The Security Blanket | Pastor Keion Henderson

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go with me to Jeremiah chapter 29 verse number 11 Jeremiah chapter 29 verse number 11 for I know the plans that I have for our know good thoughts but I think toward you one translator says I know what I have planned for you says the Lord I have plans King James Version says for peace new English translations say has plans for prosper both of them saying not to harm you I have plans for you to give you and expect it in can I tell you that the way this thing ends is already planned this will not be a circumstantial ending it won't be all things just lined up and no it's planned and I wanted I wanted to call this sermon it's planned but the Lord showed me something else as I was studying in it and when he wrote this text when Jeremiah wrote this text see here is the thing about reading the Bible you have to always read a text in context any text that's read out of context is what theologians call a pretext which means that you can't get mad at God that a scripture doesn't deliver something that you expected to if you take it out of context and this text is not for us to proclaim because we proclaim it like you know God I know the plans for you so that means that means that we're really saying God keep us out of trouble and and don't let this thing happen to us but when he wrote this text they were already in trouble they were in trouble and when God gave it to them he says and I'm not taking you out of the trouble you're going to learn how to deal with the trouble which is why I want to call this sermon the security blanket such everybody you can on your way down to your seat and say God is about to give you a security blanket they may be seated in the presence of the Lord at the time of the text Israel is in Babylonian captivity you will remember that there arose an evil arrogant king whose name was Nebuchadnezzar this is the guy who put down you in the lion's den this was the guy who put the Hebrew boys in the fiery furnace and this was the guy remember who built a golden statue and told everybody that they had to worship it and if they did not what would happen they'd be thrown into the fiery furnace and Nebuchadnezzar them said we're not going to bow for our God is able to protect us and then they follow it up with what I believe are some of the best collection of words in the entire scripture but if not see because most of us use our text the Bible as a way to put the devil at bay because we don't want to go through trouble but God says I'm not gonna always take you out of the fiery furnace sometimes I'm gonna let you go through it I'm gonna give you a security blanket like a child in the room and say I'm turning the lights off I'm not giving you a nightlight I'm not keeping the door open you're going to sleep by yourself and here is something for you to hold on to so that you can feel safe until I come get you in the morning I'm not gonna take you out of the lion's den Daniel but what I will do is give the Lions lockjaw and make sure that the day that you're in there they have no appetite for human flesh and Paul and Silas I'm not gonna keep you from prison you're going but I'm gonna give you a security blanket called prayer and praise and just hold on to it until I shake the place and the boss fly open you'll be alright Jonah I'm not gonna protect you from the well but what I will do is give you a security blanket called prayer and praise and when you use it on the fourth day the whale will spit you out because we want God to protect us from our pain but pain teaches something that prosperity doesn't have on the itinerary I could guarantee that there's at least 300 people in here that will admit to the fact that your pain taught you more than your prosperity well am I talking to divorce taught you that you can work it out on your own having to be a single mother taught you that you were stronger than you thought you were losing a parent let you know that God is a father and a mother oh I wish I could tell you my two favorite word's as it relates to God he's able he's able not only is he able but he's able to keep you from falling and he will present you before the only wise God our Father he is able to do exceedingly and abundantly now I want to tell you and I don't want to be messy and it is not my intent to be facetious nor nor to give you capricious information but but it is true that any time God is about to do something you will encounter somebody who will falsify their documents and pretend like they are speaking for him have you ever noticed you don't ever get a profit in your life and things are going well you'd normally get somebody to prophesy when you're in your lowest times I'm waiting on the prophesy when I'm doing good I'm I don't just want to hear God told me in 30 days your pain is gonna go away prophesy tell me God told me to tell you that you ain't gonna have no more sorrow where is that one there I want that prophecy they are going there in Babylonian captivity now you got to understand they they don't know where they're from because they've been ripped up from the heritage so they don't have any identity they have a countrywide identity crisis and a god named Hananiah comes and he says and he takes advantage of their position because people who are struggling to always listening and he takes advantage of their position and says that God said that you will be out of this Babylonian captivity in two years and they believed it because anytime somebody tells you what you want to hear I did not come to tell you what you wanted to hear this morning I did not come to tell you that if you turn around three times and give you a neighbor high-five your clerics are gonna go away I did not come to tell you that when you get home you're gonna have a check in the mail I did not come to tell you that by the time the day is over all of your workers are gonna be going away and you're no longer gonna be insecure and and you're no longer gonna be frustrated and and God is about to send you new friends and you're getting ready to get a raise on your job but the truth is some of y'all can go back to the same job tomorrow and they might tell you that they taking hours away come on talk to me somebody I will not do it because Hananiah came and said listen you're gonna be in it for two years and then God stepped in and said that's not true let me take this false prophet out of the scene and let me put a true prophet in his place and he says let me send Jeremiah and jeremiah came to say I hate to tell y'all it ain't gonna be over in two years God told me to tell you it's gonna be 70 oh god help me in this church and so I came to tell some of y'all it ain't gonna be over by the time 2018 is over you're gonna cry next year to see some of y'all sleep already because that ain't the gospel you signed up for but I came to tell some of y'all weeping me and do it for a night and another night and another night and another night and your joy might not come tomorrow morning and your race might not come next week and your relationship might not be worked out after you put oil on your husband's forehead and your son might still be a knucklehead next year but don't worry about it cuz I have a plan don't you miss it I've got a plan for an expected end plans to prosper you and not to harm you so no matter how long it lasts just know I'm gonna work it out give your neighbor high five and say God's gonna work it out I can't promise you it's gonna be over next week but God's gonna work it out I can't promise you it'll be over next year but God's gonna work it out I can't promise you that your depression and your rejection issues will be taken care of by the end of this servant but God's gonna work it out because they dead weight on the Lord they got a wage slap your neighbor say you gotta wait on them you gotta wait on them even when you're tired you gotta wait on them even when you're broke you gotta wait on them even when you're frustrated you gotta wait on him even when your friends weight is over you can see people being blessed all around you but you might be in your waitin season but let me tell you they might get their blessing up front because it was a small miracle but what God has for you Jeremiah you ain't just a prophet to Third Ward you ain't just a prophet to fifth Ward you ain't just supposed to prophesy to the fofo you ain't just going to Katie I called you a prophet to the nation's and so when I called you to a big world sometimes you gotta wait oh man the reason why you wait this cuz you ain't got a popcorn blessing coming God's got something baked into your situation that takes some time somebody said you wait on them so I'm telling you Israel this ain't gonna be two years and you're not gonna turn around three times and on the third time you're not gonna walk around the walls of Jericho seven time and on the seventh day you're gonna shout and the walls are falling down the truth is it's those of you are who are 50 you might not live to see what I'm gonna do it's going to be 70 years what I'm doing might be for your children what I'm doing might be for your grandchildren you you won't be around to see poverty broken on your family but you will know that it started because and some of you all have been called to do something in your family that nobody else has done truth is you might not be around to see it all the way through fruition and that's fine because sometimes it takes time for God to break a generational curse so Jeremiah I need you to fix it up because some of these people think is gonna be over two years and when people think it's gonna be over quick they don't change they just buy time see if you knew your trouble was gonna be over in three months you wouldn't change you just hold on a little while longer God says I'm going to make this thing so I'm gonna make it so big and it's gonna take me some time to do it now it's not gonna take me time to do it because I don't know how to do it faster but it takes me 70 years to get out of you what it took your grandparents 170 years to put into you I got to get their slave mentality out of you I got it I got to get that thing out of you that that was there 400 years before you ever came into being so so I'm taking time because I know you want it now but it's gonna take time because I can give you something that the people are not ready for I'm trying to say some without saying it I can give you something that the people are not ready for I could give you what you're asking for but are you ready for it are the people ready for it I could give you what you're asking for I could give you the money the money is not the prowl but do you have the financial sense not to waste the money will you be broken 3 years again because are y'all with me today he said so it's gonna take some time everybody say it's gonna take time it's gonna take time but what is typically left out of the conversation is everybody quotes Jeremiah 29:11 I know the plans and everybody know that Scripture it's like when I see it Jeremiah 29:11 everybody just lost it cuz everybody knows about heart I don't think you'd be so excited if you go back and read a few verses this ain't part of my ebonic relapse this ain't no scripture for you to be going around quoting to feel good this is a security blanket God says the boogeyman is gonna be in the room and you can't sleep with me the boogeyman is under the bed and I'm not giving you a nightlight your money is funny and you're changing strains and you're not getting a raise you're lonely you got your red lipstick on it and ain't nobody gonna speak so y'all don't know how to be real you gonna go to the restaurant to get chosen ain't nobody gonna pick you you gonna be dating yourself for a while come on talk to me somebody you gonna pray for a new career and you gonna have that same job for the rest of the year because I'm getting rekt this scripture is a scripture that they had to quote not to get out of trouble but to put their mind in the place of adjustments and know that God wasn't about to end the trouble but all things were working together for the good of them that love the Lord and I'm telling you right now that some of y'all are probably asking God when is this thing gonna be over where mmm are they gonna let me off the hook because here's one of the things that's most amazing most of the people who judge you you don't hold them on the hook as long as they've been holding you God says I'm gonna give you a security blanket because they still ain't gonna like you and you can show up to their birthday party they gonna take your gift and still gossip about you when you leave I don't even know why she here I should know I don't like it hey baby how you doing welcome Oh Hef I can't stand this you can leave it's it's it's it's it's your plot in life it's your plot in life and I knew when I came to day that you're a man's would be at a minimum because everybody's signed up for God that gets them out of trouble like Superman leaps a tall building and stops a train and you know sometimes you gonna struggle and you gonna cry and you're gonna lose sleep and friends but I got a plan I've got a plan touch them I said guys got a plan look at what God says can I walk through this with John I don't care I don't care if you're shout I just want you to listen God says this is what I want you to do Israel now this is this is where some of y'all gonna be like Oh Lord Jesus what do you mean what I want you to do Israel is I want you to pray for the prosperity of Babylon because if your enemies prosper so will you can you hit him what hold up dawg you mean to tell me you want me to pray for the people who killed my mama snatched me out of my daddy's house put me in Chains beat me on my back made me build a city with the sweat of my brow and you want me to pray for them how many of y'all would be honest and say sometimes it's hard to pray for people who do you wrong raise your hand if you're sure if you got to do during on raise your hand sometimes it's hard to pray for people who you know ain't worth depending on what how she was raised in there's a word that go down how many it's hard to pray for people who you know behind your back are doing one thing and then in your face I'll send another and you ain't been out of captivity that low [Applause] y'all wanna holla let your boy you you ain't you ain't been saved long enough to be able to look somebody in the face that caused you harm and be like it's okay God's going to bless you and I'm praying for you know daddy has some of y'all Mesa high some of y'all me what you speaking me for don't act like I don't know coming up all in my face I can figure I ain't fake I ain't like you I just tell it like it is it might not like me but at least I'm honest God says pray for me that they might prosper pray for your enemy that they might prosper pray for your enemy that they may prosper God why do you want me to pray for my enemy that they may prosper they hurt my feelings they broke my heart they broke up my marriage why am i praying for them because their stuff will soon be yours and if I kill them before their prosper then the wealth of the wicked so I can't transfer it until I give it to them so God says pray for your enemies and pray that they prosper because the only way you will prosper is because there has to be a wealth transfer so every person who did you wrong instead of you wishing bad stuff on them you need to start praying god bless them with increase bless them with favor Mordecai if Haman had not become rich you would have not been Lord over the father's house see sometimes you need your enemies to prosper and you need to pray for their health and you need to ask God to keep them alive long enough to get on your nerves and you need to ask God to sustain them and you need to ask God to make sure that the devil doesn't kill your you need to ask God to keep them alive long enough so that they may prosper so that they will accumulate enough for God to finance your vision pray for Babylon because when you get out of slavery when you get out of bondage you're going to build the tabernacle with the gold that you got from slavery did you not know that God is going to cause you and give you the kind of haters that have enough to not only pay you for what you do but have enough left over so that you can build your next season over what you took for them that's why God says the Israel you shall not go out empty your next blessing is not coming from the bank it's gonna come from the hands of somebody who wouldn't give you water if you were thirsty then I don't know who this is for I don't know who it's for but but but God says I'm going to use people who enslaved you to bless you the scripture says he'll make your enemies your and you praying every day Lord take them out of my life God says you don't understand I know the plans I have for you plans to prosper you with an expected end with an expected future and if I get rid of them you're messing up your future if I deal with your past it will handicap your future you need them in your life because they are tools that I'm gonna use for your next level now watch what he tells him and here's point number one and I really want y'all to get this he says this is a security blanket I just I'm not taking you out I just the girl that you can't stand she does not get fired no time soon just your sister gonna be evil until the law comes back adjust your mama gonna be negative until the Lord returns adjust your daddy will never take blame for being absent adjust you may not ever make more than $20 an hour stop buying stuff and asking God for a miracle adjust see because some people are messed up there's so many false prophets that I've told all of y'all that y'all gonna be rich they told all of y'all that you're going to be well some of y'all gonna get sick but because you don't want to believe that don't speak that over my spirit ain't nobody spoke nothing it's the truth everybody in here ain't gonna have a mansion everybody here ain't driving the Rolls Royce everybody here will have a bitly but guess what you're gonna have to adjust and keep your Camry clean I wish I had somebody because at the end of the day whether they got a bitly or you got a Camry y'all both can get there at the same time the difference is is you can get there out of debt you better learn to just slap your neighbor say adjust you might not get married baby I don't care how many nips and tucks you do you might be single to the Lord come back I just ain't gonna tell you how to adjust this your own business [Applause] slap your name say that's up to you that's between you and a lawyer I just I'm not taking you out in fact God says this is what you're going to do read the Bible go back to verse 7 he says I want you to settle down I want you to plant some gardens and I want you to marry their husbands and give your daughters to their sons and your sons to their daughters and I want you to tell your daughters to get pregnant by other words he says settle down plant you some food get married and have children be fruitful and multiply here it is the first thing God is telling you that no matter what you're in don't decrease oh god help me don't I don't care what you're in and I don't care how low you are in it somebody shout don't decrease don't decrease your faith don't decrease your perspective of God don't decrease your encouragement don't decrease yours yourself esteem don't decrease don't don't lower your standards because you're lonely don't decrease don't accept stupid people because you need friends don't decrease don't go back on what God told you to do because somebody's trying to make you feel bad about the stance that you took don't decrease the devil has some of y'all retreating trying to get people to come back but God says I want you to adjust don't decree somebody shout don't decrease I don't care what you do don't decrease I don't care what you do don't decrease I don't care what you do don't decrease don't bring your faith down don't bring your standards down don't decrease the amount of times you come to worship because you didn't get to miracles as fast as you want it in fact the more difficult it gets the more you should increase they've been predicting that there is a housing crisis coming again they've been predicting it I told my wife about to buy a house see the problem with most of us is when you start seeing new neighborhoods go up y'all go out there and buy them houses that ain't worry about a 200,000 but they get you for 700,000 and you you in a good house but you want a new house so you put your house on the market that doesn't have enough equity in it and then you take a hit at closing and then they get you at a zero down loan I know I'm talking your language you ain't got to say man and then you get in this house and girl I got in with no money down and you've been in there 10 years and got $12 worth of equity and then when it's time to move you can't move because when the market goes down nobody's going to pay you y'all don't want to say man the price that you want for the house so the market is going down I told my wife this is now the time for us to go buy one because if the market crashes somebody's going to be desperate somebody's gonna have some tax problems now you can say what you want that's called leverage that ain't my fault you can be mad all you want and look at me that's capitalistic you well guess what rich people buy when it's down when when when Detroit went down when Detroit went down there's a millionaire and I won't say a billion as a matter of fact that debt then I won't say his name but he went in and bought up everything and now that the city is coming back his wealth is increasing because he didn't decrease in a depression he increased in a depression because he knows what goes up must come down but everything that goes down got to come back up and now people are in there buying it because he didn't decrease when it was tough he increase in what happens with many of us is that the more depressed we get the more decreases we do this is the time now for you to increase this is the time now for you to look for a deal this is a time now for you to go forward everybody shout don't decrease if you decrease now you're gonna lose because everything is going down in your life and you never sell when it's going down you buy when it's going down and I know it's difficult right now but the devil is trying to get you to retreat and I came to tell you I didn't come to shout you I came to tell you don't decrease somebody say don't decrease when he went in there and he got all of the people and took them into slavery I want you to read your Bible the people that he took and put into slavery these were not a johnny-come-lately the Bible says that he took the queen-mother and the captain of the guard the captain of the guard that's the same terminology that was used for for Potiphar remember when when Joseph was in Potiphar's house he was he was over the captain of the guard he took quality people and enslaved them see sometimes you let your condition tell you the quality of who you are these were queens and kings and captains of guards who the enemy had attacked the devil don't attack jump that's why he came after you if you wasn't worth nothing you wouldn't have went through nothing he came after you to hurt your testimony but there ought to be somebody here say he gave me a good shot he gave me all he had and if I were to listen to my circumstances I'd be somewhere borne up under bed but somebody said I refuse to decrease anybody in here still have to worship when you didn't feel like it still had to show your face when you were embarrassed still have to step out there and say Here I am I might not be what y'all think I ought to be but thanks Pete god I'm still here slap three people to say I'm still here I'm still here I'm still here I'm not on drugs even though I tried them I'm not addicted to alcohol even though I sipped it I'm not STD positive even though I tried it I wish I had somebody in here that obtained God that you survived somebody say don't dotrice don't let your situation shut your praise up the more that you go through the louder you are the shout as a matter of fact of anybody in here has been through anything later I need to spear the bottom man's to fill this house and somebody shout until your neighbor tells you to shut up I said shout until your neighbor tells you to shut up and when they tell you to shut up look at them right in the heart and get loud and you tell them the reason why I'm loud is because I almost gave up I almost decreased I almost quit but thanks be to God then I waited long enough to mana with wings like eagles God told me to tell you you always had wings he was just waiting on the right Caesar so you could use them slap you'll never say I'm about to take off now I've been in the holding pattern he's been holding me back but this is my season this is my moment I'm going to the next dimension I got a I got a six-year-old she got this little blanket she carry around the whole house she's been carrying her whole life he used to scare me because she would carry it how many of you know ever seen a baby with a blanket so long that they don't know she steps on it and she'll fall and so she used to carry it up the steps and I used to fuss at him like Caitlin give me the blanket baby I'll carry it up the steps to this day she's 6 years old I started to have it I didn't know what I was getting into every day now I have to take her to bed this is the guys on the soup her grandmother will give her a bath her bathroom is right next to her room my room is downstairs this is what my child does every night she walks past her bedroom walks all the way down the steps knocks on my door and says daddy can't you take me to bed and I said to her I said baby did you just walk past your room to ask me to take you back to it knock James like I tell you time seeing you hold your baby don't do like I did cuz then I start fussing and said you got a you big enough to go now the other day I was getting ready to take her she said I got it I said no you don't want daddy to take you she's got this little blanket that she carries all around and she'll go they'll tell you she's got she got it and she'll go and she'll lay in the bed and and she's got smart cuz she don't like to make her bed so what she does is she takes her blanket and lay on top of the cover anybody didn't know what I'm talking about and I asked her one day I said Caitlin what is it about that blanket that you love so much she looked me in my eyes she said daddy I love it because you gave it to me and let me tell y'all something the reason why this scripture will work for you no matter what you're in some of y'all getting it see without the blanket Caitlin has nightmares at night and she'll scream and she'll cry and we have to go in there and wake her up and let her know everything is all right but when we take the blanket and we put it on her the same room that she had a nightmare in she is now sleeping in because she is now covered in something that was touched by her father I came to tell somebody in here that no matter what the devil is doing to you and no matter what you're in I want you to take Jeremiah 29:11 and cover yourself with it and it'll bring ease to your troubled heart because God breathed on it touch somebody and say God touched it I remember Kaitlyn you should sleep now I don't know some of y'all let y'all baby sleeping y'all room a long time we gave her five months called me a terrible pain if you want to I couldn't take another every two I was waking up and giving her bottle we tried everything we put cereal in the milk so that it could hold her over and she still woke up every time I cause all she wanted me to do was hold him and I said well the devil is a lie because I'm about to go crazy and I remember she was in the look what that thing called baby yeah and and I and and she was sleep and and and I took it upstairs I picked the whole thing up James ain't lyin I put I carried my baby up the steps like this I put her in her own room at five months I put it down and I went back to go to sleep and my wife had been telling me to do it for a long time but you know it's kind of a special relationship you got with your girl and so and so I go up there and I drop off and I came down to lay the bed and she cried all night she cried all night and I I will be on my way to go get her and I see Felicia look at me she called me Reverend when she man she said pastor Henderson don't you go up there and take that baby out of that bassinet I said all right I ain't gonna do it I'm just gonna go up there and check on them I'm just gonna go up that check on my baby I'm like why you hating on my baby why you hating on my girl so I go up there and I check on and I look at her and and I come back down in the bed and then she'll cry again and I look at Felicia and she then you know they stalking predecessor you wouldn't check on me if it was me up there you just let me cry you're going to check on that little nappy hair girl so I'm going to check on my baby I go up them steps and I check on it this time I don't come back down and and and then I hear Felicia little footsteps coming up to our Lord here she come and she don't come up to her and I'm sitting in the doggone thing with Kaitlyn she attention I'm sitting in it with her and I'm rocking her and Felicia came up then said I thought I told you not to take her out I said you did tell me not to take out but she didn't tell me I couldn't get in and with her and every once in a while God won't take you out of that thing but he'll get in and witches SAP you'll never say devil you just lost us God's about to get in it [Applause] somebody shout don't decrease don't faint don't give up stay strong this is the time to go forward and not back Devil's been trying to get you to quit who am I talking to he's been trying to get you to quit him frustrated you're mine yo you don't see the good yeah you you you've been so negative lately that even you recognize it come on now y'all I gonna be honest you've been so negative lately that even you're starting to recognize wait a minute what I thought ain't all the way true it's just not that it ain't that is not valid but but you've been so negative lately that even you are recognizing that hold on wait a minute I'm not even myself cuz there comes a time that no matter what happened to you you got to get over it there comes a time that no matter how bad they did you you still got to get past it two sides to every story don't decrease adjust last point don't doubt it's significant when you read the scripts and I'll be done in four minutes it's significant when the Bible says I thought about this all my life I've been saying that Nebuchadnezzar put them in slavery pastor Reggie then I read the text again that's why it helps you you got to go back and read something that you even think you're familiar with the Bible says that God said I carried you into Babylonia capture all my life I've been blaming Nebuchadnezzar and the Bible specifically says that God admits that he put them in there what if God is responsible for what you're in right now do you know how mad God is that you keep giving the credit to your enemies you keep talking about what the devil done done and God says fool I did it I put the throne in your flesh this is my work I have a plan for you I let you lose that job I let them outsource and move overseas I am the one that let that person walk out of your life and you keep giving the devil the credit this is my doing I let cancer into your body so that I could turn around and heal it because I'm working on my brand as a healer and I need somebody who has brand identity what if God did what if this ain't the work of the devil what of God volunteers you what if he Lord if I if you ain't had a hedge around them okay well well I'm gonna remove it go get them what if God is the one if he is you came down how many of y'all been in church long enough to know you can't make me doubt I know too much about me listen to this and I'm gonna let you go God says I need you to adjust to Babylon guess what they're from they're from Judah they ransacked Judah and took them to Babylon and God says your new lot in life is to stay in Babylon and the only restriction that I have is that you cannot return to Judah what does do to me it's a praise and then I heard God's clears day even praise won't get you out of this one I don't care how long you shout it's still gonna be 70 years you can run around this church and leave your shoes in the aisle and I will not remove the thorn in your flesh because I have a plan and if I remove the thorn you won't work on your attitude you know that person that's in your life that get on your nerves but you can't get rid of them they're there to help you to become the person that you're supposed to be do you know why marriages are so hard it's because God took the two most unlikely people and made them sleep within seven inches of each other and they're on assignment in your life to help you become what God wants you to be even the children you have they working on your nerve right now because your nerves neither working your children get on your nerve in the area of your weakness if you were patient they wouldn't get on your nerves bad but because you don't have it you can't help him with the homework y'all should have seen his brother up front I said they said oh Jesus somebody say don't doubt I said again don't doubt you can't return to Judah praise is not to answer to this one this thing that you're in right now adjustment is your recourse God told me to tell you today stop prophet lying to yourself time but it's gonna be over soon some things you're gonna have to adjust to you say you want everybody to like you but you don't have that kind of personality you are John the Baptist you you are agitated your stirrer and you're not happy because you keep on trying to change who you all so that people would like you in God said I called you to be this person I called you to be vocal I coach I called you to be outgoing I called you to stand up and tell truth to power and and and and and and sometimes people will try to ask you age that I had a I had a meeting yesterday and and one of the gentlemen he asked me a question at the meeting that that most people would not dare to ask but what has happened in most churches is that most people think that anytime anybody acts the pastor question then that means they against the pastor and that's a weak leader you need somebody who will be able to look here your face and say you know what I got questions and I need them to be answered and if he wasn't himself he wouldn't be who he is he wouldn't have what he has he wouldn't be where he is and some of you all have stripped yourself of that because other people didn't like it but I came to tell you that you got to be you you can't doubt what God made you to be you can't doubt what he put inside of you when God gives you an earning and the learning and the burning you got to utilize that because God is gonna use that in the next season of your life do I have anybody here who's listening to me everybody shout don't doubt I wish I could show you Azra chapter 8 and 15 that they had gotten in the bondage so long that when it was time for them to leave they didn't want to go it's amazing how many people pray God give me out and then when you could it I had them assemble at the canal that flows towards Ahava and we camped there for three days I observed that the people and the priests were present but I found no Levites there in other words when he got there the Levites stayed because they didn't even show up for their own rescue and how many ways of escape has God provided and you didn't take it because you had to be loyal you didn't take it because you didn't want to abandon them like you've been abandoned you didn't want to reject anybody because you felt rejected so you feel obligated to stay in the thing that God ended and you doubted the plan of God and you didn't know that what you thought was forever was just God's Way of using something for a season and you thought it was supposed to be forever and God says I didn't ever want it to be but I used it because you started it and then he gives us Jeremiah 29:11 as a security blanket to SAS even when I'm struggling I have a plan to prosper you and not to harm you that you would be prosperous see it's he's not taking you out of this one you're gonna have to just and learn to live with it some of y'all probably never been to a church service or somebody told you God ain't gonna end it because you think he going in everything well you better go actually Israel it took him 400 years to end the first one took him 70 years to end this one and then another 40 years in the wilderness and then when they got the cane and everybody tried to take it from him don't you get this thing twisted we are in a war we are in a fight and we wrestle not against flesh and blood but you are in the fight we're in the fight politically we're in the fight for rights we are in the fight and it's gonna get worse before it gets better you around here tell me who is gonna get good at buying back yet when we get to heaven but as long as we on this side they're gonna be wars and rumors of wars y'all know it's it's going to get worse I don't know why we keep getting shocked mass shootings are going to continue to happen you're not gonna pray and everybody puts their guns up you just have to ask God for a hedge of protection around you and yours stand to your feet if you don't believe that God is in control I was looking at the news and my heart was broken for that mass shooting in California one of the young men and I believe it was Cody he was in Las Vegas the day that the gunman unleashed that assault rifle and killed all of those people in that in that crowd and he escaped only to leave Vegas and go back to California and another mass shooter walks in and takes his life I saw his father online his father said I'm looking at the app on my phone and his phone is still in the club and it ain't moving but maybe he escaped the news came out that he was one of the phone I wish I was there to give the father the security blanket and say they read Jeremiah 29 and 11 and I don't know why it happened but God told me to tell you I know the plans I have for you the father said something that shocked me and I I knew that he had the right mindset he says he's more safe now than he has ever been before I didn't come to discourage I came to give you a shot of reality but you just can't shot everything away yeah you can't just keep on praising and acting like you ain't crazy and that's you're not in pain and that you're not mad at your father and that you're not mad at your mother and you can come here you can be dressed up and you can sit on the front row or in the back and you can have your church clothes on and you can grab your Bible and you can have you can have three Bibles and an app you can speak in tongues and you can give your tithe that you're offering you can take the holy chameleon but the truth is you drunk that wine with a grudge in your heart you don't want to admit it because you think that you don't have a brush just because you ain't crying them oh baby you got to get that thing out of your heart I know I forgave him because I used to want to kill him but now I just want to hurt him no baby that ain't forgiveness somebody need to come and look you in your face and tell you you could do better and don't you decrease and don't shoot doubt and I don't care what's going on with you you got to stand tall don't let the devil embarrass you where you don't want to show your face lose your house come to church lose your car come to worship get divorced come worship anyhow be embarrassed and still come to the house of the Lord because it's gonna be a while you might as well come anyway matter-of-fact socially they would say that's the situation I'm in and then that's why I can't tell him I'm in it and I think I'm in trouble and I came I feel rejected and I came I'm under some pressure then I came Thank You debt you don't always get us out of the fire but sometimes you walk with us in it thank you for everybody in here who survived God for the scripture says God that when you release this prophecy you released it for the residue the residue of the priests the residue the the people who survived the killing the people who survived the journey God we are roomful of people who survived many started out with us but everybody didn't make it some of them some of our friends started out this Christian journey with us some of our friends started out just walking but some failed by the wayside some were choked out by the door and some were scorched by the Sun but we made it God we made it yes our we may have some stars but we made it yes our confidence was broken but we made it our marriages didn't survive but we made it our children suffered but we made it our heart was broken but we made it our mind is confused but we made it our reputation took a bump but we made it thank you for the security dismiss us from this place never from your presence and everybody who loves the Lord somebody shot a man bug somebody tell them you can make God bless your I'll see you [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Lighthouse Church of Houston
Views: 28,542
Rating: 4.910543 out of 5
Keywords: The Lighthouse Church of Houston, Keion Henderson, The Security Blanket sermon, lighthouse sermon, sermon by pastor keion henderson, my god, prayer, lighthouse family, Pastor, amazing story, Relationship, worship, Bishop, faith, jesus, God, grace, forgiveness, sermon, bishop, pastor, god sermon, power, strength, missionary, gospel, savage jesus, waking faith, truth, jesus sermon, jesus worship, universe sermon, amen jesus, joy of god, pastor keion henderson, sermons, relationship
Id: t4x5f19ZvSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 9sec (3369 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 11 2018
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