo before becoming part of a squad let's take a basic Mission like pumping fuel which is one of the easier missions in this game from here you'll select your drop point while looking at the mission objective and extraction zones we're going to have 40 minutes to complete this Mission which seems like a lot of time to do the very simple task of pumping fuel but we are going to use that extra time to our advantage so drop on the far end of the Zone away from both points of interest this will make sense in a moment now select your strategems boosters and make any kind of final changes to your equipment for the mission the only strategems you'll have to use are the machine gun and the orbital Precision strike we don't have any boosters yet while our load out should be the Bare Basics of the assault rifle pistols grenade and the base medium armor we're now ready to drop into the mission the first thing you should do when emerging from your hell pod is open your map this map is going to save your life as unlike other Shooters the audio isn't a great indication of where enemies will be coming from but the radar will let you know exactly where they are within a certain range if it's all clear prep a resupply and a machine gun strategem you're going to want to have your support item with you the entire Mission and you'll notice that your ammo isn't full when you drop in so we want to fix this as soon as possible now that you're outfitted hold the reload button and you'll see that each weapon has its own additional options for you to use you're going to have to play around with these on your own and figure out what you like it's all personal preference but I find that having the assault rifle set to burst with a medium range is what works best for me and I'll explain why when we encounter some bugs once you're outfitted with your gear let's open up the map again and look for points of interest around you our main objective is to pump the fuel but that's a job that we can take care of very quickly so looking around the map you'll see various structures that you're going to want to explore I'd recommend making a route that surveys as much ground as possible on your way to the main objective keep your map up as you move to the first areas traveling very cautiously in case you bump into any bugs while you walk combat with random groups of terminats can get deadly very fast so use stealth as often as possible most of them won't see you as long as you're careful but do not run in and try to kill them all this is the first mistake a lot of new players will make instant stly by playing the game very headstrong like you're a Spartan in Hell divers 2 even a small group of bugs pose a large threat to you and can call upon even larger terminats to hunt you down and once a wave of bugs knows you're there they will not stop hunting you if you find yourself in the situation try and Retreat as much as possible you're going to want some distance between you and the bugs then make your shots count this is why I prefer the burst setting you don't want to use your primary weapon as a spray and prey tool you'll deplete your ammo extremely fast and won't have time to reload when you're being swarmed if bugs start closing in on you swap to your secondary and unload until you can create some distance between you and the hoard again at which point you can switch back to your primary weapon and continue taking critical shots also watch your step when you make your distance so you don't run into any hazards or additional groups of terminats once you eventually arrive at these points of interest you can find additional support weapons ammo and metals also be on will lookout for any samples the game will tell you how many are in the area during each Mission these are going to be extremely important when you're upgrading your modules on the ship so grab as many as you can in every Mission you play it's also important to point out that you drop these when you die so make sure that you return to the area of your death to pick them up stop at as many of these points as you can while making your way to the main objective the fuel pump is very low maintenance most of the time the only bugs I run into are from a sort groups that Traverse around the map take care of all of the bugs in this area the same way you would handle smaller groups then check around the area for any additional samples or weapons that will help you out during extraction once you complete the objective extraction will become available and most of the time it's in an area extremely close to the main objective I'd wipe out any bugs that are in the vicinity of the extraction area before actually trying to call your transport every termined will be coming for you as soon as you signal the ship for pickup normally these are in positions on the map with two or three ways to get where you are and you have to survive for the next 2 minutes while you wait for your ride I normally prep a resupply strategem and a machine gun in case I lost it at some point during the mission before calling the extraction then find a prone position somewhere higher up if it's possible on this map and get your machine gun ready the machine gun is extremely powerful so using it outside of being prone gives you an extreme disadvantage and accuracy and you'll need it during this last stand again follow the same rules of combat by keeping your distance from the bugs use any orbital strikes if necessary and Hold Your Position until the ship gets there to extract you they'll normally assist you in clearing out any remaining bugs that are in your way but watch out the support ship doesn't check to see if you're in the way when firing or Landing once you're on board you've done it you have completed the mission and will get all rewards for the additional objectives you've completed this is the easiest and fastest way to rack up medals XP and money before you truly start creating your own play style and joining up with other players there's no set class system or objectives in Hell divers 2 and this is what makes the game so special new players are literally inventing their own strategies and techniques for the game and we'll be looking at all the optimal ways to hone your skills and become the best hell diver you can be we have a lot of additional hell divers related videos coming and we already have a video looking at the full story and lore over on the main Channel thank you all for watching and we will see you in the next video
Channel: EcksToo
Views: 186,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yaLcFVKMyrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 34sec (574 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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