3D Logo Davinci Resolve (TUTORIAL)

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gonna go ahead to our web browser open it up i'm just gonna go ahead and search i researched nike so i'm just gonna pull that up go over to images this logo is fine right click save image as and i'm going to go ahead and go to my desktop new folder tutorial [Music] save and if you notice it's saved as a jpeg we don't want that which is fine which is why we're gonna go ahead and use adobe illustrator and we're going to go ahead and change it into a scalable vector graphic create new it doesn't matter which one you pick at this point [Music] [Music] now we're going to go to file place [Music] desktop tutorial nike boom and then we're going to go ahead and click on and go we're going to change the size of this guy [Music] [Music] all right so now we're going to go to image trace and we're going to go to uh outlines with source image and if you notice it has this blue line or two turquoise line so that's fine we're going to go ahead and do expand now it becomes a blue line and we're going to click off and we can now export it because all we're doing is changing this to a scalable vector graphic or svg [Music] and we're just doing nike amber for logo and we're gonna go ahead svg export [Music] now we have that exported here to blend now this is gonna pop off right here this don't doesn't go away unless you click off the screen and what i like to do is highlight everything hit x return then uh we go over here to edit preferences paddle and over here type in svg and what you're looking for is this to be checked off import export scalable vector graphics svg 1.1 format the headset is already checked click off file import scalable vector graphic svg desktop since that's where our folder is tutorial nike logo svg now it's going to be right here it's very small so what we do is hit command two fingers on the mousepad and zoom in and then uh two fingers on the mousepad and the swivel set this guy up now what we do is click off the background hit x return and it's going to leave us with our nike logo and now click left click now right click convert to mesh and then we're going to go over to this guy right here add modifier solidify and if you notice they gave us a 3d image we can come over here to thickness make it bigger smaller whatever i'm gonna keep it at point three and uh point zero three meters and uh you'll see why in a second when we go into davinci resolve so now we're done we're gonna go to file export and we want to export as wave front dot obj so we're going to click on that and um we're going to go ahead and put it in the same folder we are going to label this 3 d there we go and you don't want to put underscores or anything while you're doing this with the scalable vector graphic um the reason for that is for whatever reason the programs don't lick it and they're going to go into a blank mode so you'll put it in there and it just won't show up it will say it's there but it's not so you want to make sure you do not underscore so this is going to be our name export obj let it let it do its thing so now we're exporting we can go close this um i'm not going to save it but you can save it you know i'll save it and we're gonna go ahead and put it in our tutorial for so now we can go ahead and explain to davinci resolve uh untitled project uh we're gonna come over here to the fusion tab this is the fusion tab okay it's going to look weird mine looks different because i've been working there's a different setup but this is your window one window two um you can also hit numbers one and number two on the keyboard to activate each node so you can see what it's doing but for right now we're gonna go ahead and click on the grid here hit shift spacebar type in fbx and now this is going to allow us to bring in our 3d object normally you would do this in a different process but because this is a 3d object you're doing something totally different so we're going to go ahead and hit add now i'm going to go ahead and zoom in [Music] um bring up our um this is the one we want the 3d logo obj we're going to do that it's going to bring up a media out we don't want to connect to that yet but we're going to click on our fbx mesh [Music] now i like to set up my grid down here um arrange tools to grid um yours won't be like that when you first download it but mine says to grid so it snaps to each line which is nice um but now we can go and click on here hit one on the keyboard now you'll notice that i'm going to hit you'll notice that it's going to show up into a 3d grid okay i'm going to go ahead and zoom in and if you notice it looks really washed out um like overexposed we're going to go ahead and hit this guy right here and this is going to turn on lights and shadows so the lights and shadows is going to give it its depth but um in order for us to rotate this we're gonna go here and boom now we're gonna bring this guy up it's a little bit easier than blender um they both have their perks but um this is the way i like to work um you can do the same all what i'm doing in here in blender um but what we're going to do now is move this down [Music] we're going to do a reflect mode with a sphere map so we're going to go ahead and hit shift spacebar click on sphere boom and then what i did to do that was i just hit the uh negative sign to zoom out by the delete button um now i'm gonna go ahead and hit shift spacebar again reflect click add and what we're gonna do is connect we're gonna right click the white into here and we're gonna do with reflection intensity material and then we're gonna bring it into here okay so now it's gonna look washed out again but what we're gonna do is click here bring this over to window two hit command two fingers on the mousepad and zoom in and then uh in order just to shift axises um you can just move your two fingers on the mousepad you can click this it won't show up because of the sphere map but we're going to bring the sphere up into window one by hitting one looks like sorry and we're going to bring a image into here so if you notice this is white so what we're going to do immediately right click import media now i already have a couple um backgrounds you can go online and type in reflection map backgrounds and um i'll show you what they look like boom there we go here's a reflection map right there check that out guys now we can add textures all kinds of stuff to this but we're just going to go ahead and use this uh reflection map [Music] now we're going to go ahead and bring this in and it's going to come in as media one we're going to go ahead and right click on this guy i like to stay organized and we're going to rename him now there's another way we can do that cancel we can just hit fn f2 and there's reflect map [Music] so now everything is going into here so now i can close my media pool click off and shift two fingers on um [Music] it looks like it is but um we're gonna go ahead and bring in a blend up shift spacebar blend and remove this guy right here [Music] and we're gonna right click and we're gonna have him intensity material okay so now we will hit one on our line here uh i kind of want to make this like a teal something like that right there so that right there is color that we want to go with all right now we can obviously change the opacity but we want to make sure lighten and chatter specular color now the specular is going to go ahead and change this guy right here um we can go with like a dark to give it not so much of a hue or a contrast [Music] there it is then all right we're going to redo this guys we're going to keep the blend in there but um boom so we went to sphere map to be the intensity material so now let's see the texture it gives you let me bring that in with the check now we can bring in this guy right here and we're going to bring in a merge node and we're going to be merging all this so what i normally like to do when i'm done with my composition on what i'm done with like this logo right here um i'm actually going to go ahead and change the color [Music] do like a green it doesn't change it much it just gives it like a slight um intense feel so now [Music] we're gonna go ahead and give a little bit more of a cue we make it flat extremely reflective um hit shift two fingers on here and you can kind of see how it's working um [Music] that's really nice actually i'm probably going to go with a three strengths i kind of like a little bit whiter i like how it changes um when you move so this is this is perfect for me i like that a little bit more so now i'm done with my logo and my highlight and we're going to hit command g and that's going to groove it now again f2 fn f2 and we're going to name this logo boom let me just bring this guy down keeps everything nice and tight and knee and bring it over image plane we're going to go ahead and do a fast noise and we're going to go ahead and bring this into the image point and [Music] now zoom command and two fingers and zoom out and you see it gives you this plane now um we're gonna go ahead and click connect to the merge 3d actually you know what we're going to create two merges um because we can use this right here to um control the logo we're going to bring in two merges so now you notice you're all connected and how i like to do this um usually merges under merges and work from left right so now we got the image plane here and the fast noise so normally how the fast noise works is boom it looks like that and that's not what we want so we bring in the image plane 3d one and it gives us in 3d but now if we look at it merge 3d one and click on the screen to zoom in now if you look at it we have our 3d logo in the plane but you see how it's cut into the plane what we need to do is we're going to go ahead and rotate oh it the whole thing shoot we're going to bring in another merch for a day so we're going to hit spacebar merge 3d add and now what we're gonna do is bring this guy into here [Music] all right so now what that's going to allow us to do is rotate the logo the way i wanted it but i want this guy right here with the boom that's right and then boom it's pretty easy to work with so um i just want him even the plane so right about here now we're going to go ahead and click this back and forth so now we hit shift two fingers on the keypad it's off the plane so now what i'm really trying to do with this the reason why i brought in the uh fast noise we're gonna click on that and click here zoom out um i'm going to click here and turn it right back to zero um and that's just going to level everything out you remember i accidentally moved it so if you look it's nice and [Music] um what's it called right angle so again this is all numbers trigonometry the whole nine yards um but we're going ahead coming here to fast noise we're going to change the detail um let me change the color um the color looks good with uh orange orange i like orange so um all right come out here and do like a uh tangerine orange so that's going to give us that um so we're going to hit this here zoom out here [Music] all right so we're gonna go back to the fast noise color two and this time we're probably gonna go with like a yellow to um make it a little bit more orange and then uh noise a little detail and if you notice it changes a little bit but we're gonna fix that all right let me just come back over here and do the same thing um brightness i like the decay look so now we can scale it like that let me do it [Music] the sheath rate is going to change how much it moves and i don't like it to move too fast so i do a point so click point zero one enter and if you come down here and hit play you're gonna see it move ever so slightly okay so we're gonna stop um i'm gonna change the scale on this there we go and then because i'm doing all this i want to bring in a background node this right here is a background if you hover over something for like two to three seconds it'll tell you what it is um bring it in here so now i want this guy to be white i don't know what i'm gonna do it like a off turquoise color boom should now we're going to go back in here to you know add these backwards so boom there it is guys [Music] all right that didn't happen the way i expected it all right [Music] all right so that's moving like that and then so now what we do boom all right these three and then gain command g fn f2 background so again everything stays organized keep everything nice and close um now from here what i usually like to do is i do like to rename these just because i don't want anything to get mixed up so what we'll do is my name is um logo merge fn f2 logo background enter and then this combines everything into here but now what i want to do is add lights so that's not what we wanted um i'm gonna bring these lights to only affect the logo so we have to have that enabled and then we're going to go ahead and give our spotlight the color and i'm going to keep it kind of towards the um warmer side so you see with the look that i'm trying to go for here so what i really want to do is uh go ahead and keep my spotlight up we're going to turn on quadratic which is the most um [Music] realest version of a 3d light on here and i don't want it too right to where it looks overexposed so i'm gonna um bring it down to the um it looks 693.693 that looks good i like that um check it out a little bit yeah you get a nice reflection so uh now we're going to change the decay rate and then we're going to keep the decay right um cone angle you can widen it but what i want is something like a um off or drop off because they want to call it which gives you a sweater and you know your number see how the edges are less brighter so now i'm going to go ahead to my transform and i'm going to zoom out a little bit so i can see what the light is doing stuff like that but what i want is to start it off over here and this guy on an angle uh we're going to change the y rotation here and if you notice it gives us a little bit of depth i do want to add ambient light so i'm going to click this merge here shift spacebar ambient light boom so it keeps everything lit up but if you notice everything changes if i move this guy so um gives us some type of depth and i think i'm going to also bring in a i kind of like it better um i'm probably gonna bring in a uh another spotlight so we'll do that we're gonna probably give this guy white um but see how um we have two of these uh to the y's to the z's or your zed and then your um x what i like to do now right click here control options um control options active tool only say it removes the one so whenever you click it brings up the active tool boom logo oh you have to open that up by double clicking and boom logo is selected so now hit the x close that out and then spotlight two window bring this guy all the way out we're gonna change this quadratic uh intensity we're gonna bring way way to actually just want the face of the nike logo to light up and then uh [Music] and all that is changing is the falloff so this is the cone angle and then your conundrum so it changes the um softness of the light and how hard it is so now shift two fingers and decent you get a little bit of an orange view here that's kind of the look i'm going for so nothing looks washed out um so from there we're gonna add a 3d renderer right here so now we're going to connect it [Music] see we didn't have the 3d merge mode and we tried connecting anything to here it just won't work this won't work guys sorry so you need your 3d renderer now this is only in 3d mode um boom boom what that allows us to do is have our finished product but also bringing our camera so we're going to go to screen we're going to keep merge three d3 on window one make it even close the inspector and then click media out and hit two there's the camera so um ready got the camera boom check that out so now so now i'm going to set keyframes and have it here four seconds we can always change the lenses as well we're just going to keep it at four and a half seconds by um doing the inspector and uh because this is how i kind of want the final product to be actually you know good that's why so now you see that the ambient light only affects the background so we're [Music] i like that so now go back to square one and what we're going to do is better transform use target and we're going to come over here and we are going to move this guy thursdays now we're gonna rotate so this is how i want my final project to be so we're going to come down here to four okay and we are going to because we're only operating the camera we want to have the camera selected transform and click all these keyframes so any movement you make will be recorded now we're gonna come to somewhere right here bring it right about here at about 11 11 seconds and we are going to boom and we're going to long press um but if you notice this is in frame a little bit so what we want to do is bring this guy over just a bit boom so now we hit play so now um what we're gonna do is i i can do a lot more with this but for demonstration purposes you guys got the idea going to click my spine which is right here we're going to go ahead and okay sorry my mistake click camera and you only want it normally you'd have all your keyframes here um but for right now what we're gonna do is it's only one key frame with the camera with all these you got your x also y offset z etc so all that checked um so then i'm gonna collapse it that to the left [Music] highlight and hit s and what that is doing um let me zoom in a little bit so you guys can see so if i hit command z see how everything's a straight line if i hit s it brings it into like a curve so it smooths everything out when you play everything back so now it doesn't look so robotic boom so that's that we're gonna go into the uh color tab and i want to add a vignette yeah there she is long press drag over and boom now i mean if you want you can change the softness um you can make it like that so i mean that's what you'll get i don't think that looks good but um some people might i'm gonna do something like that change the anamorphic so at the end here boom yeah you know we're going to do this at the beginning i'm going to change the anamorphic to be just about the size that and then we're gonna go halfway through oh set your key frames first sorry guys and we're gonna go about a quarter of the way through and uh we're gonna change the anamorphic to the red the size to be a little bit bigger so it's gonna be a nice like intros and boom what happens as it starts to reveal the nike so that's that you're done you hit uh stop go here this is your distribution tab aka renderer uh we're gonna name this uh 3d nike logo final and again no underscores for whatever reason it gets finicky and acts like a jerk and we're going to set our location and i'm going to go ahead and put this tutorial save boom add to render render all [Music] so it completed in nine seconds which was all hide and we can get to our tutorial and watch the movie and that's that's
Channel: Just Focus Crew
Views: 204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Davinci Resolve, Davinciresolve, 3d, Logo design, 3D logo, Blender, Cinema 4d, Adobe, Mesh, Premier, Pro, Adobe illustrator, Composition, Tutorials, 17, Davinci Resolve 17, Studio, illustration, how-to, how to, diy, do it yourself, Maya
Id: kes2xaE54Zg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 47sec (3107 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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