HOW TO ANIMATE A LOGO IN DAVINCI RESOLVE 16 - Motion Graphics Tutorial for Beginners

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[Music] ha found you hey i'm casey ferris i make videos on davinci resolve here on youtube today we're talking about how to animate a logo in resolve using the fusion page by the way if you want to learn a whole ton about making motion graphics inside a fusion we have a training course right here make sure to check it out because it'll take you from not knowing much about making graphics infusion to making all kinds of cool stuff with particles in 3d and all that goodness goodness is a word don't at me goodis is a word so i have a new fusion composition here first thing i'm going to do is grab a background node and drag that down this just sets the settings for the composition make sure it's the right size and doesn't do anything silly we'll also grab our logo right here from the media pool and i'll merge it over our background now we have our logo over our black background how do we break this up and animate it normally you might have this in layers or the specific pieces if you have like the original file but this is something you can do with anything the first thing i'll do with my media in one selected is go up to my toolbar here and this third icon over right under the play controls is a polygon mask just click on that once and that'll add a polygon mask to our logo now one thing we probably want to do is just disconnect this mask real quick so i'll click on this blue line and disconnect it then we can actually see what we're working on here and really what i'm going to do now is just trace out the different parts that i want to animate hold down control and roll with my scroll wheel and i'll start here i can just click and drag to make a soft point here and that's really as fancy as i need to get i'm just tracing a really basic shape around my artwork here and making sure that's closed right there so now i have this part isolated pretty much if i were to grab this output and reconnect it to my media in here we have it just isolating that part so to isolate all of our different parts all we have to do is copy our media in one double click out and paste it a couple times and i'll merge this over itself and again we'll make a polygon mask and disconnect it and select the mask and we'll do the same thing for any other piece that we want to isolate [Music] and for this text i'll just make a rectangle mask and now we have the different parts of our logo isolated the good thing about that is we can animate everything separately so i could do something like grab this first merge node and i could do things like move each part of our logo so let's move over to like frame 30 and i'll add a keyframe to the angle and towards the beginning of our comp let's just offset this angle a little bit and we'll do the same thing to each other part kind of move these around you can animate them pretty much however you want but you get the idea right so it all kind of comes together and then maybe the text fades in the idea is that we have everything broken up and we can animate them separately and of course if we go to our spline panel up here that'll open it up and we'll just control select all of our merge nodes and click on zoom to fit and i'll select all of these later keyframes and hit f on the keyboard that's going to make sure these ease in real nicely real nice let's have a look shall we that's cool and there's about a million different ways that you could animate this or change things but the key here is to isolate each part of the logo with a mask and then you can animate it with the merge or a transform node or do any other effect that you'd like to do tasty so that's how the logo was animated and how the west was won again if you want to learn more about making motion graphics we do have that training title and click on it right here here it is wow
Channel: Casey Faris
Views: 117,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to animate a logo in resolve, How to animate a logo in Davinci, how to animate a logo in davinci resolve 16, animate a logo, make an animated logo, fusion logo animation, resolve beginner tutorial, davinci resolve logo tutorial, davinci resolve 16 tutorial logo, davinci resolve logo animation tutorial, animated logo davinci resolve, how to create animated logo in davinci resolve 16, davinci resolve 16 animated logo, resolve animated logo, davinci tutorial for beginners
Id: CyxPVOT9wAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 12sec (252 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2020
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