World’s BIGGEST and Most Powerful Handguns!!!

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Poor Goldie...

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/trevsoren 📅︎︎ Aug 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

No cap i screamed like a little gril when i saw the thumbnail

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/klaus_the_boy 📅︎︎ Aug 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

When Matt mentions the bad history, is he just referring to the last couple of videos they made about each other or does it go further back? AFAIK Scott kinda did take Matt's whole concept and ran with it. If that's a problem at all I guess is up to Matt.

Hejdå! 🇸🇪 🤜🤛 🇺🇲

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/fisk_12 📅︎︎ Aug 24 2020 🗫︎ replies
no uh [Music] oh [Music] ah [Music] she likes it rough that wasn't too bad [Music] [Music] oh i have such a headache oh man did you used to play baseball or something you swung that rock so hard ah i can't see out of my left eye right now that was good man like really good where did you even come from when you walked out of the woods it was like i walked you walked from kentucky yeah all the way and then you got on the roof i was scared man oh i've been practicing leaping for three weeks now dude it paid off holy cow and then you had a hammer and a knife it's my grandma's knife that was great oh look at goldie oh holy that night when you were doing that was the scariest thing i've ever seen i thought i was going to die for sure i oh i was i forgot which side the driver was on yeah i was lucky about that man that's great and did you did you throw us was that a military smoke grenade yeah i'm totally not supposed to have that where did you get that i don't want to talk about it that was crazy i couldn't breathe anything it was like burning dude you can take a punch i hit you so hard in the stomach do you like do abs like five times a day or something i only do abs yeah well my hand is like really sore thank you thank you you're a vet right i'm a veterinarian i may have you check out my hand oh yeah i can do that you want to hang out like i'll be honest like i don't like you but gosh darn it i respect you you know i i've got to think i've got a lot of respect for you now too you want to go shoot a 500 or something i absolutely do let's do it welcome to demolition ranch i'm here with kentucky ballistics we've got a lot of history most of it very negative uh rough start a rocky start rough yeah but you know i i feel like after today like man-to-man we squashed it i think we became best friends just there yeah man uh we're gonna shoot a little 500 magnum because that's kind of what we do and he got a a new one have you showed this on your channel yet i have not i brought something really special for today i also have a 500 magnum that i have not showed on this channel yet so you guys have actually seen my 500 magnum four well i'll show you this one this is one i've had for a really long time smith and wesson 500 and then recently i wanted to get a super short 500 magnum and you guys have seen this gun but i sent it off to titanium gun to get it coated in titanium nitride in gold color because scott i love gold guns like it just makes them so much better so i thought the king of the demolition needs the gold gun so um i like your gold i guess i'm the king of 500 basically because i have a gold gun well what did you bring some people may think uh gold makes you keen yeah and some people go with i don't know size oh so i brought this [Laughter] 20 inch barrel 20 inch barrel 70 inch barrel let's just compare it to it's a slight bit longer than my barrel [Laughter] dude absolutely ridiculous so you haven't shot that yet right no i haven't introduced this on my channel even yet i brought this special oh i also haven't shot this one as a gold gun so we're gonna do just that shoot both of these things today see how they shoot i'm pretty excited both these guns are made by magnum research yeah they're the bfrs and you can see we got them at both ends of the spectrum here [Laughter] oh that gold cylinder looks so good it's really pretty so good all right i'm hot all right uh let me shoot first okay there we go see what happened it's gonna be the worst video ever i mean it doesn't hurt it's totally fine this you'll probably like i don't think this is gonna have much recoil probably won't kick too much let's see all right all right i want to see if i can actually hit i'm gonna aim for that target way up there which one the yellow one all right cool let's see if this thing is halfway accurate oh dead sinner oh you killed it that's crazy i hit that pig up there like a little high fireball that comes out of this a little high i don't honestly i don't know where that's hitting i don't there's just dust all around it here try with this all right i just put it right in the center let me go for the same one you were aiming at pretty accurate right yeah it actually does still kick quite a bit but i think it's better and it kicks straight back instead of popping up like that crazy all right i'm going to shoot that uh that bottle right there oh [Laughter] this is wild i want to try out yours now all right there's two rounds left in there yeah let's see what you got i'm pretty excited about this got one left oh got him yeah it's shooting a little bit low looks like that's got a lot of kick yeah that one that one hurts all right i got one left i think that's that's got a lot of velocity yeah i bet that thing is really it's hitting it a lot harder it's knocking stuff over oh a little bit high a little high maybe it's shooting true kentucky is going to shoot a 700 grain bullet out of this thing it's real that's your bullet this is what it's mine it's real i heard that he was cutting him down and he was making fake bullets so this one i know is real we'll settle this for sure if he can handle this i'll never say a bad thing about him again can i get that in riding no i'm not signing that let's see if we can take out a cinder block all right 700 grains of fury here out of the 20 inch barrel oh my gosh all right ah got a bunch of stuff back all right i've got some 325s i'm gonna shoot out this little one jeez there you go oh nailed it i'm going to try out your dueling tree all right whatever that is yeah the texas star it's going to be pretty difficult with this thing but are you shooting 700 no these are 350s i cheated the system that's awesome oh the cinderblock ow ow i think he might be more accurate with a 500 mag i mean it's gotta be some sort of a record it's like he doesn't flinch or something yeah you cleared it in two shots okay scott um i gotta level with you i knew you were gonna be getting a 20-inch barrel 500 magnum made uh-huh so i had a oh my gosh what you got in there had one made for me as well with a 26 inch barrel i cannot believe that put them up that is hilarious scott didn't know about it i had no idea how did you not tell me about it i've been waiting to spring this autumn for so long that's why i was like yeah you got the long one oh that's really cool oh my god i got this like three days ago dude that's insane so let's shoot it too uh i would love for you to do the honors though well i'd be honored and i think you're gonna shoot 700 and this is yours all right that's his that's true he he handled that 700 like a boss and i will give it to him that he must flinch less than me because i'm missing a lot more than him it hurts i'm just i'm just numb at this point so i don't even feel it go bicker go home all right one-handed cinderblock i'm gonna do it too just to not be totally upstaged it's gonna it it's so weird it kicks straight back ah that's hard to hold on to it weird it just comes instead of like a normal one it kicks up like this yeah this one goes i missed i flinched there you go oh that thing's swinging nice we out i'm out i'm out i wouldn't want to be that pig right now dude we should have done this a long time ago i agree it was fun this was fun this is a lot of fun i don't even know why we were ever mad at each other like besides like the you know you saying that i had weak hands like otherwise no no no i i didn't say that yeah brandon the ak guy told me that you were talking smack behind my back about my weak hands brandon was telling me that you were talking smack and you know those bed sheets weren't i didn't have those brandon sent those to me and said they were yours brandon i never even have talked to your mom brandon told me to tell you that i've been with her just to make you mad so you're telling me that this whole time brandon has been scheming all this he's been playing us against each other why would he do that i thought i was friends with brandon and you thought you were friends with brandon you know what we're going to find out brandon the ak guy you're dead thanks for watching demolition ranch go check out kentucky ballistics i love you and i'll see you next time bobby [Music] i'm a doctor ish
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 8,177,076
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr., 50cal, 50 cal, caliber, cal, barrett, 500mag, 500magnum, 500 mag, 500 magnum, mag, magnum, s&w, 500 s&w, smith and wesson
Id: 7V8p4eqjMiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 24 2020
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