Make Your Own Template in Fusion! - Social Media Pop-Up Graphics in Resolve 17

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hey everybody casey ferris here i make videos on davinci resolve today we're learning how to make a social media pop-up graphic infusion that you can reuse customize and all of that let's jump in so the first thing we'll do is go to the media pool in the edit page right click and say new fusion composition let's do five seconds we'll call this social media pop-up and hit create double click on that in the media pool and that'll bring up our blank fusion composition first thing that we need to do is make a background just to set the composition size let's use background node for that just grab that drag it in here and connect the background to the media out that will give us a black background i'll select this and then in the inspector just take this alpha all the way down that'll make a clear background because we want this to come in as a graphic over other things this will just give us a nice starting point for that all right so the base of this graphic is going to just be text so let's grab a text plus third icon over here in the toolbar and then down in our nodes let's take the output and merge it over the background now with the text selected we can start typing let's call this at some name open sans bold is pretty good for something like this i'd say and the color let's make this kind of almost black so i don't know something maybe like this i'll hit okay now we have the black text on the clear background but we want to have a little panel behind this now there are a bunch of different ways to make a panel you can use shape nodes you can mask a background node but when it comes to text the easiest and the most versatile way is if we go over to shading the fourth tab over here and here where it says shading elements under select element let's go to element 2 and hit enabled and what each element does is basically add a layer to kind of stylize this text so you can build up outlines and shadows and different gradients and all this stuff but what we're gonna do is under properties here under appearance this third little icon over that makes boxes behind each letter and you can switch it from each letter here where it says level character to level line and that's going to make one big box around this line which is looking suspiciously like what we want to do i think what we'll do is extend this quite a bit too so now we have a lot of space on each side i think that's pretty nice and also i want to round the corners a little bit just to actually take the actual edge off and for the color let's make this almost white do white and then just bring this down a little bit i just think things look a little bit more classy if you don't do it quite black and quite white for stuff like this just takes that contrast down a little bit looks a little more looks a little classier i think you can make it whatever color you want so this is looking pretty good let's go over to text now here's what's cool because this is a shading element of our text i can type whatever i want and this will grow to be bigger or smaller so this is really great for something like this where you might want to change this every once in a while one thing i will do is change the horizontal anchor to left now look what happened i change this it only grows the right side that's going to be really great here in a minute so let's take this size down a little bit so it doesn't need to be huge one thing i've learned is that graphics usually don't need to be very big for them to be totally effective because you know you want to make them big enough to read but on this preview remember that this screen is a lot smaller than people will normally see it i mean i guess on their phone maybe but if you can read it on this preview it's probably fine so i'm going to do something like this and one thing we'll do is turn on the title safe just to kind of line things up a little better keep it off of the edges it's debatable whether this is still a thing or not but it's good practice to keep your graphics inside of title safe to turn on title safe i'm going to right-click anywhere here on this screen and go to guides show guides and that will show me all kinds of guides here and we'll just make sure that anything that's going to appear really is inside of this second little line so it doesn't have to be the background but whatever is going to be inside of the background should be in that line so we'll just kind of line it up like that because we are going to put an icon here looks good i'm going to turn off our guides you can also hit ctrl g to turn those off or on now let's keep stylizing this let's say i also want this to kind of have a little drop shadow thing well there's a node for that down here in the nodes move our text one up here and let's rename it username underscore txt so we know it's text and i'll hit shift space bar and type shadow s-h-a-d-o-w and we just want the regular shadow i'll hit add what this note does is take any input and it will make sort of a drop shadow all we have to do is mess with the offset a little bit and i'll just make something like that and what's cool is you can change the shadow color too so i'm going to change the shadow color to like kind of a bluish thing something like that and because it's generating this shadow from the text again if i make this bigger it's just going to grow the shadow as well now we got to add our little icon we're going to do this a little bit of a tricksy way i'm going to add this with an svg which you can download svg logos if you just google them but let's go all the way up to the top of our interface under fusion and say import svg and here i have an svg logo for twitter i'll hit open it's going to ask what width and height to make it it's not really important for what we're doing 1920x1920 is totally fine i'll hit ok and now what it's made is a group down here and if we hit one on the keyboard bring this up in our left screen and guess what it's one of those little tweety bird guys so what just happened here if we double click on this group we can see what it's done is taken this svg and it's made a mask and it's masked a blue background and it looks like it also masked something else maybe it got confused i don't know and merged it probably don't even need these but that's all right it's brought this graphic in as a mask and the cool thing is this shape actually lives inside of fusion it's not a png or something like that that you have to link to it's just like you drew this mask yourself so we can take this twitter logo and i'll merge it over our merge one let's rename these call this logo mrg this one will be text merge and let's scale our twitter logo i'll just add a transform shift spacebar xf now let's turn our size down scale this and move it around and we're going to put this to the left of our text kind of line it up nicely and there's our little logo isn't that cool so there's our little pop-up that's pretty neat all we have to do is animate it you guys ready for a super cool trick check this out normally what you could do is do something like mask each of these elements or fade them on or move them on but let me show you a really neat trick for kind of having this wipe on and still be really easy to customize we're going to take everything that we've made so far and mask it with itself which is such a nodes thing to do but let's make a merge at the end of this shift spacebar mrg and i'm actually going to make a transform node too i'll double click in the empty space and hit just spacebar xf and we're going to put the transform node into the input of our merge and put everything into that transform node so what we're doing so far is not really anything we're just kind of putting everything over itself for now but if we select this transform and we move the pivot to be like here on the very left side of our graphics then if we were to change the size of this let's just untick use size and aspect and mess with x size we'll see what happens here this kind of squishes on the x-axis and we can animate that squish so let's say this takes like half a second or so i'll make a keyframe on this transform right here under x size and back at the start of our comp we'll take this x size and we'll make it zero so now what we have is this squishing up like that but here's the tricky part we can take all of this and use it as a mask for the original comp here instead of piping this transform into the green foreground we're gonna do a couple things i'll just disconnect that and grab a background node let's move this down a little bit i'll take the background node here and we're going to take the background node into the background of our merge and take our logo merge our original comp and put that into the foreground so now again we're putting this over black actually what we could do is take our original background and do this so we have this clear background going into the merge and then we have everything that we've made going on top of that again now why would we do all this again we already did this well we can take this transform which is everything getting squosen on that x-axis and take the output here and use this as a mask and now check out what happens here in our comp this reveals itself just like this because it's using itself as that mask so now it kind of just animates on like that and you can select this transform and go to our spline panel up here in the upper right hand corner click on that that'll open this up down here and if we click on x size and select the last keyframe and hit f on the keyboard that's going to ease this in and so now we have this going just a nice little animation that kind of wipes this graphic on and the coolest part is that if we make this graphic bigger like we are definitely going to do the animation still works because it's all based on how big that text is so even if this is really small it still animates on not slick it's like next level man next level masking tag follow it on twitter it's probably not a thing so let's kind of review these nodes just to clear up any confusion this is a clear background what we're doing is putting some text over it this is text plus which is just the dark gray text with the almost white background then we're putting a blue shadow under it and we're taking our twitter logo and we're scaling it down and we're merging it over our comp here now for some of you who might be triggered that this blue is not the same as this blue don't worry let's take the shadow and we're just going to sample our twitter bird color here that was very close actually but i know if i didn't match that oh you all on me in the comments so now these blues match the twitter bird goes over everything and then we're taking all of this we're putting it in a transform node which just kind of squishes this like this and it doesn't matter that it's squishing the text and everything because we never see that this is just being used as a matte in this merge to reveal our graphic and then when we're all done here's what it looks like and all we have to do to animate this on is animate our transform call this scale everything underscore xf that we know what it's doing so how do we package this and kind of use it every day in our various projects and stuff here's what you do select everything except for your media out here in the fusion page right click on any of the nodes and go to macro and we'll select create macro and that brings up this very intimidating macro editor we'll call this twitter popup and what this does is let you select the things that you would like to edit later when you make this a template the only thing that we really want to edit is going to be our text so under username underscore text roll up image so this like third little section here under text under style text that's what we want i'm gonna click this little check box for export and let's do font style color blue alpha size tracking and that's pretty good let's go to file and save as i'm just going to throw this on my desktop twitter popup.setting and hit save so that makes a dot setting file that you can use in your edit but to make this really pro we really need to do one more step i'm going to go to my explorer here where it says twitter popup.setting i'm going to do a couple real silly things here we're going to make a drfx file and pretty much what you do is you make a folder called edit and then inside of that you have one called titles and you put whatever you want inside of that little titles folder then you take the edit folder right click and create a zip with some kind of zip archiver i use 7-zip say add to archive and call it whatever you want twitter popup dot zip but instead of dot zip type drfx twitter popup.drfx and i'll hit ok and then it magically makes this little drfx file and at this point in resolve land this is still a little buggy so what i like to do is make a duplicate of this i'll hit control c and control v just make a copy here because sometimes you try and install this and it just it just deletes it just deletes it let's see if that happens i'll take this dot drfx and drag it into my nodes here in fusion it's going to ask if i want to install twitter popup i'll hit install and it'll say no you can't you can't man you just can't i'll go great okay so we restart resolve let's try this again do you want to install your twitter pop-up and i said install and then it will do nothing and that means that it worked you should be able to go over to your effects library in fusion under templates under edit under titles and see twitter pop-up yay and after you restart resolve it should be in your effects library over here in the edit page under titles down here twitter pop-up then you can just drag that into your edit and select this and adjust the names and everything now it's a thing isn't that awesome so yeah now you can make your own little pop-up things easy to customize and all of that stuff you know what's even better than doing something that's you know sort of easy is not having to do it at all so check this out if you guys haven't heard of this guy his name's patrick and he does resolve videos as well you should all go and subscribe to him if you like my videos you will certainly like his videos but he has a video here called my biggest davinci resolve preset yet 101 social media promo today i'm showing off and giving away to all of you this it's a preset it looks just like the other ones but instead of five different options instead of eight here in the drop down for preset you have a hundred different options for different websites social media companies a whole sorts of things even some general options that you can promote 100. he made a preset that's kind of like this but it has a hundred different icons in it so if you like this kind of style you can get his preset and do basically any social media thing you want this guy's a genius i know he's going to do some great things so go download his preset sub to his channel the link to the preset is down in the description of his video i'll also put it down here below my video you know what i'm saying anyway i hope you enjoyed this little tutorial if you have any questions put them in the comments and if you stayed all the way to the end why don't you hit the like and then you can let me know that you did and you do
Channel: Casey Faris
Views: 19,336
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Davinci Resolve 17, resolve 17 tutorial, how to use resolve 17, davinci resolve 17 for beginners, davinci resolve, davinci resolve 17 tutorial, motion graphics tutorial, davinci resolve template, tutorial for beginners, step by step tutorial, fusion titles, lower thirds, davinci resolve transitions, davinci resolve 17 tutorial for beginners, social media popup, twitter graphics, facebook link, username graphics, blackmagic fusion, blackmagic fusion tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 06 2021
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