MAKE A VLOG INTRO IN RESOLVE 17 - Fusion Tutorial for Beginners

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[Music] hello there casey ferris here i make videos on davinci resolve here on youtube make sure to subscribe for more of that today we're talking about making a vlog intro inside of resolve this is something that a lot of people have been asking me about and i'll show you my take on it huge thanks to art list for sponsoring this video more about them in a little bit here we are in resolve 17 and i have a few different clips just laid out here for our intro and they have the fancy transitions going on pretty neat just a bunch of things you know from like a travel vlog that kind of feeling and just in case anyone's wondering these are just the stock transitions that come with resolve that you'll find in the effects library under video transitions kind of down towards the bottom under fusion transitions things like pan up and zoom in and slide right those kind of things so i just pick the transitions that work well for the motion of the clip just to kind of keep that same motion this is pretty typical of a vlog intro i would say but let's say we want to have some motion graphics over the middle easiest way to do this would be just to go to the titles in resolve and find one that you like and just drag this over and you can select it go up to the inspector and there we have our little intro it's kind of cool so if you don't want to make your own graphics that's a super great way to do it we also have a bunch of these for sale at all kinds of animated templates and things like that check those out in the description but let's say we want to make our own graphics here i'm just going to delete this and let's make a new fusion composition because we're going to actually create this from scratch here in the media pool i'll right click and say new fusion composition and we'll call this vlog intro graphics maybe we'll make this about six seconds long and hit create now in the media pool this should show up here and i'll double click on it and that'll open up our comp inside of fusion if you're not familiar with fusion make sure to check out this basics video that'll give you a little bit of a crash course on what the heck fusion is because i will be moving somewhat fast to build these graphics and uh knowing a little bit about fusion is going to be really helpful so we start with our media out node this is just whatever we connect to this is going to get rendered so i'm going to grab a background node drag that into our flow here i'll take the output and connect it to our media out that'll give us a black screen and what i'll actually do is select this background node and go over to the inspector and turn this alpha down so that's just going to give us a nice clear background to put our graphics on i'm going to start out with some text for our fake youtube channel here let's say uh jill jackson photography right you know jack and jill i don't i'm sure there's people named jill jackson but it's not her it's just made up so let's go over to this t right here and grab our text plus and drag this over here and take the output and merge it over the output of our background one now i'll select the text and let's type in jill jackson yeah and the font i'm going to use is called mont m-o-n-t this is just a free font you can download on all you have to do is just install it like a regular font and then make sure you restart resolve and then that should show up here so there's our text pretty simple but now let's say we want a frame around our text to kind of like animate on we can do that a bunch of different ways probably the easiest way is with a shape so i'm going to use our fancy shortcut shift spacebar shift spacebar will let you basically search for and add any kind of node inside of fusion so i'm going to type s for shape and then re for s rectangle and s render which is actually both what we need yeah look at that so i'll select s rectangle and i'll also do s render gotta connect rectangle to render because any time that you make a shape node you have to have a shape render node and i'll take this render node and merge it over our merge one organize things a bit and now up here we have a rectangle yay but we don't want just a big old square like this first of all we just want the outline so i'm going to go over here to my inspector and d check solid right here and pump up the border width see there we go and we can adjust the width and the height for this graphic to be real nice something like that classy so that's looking pretty cool i'll grab our text and under layout i'll take this center and just move this text up just a touch so that it's in the middle of our rectangle here and now we basically built what we want this to look like at the end now we just want this to animate on so there's a bunch of different ways that we can animate this uh i think what i want to do is have this kind of start as a little line and then kind of go around and just grow into this rectangle the cool thing about using a shape node is it has that sort of thing built in here under position and length so if we take length down then it adjusts the length of what's actually drawn for this shape and if we move the position around then it moves the line around you see where we're going with this so we can start with the length at like zero and then animate it to grow over time and we can also animate the position so that it looks all fancy schmance yes so we're going to do this with keyframes so we got to figure out how long we want this to animate i'd say maybe a second or so because it's supposed to be fancy so i'm going to go to like 30 seconds ish somewhere in there and i'm going to keyframe our position and our length all you have to do is click on this little diamond until it turns red and right here at 30 frames i do want this to be at 0 and 1. and at the beginning of our comp let's say at 0. let's have this length be at zero but this position let's just have that at one so now when we play this back i'll just click off of here and hit space bar it moves things around now it looks like that position is kind of moving along with that length in a way that we don't actually want so i think what i'll do is do the opposite here for position we're going to start at 0 and then at 30 frames end at 1. so now we have the effect we're looking for that's cool so that's the basic animation of the shape now we need to animate the text again there's a million ways you can do this one way that i enjoy to do this is to just mask the text and have the text kind of drop down out of nothing so here where our text is merged over we can mask this merge just click on this rectangle mask with the merge selected and it'll add that now select the rectangle and go up here and we'll adjust the width and the height to be within our rectangle here something like that just around the words and now all we have to do is animate this text to drop down so we'll have that drop down and be done at 30 as well so at 30 frames we're going to select the merge and actually animate this within the merge the reason we do that is so that we can adjust the text size and position and everything independently and then keep the animation for our merge later if we want to so let's select the merge and we're going to animate this center property so i'll click the keyframe diamond so it turns red and then move here a little bit later than our first keyframe for our shape let's say 15 frames or so we'll take this center and we'll just push it to the right and that will move our text up kind of out of that mask so here's our animation so far there we go see that looks nice looking looking classy right looking classy baby there we go so that's pretty cool but we could make it just a little bit nicer here's how we do that this animation looks cool but it kind of stops really suddenly which i don't know some people mind some people don't i tend to think things look better when they slow down before they stop right when they ease to a stop when you take it easy yeah nice so the way that you adjust animations like that and ease into things is with the spline panel so i'll go up here and make sure my spline panel is bright white maybe i'll even close inspector for now and that'll open up our spline panel down here and what this does is show you a graph of anything that you have animated as long as you check its box over here and i'll shift select position and length basically everything that is animated i have selected down here in the spline panel and we'll hit this little button zoom to fit and that'll actually bring up our graphs for the animation here these are really cool because you can be really specific about how you want this motion to act in between the keyframes and the easiest thing to do is just select the ending keyframes and hit f on the keyboard what that'll do is flatten out this little handle here so that when this animation ends it kind of eases to a stop you know you can think about like if you're coming up to the top of a mountain you don't just stop at this little sharp top you kind of just ease up there you know this is a good good for sledding anytime your graphs look good for sledding that's when you know it's gonna be smooth smooth animation let's take a look yeah that's what i'm tiznabism so now we basically have our graphics for our intro let's switch over to the edit page and now we can just take our intro graphics and drag that into our composition here and let's say we'll have those start kind of halfway through our edit so now we have something that looks a little bit like this oh yes it's looking sick so this is great if you like it just roll with that but let's take it even one step further oh my goodness are you going to go crazy we're going to actually use this title as a mat for our footage and do a neat little color and black and white effect here the idea is to have all of these shots show up in color right where this graphic is and then the rest of it be black and white and you could do the opposite if you wanted to first thing i'm going to do is select all of my footage here and i'm going to right click and say new compound clip and i'll hit create and all that's going to do is basically just flatten this into one clip that we can put one effect on that kind of thing and i'm going to hold down alt and drag this up above our fusion composition so now we can't see the fusion composition at all because we have all of this footage completely over it so how do we use this graphic as a matte well in resolve 17 they have a new feature where you can set any layer here in the timeline as a matte so let's select fusion composition and go over to our inspector and here under composite mode i'm going to scroll down all the way to the bottom section here and select alpha what that's going to do is tell resolve that this is going to be our mat this is going to be what controls the transparency of something else and then in the clip above it we're going to select this and go to the inspector and under composite mode and scroll all the way down and select foreground and now if we disable our first track we can see that this is cutting out our video and using our graphics as a matte so now we have really fancy video within our graphics isn't that awesome so now all we have to do is make this layer of video look different than our cut out video so that we can actually see what is going on easy way to do that is just in the color page i'll just select color right here and we can easily just select our bottom clip using this little mini timeline here i think what i'll do is just take our gamma down a little bit and take our saturation all the way down and now we can start to see the difference between the black and white and the color graphic as we scrub through we can see it but man it's just not that big of a difference so we need to make sure these are really really different so let's maybe give this a little bit more contrast i might even darken just the middle of this bottom clip in color i'll just add another node i'll hit alt s and remember a node in the color page is just a group of corrections so i'm going to add a circle window here in the middle and this is going to limit my color correction to just inside of this ellipse and i'll bring the gain down quite a bit so it just kind of darkens it under this graphic and it's a little more contrast there the other thing we can do to add a little more contrast is just to brighten up our upper layer which is the one that's being limited by our matte and can boost the gain up just a touch even boost the lift up a little bit so even the black parts kind of stick out can even boost up the saturation a touch and now we can really see that difference between the clips once we like it we can go back to the edit page so this looks pretty good but now we need to add some music to make it pop you know what i mean for pretty much all my music nowadays i go to they make it super easy and simple to find the quality music that fits exactly what you need for your project and what i really like is you can actually search by video theme so if we're looking for like a vlog i can just click on vlog and here's music that would be really great for a vlog we could try some out [Music] and let's say i want something that's vloggy but also poppy i can filter things like this let's say we don't want vocals i can go up here to the right and click off the microphone and then we only have instrumental music see this is exactly what i was thinking you know what i mean [Music] vlog [Music] basically exactly what you want for a vlog so this is called challenge accepted i'll just add this to my cart and click on my cart here and then it'll show up in my library like i said this video is sponsored by art list and i'm only ever going to be sponsored or work with companies that are actually good you guys can see how much i do actually use this myself what you do is you get a yearly subscription and you have unlimited downloads of songs they're totally royalty free and you can use them for basically anything it's like the easiest and most high quality music service i've ever used it's the bomb so now we have our music and we'll just bring this down a touch let's see how it sounds and i'll just grab the end here and i'll make a quick edit i'll cut this last part of the song to begin on a beat and then i'll cut this first part to end on a beat right there that works great and now we have our little intro let's take a look that's what i'm talking about so there's a quick guide on how to make the intro and resolve if you want more resolve 17 videos check out that playlist right there it includes our crash course which is just mighty fine mighty fine hmm so fine baby shark dude nope i can't say that
Channel: Casey Faris
Views: 26,603
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MAKE A VLOG INTRO IN RESOLVE 17 - Fusion Tutorial for Beginners, make a vlog, edit vlog intro, how to make a vlog, how to make a title in resolve, davinci resolve tutorial, davinci resolve 17, video editing, davinci resolve 17 tutorial, davinci resolve fusion, davinci resolve 17 tutorial for beginners, how to make a youtube intro, how to use davinci resolve 17, blackmagic design, davinci resolve tutorials for beginners, animate in resolve 17, vlog intro
Id: QV8hQ32X6as
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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