IS FUSION GOOD FOR MOTION GRAPHICS? - DaVinci Resolve Tutorial For Beginners

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[Music] my name is casey ferris i make videos on davinci resolve here on youtube today we're talking about is fusion even good for motion graphics i'll give you a few reasons why i like it and then a couple things i think could be improved maybe you agree with me maybe you don't maybe you disagree i'm sure you'll let me know let's get into it okay so let's start out with some of the reasons why i like fusion for motion graphics the biggest overarching reason is that fusion interacts with the edit timeline just amazingly if you have a piece of footage and you want to adjust it in fusion all you have to do is click on fusion and you're working with stuff right so here's our text let's say our fancy graphic that we build for however long we want and then when we're done all we have to do is hit edit and it's done there's no rendering there's no round tripping nothing like that that in itself i think is enough reason to be super interested in fusion because man the workflow here oh dude amazing another thing i really like is the ability to swap out different elements without destroying stuff i'm going to go to this comp let's say we have a picture of this dog right let's say we want to switch it out with another dog well the dog picture actually lives in this media one node right here so if i want to switch this out with a different dog all i have to do is grab a different picture i'll just disconnect my media in one and connect my media in two and there we have our dogs switched i can quickly just adjust the size in the inspector and boom we have our elements switched and because all of these nodes are separate i don't have to duplicate layers and reapply effects and all of that stuff i just pipe this in and it works super nice workflow here another reason i like fusion is it has a built-in particle engine that is pretty rad check this out it has physics and all of this stuff built into the particles you can do all kinds of dynamics and move things around and look at this it's crazy this is stuff that i know like in after effects the particle systems have gotten better but you generally have to get a third-party particle system to actually kind of make stuff like this work really well and it's just all built into fusion which is pretty neat another thing that's built into fusion is 3d like it's not an incredible 3d renderer i would say but you can do some basic stuff like 3d text and adjust lighting and things like that really easily it renders really quickly you can change your text and adjust stuff and it just works pretty well and this is something that's super useful granted you get a better result doing things in blender or like a dedicated 3d program but this is pretty good for just being built into fusion let's take a look at a couple things that i don't particularly like let's say we want to add some art from illustrator well you can't you can't just bring in like an illustrator file you got two options one thing you could do is save this out as a png and you can open up and bring it in like this the other thing is if it's a pretty simple logo you could go up to fusion and import it as an svg and what that'll do is make a series of masks over a background and that works really well for a basic like shape logo that doesn't have a lot of color variations and gradients and stuff so you do have a couple options but you can't just bring in a ai file which i know is really important to some people and after effects does really well the other part is with fusion there's no way to really like bring up audio at least out of the box there are some plugins you can get but there's not like a fancy way to just bring audio in so syncing stuff to audio is kind of rough i do have a video on a workaround for that which you can check out right here but those are a couple things that are kind of a big deal that might be concerning for you let's get back to the bright side shall we here's a couple other things that i think are the bee's knees first is templates if you don't know you can actually make a fusion composition into a template to use in the edit page and once you export it a certain way and all that stuff you can select it here in the edit page and go up to the inspector and you can change things here without even having to go back into fusion this is a template that we have for sale on there's a link in the description or you can click right here but it makes it easy to change fonts colors all kinds of attributes and you can make some really cool stuff to reuse in whatever project you want another cool thing about fusion which is sort of more about the edit page but it does have to do with fusion if you have a template or a fusion comp in the edit page you can actually just alt drag this to copy it and whatever changes you make on the second clip will only happen on that second instance so this first one is untouched so this is great if you have something like lower thirds that you want throughout your project all you have to do is alt drag them over and adjust them pretty nice you don't have to go back in and change things in fusion if you have the template you don't have to save out multiple versions or anything like that in fact if you have a custom built fusion composition you can go back into fusion just on that instance and make a change and it works the same way it'll change just that instance and leave the other ones untouched it's a really nice way to work a couple more let's say i have some footage but i want to put some text in the background and i want to track it with other apps i would have to export this i would have to do all kinds of fancy things to get that to happen but with fusion and resolve all i have to do is be over the clip and click on fusion and i'll just add some text over this and we'll just put them on their mountains and we play back and it's okay let's say we want that text to follow the mountains well it's really simple to do something like that i'll grab this media in node and i'll hit shift spacebar and type p l a n that'll bring up my planar tracker and i'll hit return this is a tool that's used to track motion in your footage i'll hit two on the keyboard to just bring that up and i'm just going to draw a shape around kind of these mountains like this over here i'll hit set motion type will go to translation rotation and scale and then i'll click track to end i'll go back to my frame i was on and track to beginning and now we have this motion tracked and we can apply this motion to whatever we want i'll scroll down here and click on create planar transform and this will make a node that will store that motion and whatever we run through this node will move just like the footage so i'll hold down shift and just drag this in between my text and my merge so that it's connected and now we have our text tracked to those mountains it takes like five seconds isn't that amazing pretty awesome all right last thing this is something i just think is super neat i'll right click and say new fusion composition here and i'll double click it to open it up here we have a blank composition nothing's going on the way that fusion works is everything that happens in these nodes down here is actually just stored kind of in a plain text file so check this out this is a composition that i've just saved out and i can just drag this into fusion and look it makes all the nodes and everything and i just connect this last one to the media out and we have our whole composition so it's super easy to share like project files to save things out to save out presets all that kind of stuff i think that's just a really cool way to save things that you use on a regular basis you can have a folder on your system where you can just drag the text files into here and it makes all the fanciness it's crazy there you have it folks my thoughts on if fusion is good for motion graphics i think it's pretty good i use it a lot by the way if you want to learn more about making motion graphics in fusion we have a training title shabam right there it will teach you everything from the very basic stuff all the way to fancy particles in 3d and tracking and compositing oh boy so good check it out
Channel: Casey Faris
Views: 50,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Is Fusion Good For Motion Graphics, Is Fusion better than After, Pros and Cons of Fusion in Resolve, How good is Fusion for gfx, is fusion good, best things about fusion in resolve, Fusion for davinci resolve, what's better ae or fusion, davinci resolve 16, resolve fusion, resolve fusion effects, resolve fusion motion graphics, resolve fusion vs after effects, best things about resolve fusion, is resolve good, davinci resolve fusion, fusion vs after effects
Id: 7s7GRzbtTnI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 13sec (433 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 05 2020
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