Awesome Freeze-Frame Callout GFX in Resolve 17! - Advanced Fusion Motion Graphics Tutorial

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oh hello i'm casey ferris i make videos on davinci resolve here on youtube and today we're making some freeze frame graphics in fusion that look something like this here's just this guy and oh wait this is michael he's probably a bad guy so this is the effect it's this animated stroke that goes around our subject as well as these little pop-up words and our drawn on arrow let's do it i'm going to start out with whatever footage i want and i'm going to do my freeze frame here in the edit page the way i'm going to do that is i'm going to let this play and then kind of just pause it where i think i want to have my freeze frame maybe somewhere in there and select the clip right here right click and then go up to retime controls you can also hit ctrl r and that will change this into speed change mode and with this little drop down here i'm just going to select freeze frame that's going to add my freeze frame and i'm just going to take this second point right here which is the end of the freeze frame and i'm just going to drag this out quite a bit something like that and i like to put my playhead here right at the end of that freeze frame and then i'll just hit close and once you close this if you grab the edges this will trim it not time stretch it so i'll just trim this back to the playhead and so now we should have freeze frame right there and it should be a freeze frame all the way to the end of the clip and that's what we want the other thing i'll do is because this footage is 2k and it's not quite the same aspect ratio is i'll take our inspector and and just zoom this up until those black bars are gone so we have everything in that 16x9 frame and from here i'll right click and say new compound clip the reason we're doing that is because if i were to send this to fusion right now it's going to work on the original footage which is not time stretched and is also not zoomed so when we make a compound clip it's almost like we're pre-rendering this and we'll call this freeze frame footage and hit create so now we have that in our timeline and with the playhead over our footage here you can just click on the fusion page that'll bring up the footage with the freeze frame and let's go through and make sure we know which frame that is that looks like frame 51 yep frame 51 is the very first frame of our freeze frame stuff so we're going to remember that so what do we need to do here one thing that we'll have to do is cut him out so that we can move him separately from the background so that we can put things behind him like our animated stroke and just have a little bit more freedom we're also going to use this footage without him cut out so we kind of need a version of him cut out and a version without him cut out which is a great time to use the map control node the mat control node is sort of to the left of the middle of this interface of this toolbar here just grab this and drag it down and mat control does a ton of different things but one thing it's going to do is let us apply a mask to a piece of footage without actually masking the footage itself so we can apply the mask later we just have to set it up to do that so with the matte control select over here under combine instead of none we're going to say combine alpha and then at the bottom click on post multiply image that's all you have to do to set that up and now what this will do is if i have a mask like circle mask i can run this media in through our mac control and apply my ellipse mask to the green input and it'll apply that mask to the footage without actually masking the footage itself so now we have an option to either use the footage with the mask on it or the footage without the mask this will make a little more sense in a few minutes for now what we're going to do is draw a much better mask at frame 51 and i'm going to use a polygon mask i'll just drag one down and not connect it to anything but select it here and then with the polygon mask selected it's time to do some tracing i'm going to start down below because i don't want there to be any problems with this bottom edge and we're just going to do a really good job at tracing him out alright so now i have him traced out really well and we can attach this polygon mask to our matte control with the green input right there if we hit one on the keyboard we can see there he is cut out so let's take a second get organized media in let's rename i'll hit f2 to rename that and i'll call it original footage underscore mi for media in and our polygon one let's call that person mask underscore ply for polygon matte control will leave as is and now we're set up to do some cool things for instance now that we have him isolated we could take this matte control and put the output of the matte control over our original footage with the merge i'll just grab a merge and i'll put our original footage in the background disconnect our mac control from the media out and put our mac control in the foreground and put our merge into our media out if i hit two on the keyboard for our media out we see nothing really changes but we do have this isolated to where we can do something like color correct just the background just drag a color corrector down in between our original footage and that merge and if i make this blue you can see we've kind of isolated our person i'll get rid of that for now but why don't we start out with our stroke the idea is that we want to have a big thick stroke just kind of draw around our guy and the way that we're going to do that is use this mask to make that stroke and put that solid color stroke under this layer right here so the first thing we'll do is just duplicate our mask the reason we're going to duplicate this is we're actually going to change the mask shape a little bit so i'll select person mask and hit ctrl c double click off and hit ctrl v and i'll throw this down here and i think what we're going to do i'll just move move our nodes around a little bit move this up maybe and this mask is going to mask a background node so i'll grab a background node from our toolbar and here we're going to just mask our background like this and this background is going to be the color of our stroke so let's make this like kind of that orangish yellow something like that and here if we bring up background in viewer one we'll see we have this kind of yellow mask which isn't exactly what we want because this is going to be perfectly behind our person layer so i'll select this mask i'll actually just bring this up in viewer too so it's easier to see on the recording and with our polygon mask selected i'm going to pump up our border width and that's just going to basically just make this whole mask a little bit bigger i think like that will work just fine and we'll rename this stroke mask so now we have kind of this a little bit bigger yellow solid color and we're going to put that in between our original footage and our foreground here so i'll just grab a merge and drag this in between our original footage and our merge like this and put this masked background into the foreground of our merge two let's take a look at what this is making if i select media out one and hit two on the keyboard we have what look at what's going on oh baby we're it's going to make a little bit of room here maybe i'll split this out like this and make sure we rename everything f2 we'll call this yellow bg we'll call this stroke merge this is going to be called foreground merge and we have everything lined out so we don't get too confused so now that we have our stroke that's cool but we want it to animate on right we want it to go and there are a lot of different ways that we could do this but i'll show you a fancy way that i really like first thing we're going to do is go down to our nodes first thing we're going to do is go down to our nodes and i'm going to make a background node and then i'm going to make a paint node which is the fourth one over and we'll just pipe our background into our paint what this is doing is making a black and white matte that we can use to control the transparency of stuff i'm going to go up to this fifth icon here in the upper left hand corner of our viewer and select polyline stroke and with the paint node what's really cool is i can draw a little shape a much rougher shape than we have it just kind of sorta goes along the edge of our guy here doesn't have to be very good at all and we can use this to kind of draw this effect on so now if i hit one on the keyboard with our paint node we can see on the left i have this kind of soft white stroke here and all this is going to do is make a mask for our nice stroke here so i can just take this sizing up it can be really big actually take the softness down a little bit something kind of like that and the reason we're doing this is because down at the bottom part of our inspector under stroke controls there's an attribute called write on and if i take the end and move this back and forth it draws that line along that path that i just made so we can animate this as a mask to draw this really nice stroke on now we could do this all at once i imagine and draw the exact stroke that we want in our paint node but we'd have to redraw our entire mask and we already had to make it for our person mask so we're just going to use this paint to animate our existing stroke so we can take the output of this paint node and put it into the merge for our stroke like this if we open our stroke merge and go over to settings and down here under fit mask where it says channel instead of alpha we're going to say luminance that's just telling that whatever we connect to this mask input we want to use as a black and white image a matte if we take this paint node and adjust the right on look what happens it writes this on isn't that awesome so now we can animate this starting at frame 51 and make a keyframe and we'll have this come on in like half a second or so so we'll do like 10 or 12 frames later and we'll animate the end all the way back to one so now as this plays back we get our animation pretty cool move my nodes around here because i just like my merges all in one row for some reason so now let's add our text what we'll do is use text plus which is the third icon over here drag this over and take the output and put it over the output of our foreground merge and now whatever text we say let's say michael pick a font we like size it and position it how we like it and now i want to add like a background plate to this text there are a bunch of different ways to do that the easiest is probably in our text plus node if we go to the inspector all the way to the fourth tab here where it says shading right now we're on shading element one which is just our white text but i'm going to switch this to shading element 2 and click enabled and by default that makes a red outline around our text under appearance that's set to text outline i'm going to switch it to the next one over which is border fill that's going to make a little box around each letter and down here let's extend horizontal and that'll kind of fill in those gaps as well as give us a little bit of padding on the left and right looking classy over here where it says color i'm going to grab this eyedropper and drag it over to our stroke and pick that same color and let's go back to shading element one and here instead of white let's make this almost black like a pretty dark gray so there's our text and we can adjust this put it wherever we like maybe make this a little bit smaller and let's just copy and paste this text so let's i'll select the text one hit ctrl c double click off and hit ctrl v and this one take the output and put it over the output for merge one and for this one let's move this down and we'll say probably bad guy probably a bad guy and we'll size that down a little bit maybe adjust this kind of move it around that's the nice thing about using the shading elements for the box is that it always sizes to the text and we'll do something like that and i'll align it left using this h anchor button right here now we need to draw our arrow which we're going to do almost the exact same way as we did with our white stroke mask here i'm going to make a background node this is just so we can draw something with our paint node so i'll just take the alpha for our background and bring that all the way down and let's rename our nodes here this is clear background this is subtext this is text and this is name and for our background i'll again grab a paint node and pipe that into the paint and we'll merge this paint over our merge two like that now we're ready to paint with our paint node i'm gonna do the same thing go up here to the fifth icon over where it says polyline stroke and click now we're just gonna draw a little arrow i'll draw it from here like this and do this pretty much just how you would do it in normal life you can click and adjust the that path a little bit something maybe like that with our paint node selected i'll go over here to brush controls and let's take the softness all the way down and maybe not all the way down most of the way down we do want it to kind of have a little bit of a soft edge just so it's anti-aliased just about to match our other stuff here let's take the size down a little bit and we'll use this same color so again now if i take these stroke controls and move this right on that will draw the arrow on isn't that neat i think it's so neat okay so here at frame 51 we have our animation and let's have this start like right after this stroke so frame 64. i'll add a keyframe and bring the end all the way down and we'll move this down a few frames and write it on all the way to the end so now we should have a pretty cool little animation from frame 51 on yeah that's cool but we should animate this text there are a ton of ways that you could do this one quick way is just to add a transform and just scale it up from nothing so let's do like maybe like halfway through our stroke frame 60 or so i'll make a transform node under each of these text so just select the text hit shift space bar and type xf enter now we have a transform node that we can use and the advantage of using a transform node instead of just sizing something in the merge or the text is that you have this little pivot offset so you can adjust where the scale's from and we're just going to scale this from like right here just kind of on the left edge of our word and now if we size this down it scales up from nothing right there so again i'll hit the keyframe diamond and we want this completely up by i don't know frame 75 yeah frame 70 maybe so that's at one i'll go to our first keyframe and then bring it all the way down to zero just like this so now this pops on like that that probably needs to be a little bit quicker we'll adjust that in a minute and now i'll take this transform node and i can just copy double click off in fact i can just select our subtext and hit ctrl v paste that that's going to do the exact same thing but it's still scaling from this pivot so i'll just move the pivot point down here for this text so now both of our pieces of text will animate from their own pivot point like that and we are almost done here almost done we do need to adjust some of this timing but we're going to do one last thing first all of these graphics we want to move separately from our background here because we want to just add a little bit of parallax so an easy way to do this is to just disconnect our background footage from all the way over here and then merge all of this like everything over our original background image again but later down the line so what we can do is just make another clear background here i'll just select the one that we have this clear background hit ctrl c and move over to the beginning of our comp double click and hit control v that'll paste our clear background here and we're going to pipe this into the stroke merge instead of our original footage the reason for that is this merge needs something to merge over so we'll just do that and now our whole comp is just over nothing we've done all this for nothing we'll take the output of our original footage and put that into the background of the merge and we're going to take the merge all the way over here and put this output right here that is going to our media out we're going to take that and put that into the foreground of our merge and then put that merge into the media out and now everything looks kind of how it did yay we've done nothing but here's the difference if we take this merge 4 which merges everything over our original background we can move everything all at once separately from our background that means that we could do something like scale this a little bit scale it up or down and we get a little bit of that parallax effect so to clean things up a little bit i'll hold down alt and drag anywhere on one of these lines and i can make a little elbow and we'll just make things a little bit nicer that way and let's name things this is our arrow paint this is our master merge now let's animate this this parallax here so starting at frame 51 i think instead of actually doing this in the merge we'll do a transform again so let's select arrow merge and i'll hit shift spacebar and xf and we'll call this parallax or parallax because i don't want to spell parallax mrg no xf for transform now again we can adjust where our pivot is so i'm going to move this to be right kind of in the center of our person here and at frame 51 i'll click this keyframe diamond and set that size to one but then throughout the rest of the comp we want it to be scaling up just a little bit so at the very end of our comp we'll push the size up just a little bit so we get a little bit of that parallax effect between the foreground and the background let's take a look at what we got so far there's our effect pretty cool i am going to color correct that background a little bit we can do that by just grabbing the color corrector the fifth icon over here and drag that in between our original footage and our master merge just like this and i'll just push this just a little bit blue in our master control here and because i don't want this to be blue the whole time here at frame 51 under settings here let's animate this blend so add a keyframe here and bring this all the way down to zero that just takes the entire strength everything that this node is doing and takes it down to zero we'll have this animate on as the stroke comes on and we'll have it completely done by the time the stroke is done at frame 63 we'll blend this all the way up to one like that so now we have the stroke come in and everything turns blue as well pretty nice all right last thing that we have to do is adjust the timing of everything which i like to do in the spline panel the upper right hand corner here left icon is the spline panel if you click on that that'll open up the spine panel down here and it should show everything in this list that is animated so you can pick which ones you want to show on the graph the ones that i am concerned about actually let's rename some stuff let's transform this is going to be name transform this is going to be subtext that just makes it easier to see here in the spline panel so we'll take the sizing for our name and subtext as well as the arrow end show our paint stroke end to for mask and we can kind of get an idea of how fast these things are going so one thing i know is i want the transforms to be faster so i'll just select both of these i can just hold down shift and move this down just so these go a lot faster let's take a look at that yeah so it comes on a lot faster now i like that our arrow is too fast must be this one right here yeah i like that a little better so now that we have the timing roughly down you can bring everything back up and what i like to do is select the end keyframe of everything and then hit f on the keyboard that flattens out this graph which means that things will slow down before they stop generally which just makes things look a little bit more smooth pro yeah it looks cool so here's our finished effect like probably a bad guy pretty cool little effect a little bit a little bit of advanced uh fun for uh for fusion right hey if you stayed all the way to the end make sure to drop a like i love you i just i just love you so much
Channel: Casey Faris
Views: 25,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Davinci Resolve 17, resolve 17 tutorial, how to use resolve 17, davinci resolve 17 for beginners
Id: 2Ktb-XLtjoI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 51sec (1071 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 01 2021
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