5 Creative MASKING Effects You MUST KNOW for Davinci Resolve

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now if you're anything like most video editors you hate masking it's just tedious now whether you love it or you hate it you can make some awesome looking video effects by using masking so that's why in this video i'm going to teach you five creative masking effects that the pros use so all of that stuff and more coming up but first if you're new here my name is billy ripka and i make weekly adventure resolve tutorials about different effects transitions and workflows that'll help you become a better editor so if you want to level up your editing skills click that subscribe button and the bell notification to stay up to date on the newest videos put out but let's get into it now the first masking effect is called the layer lapse the idea of this effect is if you have a stationary time lapse that goes from like daytime to night time we can actually use masks to show an object in that time lapse like a road for example at a different time than the rest of the video so in davinci resolve on our timeline we have our one clip right here what we're going to do is duplicate this layer by holding alt clicking and dragging it up to video layer 2. now what we'll do is hit r on our keyboard and go to reverse speed right here so now video layer 2 starts from night and goes today and then video layer 1 starts from day and goes to night now we're going to jump into the color tab right here what we'll do is go to the window tab right here and go down to the pen tool and click on that and now i'm just going to pick an object to mask out so for this i'm going to use the bridge so i'm just going to draw a mask around this bridge and let's say you just mess up a point to remove that what you'll do is hover over the point and hit your middle mouse button like this and it'll just delete it so just continue to mask out the bridge all right so now that we've got this mask you can go ahead and readjust any point if you really need to if not great you've done well next we'll have to go into our node section right here and right click and go to add alpha output then grab your blue alpha output like this and connect it to your blue node alpha output thing right here so if i go back to the beginning you can see that yo we got like the night time kind of look at day time right here which is pretty awesome now we have one last thing we got to do to make this all pretty and stuff so if we want to soften the edges go down here to the power window section right here and click on off by turning that off we can really get a good idea of how harsh our mask is and go down here to the softness which is under the window tab and bring it up ever so slightly so i think right there that's pretty good so moving on to that second masking effect we have that blurred face effect that you see like people witness protection that is done by masking my friends in davinci resolve on our timeline we have our clip right here what we'll do is go right to the color tab now in that same window tab grab our circle mask right here and drag it over his face and just resize it to where it's covering his face nicely yeah that looks good now we need to make sure that circle actually stays to his face so we gotta go to the tracking tab right here and hit track forward and it's just gonna track our mask to his face throughout the whole clip so now that we've tracked this circle mask to his face get that blurred look we can do a few different things here now in the open effects menu type in jpeg damage and drag it on to our node like this now bring the quality up to like 60 or 70 or what whatever just have it high and then under resolution we're gonna bring that up also and you'll see that it really just does a good job at masking his face and if it's not enough you just bring up the resolution even more it's as easy as that and if somebody swears you just track the mask to their mouth and do the same thing now moving on to our third masking effect we have that classic text reveal effect so on our timeline we have this clip where this truck is just moving by and we want the truck to actually reveal the text right here so to do that we're gonna actually jump into the fusion tab this time i know it's different it's not the color tab we got this so jumping into the fusion tab you see that we have our media in one and our media out one this is the beginning and this is the end first things first let's type out our text so on the hot bar right here we'll grab the text plus node and drag it down and then grab the output of the text one node and drag it to the output of the media in node and this is just going to create a merge node now you can type whatever you want and customize the text in any way shape and form by using like fonts and colors and all that stuff then we'll position our text where we want it to be revealed and bring up the size or bring it down depending on where you're having it then play the clip forward until you see that object that's going to reveal our text so in this case we want the end of the truck to reveal this text then go up to the hot bar and click this polygon mask and drag it above our text and connect the output of the polygon 1 to the effect mask on text 1. now you'll see that it disappears draw a mask at the end of this truck right here and have it be relatively long like this then we'll move forward a few frames using the arrow key and highlight the mask and drag it forward so that it's at the end of the truck like this now by default keyframes are enabled for the polygon mask however if it's not enabled you can go over here in the inspector tab click on the keyframe right here then after that it'll add keyframes every time you move the mask so now you'll see that the end of this truck actually reveals the text now to remove the text what we have to do is pretty much the same thing but opposite we'll just highlight all of our points like this move forward a few frames drag our mask forward and keep doing the same thing over and over again until our text is completely gone now if our mask edge is a little too sharp we can always turn up soft edges and we can do it just like this so it just matches with the natural motion blur that's in the clip so now let's look at this effect now the fourth masking effect that i'm going to teach you is called the vignette masking effect so in davinci resolve we want to add that vignette effect around the edges right here to really draw the attention towards this tower to do that we'll jump straight into the color tab and in the window menu we'll grab that circle mask right here and increase the softness with this outer circle with the red point next once you got that size right you'll go down and hit this invert mask button right there now if you want that classic vignette effect all you'll do is go to gain and drag it down like so so that you can see it's darker around the edges however if you want to really add that speed warp zoom effect that you normally get with a hyper lapse what you'll do is reset the gain so that we don't have that outer vignette then we'll select zoom blur and drag it onto this node right there right off the bat it's looking like it's kind of zooming forward now of course we can adjust the strength of this so if it's too strong we can turn it down we'll also want to under border type change it from black to replicate so that we get those black borders around the edges gone alright so let's look at this effect now moving on to our fifth and final masking effect this one is honestly one of my favorite masking effects ever just because of how awesome it looks when it's done correctly now if i was to put a name on this masking effect it would be called the 2.5 d masking effect because it's not truly 3d but it sure looks like it so in davinci resolve we have our clip right here and it's of a drone shot just kind of circling this steeple right here because it looks kind of cool we have to go ahead and drag in that black part overlay like this and extend it all the way out then we'll duplicate this bottom layer by holding alt and clicking and dragging the clip and we'll bring it up onto video layer 3 above our black bars now that we have that done we're going to click on the video layer 3 right here and jump into color tab and now that we're in the color tab we're going to actually draw a mask around the top of the steeple right here so in the windows menu we're going to click on the free draw pen tool right there and zoom in and draw a really nice mask around the steeple now once you've got that mask we're going to bring the softness of the mask up to about point 18. to make our mask stick to that steeple we're going to have to open up the tracker window right here and then we're gonna hit the track forward button and you can see already it is screwing up but i'm just gonna let it keep doing its thing the mask is completely off the frame and we still have a lot of steeple here so i'm gonna show you a few tricks that are also pretty hard to explain so uh try to track with me i'm gonna do my best on the tracker window you can see that we have a keyframe placed right here this is actually gonna be really important we need to make sure that our playhead is on that keyframe then we're going to change it from clip to frame so now if i move my points it's only going to really affect the frame that i'm on so now just make sure that our mask is really tight to that steeple now once we've done that we're gonna hit track forward again and allow it to just track forward like so and finally we'll get to a place where our steeple is pretty much out of frame and at this point it doesn't really matter if we keep this mask tight to this object because the black bars are not going to be covering it up move forward one frame past this keyframe and just move our mask completely off now we're going to do the really fun thing my friends we're going to make sure that our mask really sticks nice and tight to that steeple and that's gonna be probably the thing that i speed up because it's really tedious all right so now that your hand has completely fallen off by fixing this mask all that we have left to do is to go over here to the node section and right click go to add alpha output and connect our alpha outputs together like that you'll really be able to see what this effect does and how cool it looks now if for some reason you want to add more of these masking pop-out effects to the same clip you can do that by going back to the windows tab like this and adding another curve and then doing the mask thing again now speaking of all these video effects and transitions i need some suggestions from you yes you so a few weeks ago maybe a month at this point i don't actually know i created a shape offset transition pack now i want to add to it so if you have any suggestions please put them in the comments below and also if you're interested in getting this pack click the link in the description below to get yours now and yes if you get the pack now you also get the next version coming out because that's just how i want it to happen so if you want more videos like this click on the top for a playlist with all of my davinci resolve tutorials or click on the bottom for a video that youtube thinks that you would like but until the next one peace
Channel: Billy Rybka
Views: 273,731
Rating: 4.9525704 out of 5
Keywords: masking effects, Davinci Resolve Masking, masking in davinci resolve, Davinci resolve, Davinci Resolve effects, Davinci Resolve 16, Davinci Resolve tutorial, Billy Rybka, masking effect, Davinci Resolve masking effect, davinci resolve tutorial, masking, how to mask in davinci resolve
Id: YPH3sqYNKa8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 13 2020
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